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12083735 No.12083735 [Reply] [Original]

are there serious people on this board dumb and stupid enough to hold such a meme shitcoin?

if yes, pls tell me why you hate money and waste it for nothing?

>> No.12083760

actually, I have a question.

chainlink reaching $5 per token would make sergey worth $1.7 bln.

do link holders see this happening?

>> No.12084193

Stop spamming your German threads.

>> No.12084205

This is probably the best way I can explain it.
Bitcoin is kind of like a tree, right? It has rings and stuff which can't be changed and you can open it up and look at the history and agree where all the rings are. And ethereum is kind of like the leaves. They're scattered around the branches off of the tree and have veins and shit on them for writing things on. But when you write on one, it copies over to all the other leaves. Which is good because if you look at 1 leaf you'll know that it is legit if it says the same things as the rest of the leaves.
So this is where Chainlink comes in. Chainlink is like a nigger jerking off on to the soil at the base of the tree. His cum is kind of like the external data which your bitcoin tree feeds to the ethereum leaves. So basically feeds the tree with stuff that it needs to give to the leaves which are asking for nutrients and stuff.
Hope this helps.

>> No.12084224


>> No.12084226

first 300*5 is 1.5 billion. second he isn't the only one holding the tokens. it's founded by him and steve. 3rd what's the problem with the founders of a revolutionary tech having a few billions

>> No.12084364

Jeff Garlinghouse or whatever was one of the richest people alive when ripple went parabolic, and don't even get me started on Satoshi. It's not rational, and probably not right, but there's a long precedent of people in crypto suddenly becoming extremely wealthy on paper, and it's not like he could cash out a significant amount with shaking the market and causing a crash. It's not like stocks where you find out after the fact jeff bezos or zuckerburg have dumped a lot of stock.

>> No.12084376
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 169962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont hate money, but the memes are funny.

>> No.12084388
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>> No.12084392

>Gesamtzahl von 364 Millionen Kryptowährungen

>> No.12084428

No it will be $1k per coin.