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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12141645 No.12141645 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12141719
File: 552 KB, 749x374, Screen Shot 2018-12-16 at 10.45.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a traffic cuck.

>> No.12141730
File: 39 KB, 535x536, slurp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i was a youtuber or something. life would be funner.

>> No.12141731

Waking up 2 hours early to hit the gym, gotta take pride.

>> No.12141732
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>> No.12141741
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fresco may be forced but he speaks to me

>> No.12141743


>> No.12141745
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>> No.12141748

>Working in a city
>Not starting work at 7AM so you miss all the traffic and get out of work earlier (which means you miss the late afternoon traffic too)

>> No.12141773

I actually live like 3 miles from work, but how the fuck are you supposed to bike to work in business attire? I don't want to show up to work sweaty or dusty.

>> No.12141777

I'm sleeping in the company yard in my van and all my stuff is in storage.

No commute, no rent, no bills.
Take showers at the gym.

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.12141780

Bought camera yesterday. Starting crypto youtube channel. No joke.

>> No.12141788
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Going to an amusement park with the wife, ooh boy

>> No.12141789
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>corporate headquarters arent on the outskirts of a midwestern suburb

>> No.12141793

next buffet

>> No.12141794

>how the fuck are you supposed to bike to work in business attire?

Couldn't you just keep work clothes in a backpack and change when you get there?

>> No.12141806
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Good luck anon, i hope you make it big time

>> No.12141807


3 miles???
Walk you fat fuck.

I do 10 each way. Change + wet wipes. Leave clothes at work carry less.

>> No.12141811
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>> No.12141818

>he's proud of it
you went full fresco

>> No.12141824
File: 7 KB, 300x300, raffytaphy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto is dead bro, forget about it. Start an ASMR channel. That's where the easy is. Plus you will have ASMR groupies. Women love ASMR.
Even this fat mutt gets millions of views.

>> No.12141832

easy money* is

>> No.12141833

>Starting crypto youtube channel.

For what fucking audience?

>> No.12141835

Crypto ASMR, like Ivan on Tech did a few days ago? :D

>> No.12141839

I think he means in the United states, with the high likelyhood that a basketball-oriented gentlemen will make a nonconsensual acquisition of your biped-propelled traveling machine.

>> No.12141849

> change at work
We have really tiny stalls, and I'd feel weird walking in all the way to the bathroom in street clothes

I'd rather just go running after work
Getting to work 10+ minutes later and taking a whores bath every morning sounds awful

>> No.12141861
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I honestly wish you the best.

I don’t watch as much crypto channels as I used to but a tip for you in terms of a user’s perspective is this:

Never fully act confident to the point you become arrogant as when the time comes and you’re wrong, users will think and begin to form a lack of loyalty and care for what you say. Remain confident to where you aren’t weak in what you say but also be humble and accept the possibilities of what other things could happen.

Always treat uncertainty with uncertainty in your videos.
Don’t talk too slow or fast and don’t repeat shit 10 times over - it’ll only make your video feel like an anime filler.

And most importantly - at least for me - was to not spam. So many times I’ve had channels like xrp investor pump out videos left and right on news that shouldn’t or isn’t even important that made me feel a lack of care to what we said or wrote in the title when I was inclined to look at the current price.

That’s all anon.

>> No.12141862
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Yay is fresco not dead, op?

i quit my job friday actually
[so now i can mooch off my parents and vacation with them in the keys]

>> No.12141864

For everybody who didnt sell at 20k

>> No.12142112

i-it can only go up, right anon?

>> No.12142215

Sure mate. Why not.

Cheers. You can be sure it wont be one of those 30 min crypto videos where they go over the news and talk about it