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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12116791 No.12116791 [Reply] [Original]

>muh /pol/
>go back to /pol/ hurrrrr

>> No.12117110
File: 157 KB, 993x882, 1528463329977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a business board, not a board for virgins with inferiority complexes who post the same garbage all over the internet.

>> No.12117130

>muh jews
>go back to israel hurrrrr

>> No.12117134


>> No.12117155

Based alt-right fighting degeneracy by showing healty habitus against pre-marital sex.

>> No.12117159

/pol/ is there for a reason, now fuck off and never come back retard.

>> No.12117164

red and basedpilled
now back to >>>/pol/ incel

>> No.12117189

That's one cool way of saying
>"I'm a pathetic greasy virgin"

>> No.12117191

But I'm already there, I have it open in another tab

>> No.12117200

Cool. Now close this tab and you’ll be all set :^)

>> No.12117203

Stay mad, Untermensch.

>> No.12117224

>u never put penes in vegena lel

>> No.12117225
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>> No.12117346
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If you're a virgin its completely okay but alt-right retards come up with buzzwords like "degeneracy" and pretend to not desire any sex until they find "aryan princess" to marry and have 5 white kids with but deep down they're thirsty for a warm vagina.

Useless faggots, theyre nothing more than insecure keyboard warriors.

>> No.12117372
File: 75 KB, 960x960, 1536540546965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there really still people who unironically think pol is wrong?

>> No.12117399

Yes. Everyone outside your echo chamber.

>> No.12117416

/pol/ can't even agree on anything, it's full of legitimate schizophrenics.

>> No.12117430

You know i could understand being told to go back to /pol/ if I were to inject politics into everything, but you fags see one bit of racism or something unrelated to politics at all and start sperging out HURRRR ERMAGERD GO BACK TO POLE

>> No.12117442


>> No.12117446

I only have to make a thread "are italians and greeks white" and /pol/ immediately implodes

>> No.12117451

/pol/ isn't bad because it's racist. /pol/ is bad because it's populated with annoying retards shit politics into threads that don't need it.

All politics belong in /pol/

>> No.12117457
File: 79 KB, 706x1024, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>actually educated and successful apart from crypto
>poltards enter the thread and shit it up with their braindead screeching

>> No.12117495

There is a difference between desire and and action. Read schopenhauer then come back, we might have a decent discussion.
By the way, the woman you posted is a married woman who fuck niggers while her husband wanks his penis in the corner, litteraly. Thumblr whore hotwifebella.
Your post is a piece of art and if there was a "nope" room, it will gladly be part of it.

>> No.12117531
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>Being against unchecked illegal immigration means you haven't stuck your dick in a vagina
Never go into sales my dude you're not Persuading™ anyone

>> No.12117557

being against unchecked illegal immigration doesn't make you alt right, that's just being reasonable

>> No.12117575

Yes, everyone who isn’t a failure. Quite literally. Lol

>> No.12117593

Also: nice incel cope.

>> No.12117634

When someone uses the word "incel" you know he was defeated during his intellectual trip. Man you're a garbage, even more if you think that this word has any legitimacy in your argument. Low iq terminology.

>> No.12117651

>the incel doubles down on his cope

>> No.12117682

Attacks on the person rather on the speech is brillant, you must be a genius ?
Mastering ad personam there, you're totally not a failure yourself.

>> No.12117693

Toasty roasties

>> No.12117765


It's like I'm really on /pol/!

>> No.12117782

/pol/ is everywhere

>> No.12117787

It's a sad reflection of our current age that so-called "journalists" spend their time mocking celibacy to push a political agenda.

>> No.12117798

/biz/ is just a colony of /pol/

>> No.12117830

I have seen a guy baiting with threads about what should be done with pedos, they go in a sperg frenzy like if that would solve anything kek.
Those guys are dumb as shit.

>> No.12117837
File: 107 KB, 1058x1060, 1539968515316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don't like /pol/ because it's loaded with truth bombs and people don't like their perfect little snowflake bubbles being shattered. Grow up kids. You will probably see another world war in your lifetime.

>> No.12117860
File: 88 KB, 1214x403, pol influx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pol is the biggest normie and redditor board after they invited everyone from r/donald to come over.

>> No.12117874


>> No.12117890
File: 91 KB, 354x1024, D67B6F52-DD96-4F34-87DE-582B7E742667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas the kikes

>> No.12117936

>first 4chan result on google is /pol/
>it's the fastest moving board on 4chan according to 4stats
>newfags who only know /pol/ venture out to other boards and make every post a /pol/ post
worse than /b/ newfags of yesteryear

>> No.12117954

>Not being a degenerate is now an insult

>> No.12117970

>thinking your inability to get a gf means you are somehow “pure” and not “degenerate”.
Please kys

>> No.12118215
File: 52 KB, 540x720, weird easter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can literally buy sex for under $100.
Losing your virginity is not an achievement.
Having sex with multiple ugly girls is not an achievement.

If you're proud of this, you're not only a loser who clearly has accomplished nothing meaningful, you're a degenerate pervert by historical definition. You have inferior values, you have no refinement or gentlemanliess (except possibly for metrosexual reasons), and you have no culture deserving of any respect.

Do the rest of us a favor and shut the fuck up and stop polluting our great country and planet if you don't have the decency or courage to kill yourself and get out of our way.

>> No.12118318


>> No.12118594

No one is mocking celibacy. Incels by definition are people who wish they weren't celibate, but are too retarded or ugly to do anything about it. It's more accurate to say that journalists are mocking genetic failures.

>> No.12118601


>> No.12118846
File: 190 KB, 1362x1920, 1513384972236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /pol/ is full of incels
there was a thread that was full of middle aged moms sometime last christmas
lot's of boomer posting too
/pol/ mainstreem now lads