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12024217 No.12024217 [Reply] [Original]

is social media marketing still profitable?

i am planning to build my agency catering real estate salespeople and other small businesses. am charging 200-500 grand for each client so that i can net 1000-5000 grand monthly. will hire pajeets to do the work for me.

will it work /biz/?

>> No.12024227

cringed and slavelabor-pilled

>> No.12024243

damn dude 1000 grand per month and you're still cheaping out with pajeets?

>> No.12024266

He means 1000k rupee (a bit larger than a lakh)

>> No.12024295

i dont get why murder is illegal

why shouldnt i be able to legally kill people who unfairly won the genetic lottery?

>> No.12024301
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why is that? i'm giving niggers the opportunity to make money so they can stop raping and killing other niggers.

am trying to create a monopoly in my area by setting my price as low as possible and then jacking it up once i get a big chunk of the market share.

>> No.12024337
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200-500 bucks lol

>> No.12024341

you're a freak. you should be happy it's illegal because you would be one of the first people to get killed.

>> No.12024402

chads would be too contempt with their life to harm others, while incels are the ones with a cause.

if murder was legal tomorrow. The chads would be the ones to form pacts or army, while incels would act like ninjas and implement guerrila warfare.

A chad army would be standing out in the open like tards, and the incel would shoot a sniper form the distance, instantly killing them.

>> No.12024469

chad would snap your neck like a twig you bird boned virgin

>> No.12024472

Lol you think you're in a videogame. Maybe try being less repulsive and evil instead of wishing you could kill everyone better than you. There wouldn't be many people left.

>> No.12024568

Chads arnt strong, they just have good genetics.

ive seen so many big guys in the gym who lift way less than me. I saw someone the size of chad in my pic literally bench with just 50 lb dumbbells.

so no, chads are not strong in anyway and their impressive physique is 100% genetics.
no way.

tall people need to logically be mass murdered. because think about it.
Who uses up the most resources in the world? tall people for eating.
Said chad in the photos also grow huge muscles lifting next to nothing, so thats another useless resource.
And, whats even the genetic advantage to having a big chin? a big chin doesnt help you in a fight.

in fact, tall people i argue are the most prone tk damage fighting. If i got into a fight with someone whose actully 6'5", first thing im doing is breaking their kneecaps and legs. All those basket ball players? all it would take is a harsh blow to their vulnerable twig legs and then their down for the count.

Watch this, and realize the kost superior genes are in fact asians

tall weatern chads are like a virus. They do nothing but cause harm to the economy and well being of people. Yet the stupid people (roasties) encourage them to procreate.

if i was in charge, i would just do what must be done, and commit mass genocide to every single man above the height of 6'0.

>> No.12024854

If I ever make it my dream is to run an academy where I train less fortunate chads and chaddettes to lead the country is business, politics and everything in between. My genes are bad and they will be my children.

>> No.12025444

WHAT THE FUCK... I know the guy in the middle.

>> No.12025494

I smell curry

>> No.12025594

What the fuck is your problem? There is always going to be more attractive people then you, accept it.

Also human beings don't ask to get born, so why should they be punished because of their (better) genetics ?

You are probably a violent shitskin with horrible genetics, maybe the world would be better off without fuckwits like you. The biggest drain on society IS black people and rich baby boomers you fucking idiot.

>> No.12025650

Also consider the fact that tall attractive people are actually fairly rare, so your theory about them "using muh resources" is wrong. Being this bitter and jealous will get you nowhere in life .

>> No.12025669

you are not better genetics.

The people in these picture are weak men who had a malfunction in their dna. The muscle does not correalate with strength.

Tallness is a flaw. Tall people have to eat 2x more food than a short person. So whats the point of keeping them alive? in what way do tall people benefot society?

We could build smaller houses, furniture, cars and have more food reserved if it werent for tall people.

the only reason why tall men are around is because roasties keep on breeding with this literal virus of a people.

i have not met a single tall guy irl who has not made fun of guys 6'0 and below. The guys with genetics in their pic are relentless in wanting tk make men who they deem inferior to die.
But what is the point in keepong them alive? Just because roasties find tall men more attractive?

i think in an ideal society, all men would be 5"0. And the women are 4,0.
This would save TRILLIONS of dollars of resources.

Tall guys arnt even better in a fighting sense. Tall guys are more likely tk get shot in war because theyre bigger targets and tall legs are prone tk break more easily in fight

You are living overpriced figures that must be eliminated in order to benefit mankind as a whole

>> No.12025692

Yes. But women are more attracted to tall men.

If short men doe out and tall men live, then we will gradually shift towards a society where 6'5" will be seen as short.

You know during the 1800s, men were significantly shorter? And the 1800s showed the biggest leap in technology and productivity out of any era on earth.

it is because of women that breeded with the error like the guys in the picture that they are even alive.

>> No.12025775

I'm guessing you're a short Asian, sucks that no women will ever find you attractive I guess.

Good luck changing the world, wee man.

By the way, Asia has basically ruined the world for everyone because they are the biggest polluters in the whole world. They also breed at very high rates, attributing to overpopulation and "using up resources.

Anyway I suggest you go get counselling or something, or just focus your attention on something more serious.

>> No.12025824

It's disgusting that you want to genocide people just for the sake of $$$ (a man-made concept). Also if "chads" had bad genetics , women would not be attracted to them, would they?

>> No.12025889

i am white and actually average height.

also, the reason why CHINA (not asia) pollute the world is because they live in a 1950s indrustial age economy. The ideal society would be one thats energy efficiant like the west, but with short people.

>good luck changing society
all ideas start with writing. Karl Marx never lived to see his ideas manifest in Mao or Stalin. But it is importsnt to have ideas spread anyway, so when society inevitebly collapses in the future, we can build again from the ground up. Hell, platos the Roman Republic went extinct for over a 1000 years before america was formed.

All current "chads" are the most detrimental thing to society.There is nothing beneficial at all by having tall people. Especially ones with big chins and have huge muscle that does not correalate with strength.

We must revert height back to 5'0 for men and 4'0 for women. This is just tall enough to be able to do basic physical functions while not causing a detriment to resources.

Another thing we must do is go back to contract based marriages. We should no longer have virgin guys be a thingm The state should require every guy to have a female partner.

Because, men were meant to be in monogamous relationships. And this society, the chads are stripping our basic human needs. And worst, we are not allowed to kill them off in a fair fight; it is all determined by genetics. And the roastie women are i capable of empathy for said virgins. They think men who are forced to be forever alone can dome how actually be mentally sound and stable.

We live not in a capitalist nor communist society, but a facist one controlled by genetics.

And one day, the men in these said picture need to be systematically eliminated for the greater good.

>> No.12025914

bro just charge 10000 grand per hour and it will work

>> No.12025919

just be confident bro

>> No.12025964

A man made concept that creates order. Would you honestly prefer to go to back to barterism instead of currency?

if you do, that means youd favor my ideas more, because the same resources you would barter with ARE USED UP AS RESOURCES.

Of course short ugly men can get women too like the chads. But the chads, i think we can agree, get women easier.

It used to be back in the day, a mans chances of sexual progression was determined by a good ol fashion fight. But now in the days of lawsuits and assualt, that is no longer.

Ive seen weak men get with women, when all it would take is one of hands to pick the. up and bash their face in the ground.

Gruesom? yes
Fair? yes.

>> No.12025978

Except Those people had actual ideas and visions for society.

You just want to kill tall attractive people so you have a better chance at getting laid (wtf) on top of that you want to force women to be with you, which is completely unnatural.

>> No.12025987

jesus christ you're a worthless nigger. makes me happy knowing that the faggot scum like you will be miserable forever.

> a mans chances of sexual progression was determined by a good ol fashion fight

that wasnt even a thing 2000 years ago. you're probably a weak faggot anyway

>> No.12025990

So you want to kill tall, muscular men so you can get women? Your credo is definitely in the realm of Marx or Plato

>> No.12026042

The incel problem is an aspect of society people are all putting under the rug and ignoring. But why?
The ideal society should be one where something like incel does not exist.

I am only offering up ideas to how to fix this
thats the flaw with society.
these men arnt strong

being tall makes you more vulnerable in the legs; a major weak point
And these said big guys i the gym, actually cant lift for shit at all. I speak from personal observation

muscle mass =/ strength.
i do not want to kill anyone

But if we lived in a society where we could find a way to dimish a tall chads credibility, such as a bare bones fight, our society would be happier as a whole.

You cant even so much as challenge a guy in a fight without recieving years in prison.

>> No.12026082

You should be worried about the fact that most women are rabid feminists and whores that manipulate men. We need a proper patriarchy desu, modern females are ruining the world. That's why i'm basically mgtow.

It's hard for anyone to find a good girlfriend these days even chads.

>> No.12026084

incel problem going around is a benefit for society. white skinned niggers like you are not supposed to breed and roasties are making sure of it. they have no idea what they are doing, but they are inadvertently blocking your inferior genetics from the gene pool. the gene pool is getting stronger without your genetics polluting it. you are a runt that was supposed to die at birth. modern medicine kept you alive, unfortunately. roasties not breeding is generally a plus as well because they are genetic trash like you with no in-racial preference and would make for terrible mothers.

"to live is to suffer." but everyone suffers various degrees. your suffering is deserved because you are worthless. modern medicine is what has kept you alive.

>> No.12026117

tall chads are the virus though.

you are objectively detrimental. You use more resources. Imagine building a space craft for 5'0 men vs 7'0 chads. Which would be easier?

We are not inferior in anyway. I could beat the living shit out of most supposed chads. It is only society that will arrest you for such a thing.

women being i charge of the gene pool is never a good thing.

the ideal world will be one where kids are born from a test tube and bought by a couple. That way, we can all have equal genetics.

>> No.12026779

hahahahahahahahahaha absolute state of permavirgin ugoos