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12066778 No.12066778 [Reply] [Original]

UK Legal when?

>> No.12066783



>> No.12066789

uk is extremely cucked so probably not for a long time

>> No.12066793

you will be 3rd world in a few decades so you will need it to cope with your lifes

>> No.12066810

I really need something to take the edge off living in this extremely depressing shithole

its full of clueless "refugees welcome" left wing retards, or dirty smelly chavs

>> No.12066824

those are the same degenerates that want it legalized you poof

>> No.12066857

I often get days where I get intense physical anxiety for no apparent reason, so I sometimes take Diazepam for that. Only problem is you can't mix it with alcohol and it takes a while to get out of your system. Honestly I'm just trying to make enough money so that I can opt out of society, I hate the what this country has become and am praying for a huge recession to stomp out the left wing and cucked London elites who are weakening everything.

>> No.12066865

marihuana is not halal, so never

>> No.12066877
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>weed is le evil drug smoked by bad people

fuck off you sheltered dyel faggot

>> No.12066894

Probably in the next 5 - 10 years. Several British private equity companies are buying up Canadian and US cannabis companies. Once they know the market better they will push for legalisation in UK and rest of Europe

>> No.12066899

>imagine having to cope with life by smoking weed

>> No.12066902
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>10 years

>> No.12066905

Get some red reishi mushroom extract capsules (need to be a good quality extract). Take these before bed and meditate every day. Those tracky bottom-wearing degenerates will soon seem insignificant.

>> No.12066916

>t.plays vidyagaymes 8 hours a day

>> No.12066918
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Germany here, OP. I feel your pain.

Meanwhile pic related are perfectly legal

>> No.12066945
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UK literally has muzzies running the joint. As long as that’s happening... never.

Cuck-ass faggots.

>> No.12066956

I wouldn't want pharms to be illegal, they're fun

>> No.12066957

I drink a few cans of beer

I know. its a fucking joke. I hate to say WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY..

...but the amount of braindead cunts who regularly poison themselves with alcohol and cigarettes, and then think smoking weed is "morally wrong"

Saying that, money of pharma alcohol and tobacco is probably the main cause of it being currently illegal

>> No.12066965

dude its just a plant they cant legalise this shit - maybe if oyu add some chemicals that makes people blind or sick or both than you have a good chance but just a harmless plant, hell no

>> No.12067043

The real money is in making it legal for you, but illegal for everyone else. That way any competition growing even 1 plant goes to prison, meanwhile you grow 45 acres to be sold abroad where it's not "lethal" like you claim it is here where you grow it, and where you perpetuate its illegality.
The Prime Minister's husband is at it too...
Kids are dying and their parents are having their doors kicked down by the police, facing up to 14 years for supply.
Pic is a cannabis bust in london a couple of months ago. Meanwhile the Drug Minister has weed growing on an industrial scale for personal profit. It won't be legal without a revolution. Even senior MPs are standing up in the houses of parliament and saying exactly that. Break the law, they can't arrest us all.
from 1:22:

>> No.12067051
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>> No.12067081

Beer won't help. You need to free your mind from this mediocrity.

>> No.12067088

>uk is extremely cucked
it is by the way. you are paying BILLIONS so that politicians can make their families millions.

Furthermore, it's not like illegality has any fucking effect. Everyone still gets high, but they do so with whatever some criminal happens to have as opposed to a regulated market. All these billions being thrown at illegality achieve, is to yield a toxic, expensive, poisoned environment in which people still use, but they pay ridiculously inflated prices for a massively inferior product, are still every bit as addicted regardless, but with all the negative consequences absolutely maximised. Billions we spend on this shit, all so politicians can make millions personally. Victoria Atkins, the motherfucking Drug Minister no less, having one of the biggest cannabis farms on earth while insisting that it's "lethal" so the public needs putting in a cage for 14 years if it so much as takes 1 cutting from 1 of her plants, proves it. Cucked to fucking hell and back and if I could just find the courage to start a cannabis farm I'd have the money to escape this snivelling little cuckmonkey of an island.

>> No.12067117
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Are there not dealers everywhere?
I'm from Cali it was literally easier to buy weed before it was legal everyone and their mom had a weed dude.

>> No.12067141
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>kids carrying knives
>violent disorder
>robbery victim left bleeding in the street
maybe in an hour...

>man smokes harmless plant

>> No.12067154

My job drug tests and buying from dealers is risky.

Do you really want to risk smoking some research chemical because the dealers a cunt?

>> No.12067180

Where abouts do you live lad?

>> No.12067202
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Does every job drug test over there? There are a bunch that don't here or just on first getting in so you can start using after you land the job.
Also no one really spikes weed that I know of the only thing that's sketchy is molly, coke, and all the other white powder drugs, but there are a bunch of cheap testing kits so there's no real reason to worry if you're not a moron that just pops shit the second you get em.

>> No.12067262

I live in California where it’s legal and it really hasn’t been that great for those of us that had been buying weed already. We had a great system of buying weed tax free at medical shops or at underground shops. Now they’re shutting down the underground shops while the state charges a fucking FIFTEEN PERCENT TAX PLUS COUNTY TAX (8-10%) on all cannabis sold in ‘legal’ stores. They lowered the legal limit on edibles per package to a paltry 100mg of THC meaning there are a lot of people with higher tolerance who need more than one edible package to get high. Meanwhile people are still going to jail for not being ‘compliant’ with the new regulations. Don’t believe the fucking legalization hype it’s just a way for the state to butt in and collect tax revenue.

>> No.12067278
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you can avoid the tax brodi, just gotta get a medical card, cant tax medical weed my dude

>> No.12067310
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south london

>> No.12067313

Oh definitely, there’s a ton of ways to skirt that if you know your way around. my point is that legalization added undue pressure on an industry that was working just fine. And the state is missing their projected revenue targets because they set the tax way too fucking high, forcing people back underground. t’s all a big mess.

>> No.12067318

Not all jobs test but some do (randomly too)

>> No.12067334

>They lowered the legal limit on edibles per package to a paltry 100mg of THC meaning there are a lot of people with higher tolerance who need more than one edible package to get high.

maybe they should take a tolerance break and cut down their usage? smoking every day is fucking cancerous just like drinking every day

>> No.12067338

Man I really need a smoke but I don’t have the required £30. Completely JUST

>> No.12067351
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>(randomly too)
shiet that's the kicker then, most of the jobs I have seen here are random ON SUSPICION aka you gotta fuck up or show up high to be tested. Just use short half life drugs then all the Brits that I've met just did coke and speed hard to get caught with that stuff if you just do it on the weekend, don't think shrooms or acid stay in your system long either.
that's just the usual government being retarded they'll figure it out after a couple of years and lower the tax, I feel like the big ass tax rate was just a quick money grab to see how much they could get there's no way they actually believed people would continuously buy with such a high tax.

>> No.12067370

my job actually randomly tests using hair samples (LOL) so it would show up as long as your hairs length...

makes me want to work at my old shitty low pay/low responsibility job again

>> No.12067404
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>hair samples
fuck my ass they got you good then, the only way to beat that is lose all your hair but then I'm pretty sure that's an auto fail too because the only valid reason to lose all of your hair is Alopecia areata lmao
I guess all you can do safely is destroy your liver with alcohol sadly, or find a job that doesn't test

>> No.12067424

i know. the thing is i get paid well and its a ""prestigious"" job that pretty much guarantees i can have a house paid off in less than 10 years. After that i might just go part time and take drugs, or find another job.

Hopefully it'll just be legal by then though.

>> No.12067433

Anyone want to send me some crypto to buy a weed?

>> No.12067459
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god speed anon, hey at least being sober will lower your tolerance and you'll have more fun when you can finally do it :)

>> No.12067481
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>> No.12067534

Whatchu selling senpai

>> No.12067571
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Mans rigjt 2025 - 2030
Extra revenue source post brexit
Elites will have lined their pockets plenty via GW pharma investments / dividends coughmayshusbandcough
Wait to see how legalisation plays out for other countries

>> No.12067575

Cali's shitty implementation doesn't mean all legal implementation is shit. Nevada's numbers so far have been excellent thanks to sensible sales laws and tax percentage. Colorado took a while but they're seeing some nice upside now, too.

Canada's legal roll out was awful; ranging from rocky but okay (Alberta) to total disaster (Ontario and Quebec). BC and the rest fell somewhere in the middle. Ontario fucked up mainly because tge new premier changed the plan last mimute, which resulted in leaving the Ontario government website as sole retailer for rec weed for the first three-four months (retail shops open Q1 2019).

>> No.12067742

I mean, send me some crypto so I can get high

>> No.12068221


>> No.12068221,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hello! I had to pass a drug test! Obviously it was disgusting! Nevertheless, my results was negative, but I smoked sometimes. I was too nervous before it and visited a plenty of sites. I have stopped herehttps://www.payspi.org/fastest-way-to-clean-out-your-system-24-hours/ , cause they give my enough information.