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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12138569 No.12138569 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12138599


Copy and paste this, press print and take it to work tomorrow:

"Dear [your manager]

I appreciate the experience I've gained working for [X company], however I feel like it is time to move on to new challenges in order to grow.

Please take this as my amicable [x time]'s notice of resignation. I will ensure I assist as much as possible in any handover work that needs to be carried out.


>> No.12138647
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>> No.12138693

>Easy 'training week' where I'm getting paid to do nearly nothing for half the day every day
>Date tomorrow

You bet I'm ready

>> No.12138722
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(((Training opportunities)))
(((Q&A with the CEO. Make sure you bring questions!)))
(((Free coffee)))

>> No.12138909

Ready to really get stuck in to some hard work and apply my skills!

Only problem is, it's monthly anal lick assessment tomorrow, and senior management have implemented a no wipe policy.

>> No.12138963
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(((Upward mobility)))

>> No.12138967

Go to work slaves.

>> No.12138976

Oh G-d the normans are breeding

>> No.12138978

based fresco memers

>> No.12139015
File: 111 KB, 576x448, fescobolt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished my TPS reports for last week! Getting my work done early always feels great. I think I'm going to reward myself by sleeping early so I can get to work an extra hour before office hours. Early bird gets the worm!

>> No.12139045

I can't wait to be awakened at 8:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially I make lots of money for somebody else and be asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so!

>> No.12139059

The rat race sucks no matter how much money you make

>> No.12139067

Jeebus can't save us now that they enjoy being held in bondage

>> No.12139074

That picture is fucking terrifying. Whoever is the artist behind these really knows what it's like.

>> No.12139087

Have another stimulating cup of coffee and soon it'll seem normal enough

>> No.12139092

You're all bunch of retards here.

>> No.12139117

>drink coffee all day just to get work done
>smoke a bunch of pot when I get home just so I can come down enough to get to sleep

The ride never ends

>> No.12139252

Makes me wonder how Mormons even put up with this shit.
I know two at work and they're nice people but depressed as fuck

>> No.12139257

One more working week to get sales order in. Office looks like it will hit its target this year, which means I hit 60% of my KPI and can get 9 months bonus.

shitting myself lads

>> No.12139287
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(((Great colleagues)))

>> No.12139296

Another day at being a manager. Literally soul crushing work with way too much responsibility. Haven't had a vacation in the whole year. December is my last month though. Will try to restore my body and spirit hopefully in january and february, before wage slaving to another job. If link hasn't mooned by then.

Never ever take a management job anons. It's never worth it.

>> No.12139304



6:50 to beat the traffic more like

>> No.12139318
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(((Opportunities for Advancement)))

>> No.12139386

Legit how my boss sweat talked me into it. Now I've got my usual fucking work with 3 times the responsibility. Recently even dreamed of some work related stuff. Am slowly fucking losing it. These last 2 weeks are going to last for an eternity.
Doesn't help that the boss is mu brother in law.

Another lesson, never work for family anons.

>> No.12139419



They all read the same bullshit fucking kike management books and apply those retarded principles. You're getting the "carrot on a stick" treatment right now, don't fucking put up with it because if you do you come across as a weak faggot that can be goaded into sacrificing their personal life, principles and mental health with this tactic so the boss's bottom line looks better.

Boomer capitalism in 2018 is an absolute STATE

>> No.12139423

what are your main responsibilities?
I feel you about dreaming about work. Usually once a week I'll dream about sending a wrong email or something.

>> No.12139452
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(((Competitive Salary)))

>> No.12139484

moar pls

>> No.12139508

Trading one asshole for another... Better make sure you get a promotion out of it...

>> No.12139535

Yep. Just another excuse to shove their shit towards you. '' Oh you haven't send that e-mail to all of our customers? Well that obviously wan your responsibility not mine. ''

Hard to know what my fucking responsibilities are when you are thrown in the deep and everyone fucking assumes that you know everything.

Basically making sure that all our processes meet our SLA standards. Which is a fucking nightmare because that means I have to constantly contact our partners to regulate this shit and make sure that they keep their agreements. With that I also manage the customer service, which means that I'm responsible for not only my own screw ups, but that of anyone else.

Managing is fucking soul crushing work. It's never worth it, no matter wat anyone tells you.

>> No.12139564

>Hard to know what my fucking responsibilities are when you are thrown in the deep and everyone fucking assumes that you know everything.
damn anon, good luck. I assume with all the skills youve gained you should be able to find a nother job? why not go into something thats a little less stresstull like accounting at a small firm for instance, or a govt job? or are you just competitve by nature and enjoy the sufferering?

>> No.12139583


Mate, in our place we don't even have job descriptions - so the shit that can be piled onto you is theoretically endless.

This and we have a management clique of self serving faggots that delegate everything out, make a few sales and suck the owner's dick.

>> No.12139592 [DELETED] 

hopefully i'll get a christmas bonus this year, been putting in a lot of extra hours after work these last few months

>> No.12139606
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hopefully i'll get a christmas bonus this year, been putting in a lot of extra hours after work these last few months

>> No.12139608
File: 30 KB, 400x280, domestication-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moar fresco pls. Hits close to home, but I'm comforted that someone else has quantified my misery into a meme

>> No.12139618
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(((Paid vacation)))
>bitches, moans and manipulates to try and prevent you from taking it

>> No.12139642

Am quiting this month, anymore and I'll an hero in a bilderburg meeting or something. Only reason that I kept up with this shit, was because it was family. But everything has it's limit.

Well it was the same for us only months ago. I know exactly how you feel. Fucking piles of work that keeps being placed on your lap, giving more and more responsibilities. Only one fucking mistake and several customers could feel it. Fucking nerve wracking.

Are you going to quit anytime soon? Put in my resignation a month ago. Best decision of my life. Should advise you to do the same fren.

>> No.12139646
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we have a rule that you literally cannot refuse job tasks that are assigned to you. Therefore the real workers get bogged down. 20% of the people do 95% of the work. I notice it when I'm still in the office at 8pm, again one of the last there. I check all the floors of the building. Same guys (always white men?) there, all the time

>> No.12139813

I did this two weeks ago. New job tomorrow working for my close friend. Actually looking forward to being able to change shit I think is wrong.

>> No.12139824
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(((Unsociable hours bonus)))

>> No.12139839
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I took christmas week off bros. just one more week until freedom

>> No.12139847


Yeah I applied for a job and have an interview after Christmas. Turned on "open for opportunities" to recruiters on LinkedIn and working on my resume before spamming it out.

Once I have a few interviews lined up I will quit - I have a long notice period though.


Yep same here, fuck sake it is the same 4-5 same sad fuck white dudes in the bar on a Friday night after working until 8pm. Me being one of them.

All the roasties and management scuttle off on the dot. This core group keeps the entire company afloat, one just quit on the spot and flew to New York with his bro to go get drunk as Jay Z's nightclub (normie tier but cant blame him). Now all of his work has been dumped on the rest of us with all the roasties being immune.

>> No.12139889
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(((Unlimited vacation)))
>get grilled taking vacation for the first time

>> No.12139908
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I work 1 on 1 with my boss in a mid sized firm and he's actually really cool. He's from Italy and Italians work like 20 hour work days from what I understand, so he understands the concept of leisure. Living in the USA, I've had 3 weeks of paid vacation this year. That's fucking insane by our standards.

>> No.12139916


>We offer a flexible working schedule!
>You MUST be in the morning standup at 08:55 on the dot
>The client needs this TONIGHT! It is URGENT - time: 18:38
>What do you mean it is unfair that you have to stay late? Stacy had to go pick up her muttlets form school and you don't have any kids

>> No.12140229
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(((Daily Standup)))

>> No.12140289

listen everyone, appreciate your jobs now because in a couple of months there might not be any available for a long time

>> No.12140430


>How you getting on with...
>Are you on top of...
>We agreed...
>Whats the status of...
>Where are we with...

>> No.12140672


would rather keep slamming my head on my keyboard then go to huddle.

>> No.12140678

He cute

>> No.12140731

I did this and this. Also this. I will do this.

>> No.12140736

6 months neetbux if you work 2 years at least
Paid vacation+sick leave = 3 months / 2 yrs
1 month bank holiday / 2 yrs
6 months NEETing

The full cycle is 20 months work / 10 months off
Not bad at all

>> No.12140739
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>> No.12140764


>> No.12140770
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(((Inclusivity Awareness Seminar)))

>> No.12140793


If you can tolerate the work, investment banking isn't bad. Fortune 500 here, entry level phone queueueue, licensed stock broker.

29 days off starting next year, no weekends, even if I have to work a banker event (George Bush croaking) the day is dead and I can basically do whatever. I just had some bereavement days come through, sucks but they'll give you up to 5 days.

For burgers like me, this is the closest we basically get to european time off.

>> No.12140803
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>> No.12140809
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(((performance review)))

>> No.12140829


>> No.12140841

>wake at 8:30
>not 5:30

Do you even wagie?

>> No.12140884

The only thing I don't like about Mondays are going through all the emails that accumulate over the weekend. Other than that it's fine, I have a pretty relaxed job so I don't mind it much.

>> No.12140920

Wagie wagie get in cagie
All day long you sweat and ragie
NEET is comfy
NEET is cool
NEET is free from work and school
Wagie trapped and wagie dies
NEET eats tendies, sauce and fries

>> No.12140928
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(((Open office environment)))

>> No.12140949

never had one, but they do sound like hell, glad I have a room to myself

>> No.12141031

genuine question what the fuck are NEETs on biz living off of, their parents who wont kick them out yet or something?

>> No.12141069

>he gets to wake up at 830 and thinks this is bad
Btw I think fresco is the best meme of 2018 only real wage niggas will understand

>> No.12141109

it's great when your neighbors start shouting into their headsets, instead of just moving the mic closer

>> No.12141119
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(((After work activities)))

>> No.12141129
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>Have urgent deadline, stay in office until 8pm to hit deliverables before the morning
>Send updated deck, analysis & high level write up to stakeholders
>Reviewing talking points in the 15 minutes prior to presentation
>New Outlook message appears
>Meeting meeting has been cancelled & rescheduled for Wednesday for next week

>> No.12141137

fuckin hell i hate this, its always the people with the least exhausting jobs who propose this bullshit too

>> No.12141140

Why are these so fucking funny? I’m literally drink a tall boy right now dreading going back to the office and wasting my life away and having a kek at this thread.

>> No.12141149
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(((Work from home)))

>> No.12141301

At least the domesticated doggo gets attention, friendship, comfort, and gets to be called cute bames like doggo and pupper, and made to wear cute outfits

>> No.12141302


>> No.12141310

Sounds like you just dont have whag it takes anon.

>> No.12141341

Fresco makes me so glad I’m blue collar.

>> No.12141364

I dare you to hit on Stacy tomorrow. First you have to drink 1.5 talls boys before work. Pussy.

>> No.12141382

>tfw going to a nearby state for work for three days and being put in a hotel room
>tfw fantasize about fucking the boss who's like 20 years old than me and isn't even that attractive

>> No.12141396

I hate this meme. Very few people are actually adding value to a company. You're not "making anyone rich." The overwhelming majority of workers just serve in an ancillary capacity.

>> No.12141423
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Shut it, Bukowski.

>> No.12141491
File: 30 KB, 549x461, Fresco Taking It EASY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Windows are just the greatest. You can look out and imagine you're free.

>> No.12141545
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>> No.12141654


>> No.12141692


Youre supposed to show up early and leave early. It's all about being early really.

>> No.12141739
File: 7 KB, 300x168, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to wake up at 10am, work from home and come in at 12pm. Never told anyone. They probably knew though.

>> No.12142710
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You boys are killing me. Keep em' coming

> used to be wagecuck
> now tradesman