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12048220 No.12048220 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12048234
File: 1.86 MB, 2387x2728, lookschart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you're good looking, yes

>> No.12048251

Steroids make you good looking if you know how to eat and train correctly brainlet

>> No.12048281

Yeah but they don’t make your face more attractive. Well in some they do and some they don’t I guess, some people’s faces lean out and some bloat and get acne.

>> No.12048327

>other things being equal, women choose the attractive one

wow really mindblowing. strange how none of these studies are about real-world preferences in actual social situations, and just about showing women pictures

>> No.12048653

Why would it be significantly different face to face?

>> No.12048797

because behavior is a major part of womens' attraction. if a chad with 10/10 genetics shows up for a date and he acts like a sperg, she'll put up with him for a while, sure, because she'll think she might be wrong. sure, she'll give him more leeway. but there comes a point at which she wont put up with it anymore, and it's sooner rather than later.

then on the other side of things, you have guys who do all the right things behaviorally, and arent that attractive, but she'll tell her friends "wow i wouldnt think he'd be my type, but i really like him"

women are ASSUMING the guys' behavior in these studies based on looks & photographs, which is often correct, but when it isnt, your looks cant save you.

>> No.12048810

I think it does. Or maybe I am just a beta.

>> No.12048826

Have you ever talked to a woman who isn't as retarded as you?

>> No.12048841

surgery is cheap and effective. this isn't the 80's anymore.

>> No.12048856

This, she'll just sleep with the chad a few times before getting bored and returning to her husband.

>> No.12048895

So looks just open doors and give extra opportunities and people will make assumptions about your personality, but if you don’t live up to those assumptions then will they change their perception of you? I think some whores are resistant to that though because they’ll insist certain people are a certain way no matter how they actually behave. But otherwise I agree with you.

>> No.12048904

Like a smart woman? Trick question? What do you mean?

>> No.12048995

>So looks just open doors and give extra opportunities and people will make assumptions about your personality, but if you don’t live up to those assumptions then will they change their perception of you?

yup, exactly right. i dont deny looks can give some excellent opportunities. but the "IT'S 100% LOOKS BRO" cult from /fit/ is a little too hystrionic. they leave out the critical element of whether the looks match how she assumes the behavior to be in real life.

for guys who are unattractive or short, being rated by a picture is not their strong suit. tinder is not their arena and they're at a disadvantage. but if they have the needed behaviors in spades, being in the actual situation with her, in real life, IS their strong suit, and much of the girl's pickiness fades away.

>> No.12049030

>the girl's pickiness fades away.

Until she meets her friends with their chad bf's and she imagines showing up with you KEK

>> No.12049064

yes, i said "much of", you'll have bigger shit tests to deal with as a manlet, no doubt. better have a silver tongue.

>> No.12049083

I have a girlfriend and this is bullshit. She is taller than me, has a job (I don't), is more attractive and an engineer (I'm a highschool dropout) and she is Younger than me (I'm 24 she is 22), and I'm bald while she has done an ad, and I took her virginity btw, remember how much she cried as she bleed, thought she was dying for a sec. All it takes is to talk to women, and confess your feelings, the real alpha move is to say "I like you, want to try dating?" And move the fuck on if you get a no! I've confessed to 20 girls, 19 called me a jobless illitrate loser, you guys have never even talked to a girl who isn't a friend of a friend or a relative. Your opinion of women is based on the media, no better than your mom's opinion of the internet

>> No.12049084

Only if you are a high-value male. If you're not, this shit is toxic to your game.

>> No.12049127

>get nuclear rejected 95% of the time
>this is bullshit

>> No.12049304

Try being a good looking autistic voicelet
Never made it past one month relationship.

>> No.12049320


wtf is a voicelet

>> No.12049356

cmon man lurk moar
> brainlet
> manlet
> voicelet
> chinlet
> dicklet

Get 2 out of 5 say goodbye to any pussy.

>> No.12049376
File: 939 KB, 1280x1059, crazy_keine_touhou_ribbon_ex-keine_hakutaku-btef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like that matters? Great, you get one pity girlfriend. She still owns your ass in every way. Who are you going to turn to once your little virgin decides she wants to know what other cocks feel like?

looks are power.
women like power.
if you are good looking, the more clingier the girl is, because she knows she has to try to keep you away from all the other girls.

once your engineer girlfriend realizes how low power you are, shell all of a sudden start to see why other girls called you an illiterate jobless loser.

>> No.12049402


To be fair, you can date and hold on to women way out of your league if you take their virginity, giving them that first time has them emotionally bond to you.

>> No.12049431

> woman
> rational thinking

> shell all of a sudden start to see why other girls called you an illiterate jobless loser.

She will just internalize whatever the herd is thinking.
There is no such profound analysis as you suggest.
I got all my 5 laids in one year, when coworkers somehow mistakenly thought I'm a Chad. Rest of my life before and aftet is pure inceldom.

>> No.12049441

Dies this mean if your gf wasnt a virgin shes bonded to her first partner?

>> No.12049481

as long as its 1 or 2 partners before you. beyond that, pair bonding starts going down fast.

you being a girl's first does help keep her, like that anon said, but it aint foolproof and if you get too comfortable you can still get fucked up

>> No.12049634

My girl had 2 partners before me. Shes clingy af to me even tho I dont treat her that great. Im constantly paranoid that she compares my dick size to her past partners tho and it makes me feel like ass. Is it bad tostay with her if I dont qantto get married to her? Sorry for the blog post

>> No.12049840

meh, well if she wants to get married and you dont, it's not the best, i suppose. would need more info tho

>> No.12049849

i dunno why my ID keeps changing, im the person you replied to

>> No.12049891

this, just keep pretending to be a chad. Woman love those bad boys.

>> No.12049914

>being so vain you’d actually pay to have someone surgically alter your face

Unless you’re literally a burn victim, you don’t need surgery. Just live with your average face. Fucking incels act like you have to be a supermodel to have sex. You can attract 7-9/10 women naturally by being charming and having a good personality, even with an average face/body

>> No.12049917

thanks just bought 5 vials of test e

>> No.12049937

Nice. That means if you can make a girl laugh, then she finds you attractive.