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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12044680 No.12044680 [Reply] [Original]

I lost about $4000.

>> No.12044689

$4000 bux is nothing

>> No.12044699
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Lost about 15k bong have 10k crypto 20k cash left.

>> No.12044705
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Fuck if I only lost 4k I would party every day of my life!!!

>> No.12044708

around 50% of my investment

>> No.12044709

i lost 2500

>> No.12044726

had $1.1mill on january 28th.

have about $8k left. cashed out about $5k in all of january.

started with 20k in march of 2017

>> No.12044740


I lost 400k

>> No.12044754

jesus christ guys

>> No.12044765

Hahhhahhha, omg how dare are you to make a thread?

>> No.12044855

I lost that today. Currently need an 80% gain for break even

>> No.12044870

Download expert option and start trading

>> No.12044872
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$10k down to $2k

I know it could be a lot worse but god damn it took me a long time to save up that much and now its completely wiped out

>> No.12044880

Had 380k in January off of 12k initial. Averaged down the entire year, spending 25k total. Currently worth 7k. Truly JUST'd.

>> No.12044897

I was 10m end of 2017. Sold 1m at least. The rest is now worth 300k...

U might say be grateful but u didnt fucking lose out on having 10m bucks!!!

>> No.12044908

- 25K

>> No.12044925

I lost $8000 which is a little less than 2 months of work for me, sucks but I'll recover. I sold everything and am just going to focus on a budget and savings instead of retarded gambling. Lesson learned.

>> No.12044935


May16th 2017... wild times

>> No.12044944

Buy high sell low, the /biz/ way

>> No.12044951
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Chad level over 9000

>> No.12044966

anon i lost more than 450k
fuckin kill me already

>> No.12045026
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down a mill-ball. Still sitting on pretty on a nice stack of crypto. Life could be worse

>> No.12045075

Down 6 bands and a k pack of xannies

>> No.12045408

you'd think wealthy people such as you would know better than to buy high..

>> No.12045588

I have invested a total of 8k. I’m down 85% of my initial investment. I have another 3k in fiat of which I’m going to invest.

>> No.12045608

How THE FUCK do you see that you have 1.1 mil and not immediately pull out and put it into something safe.
It's like winning the million dollar jackpot in a casino and then putting it all up to gamble. No matter how much money you have, the house will always have more and will win it all back eventually.
I guess the autism required to invest in bitcoin is also the same autism that makes you give it all away when you've 100% made it.

>> No.12045626
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lol my portfolio is under $400000 and I don't give a flying fuck. everything is relative

>> No.12045674

yeah i dont get how so many reached 1 mil and didnt cash out. Greed knows no limits, its never enough for some people

>> No.12045688

Dude, in January that 1.1mil could have turned into 2 mil in a week, until it didn't.

>> No.12045804

>starts to read books or play games but doesnt finish them.
Fuck this got me more than today's price action

>> No.12045911

Lost around 300 bucks.

>> No.12045924

Put 3k in, peaked at 30k, now at just under 1k. I will probably cash out everything today, just to be free from the stress. I still have like 60k in the bank and an okay paying job, so I'm far from ruined financially, but it just feels so shitty to lose hard earned money, when I had so much time and there were so many signs for me to cash out at a small profit or at least break even. I unironically believed all the green wojak posts that were like "ironclad support at $____ lads, nowhere but up from here!" and "why would you sell the bottom!?!?!" but now it's clear that crypto was all hype from the start, 100% speculation.

>> No.12045962
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I see none of you trade with high leverage.

>> No.12045973

Same about 4k

>> No.12045994

kek, getting into crypto wasn't worth the stress and monetary loss, but I'm so glad it introduced me to pink wojaks

>> No.12046005

14 500$ down to 678 fucking dollarydoos. This morning after not being able to sleep for few days I just cracked and bought one (lol fucking one) ETH for those smelly 85 bucks in hope for a short rebound to actually have money for food. fuck my life.

>> No.12046008


I was pissed id only made $1mill at that point. $1mill is next to fucking nothing.

>> No.12046040



>> No.12046041

I invest everything in 3rd world countries' government bonds. I'm fine, thank you very much.

>> No.12046620

bump, I want to hear more stories about people getting JUSTed so I don't feel so bad about myself.

>> No.12046896

I'm down 8k from initial. BTC needs to triple before I see green.

>> No.12047139

Haven't sold anything yet, so $0 :^)

>> No.12047275

i made a modest amount of money because i wasn't greedy and took profits when they were sensible. paid off all debt, all loans, bought car, bought house, bought a shit load of alcohol to enjoy life. invested 10k, ath was 500k, sold about 150K at the peak, still have shitload to play with. crypto is awesome.

>> No.12047309

By not setting upper limit when to cash out, of course.

>> No.12047310

I invested around 30k from December 2017 to May 2018.
I threw in another 2.5k this past week.
My portfolio is worth around 10k now.
I'll probably throw in another 1k next week, in order to buy link.

>> No.12047329

Entered the market three weeks ago as it crashed from 6.2 to 5.6. Felt smug as hell, thought we would rebound. Little did i know it crashed 50% from there. Tough luck. Lost 1,5k from 3k investment in just a few weeks

>> No.12047372

$12,000 usd lost in eth. in January it was like 27,000 and I told myself I should cash out. now I'm stuck holding 24 coins with my dick in my hand. I should have never even tried. nobody influenced me from biz I just got caught up in the mania and hype in general I'm a fucking dumb faggot but I'm mature enough to admit it's my fault and my responsibility.

>> No.12047469

at least your losses came quick, for some of us it has been a grueling roller coaster of a year.

>> No.12047476

Lost €13000

>> No.12047551

$100k and not even kidding. Most of my savings.

Invested in Jan this year.

>> No.12047564
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First off, anyone who goes from something like 300 k or a 1.1 million, and now has less than 50 k invested in pure SHIT.

Ive held LINK since its ICO, and my ATH was 400 k, and i now have 80 k now. Lowest ive ever been is 50 k.

I do NOT regret selling at all. I dont know what all your guise dreams are. but, as for me.

Im horribly disfigured. i have 3 giant lines under my eyes that are permanent. I developed these from pulling all nighters all my life. I used to stay up till 2 am in 7th grade.
My face is pretty fucking dry and disgusting. I think its all from sleep deprivation from throughout the years. I eat very healthy and get all my nutrients you can think of from supps and other stuff.
Anyway, what i want to emphasize is, im going to get laser face lift surgery so i can have a baby skin face again.

I have a micro chin and an underbite. Im trying to correct the underbite right now, but i want to have a chad chiseled jaw one day.

Im a 6'0 foot midget. And i say midget, anyone who thinks 6'0 isnt short, hasnt been to an american college where the majority population is white.

Im balding, and have a norwood 3 And plan on getting a hair transplant.

I also want to buy a decent house. Around the 300 k range.
And i want to live off stock dividends my whole life, so i can be stay at home husband to an asian girl.

So, my final goal is 7 million dollars.
The gubermint is going to take 50% for jew tax. ($3,500,000)
All my surgeries will be about 500 k maximum. ($3,000,000,)
House is 300 k ($2,700,000)
And to live off stock dividends, i need 2 million dollars. ($700,000)

I dont want to live any other lifestyle other than this.
I can use the remaining $700,000 to buy my future japanese wife a massage chair, dildos, hot tub, jewelry, anything for her.

And with 400 k LINK. That means, I am betting on LINK getting to 18 dollars a token one day.
My hopes are as high as ever.
LINK will, MUST reach $20 a token one day

>> No.12047567

A year ago i've got 3000 euros from my relatives just for fun and spent a half of it travelling and buying shit and another half investing in our meme coins. I buy more from time to time. I regret nothing, just have some faith that it eventually skyrocket.

>> No.12047908

went from 8700€ down to 100€

now i am up to 220€ again

>> No.12047919

You’re sick in the head, surgeries won’t cure it

>> No.12048005

I lost 1k today. It gets better, right?

>> No.12048437
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>youre sick in the head!
>losing weight wont cure it

>> No.12048442

Literally and unironically me.

>> No.12048443

yes, the losses become greater over time