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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12119014 No.12119014 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a business idea thread?
Now that crypto is LITERALLY dead, maybe we can pool our ideas and work on something magnificent
I’ll start:
Affiliate marketing
Informative videos (Adsense)
Web dev consultant
Your turn...

>> No.12119030


>> No.12119051

Gacha that anthropomorphizes real companies or products. Rolling a character comes along with coupons/in-store credit you can redeem at said places. Making purchases at those stores earns you premium money for rolls.

Make money on stupid gacha whales and on advertising fees working with the companies

>> No.12119084

Are you handsome?
Do fanservice pics on IG, setup a patreon and do photoshoots as capeshit, anime, or vidya characters. Women and fujos eat it up. Super loyal fans and customers. I've seen a ton of these guys pop up in various fandom online. If you're gay and handsome it's even better.

>> No.12119086

>I have no empathy, the quote

>> No.12119087

>Digital tip jar that rounds up any online transaction you make to the nearest dollar and takes the change.
>Returns it at the end of the year so you feel like you're getting free money
>Take 1-5% off total transaction costs
>Negligible profit builds up as more customers are made

>> No.12119094

Why would anyone do this, it's just lost money

>> No.12119179

>Literally get a group of people to run a casino in nevada.
>cost 10,000 to get a casino license.

>> No.12119225

Private label brand

>> No.12119364


>> No.12119561

Someone needs to ramp up an /entg/ with the op post content.
The last one is 3-4 weeks ago.

>> No.12119646

Nah. Bionic fag an heroed and nobody else was bothered

>> No.12119664

car detailing
pressure washing service

>> No.12119697

Congrats on listing the 4 most saturated markets on the entire internet. Truly magnificent.

>> No.12119731

This already exists except they invest the change in the stock market so it's already better than your stupid idea

>> No.12119734

Got any ideas then? Dickbrain

>> No.12120093

Then I will open up one tomorrow.

>> No.12120236

What’s the template?

>> No.12120451

haha ypf here . people still want an entg?

>> No.12120586

>/biz 2018
>listing these oversaturated business as good ideas
>Nobody post anything else

Absolute state of /biz

>> No.12120611

I will pitch in, if you'd like. I'll see you tomorrow.

>> No.12120643

Something I really about /x/ is how good their generals are. They have an amazing selection of reading material and other resources available. It would be so nice to have something similar in /biz/ It would take a lot of effort, but if everyone pitched in a little we could have something just as nice.

>> No.12120755

I have to look up the template in the warosu archive and will link the last thread.

Just searching for /entg/ schould show the latest one.

>> No.12120836
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ez pz

>> No.12121039

None should be given.

>> No.12121793
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Unironically make furry porn

>> No.12121802

Drawing tutorials are difficult but im working on it

>> No.12121872
File: 93 KB, 1200x1200, tinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I actually had a great idea today, rate it /biz/.

I watched some stupid shit where a guy was on a literal blind date with 10 girls which from he had to choose one.

It's a dating app, but with a twist, don't know if there's one yet, don't use any social apps:

>Sort of mix of Chatroulette and Tinder
>Finds people your age and opposite sex around your area
>Matches with you them, only revealing name and age
>No pictures, yet
>You will have to both exchange 100 messages with the person on the other end and then you both get to decide do you want a face reveal
>Then you can decide to continue the converstation or not

I really was mindblown on how good this idea was, not sure is it tho, I'm a brainlet. But, I've seen that people complain that Tinder is too shallow and converstations are just a pick up line after pick up line. On my imaginary app you would actually have to introduce yourself and it would be overall more interesting than Tinder.

Feel free to use it /biz/.

>> No.12121908

Good idea til you waste your time chatting with a larping faggot

>> No.12121915


Oh and after the 100 message line, you could freely exchange pictures. But, the face reveal would be sort of bio reveal, so you would have pictures there ready etc.

I had some additional ideas but can't remember them, unfortunately, there's too much competition in dating apps-category that nothing can really work.

>> No.12121923


I mean it could have a certification, like I.D or some other way to get to know that you're legit. And, also Tinder doesn't any guard on that either and most people are still legit.

>> No.12121990

it's a good idea, but you'd have to be a fucking god to make a successful dating app nowadays.

the best way would be to somehow implement this to Tinder so that it would work on regular Tinder. after certain amount of exchanged messages you would both have to agree on bio reveal. if there would be a way to patent this, i'm sure you could make money out of this.

>> No.12122056

only uggos would use that lmao chads like me slay from the first pic

>> No.12122091

Anyone interested in legal schemes for evading taxes&regulations? Basically thinking about using foreign countries to do business where you would locally pay much more in fees. This would free up profit margin or make you more competitive.

>> No.12122101


Well, most of the normies think highly of themselves. They think that they're not superficial and would definitely use this kind of mode is it was on Tinder. I think it would especially attract girls, because they're the ones that think that 'looks aren't everything' and really work hard to convince themselves that they aren't superficial. Of course, almost every person is superficial so eventually people would get their worldview shattered by that app, but I'm sure it would be popular for a sometime.

>> No.12122149

Don't fucking be naive you khv. Holes only fuck or date based on looks. Those fucking cunts are shallower than President Chad T. Thundercock

>> No.12122168

Yes, i really want one, we need to keep alive the generals that are worth it, and limit the crypto fags

>> No.12122173

It's a bad fucking quote bc no matter what you do u have to get up and shit, piss, and brush your damn teeth. the language is meant to make it seem even more depressing when the truth is already bad enough.

>> No.12122180

Give an idea then faggot

>> No.12122201

We need to ask to the mods to kept the crypto shit in just once general, that would help a lot for having better generals an even a library for each one, /x/ have moments of posts like the crypto shit, but they are banned to avoid things like /biz/ shit

>> No.12122452

> it's impossible to not shit in the morning
just shit before going to sleep?

>> No.12122868
File: 341 KB, 1200x1651, Elements of Value.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick a tier.

>> No.12122894

how can i leverage my webdev abilities, working for others for so long has killed all creativity in my soul

>> No.12122936

>empathy for NPCs
literally impossible

>> No.12122940

Project management and consulting services

>> No.12123334

I make a thread like these years ago.

And i stole every single idea i make it my own. 2 of those work really well.

I ain't bad, you are stupid for teach me how to fuck you

>> No.12123387

Beats working in the fields for 13 hours a day 7 days a week from the age of 10 till you die of consumption at 47.

>> No.12123560

i honestly had this idea the other day. its just a shame that appearance is prioritized

>> No.12123677

That all you got, guys? Come on... I wanna get rich here.

>> No.12124109
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all of /biz/ is low iq

>> No.12124174

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

>> No.12124246

real estate
loan shark

there's pretty good money in just being a wholesaler or breaking knee caps.

my friends unironically told me to become a loan shark cause I was the only one with any money.
I still am, my friends are poor as shit with zero money skills and some owe me money still lol.
they pay me back though.

>> No.12124262

Literally the worst “business ideas” I’ve ever heard. Late to the party on all of them.