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12043098 No.12043098 [Reply] [Original]

The collapse of crypto is the final stage of capitalism and will usher in a new era of proletarian brotherhood. Rejoice my class brothers! The era of exploitation of the many by the few is over!

>> No.12043735

You coward cunts always start mindless revolutions and then hide in your comfy communa quarters to bake overoily bread for another 50 years. Ironical when real danger comes you just put out your white trousers out the window as flag of surrender and continuing on baking bread like nothing happens.

>> No.12043753


This is just one step, all the other markets still need to crash. But this is just one less delusion that people have to fall back on to think they're going to make it in capitalism

>> No.12043841

>The era of exploitation of the many by the few is over!
Literally all of human history, even your faggot ass gommunism, exploits someone or something. This is human nature you dumb faggot.

>> No.12043949

> bolchevism
> communism
Communism was NEVER implemented irl

>> No.12044007

Greg Maxwell was a communist the whole time!

>> No.12044025

France is the largest country in Europe
Come at us if you dare
you will leave your teeth

>> No.12044046

The many must be exterminated for this

>> No.12044073

Because it's a dumb and unworkable idea.

>> No.12044086

>implementing comunism
Communism doesn't need a implementation effort. It will come by itself, even if the name of the regime will be different. That was Marx's thesis first and foremost.

>> No.12044114
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Debout, les damnés de la terre
Debout, les forçats de la faim
La raison tonne en son cratère
C'est l'éruption de la fin
Du passé faisons table rase
Foule esclave, debout, debout
Le monde va changer de base
Nous ne sommes rien, basedons tout

C'est la lutte finale
Groupons-nous, et demain
Sera le genre humain.

>> No.12044123


>> No.12044130
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We are currently at 42 failed communist states, 100 million dead from those countries, over 50 socialism caused economic collapses, and the ongoing socialism induced demise of the western education system in favor of marxism. My only question is, how much more death and destruction is needed to prove to you that central planning/control is literally the worst yet conceived form of government.

>> No.12044140

destruction of the white race is good for (((them)))

staline, marx, lenine were jewish or free masons

>> No.12044151


Everybody who died deserved it though. Stalin did absolutely nothing wrong and neither did Mao

>> No.12044153

Fascist sympathizers will taste the gulag

> We are currently at 42 failed communist states
Wrong. Communism is a form of anarchy, so "communist state" is an oxymoron

>> No.12044167

>yfw when you realize capitalism is just a prerequisite step to create communism
>yfw marx literally popularized the term capitalism
>yfw he also wrote the book on it
>yfw communism is roko's basilisk

you better get right with papa karl or you'll wind up in the gulag.

>> No.12044175

In the anarchic communist society, how do you stop someone from setting up a business and hiring workers?

>> No.12044182

I guess gulag is your answer, but if there's no state, how do you enforce the gulag system?

>> No.12044193
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>> No.12044194
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say that to my face?
you have telegram?
i assume you live in FR

>> No.12044200

capitalism is a faustian arrangement that can be used to defeat any ideology, but it's days are numbered, either on it's own terms or another ideology.

you capitalist cucks literally can more easily imagine the end of the world than a world without capitalism.
if this alone doesn't show the overwhelming oppressiveness of your ideology, I don't know what will.
You've built yourself a cage of such immaculate construction, you can no longer see the bars.

>> No.12044230

You wouldn't be able to hire anyone because there would be no money

>> No.12044244

There will always be something to exchange. And based on that standard, I can start establishing my own currency.

>> No.12044247
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>The ol' Marxist word definition changaroo

It is worthless debating with communist scum, everytime they get btfo by reality their "true theory of communism" changes so they can make another attempt at depriving people of property rights (see Venezuela for the latest episode).

>> No.12044266

stop calling them "communists" first
they are kikes hiding behind an ideology
no christian no pagan no muslim have never been communist

>> No.12044268

how the fuck do you expect to forcibly remove people from their property without a centralized authority filled with brainwashed morons to do it for you?

>> No.12044277
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>> No.12044285

so your solution for more freedom is to give governments more power. But yea, we're the "capitalist cucks" what a fucking moron

>> No.12044291


I never mentioned capitalism once, I only pointed out that socialism and communism always have, and always will be, the literal worst form of government, as evidenced by the mass death and destruction left in their wake every single time. Every single post communist country is deeply economically scarred in such a manner that it may be another century or more before they catch up to historically non socialist countries in gdp per capita and quality of life.

>> No.12044320

>Communism is a form of anarchy

Tell that to the Motherfuckers who constantly insist on a revolution, because a revolution is wartime posture and requires a strict military hierarchy. Whoever the Revolutionary War Leader may be, he IS the DE FACTO leader of the entire movement and by nature of his position is a DICTATOR.

Communism has to establish itself through war an maintain its existence through war. This Requires a Standing Army.
Which requires a FUCKING GOVERNMENT.

You only achieve Anarcho-Communism through the creation of intentional sub-culture living in designated territory within a larger country.

>> No.12044342


the end goal of communism is a classless and stateless society so governments would have less power than they do now, after the dictatorship of the proletariat has used the state apparatus to successfully eradicated and suppress the ruling class of course

>> No.12044368

Marx was wrong about the end-game of communism. He imagined it as a stateless anarchist utopia where everyone played by the rules out of some moral obligation. The truth is that a stateless communist utopia can only be implemented through a fully automated deep-state. If there is a semi-godlike AI which enforces the rules, all humans can be equal. Otherwise there will always be a human pulling the strings who controls the power. This is the promise of open-source tech and blockchain, giving the control of the AI deepstate back to the people through transparency and consensus.

>> No.12044376
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I'm afraid logic is a white cis gender male tool of Western supremacy fren, you have to embrace how a 70IQ person conceptualizes the world to grasp the finer points of "I deserve your stuff"- the political theory.

>> No.12044410

Sounds like there's a million ways that could suck. There's no way of making everybody perfectly equal without removing freedom and individuality. Even if you somehow create a society without money, there will always be people who are more intelligent, stronger, and more beautiful. Trying to enforce absolute equality sounds terrifying and pointless.

>> No.12044418


>Communism was NEVER implemented


That's Why it's safe betting to always assume that people advocating for it are Liars or fucking idiots.

>> No.12044555
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it's not about the size you dumb faggot

>> No.12044596

>Stalin did absolutely nothing wrong and neither did Mao
fucking finally someone with some goddam sense

>> No.12044606

why the fuck would I work for you if I can just use the means of production myself?

>> No.12044669

>why the fuck would I work for you if I can just use the means of production myself?

Maybe he has a unique idea or method for using the means of production to create a unique product or create something people want and need more efficiently than the status quo... He's not going to force people to work for him...he's going to convince them. As he should.

>> No.12044684


Even in that case the community could work together to implement the idea for the sole benefit of the community, becoming someone's slave to personally enrich them isn't necessary

>> No.12044723


Also, you communist fucks keep spouting this meme about seizing the means of production but on average none of you realize that factories and machines aren't even the most important part of production.

Communists are too stupid to realize that the core of production is complex interpersonal communications and technical knowledge applied to the production.

The Factory is useless without the supply chain, the supply chain is useless without the resource chain and the resource chain has it's own necessary supply chain and etc. attached to it as well.

>> No.12044743

Overly oily? lmao you don't know shit friendo

>> No.12044790

Then don't work for him. Easy day...but of course he has no incentive to use his innovation to benefit the community. If he wants to be appropriately compensated for his greater effort he'll have to go elsewhere.
People like him often do.

Your Ideological commitment is as salient as a religious fervor. Fervor isn't a practical mechanism for producing and providing for the needs of a population that will inevitably grow or perish based on how effectively it will acquire the resources necessary for survival.

>> No.12044856

You just gave me the idea for our generation's dystopian novel. Thanks

>> No.12044893
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>Stalin did absolutely nothing wrong and neither did Mao


>> No.12044909

I know there's people who actually believe that, but I have to think they're just fucking with people. Saying "Hitler did nothing wrong" is played out at this point.

>> No.12044950

Imagine being able to transform extremely calcified russia/china without usage of force. It was wither that, or rape from external forces.

>> No.12045365


>> No.12045543

no young shitposter, true power exists in access to information.

A strong government is not necessary for communism to exist, it is only necessary for liberty to be ripped from the clutches of the capitalists. Under the right conditions that centralization of power will be wielded, and then a pact will be formed to guarantee it's dissolution.

One day, when the time is right, human access to information will be so widespread that we won't need a federal government to act as it's clearing house.

The only remaining question is if you will do your best to try to welcome this era into existence or if you would rather live trapped inside the ideology that already rules you.

>> No.12045838



You mean Pragmatism?

A " PACT" for dissolution is literally a promise...
You would balance the transfer of power from the absolute ruler to the people on a FUCKING PROMISE!

>> No.12046037

>A strong government is not necessary for communism to exist
WRONG. People aren't ants and they aren't naturally inclined just to fucking obey orders and give up what they produce for arbitrary compensation.
When people don't consent to the ruling party's dictats and they start keeping and trading things they make like Russian Black Markets that formed under Lenin and Stalin, Your Precious state is going to roll over and crush them like the Capitalists it murdered to come into power.
The US Government couldn't even stop people from drinking alcohol and doing drugs...all it did was imprison and kill a bunch of people and wasted billions in resources.
You think your Government is going to somehow stop people from wanting private property and keeping profits. Poor Bastards are going to suffer under your incessant BOOT.

>it is only necessary for liberty to be ripped from the clutches of the capitalists.
It WIll start there and it will NEVER, EVER STOP.

You're a Liar or a Useful Idiot.

>> No.12046447

What if you cannot make any profit off that something to exchange?
