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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 890x594, George-Soros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12003767 No.12003767 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12003788


He's okay, as far as rich jewish swine are concerned.

>> No.12003797

would behead him with a smile.

>> No.12003810

fuck this guy

>> No.12003812

made his fortune by ratting out his fellow jews to the nazis, he is the final boss kike

>> No.12003821

Him and Rockerfeller investing in BTC last April/May is the sole reason why I fear BTC might go to 0. Very powerful, very deceiving agent of globalist oligarchy

>> No.12003834

Good with money, gives some good advice and his book is worth checking out.

>> No.12003836

globalist jew pig. 1000 gods are executing him right this second. His death will make the news when his doctors run out of trix, like all famous scum animal jews

>> No.12003839

Forgot to mention. His known deeds:
1) Financing the destruction of Yugoslavia
2) Financing right wing groups in Ukraine
3) Ruining GBP and Bank of England

>> No.12003853

I like his cheeks
They cute

>> No.12003874

When he broke the BoE he wasn't alone was he?
I read something that he teamed up with several big players but got the credit for it.

>> No.12003888

Sounds like a decent man, very red-pilled

>> No.12003901

Unironicaly assassinating this guy would make world a better to live.

>> No.12003904

he is good player

>> No.12003971

pain of poor scam care nobody

>> No.12003997

he's /ourguy/ and the hero /biz/ needs but doesn't deserve. if you watch this guy's famous interview (the one where he talks about how he participated in the holocaust and he would do it again in the same circumstance) it should be clear that he is absolutely based. everyone hating on him is just jealous and insecure.

>> No.12004010

Lovely guy, all those people talking bad about him are just salty because he takes their money.

>> No.12004029

be rich or die

>> No.12004049

he fought communism harder than any american general ever.

>> No.12004055

you couldn't be more wrong. but sure slurp up the autoriter propaganda.

>> No.12004058

>Ruining GBP and Bank of England
>UK is still the 5th biggest economy in the world

>> No.12004067

i think he's prolly going to heck when he dies

>> No.12004085

Which sucks.

>> No.12004121

why would it suck? communism is the destroyer of freedom and the killer of souls.

>> No.12004289

He’s evil.

>> No.12004302

Based and repilled

>> No.12004369

evil my ass remember people like putin, erdogan, netanjahu hate him. that alone should tell you he is good company.

>> No.12004446

>nationalist leaders r bad

>> No.12004479
File: 17 KB, 480x336, 1502586025115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fought communism
>supports the EU destroying nation states to build the EUSSR

>> No.12004487
File: 36 KB, 431x408, 1539689593718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old jew guy bad!

>> No.12004498

they are not nationalists. they are radically authoritarian corrupt assholes aka tyrants. exactly the kind we tried to get rid of when we implemented democracy.

>> No.12004504

you don't seem to comprehend what communism is in contrast to federalism. is the usa communist? did it destroy it's former states?

>> No.12004515

cautious goyim.

>> No.12004522

Is this bait or are you actually this retarded?

>> No.12004546

People here dont want to admit it but he is literally /biz/.

>making money
>married an Asian girl

>> No.12004559

>He thinks that his vote or whos in presidency matter at all.

>> No.12004585

Jewish man bad

>> No.12004611

answer the question!

>> No.12004612

Who is he? Seems so sweet <3

>> No.12004622

i think it should matter yes.

>> No.12004680

US has shared culture and identity so it works for them to be united. The European states are all different. The EU is pushing for socialist Europe and they are building a big commie block and it is already failing
Also isn't democratic
t.lisbon treaty

>> No.12004690
File: 3.88 MB, 4500x4602, 1523553310930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up faggot it's been objectively proven

>> No.12004706
File: 27 KB, 741x630, 1526558057844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amerimutts share the same culture
and what culture exactly is that? being fat and dumb?

>> No.12004708

he is bad and has zero conscience

>> No.12004713

your inferiority is seeping through my screen
also Whiter than you

>> No.12004718

based and redpilled

>> No.12004720

you don't know shit about the eu do you?
the eu is a technocracy. they don't give a fuck about socialism. they just want the economy to work and be stronger united, and there is endless infighting for privileges among the members. politics wise they just push human rights and democracy. even tho the eu is not governed in a democratic way (the eu parliament doesn't actually dictate policy or make decisions) which is ironic.

>> No.12004727

sure Pablo, you are "white"

>> No.12004779

i have been given this explanation many times why the us works so well so mixed.
they simply have no culture of their own.

>> No.12004783

In the early '90 he made a billion in one day, why? b/c he understood that the current policy was unsustainable (he probably had insider info also). No matter what what happen with the £ pegged to the Deuchemark it was only a matter of time till they ran out of Deuchemarks to keep the pound artificially inflated....Thank that cunt Maggie

>> No.12004786
File: 156 KB, 1024x1365, 64539b0e4c8d3f7bac1ab326193750ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck, they make all the policy and decisions, they literally make all the law for member states.
go read about the ESM, which lets them demand money from member states and they hold ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY for what they do.
>politics wise they just push human rights and democracy

>> No.12004849

t. does not own a business in the eu
The EU is absolutely fucking up every small/medium non-german business by putting absurd laws and restriction on products, they want to spend their money on china and northern africa for both heavy industry and food

>> No.12004872

Can you imagine the types of fucked up shit the zogs do in their underground dungeons? I can't even imagine being so absolutely evil.

>> No.12004902

Guns, BBQ, Nascar, football, and basically everything else rednecks like.

>> No.12004921

Doesn't make the EU socialist

>> No.12004926

Darth Vader should throw him into the Death Star's reactor core.

>> No.12004938

if you honestly watch this and come out with a negative opinion of the guy rather than an increased understanding and respect you will not make it

>> No.12004940

>The EU is absolutely fucking up every small/medium non-german business by putting absurd laws and restriction on products, they want to spend their money on china and northern africa for both heavy industry and food
indeed that's the biggest issue with the eu as i said, the economically powerful member states get policy accepted that benefit them all the time. it's also undebateable that the euro benefits germany most. but if you look at the gdp growth of even those countries that get the shit end of the stick you will see it actually benefited them too. just not nearly as much.

>> No.12004942

he was literally a child doing what he could to survive a genocide. It was every jew for himself

>> No.12004960

read the whole post will you

>> No.12004975

>make x product how we say or we tax you to hell and beyond
>somehow not socialist
>See that chinese/egypt steel? We're going to allow it in by some shady way and tax you for it
>want to export? see most of your profit taxed

>> No.12004999
File: 113 KB, 1051x801, British-GDP-Growth-since-1949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UK joined in 73, this is our "beneficial" growth

>> No.12005000

no the eu is capitalist protectionist meritocratic (in theory but soon might commission positions may become hereditary giving birth to a new european bureaucratic aristocracy of sort at least that's a danger) you can say a lot of things about it but socialist or marxist is not one of them. as for foreign policy it's interesting because they try to pull isolationist and interventionist at the same time. they want to solve the refugee situation on site but that means meddling with other countries affairs it's inevitable.

>> No.12005007

>the economically powerful member states get policy accepted that benefit them all the time
Ask that to the brits or italy
Even france which economy is getting pretty germanized
>but if you look at the gdp growth of even those countries that get the shit end of the stick you will see it actually benefited them too. just not nearly as much.
It benefits them on the low tem (i.e. Euro-credit for businesses), pumping their GDP for 3-4 years to be afloat, then the interest rates begin to kill small/medium businesses

>> No.12005008

just take a look after leaving eu lol.

>> No.12005027

yeah it's pretty much that we in the eu got 2 serious issues to deal with 1 get the germans in line, their economy is too powerful for a shared currency and they reap almost all the benefits not to mention the weight they throw around behind doors.
2 make the federal eu an actual democracy not just in words and pretenses.

>> No.12005028
File: 56 KB, 800x600, 1513906769560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tariffs are socialism
so Trump and USA are socialist too?

>> No.12005030

>just take a look after leaving eu lol.
When UK refused to join the euro-zone back in the 90s many said that 1 Euro would be traded for 2 Sterling Pounds by 2010
See if that happened

>> No.12005064

there is a good non-socialist argument for retaining domestic capability to manufacture and produce key defense/security related commodities and products (such as steel and food).

>> No.12005065

>so Trump and USA are socialist too?
Ah yes protectionism is totally a feature of free-markets and libertatarian economies

Imagine how retarded do you have to be to believe this

>> No.12005083
File: 30 KB, 674x638, 1514338354368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you agree Trumpo and USA are socialist now that they waged trade wars with everyone?

>> No.12005088

worst outcome eu sets up a standing army to oppose the growing russian threat under unified command, meanwhile the member states actual influence is curbed perpetually until the federal europe is basically no longer a parliament of the people of europe.

best outcome, european countries move towards a more democratic and more federalized europe that actually removes trade barriers. and the member states keep their armies only subject them to unified nato command in exercises. it would mean increasing the technological transfer and military spending individually and increase the frequency and complexity of joint command and readiness exercises.

>> No.12005093

>what is a mixed economy policy
Did you make that pic? You're pretty good at self-portraits, anon

>> No.12005110
File: 11 KB, 467x378, 1514222026346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so EU having some tariffs makes them full socialists, but USA having tariffs makes them mixed economy? care to explain yourself bucko?

also yes I know these photos trigger all amerimutts

>> No.12005119

And I'm totally for it
Sad thing the EU is not for it, and would rather have its citizens build machinery with poor quality chinese scrap and eat moroccan oragens and tunisian olive oil

>> No.12005145

What do you think is worse? Being retarded, or being so retarded you don't know that you're retarded?

>> No.12005155

>also yes I know these photos trigger all amerimutts
I'm a european

>so EU having some tariffs makes them full socialists, but USA having tariffs makes them mixed economy? care to explain yourself bucko?
No, the point is Trump is using a mostly left-wing economic policy to protect american economy from foreign exports and trying to prevent big/growing business going out of the USA
The EU went full-on self-distruct with the non-useful-to-germany countries, which is opposite in comparison of what the USA are doing

>> No.12005179

He's not being protectionist, he's responding to other people being protectionist. How the fuck can you not be aware of even the most basic facts? He even threw down the gauntlet to the EU and said let's get rid of all tariffs and they said no.
Fucking brainlet.

>> No.12005189

hes a dirty kike that jewed his own jews during the jew war. probably an autist desu, and shit posts here time from time

>> No.12005208

whichever you are is worse

>> No.12005216

>He even threw down the gauntlet to the EU and said let's get rid of all tariffs and they said no.
Neither he or his staff even believed those words

>He's not being protectionist, he's responding to other people being protectionist
>Protectionism goes only one way

I used to work in a gay bar, but before your post, I never witnessed such faggotry. Congrats

>> No.12005471

It's not protectionist when you're responding to someone else's pre-existing tariffs you muppet. At that point you're just attempting to level the playing field.

>> No.12005683

Will rot in gitmo.

>> No.12005866

I sincerely wish him from the bottom of my heart cancerous and slow anal bleeding death in agony.

>> No.12005870

he's based

>> No.12005913

Stupidest comment I've seen here.

>> No.12006006

Is because in the US everyone feels absolutely free. Not like any non american would understand.
>T. fag who has lived in other countries and will never leave the US

>> No.12006979

You do realise Erdogan was democratically elected.
Not sure about Netenyahu but I would imagine he was democratically elected too.
That being said Erdogan is a corrupt authoritarian Muslim dumbass but he was legitimately, lawfully elected by your beloved democratic system.
Democracy is not without it's flaws.

>> No.12007113
File: 85 KB, 600x551, 1539917992275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he so heavily invested in Freedom Group, parent company of many U.S. firearm manufacturers?

>> No.12007286

unironically very based

>> No.12007294

Literally one of my heroes.

>> No.12007420

The more I read about Soros the more I like him. He gets the retarded right wingers incredibly butthurt. And that's a good thing

>> No.12007647

>You do realise Erdogan was democratically elected.
don't worry democracy is long gone from turkey since that accident.

>> No.12007688

It wasn't an accident lol
The majority of Turks who voted wanted him to be their leader.

>> No.12007742


>> No.12007756


>> No.12007894
File: 60 KB, 899x725, d8f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
