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File: 51 KB, 764x432, 1kggoldbars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12045999 No.12045999 [Reply] [Original]

30 year old boomer here. Did you guys buy gold yet? I have told you every day in December to buy gold. Have you done as I've told you?

>> No.12046016

Yessir, I have over well over 10% of my reverses in gold and more in gold mining stocks!

>> No.12046027

You'd have to be retarded not to buy in Dec then sell on chink new year

>> No.12046030

your trips got me interested.
>any reason I should buy now?

>> No.12046052

It's going up. China and Russia have massively increase their stocks. Something is underway. If it's good enough for Putin and good enough for Xi it's clearly good enough for you

>> No.12046065
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I'm all cash (dry powder) boomer rocks guns and btc

>> No.12046092

Would silver be an alternative if I’m still doing an apprenticeship and living a Raman noodle life?

>> No.12046104

Gold has performed below market in recent years afaik

>> No.12046117

Yes, especially as the Gold/Silver price ratio is historically low, gains in silver are bound to happen. try to buy a kilo in small denominations for about 600 USD

>> No.12046132

Heavy Manipulation from china that has been buying massive quantities. Stock market is in a massive bubble which is bearish for gold which is usually a refuge against inflation and recessions

>> No.12046136

that ID though
>6k EOJ,Fuck shitcoins

>> No.12046153


stock market money is going into bitcoin, the real reason it was created in the first place.

>> No.12046169

Gold confirmed 6k End of January.
Hope you guys are buying physical and not that fake shit that's all digital.

>> No.12046188

Who would escape a failing stock market by putting their money in a cyber commodity that is on its way of losing 90% of its value?

>> No.12046208

whats a good website to buy gold coins that ships to Canada? Wanna get me some 2019 gold piggies

>> No.12046218

No one.
That's why it was so clutch that BTC dumped like a fucking turd before the stock market did.
Now no one will touch that shitcoin.

>> No.12046222


>> No.12046230

Its far more volatile, while gold and silver move together, generally silvers ahead f gold (goes up further/down further).

>> No.12046231

Why shouldnt I buy silver ETF or similar? Isnt physical only worth it if whole banks go bankrupt?

>> No.12046256

Nice trips, but...
There's no source, just meme magic.

>He wants to put his trust in the same system that's about to collapse.
Wake up anon.

>> No.12046261

I think there is about 1000x more precious metal ETFs than there are precious metals mined. Having it in your house is the best way and the most sure that you have the real thing and not a promis. Goldmoney is a great way to buy online too, as they stock your gold in private vaults that are not part of the banking system.

>> No.12046270

Thanks for the info

>> No.12046274

The only things that are going to be valuable in the future are things that are provably scarce.
They have to be physical things, or blockchain-based assets/tokens or similar.
Anything else is toast.

>> No.12046279

Also I’m thinking more along the lines of a few ozs a month. Again Raman noodle life

>> No.12046300

Also thanks for the info

>> No.12046303

How the fuck am I going to hide the gold I buy when the fed goes greedy and makes it illegal to hold it, confiscates it?

>> No.12046321

Any amount is great as long as you stock up. Small denominations are good because you can sell them easier, although they become hard to stock once you get a big amount.

>> No.12046327

It won't come to that.

>> No.12046335

With a gun

>> No.12046339

You hide it in nature’s safe. Watch a few prison movies you’ll figure it out

>> No.12046346

I get it, it will short squeeze in the short term. Still paranoid in the long term. Feel like getting a house in Costa Rica and filling up the walls with the gold I get + hire guerillas to protect my state.

>> No.12046357

Sounds good I’ll start after this month getting a little at a time. I’ve been doing ten bucks a week on Robinhood but I’ve just been loosing money lately. I’m down to 135 bucks I’ve lost about 90

>> No.12046383

I don't know what you are talking about, but I agree.

>> No.12046391

is it because the stock market is taking a hit and gold is a safe haven?

>> No.12046427
File: 52 KB, 520x502, 1537300803328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did it before, and they can do it again.

>> No.12046453

Of course, but it won't be this time.
It wouldn't make sense for them to confiscate the very thing they are about to distribute as money.
paper notes are dead.

>> No.12046482

we'll see

>> No.12046503

Low trust is good.
Prepare, of course.
But don't avoid the assets just because you're worried about this potential.

>> No.12046519

i guess time will tell then

>> No.12046607
File: 69 KB, 640x427, gold_09_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have bad news for you.
You can't buy physical gold. It's already been sold. Twice. If you want to buy gold, you only get a certificate. That is, a plain toilet paper saying you own some gold.

Thing is, they sold plain toilet paper certificates for gold that wasn't yet mined. They sold literally years of gold that will not be mined before two or three years, if you're lucky.
You may think that toilet paper about owning gold is basically a gold-backed currency.
I got bad news for you, bro.
You can't easily exchange that toilet paper. Especially if things go really wrong, when owning actual toilet paper during a shortage will be more important than owning a fucked up certificate.

>> No.12046623

that's a plain lie, I have bought physical gold in the past year

>> No.12046650
File: 49 KB, 640x426, gold_14_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're 100% sure it's real gold.
To sell it, you'll only need someone more gullible than you.

>> No.12046651

ITT: tinfoil tards that think buying shiny rocks will somehow help them in the apocalypse

>> No.12046673

On a board full of people crying over losses of binary code

>> No.12046699

at least they are gambling for their future not gambling in case the world comes to an end. Here is reality, if governments did collapse your shiny rocks would become useless and you will be gang raped by niggers and have your rocks stolen before you even try to find some black market to trade you 1 ounce of gold for a loaf of bread

>> No.12046715

>shiny rocks in 2018
top fucking heh

>> No.12046726
File: 62 KB, 747x686, 1543276149586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm using gold money too, it's by far the most cost effective way to put actual gold in a private vault. My only worry is that should gold be confiscated like in the 30's (I don't know why it would, we aren't on the gold standard already), even though I've got it partitioned across multiple countries it still all has my name on it. Not sure how they would react to a Fed order to hand it over

>> No.12046775

Been picking up some $DGX as an easy way to acquire gold and hold it on a Ledger.

That is as long as you continue to trust the company actually holds the reserves and honors its commitment to fulfill cashing out into gold

>> No.12046805

>He buys paper that says he owns gold.
>He thinks he actually own gold.

>> No.12047137

what the fuck are you on about

>> No.12047153

Gold is for financial meltdowns, not total apocalypse/SHTF scenarios. Of course gold is useless then.

>> No.12047272

Friendly reminder to ALWAYS pay in CASH when you buy metals so the government can't find out you're holding metals and confiscate them when they get BTFO'd in the coming years.