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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12154888 No.12154888 [Reply] [Original]

bros im scared i've seen some convincing arguments around here that the economy will crash hard, and very very soon, beyond 2008 levels. Are we fucked? Do you think there is an impending economic collapse just around the corner? And if so, what do you think will be the cause this time? The government finally raising interest rates on the loans the used to bail out in 2008?


>> No.12154989

Yeah it’s kill mate
We aren’t fucked because we aren’t normies

>> No.12155002

We had the new deal, then the oil shocks and the removal of the gold backing. We had the tech bubble, 911 and middle eastern petro dollar wars. Theyve put off ww3 as long as they can

Usd will loose world reserve status and will be forced to fight to maintain its hegemony
Or the nation state will be made redundant by peer to peer currencies.
Either way all in pm and crypto

>> No.12155005
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>> No.12155008

Just keep an eye on the yield curve, we got at least another year

>> No.12155018
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Q1 will be a wild ride when all the disappointing financials start coming in, when no deal between China and the US comes through, and when the Fed continues hiking in March (assuming we make it to March). Everyone is loaded up on stocks, and those purchases are all cooked up on debt. This crash will be a good thing because miserable living conditions in a recession will spark an escalation in Europe, which will finally begin to wipe out the migrants under a more aggressive wave of populism

>> No.12155021


I hope it crashes. I want some goddamn exciting shit to happen in my boring life

>> No.12155025

Idk but I've heard stock buy backs were a mistake

>> No.12155029
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Rising rates + record debt =

You do the math

>> No.12155041
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Stock buybacks caused the summer surge but there is only so much of them a company can dish out. I can see a 'Santa Rally' taking place after Wednesday dovishness from Powell. The markets are currently pricing in zero rate hikes in 2019 I believe

>> No.12155055
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The fed is also tightening the money supply which causes the dollar to be more sought after in the face of massive demand to pay back USD denominated debt which the world over binged on since 08

>> No.12155056


>> No.12155057
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Ionly have $2000 to my name im fucked

>> No.12155061
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Negative cash (debt) is holding up the markets. Someone will have to pay, and the way you do that is sell what you bought (stocks) and pay the debt

>> No.12155070
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More buybacks. They gave the false illusion that everything is OK

>> No.12155073

I fucking hope it crashes. I'm going to buy so much fucking shit. It's going to be insane.

>> No.12155082

You should be happy. These crashes are hard for everyone, and they last a while, but it is a sort of financial reset if you have the money saved. They are your wealth transfer stations.

>> No.12155085

do the opposite of what /biz/ geniuses say

>> No.12155086

The truth is we were never out of the 2008 GFC, and the credit bubble has kept growing all these years.
The next crash will be epic.
If you got a large mortgage in the last 10 and have little to no savings, you're fucked.

>> No.12155102
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Thats why you use this board to make money to prepare.

Whether its crypto, stocks, getting a better job, or starting a business, doesn't matter. What matters is that you prepare. Id suggest putting some money back from a couple of guns, ammunition, and non perishable food. If you have a spouse and kids, (im guessing) you're the head of the household, so your main focus should be the well being of your kids and your significant other.

Don't fall for the boomer trap and invest in dumbshit gold/silver for the crash. If things get really really bad people are only gonna care if you can eat, drink, or shoot something.

>> No.12155106


>> No.12155108

I’ll not get fucked i’m hedging with bitcoin

>> No.12155113

Soon bros

>> No.12155127

so what does this mean for us average lowly peasants

>> No.12155138

the Jews are planning the last economic collapse of this political system before their final consolidation of power. at this point we will transition into an entirely new form of government.

>> No.12155141

I hope

Fuck the speculation economy, corporate welfare, free trade agreements, and most importantly...FUCK JANNIES

>> No.12155148
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Go ALL IN crypto if you weren't already. 80% BTC/ETH and 20% in promising alts with a ton of upside (CHZ - pic related).

The big economic crash that looms on the horizon is the one where crypto assets will decouple from everything else.

Normies will get rekt. NEETs will thrive.

>> No.12155163

Already sold everything in february, and I'm all in crypto. Have a large stack of LINK. WHen the shit eventually hits the fan, people are going to be looking for any type of hope. The first government official who even suggests crypto as an answer to a gigantic market crash, will send crypto prices flying higher than they ever have been.

>> No.12155175
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This unironically

Although no matter how much better link's blockchain is, boomers literally just buy what fox news tells them too. So when crypto takes off it's unfortunately probably going to be Bitcoin just because of it's popularity.

>> No.12155176

there is NO WAY the economy will crash it is just a minor correction. the fed is monitoring the situation and will set rates accordingly. everyone is saying its just like 2008 but that was a full-blown debt crisis. this is just a minor correction.

i'm buying blue chips as they fall and went long on tesla back at 250 in september. already nice gains.

bitcoins are goign to be worthless pretty soon and you're all betting on satosi that you dont know his identity. meanwhile im betting on the strongest economy in the world backed by the us government. GL

>> No.12155214

>there’s no way

>> No.12155215


I just can't seem to shake the feeling that crypto would not be viable in a world where every other currency tanks because the worth of crypto is almost exclusively measured against other currencies

>> No.12155233

If the learning system evolves the way that it must, crypto will be the base of measure.

>> No.12155239

but in a world where people will be selling their computers to afford their house, where does crypto fit in? I'm not trying to bait or anything like I am genuinely trying to imagine the scenario where fiat currency failing leads the general populace to switch to crypto when the average person can't even log in to facebook without autofill

>> No.12155250

implying the fed will not just lower rates again when it becomes evident that things are starting to turn for the worse

>> No.12155253


It means that when the financial system unravels, and potentially takes the dollar with it, there will be blood on the streets - literally. Europe will be epicenter of the violence as populist groups will take the opportunity of chaos to wipe out migrants and leftist politicians who invited them. There are already plans for this that have been foiled within the German special forces where 100 or so members were arrested for plotting just what I had described.

>> No.12155259

Everything will be easier we haven’t achieved the best UX yet

>> No.12155263

You can use venezuela, zimbabwe, iran durng sanctions as a case study
Btc was trading at a madsive premium in countries with shit currency

>> No.12155268


They're not going to have much to lower from. The reason they're raising them anyway is only to lower them later in an attempt to come out as the savior when the markets blow. Of course, they are the ones responsible for the problems as easy-money policy inflates the prices of everything. The only solution left will be to go into negative interest rates and experience Japanese-style stagflation for decades. It's simply the inevitable end of fiat reserve currency being delayed

>> No.12155291

So buy LTC?

>> No.12155297

So buy LTC?

>> No.12155299

Yep and BTC brother

>> No.12155326

but only because the internet provides access to countries whose currency was worth holding against bitcoin, right? Again I'm not trying to troll you, I just think crypto will have absolutely zero value in a world where people are going to be buying loafs of bread with wheelbarrows of cash, like post ww1 germany. It just doesn't make sense to me economically, that if fiat currency goes under, that somehow something that the average person doesn't understand and can't physically see will hold any more value. I want to know why you think it will hold its value in an extreme scenario, not 2008 level but great depression level

>> No.12155329
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I've been predicting a very big crash for 2019 since I learned about the Skyscraper Curse a couple of years ago. Pic related. Glad you guys are coming around.

>Btc was trading at a madsive premium in countries with shit currency
Very good point.

>> No.12155336

If you have zero debt and a roof over your head then good on you. You are going to be better off than 90% of America. Stock up on essentials, water and canned foods. Use spare cash to secure funds in either Gold or Bitcoin (arguments for both rising or falling in event of a collapse) OR both.

Sit back and enjoy everyone. Watch our society fail as it was propped up by greedy governments and ruined our cities with migrants to keep the bubble inflated. Stay safe.

>> No.12155349

i am aware that the crash is inevitable, i was merely arguing for another 1-2 years before it happens, as the fed has *some* room to lower pressure again (now). fags who are panicking right now and calling a december black monday are delusional.
deutsche bank is still alive, we are still way way way over 2016 levels and a drop in rates would instantly push things up again. its when those methods completely fail/cease to exist that things get wild.
prepare now, make a habit out of it (putting portions of your money away, buying additional non-perishable food for a certain % of your food money etc.) and keep those fingers calm - now is the time to acquire cash, as virtually everything will at least temporarily (!) dump before truly hedging or even mooning.

>> No.12155383

note how the most publicly (!) hated president of all time has just been elected in time for the crisis.
no, i am not making a judgement about trump, but an observation about his portrayed image in the media, in the public debate etc.
trump has basically been put on the same normie-idea-level of "pure evil" as hitler with puzzling intensity - if that is not the constructed buildup for the official fall guy for the crisis of the early century, then what is?
the otherwise completely irrational, absurd and almost hypnotical demonization of his persona is what basically frames the possible timing of the collapse (meaning it has to happen within his presidency) - he is meant to be ultimately blamed for it, that is why big money makes him such a huge issue

>> No.12155403


>guy with capital and non-meme currency giving economic advice

I dunno, I'd probably listen to him over you angry wojack pepes who can't figure out getting out of wagie jobs.

>> No.12155405

Trips chequed. Buy food water guns toiletpaper and cigs and whiskey to use as currency.

>> No.12155416

exactly this.

>> No.12156182

This. The curves will invert early next year but there wont be a crash until about a year later.

>> No.12156188

He isn't the worst person in the world he's just a fucking idiot

>> No.12156265
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I'm a newfag & can tell you're a newfag.

>> No.12156321
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>i watched one bloomberg report talking about muh stock drops
>implying big banks didn't see it coming and aren't going to 180 this issue

>> No.12156571
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Exactly this.

>> No.12156628

Here here

>> No.12156665

yeah and socialism is on the rise and I predict hyper inflation
the government isn't going to cease power until they've ravaged everyone and everything

>> No.12156700

A much needed correction. Life has been in bubble territory for a long time.

>> No.12156709

You won't be hit by inflation as hard then.

>> No.12157780

It doesn't matter. The damage is done. People are starting to fear tech stocks and FANG earning reports have been consistently disappointing. You can only push the same re-wrapped tech on people at higher prices so many times before they stop buying.

People are afraid of the stock crash now. This will push fear and dumping and big tech will do bad the next year. The stock market crash will be supported by boomers being unable to sell their overpriced houses. The crash is inevitable at this point. Prepare yourself.

>> No.12157831

>i'm buying blue chips as they fall

Last words of the 32 year old boomer

>> No.12158024

Reminder when it happens all Crypto's wil moon.

At least the most popular ones will

>> No.12158725

>They are your wealth transfer stations.
Solid post anon.

>> No.12158770

This so much about real estate!
I hope some of you anons didn't buy high property in the last 3yrs

>> No.12158845

every country is gonna play csgo to determine the new superpower

>> No.12158882

There will be an announcment soon that bitcoin was compromised.

>> No.12159389

christ does it always have to be black or white with you psychotic retards?

>> No.12159418

you are right but you won't get praises for that here

if we go into another recession crypto will plummet to nothing, am talking triple digit bitcoin at best

>> No.12159440

What should I invest in, gold? I only have a 401k

>> No.12159479

It'll be okay as long as you hold Bitcoin and ChainLink.