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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12086490 No.12086490 [Reply] [Original]

>board for business and finance
>it's just endless threads about crypto shit
>wagecucks in here actually think they'll ever make it
>retarded NEETs think they're smart because they heard about dropshipping (which has died out in like 2017)
>80% Americans on here, thinking they'd make it with 1.000.000$ (which only equals 883.505,00€ and 799.015,00£ HAHAHAHA)
>meanwhile 20 yo's on CPAElites and BHW are pulling in 35K/month with SMM and CPA
>meanwhile Pajeets are making 500$/day with blackhat SEO and CPI offers

You're all a bunch of fucking losers, holy shit I doubt any of you even have one solid business. I have to say, though. This board is great if you want a good laugh.

>> No.12086523

show us your earnings, or fuck off.

>> No.12086723
File: 19 KB, 300x383, 1538908088015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so insecure you need confirmation that there are indeed people making solid money only to find yourself in a loophole where you'll keep looking for the next proof that it's possible only to find your lazy ass not doing anything with the information you've gathered

>> No.12086728

>SMM and CPA
i know what cpa is but what is SMM?

>> No.12086746

yeah, no proof, as expected

>> No.12086766

being so unhappy with your own successes that you still need to put down others to feel a bit of happiness. good luck with your cocaine, friendlessness and empty life.

>> No.12086784
File: 105 KB, 634x922, Liebert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ameritard is too incompetent to read between the lines
>can't be bothered to look up the forums I provided which have sections meant for exactly that, including my threads
>CANNOT operate without proof because of his self-induced retardation

holy shit


Social Media Management, but not the shitty "I create a page for a local business kind"

>> No.12086810

Imagine being this upset.

>> No.12086816
File: 858 KB, 240x228, 1539141964609.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying life is empty because of money and the joys that come with it
>implying being friendless because everyone just wants your money is bad instead of manipulating the tards who throw themselves at you

I can't tell if you a social outcast without the skill for social manipulation or just haven't had anything about 15.000$ in your hands

>> No.12086822

>meanwhile 20 yo's on CPAElites and BHW are pulling in 35K/month
very few do, on these websites its mostly pajeets trying to make 1k a month..

>> No.12086824

imagine being this fucking insecure hahahahahahahahahahahahha

>> No.12086828

but how will we know which ones are your threads? Also, what do BHW and SMM stand for?

>> No.12086834


>attacking someone who talks about something other than shitcoin
>instantly thinking that person must be bad because of money

the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.12086837

also, real moneychads get a front office ivestment banking job and go on wallstreetoasis.

>> No.12086858

I never said you weren’t wrong you autist. I said you were insanely buttblasted. 6/10 Troll though better than most

>> No.12086859

holy shit anon, i'm an older member on BHW then you, kys faggot. I earn money using CPA. And i'm european, you have literally no idea.

>> No.12086867

I am as you described, but I am working on a internet marketing business. I am just struggling to come up with a niche. My only experience is with art/do drawing. But other artists are broke faggots.

>> No.12086880
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, look at this shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12086933

when did you start getting into BHW?

>> No.12086973
File: 105 KB, 988x688, 1515040746682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares, money isn't real. You should be shot for being such a mammon worshiping faggot.

>> No.12086979

2011, i have a website ranking #1 on google.
Earnings, from 2013 - now: about 8000$

Crypto gains: 45000$

>> No.12086991

>which has died out in like 2017
So glad I got into this in 2016 lul. $1.5k a month which is a good passive income

>> No.12087014

>>board for business and finance
>>it's just endless threads about crypto shit

/biz/ was pretty great when it first was started almost 4 years ago. great content threads, lots of stock market shenanigans with pump and dump threads updating like 10 posts a minute. those were the days.

last 1.5 - 2 years has been pure crypto. fucking sucks.

>> No.12087041

thanks for the breadcrumbs

>> No.12087060

hard to find any gems on public boards tbqh

>> No.12087067

have you considered mentioning its position on a sale and selling it for way more than its actually worth on flippa?
Also, what is your crypto outlook? Are you going long or trying to moon? Which coins are in your portfolio?

>> No.12087068


>Dont wake them, let them sleep.

>> No.12087099

Yeah, but the passive income is nice and has no work because it's SaaS.

Currently only BTC i use with trading bots. I never really hold altcoins, just buy the hype and sell at profit as soon as possible (like BCH last week). I think bitcoin will crash untill summer 2019. Stay low and pump in 2020-2021. I have no idea though. Will trade and ride hypes

>> No.12087129

>trading bots
how advanced are they? Which exchanges do you use to prevent getting arbitrage'd?

>> No.12087142

Binance works best for me, because fees are low, volume is high and api works smooth. Don't do arbitrage. Just regular trading on 30+ pairs at once. Method backtesting is most important

>> No.12087160

>I think bitcoin will crash untill summer 2019. Stay low and pump in 2020-2021.

>> No.12087195

FYI OP you come across as incredibly butthurt
maybe hire a coach with your implied money
there's much more effective trolls out there
the key is to come across like your life is effortlessly fantastic to the point you don't realise it (whereas you sound bitter and alone)
example template: "hey /biz/ so im 19 and my friend won the lottery and plans to give me 10MM, where should i invest it"

>> No.12087215

>30+ pairs
so your bots only trade correlated coins? (I guess all cryptos are correlated anyways).
Do you have a degree in quantitative finance or are you self taught?

>> No.12087232
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1540562064377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet these retards don't even hold any XRP, hahahahaha

>> No.12087247

Yeah, you'll also see all coins mostly act alike. If bitcoin crashes, they all crash at the same time in bitcoin value.

Self taught, basically data collection and analyzing is the most important part. The programming isn't that hard, the method is.

>> No.12087260

As in your currently holding BTC, or a stable coin?

>> No.12087267

>meanwhile Pajeets are making 500$/day with blackhat SEO and CPI offers
ah yes I too am nostalgic of the internet from 8 years ago

>> No.12087269

I haven't posted about crypto in years, yet I'm still posting on /biz/ regularly, funny that.

>> No.12087273

coolio. I'm a high school senior who's too responsible to gamble with his parent's money, so I'm trying to learn about crypto so I don't get JUSTed when I eventually invest.
By "data collection" do you mean market records? Do you use any fancy AI stuff for the analysis?

>> No.12087281

got your first internship sweetie? grandma would be proud.

>> No.12087299

Literally just buy bitcoin summer next year to make it. Dont forget to sell

>> No.12087300

Only BTC, because need it to trade. No tether or alts. Just use alts to flip for more BTC.

nice, good luck.

>> No.12088173

>>meanwhile Pajeets are making 500$/day with blackhat SEO and CPI offers

No they are not. That site is all MLM. It can help. But that site is LITERALLY the definition of scammers scamming scammers. You can find useful stuff there, ideas. But what I wrote stands.

>> No.12088285

what are you studying atm? any programing knowledge?

>> No.12088356

>Social Media Management, but not the shitty "I create a page for a local business kind"

>> No.12088529

Well then come up with the next big thing, plus this is new, bitcoin started on poll, anyone smart enough to tell us the next big thing, will get a pass, but if you can't then stfu and learn somthing. These racists retards did me alright, And once in a blue moon somone will do u a solid also. Stay salty and learn nothing.

>> No.12089322
File: 48 KB, 200x200, 200px-Jidf_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social media management

>> No.12089696

I'm in high school so I'm spending a lot of my time doing bs work, but I'v learned python basics (for loops, functions, recursion, libraries, etc.)

>> No.12089815

pro shit poster, any tips on getting paid to shit post? i have one idea buit it requires a lot of things syncing up

>> No.12089832

next big thing is post-capitalist society

>> No.12089850

This thread reeks of pajeet street poo.

>> No.12089858

in 2020 you will be delivering pizza to my LINK-funded mansion once your scams stop working pajeet

>> No.12089885

>80% Americans on here, thinking they'd make it with 1.000.000$ (which only equals 883.505,00€ and 799.015,00£ HAHAHAHA)

no yuropoor
americans can make it on that
in america
this coupled with lower earning across the board, is what makes the term yuropoor

>> No.12089900


this. absolutely pathethic

>> No.12089962
File: 858 KB, 2724x692, 20181211_144356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White hat here. I'll clear ~140k (include. Bonus) this year from my day job alone. On weekends I consult, which has grossed another 210k this year.

Not everyone here is a teenage idiot or brainlet neet, just most people. Go somewhere else to scam your affiliate networking/marketing garbage.

>> No.12090089

let's see your balance ;)

>> No.12090109


>> No.12090146

is it still possible to sell $500k exploits

>> No.12090178

I got like $5k. Where do I start?