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12112974 No.12112974 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw girls talk about their boyfriends with you

Why? I'll never understand why they think I care about someone I don't even know. I just want to sniff their butts and talk about investing.

>> No.12112986

they probably want a gay guy's opinion

>> No.12112998

I've had a girl ask if I was asexual before. I don't know why.

>> No.12113007

It's a shit test. You can either engage and accept you'll never have a chance with them. Or assert dominance and change the conversation.

>> No.12113018

But I wasn't even interested in the girl, I actually don't even like talking to them, but they always pester me.

>> No.12113024

>I don't know why

Imagine being this clueless fucking QEQ.

>> No.12113039

They see you as their gay friend they can trust

>> No.12113047

Because they see you as just a friend

>> No.12113054

you know you have to fuck her now right? it's mandatory

>> No.12113067

try talking to their boyfriends instead faggot

>> No.12113093

Girls shit test guys all the time. They don't even realize they're doing it.

>> No.12113108
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You gotta slap em on their brapper and let em know you are all about business. Business and brappers, not their broke boyfriend.

>> No.12113141
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That is a nice brapper.

>> No.12113143

Mild type of autists struggle to fit in "traditional" genderroles, question them and struggle to implement them in their lifestyle.

This isnt meant in the muh "inequality" or "there are no genders" way.

Or/and you are more logical wired and are consioucs about the fact that the tribal part of your brian differences from the rest, and you managed to keep control over it and not the other way around

>> No.12113293

Because if you can literally talk shit about their man it'll make them fuck you.
Bro, your already half way. If you can figure out the second half you'll be smasssssshing pussy.

>> No.12113351

> Or/and you are more logical wired and are consioucs about the fact that the tribal part of your brian differences from the rest, and you managed to keep control over it and not the other way around
This is me. I rarely express my sexuality around other people, e.g. I don’t like talking with friends about how much I want to fuck X girl (my high school friends did this all the time). And it’s not because I’m shy, I just don’t feel like sharing my sexuality with other people. A girl who had a crush on me asked me if I was asexual when I turned her down.

>> No.12113387

I'll do you autists a favor and explain a woman's mind for you.
The thing women find most attractive is social status. They all believe having a boyfriend gives them social status. The better the boyfriend, the better the social status.
It's the same reason why women want the kind of man that can attract other women, it shows they're high status and that they have value; even though it's contradictory to their "monogamous" relationship.
A logical person would think it wouldn't be in in their best interest to have a mate that can find someone else easily.
This is also why everyone says stupid shit like "nobody understand's a woman's mind".

tl;dr they're trying to appear more attractive the same way they find other people attractive.

>> No.12113469

Don't get it either. What I don't get is my female coworker, an awkward and shy woman. Average looks, nearly a decade older, and no body (skinny at least). With her personality I would date her. However she has a bf I've heard of him indirectly when she was talking with other's eg getting a guy to backoff and chatting with a female coworker. She never mentions him to me or the guy she was engaged to, who are probably the same guy. What's up with that? Does it mean I have a chance of dating her?

>> No.12113494

No, don't bother. If you're not socially retarded and not ugly af, just try going to bars and meeting girls in real life...it's low risk and fun even if you don't score.

>> No.12113514

start lifting weights immediately

>> No.12113531

I can relate to this, even tough the circumstances were much different than you wrote about. From age 11-18 my ADD made life for me like literal hell. It was all about surviving the next day for about 1700 days straight. It numbed me down over the years constantly surpressing my sexual self and I became deattchead from healthy lives my peers experienced. To the end of them my self-improvement efforts actually showed fruits in the way that girls showed intent by themselves. But I missed on so much sozialising that I just froze in this moments. Me and a girl together? Relationship? That was just completly alien to me. I sometimes fear that I am at point of no return

>> No.12114058

Because she was putting out the signals and you missed fucking all of them lmao.

>> No.12114096

Get tinder immediately
Lift weights immediately
Stop wanking every day and get laid immediately

>> No.12114232
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>> No.12115038

This is a way to tell you that they NOT sexually interested by you and you are just an emotional doormat to them, in short stop being a gigantic faggot and listen to roastie stories.

Even if they talk shit, you should just tell them that if they are not satisfied with their bf they should come "hang out" with you but not let them waste your time even more.

>> No.12115056

They think you're weak, submissive, and pathetic and they know talking about other men gives them power over you because you're a beta bitch that will sit there and smile.

>> No.12115093

Op status: rekt

>> No.12115158


Literaly this.

If they are talking bad about the hubby themselves they're one step away from betraying his ass.

Just remember; they´ll do the same to you some day. Brap it, don't get attached

>> No.12115200
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>> No.12115248

Welp every girl I know tells me all about their boyfriends without me even asking to. It's annoying as hell but I kinda got used to it.

>> No.12116103
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>> No.12116158



The girl in question wants op to slip her the rodger.

When a girl talks about her bf to another guy, she is signalling that she is interested in jumping ship.

>> No.12116391

Lol I always get kicked out of strip clubs
Thots have donger radar srs

>> No.12116527

Wait ... You are saying that (social) status is the key to attracting women, fair enough, why not.

But....on the other hand, in today's world the average woman does have more status than the average man.

>> No.12116729

In my experience girls talk about their boyfriends to reject you, or to save face when they feel rejected. Depends on the situation. For instance, this fine young office roastie would speak with me constantly and overtly flirt. She never mentioned her bf to me, i found out she had a ldr in vegas from some other guy who she mentioned this to because he didn't stand a chance.

As long as she considers you an option, you will never hear about her bf. I fucked a different office thot who claimed she didn't have a relationship with her baby daddy but after some time I discovered she did. I don't like fucking around in the office anymore. Twas a bad experiment.