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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 289 KB, 564x379, Screenshot-20181201144517-564x379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11971579 No.11971579 [Reply] [Original]

In 2100, around 80% of the world population will either be african or asian.

Is our species doomed?

>> No.11971586


Or a sand nigger. Forgot to mention it.

>> No.11971593

This is why you should save up money to go to mars with Elon musk.
100 000USD per ticket. No poor people, no pajeets, no niggers, no chinks allowed.

>> No.11971595

Make this thread in 2100 and see for yourself

>> No.11971615

Not necessarily, if governments collapse in time and are replaced with something not democratic and friendly to whites it's going to be fine. Numbers alone don't matter that much.
If every white country gets diversified and whites aren't in the government, then yeah, we're doomed

>> No.11971628

Yes. The only chance western Europeans have of surviving is civil war and revolution.

>> No.11971630


imagine being stuck on a planet with elon musk. I'd rather kill myself

>> No.11971640

Can confirm, Im from 2119. Shits fuckin wild, im the only w***e m**e in 1000km radius. Im risking my life posting this through TTVPN. Im around for the next 1800 seconds. Ask me anything

>> No.11971641

But chinks are rich people. Wat do?

>> No.11971659

fuck yea we gonna be 20% cyber transhumanism elite that rule the world from shadow.. Wait we arllready are

>> No.11971661
File: 82 KB, 641x530, comment_Z0vlIkYdRnC46xuN5JLV0Cb1j94wcQzG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


W-what happened to the other white males?

>> No.11971663


Whats the price of btc bruh

>> No.11971674
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Do you guys think he's OK? Why isn't he answering??

>> No.11971689

based and redpilled

>> No.11971700
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More people to trap in the USD ponzi scheme

>> No.11971705

Invest in TRON.

>> No.11971711


They simply dont exist anymore. Sandniggers and chinks multiplied so fast and after the great war they started hunting down the last remaining white people, especially the men


I have no idea what it is.

Im okay. If i get caught, they will force me into a tanning booth for a month and cut off my dick. At least thats what ive heard they do

>> No.11971728

Godspeed ttvpnbro. You need to go nucular.

>> No.11971729


But is cryptocurrency still around?

>> No.11971735

6" dick size minimum to board the ship

>> No.11971748
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W-what about all the Link Marines??

>> No.11971750
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>Is our species doomed?

it was fucked by 1943

>> No.11971753


Isnt that like fancy words for money? Rouble and SatoshiVision are the main ones people all over the world use nowadays

>> No.11971773

watchu mean white boy?

>> No.11971776


Had to search that one up. If you mean chainlink then it died after the creator (sergei) was assassinated in 2032. Ath was 998$ (1.2$ adjusted for inflation) after that it plummeted and everyone forgot about it

>> No.11971791

>USA and Mexico are different categories
That map is already out of date.

>> No.11971795
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>> No.11971798

1000$ EO2032

>> No.11971846


Dont forget the inflation

Okay guys my time is up, have a good life

>> No.11971874

these "predictions" are always wrong because all they do is take a current trend and then multiply it by X number of years, when in the real world trends reverse or go flat all the time. I doubt it will be as bad as the pic shows.For example, in the pic provided there is no mention of food capacity or the ability to feed that many people, the US and Europe already export large amounts of food to the rest of the world which is what's enabling a large amount of the current population expansion, that can't continue indefinitely.

>> No.11971887

He means that the human race is going to the stone age quick fast and in a hurry.

>> No.11971903

No they annexed California but then we just built a wall around that

>> No.11971921

>Is our species doomed?
There is only 1 way whites wont be doomed:
Strip women of rights
Kill feminists
Beat shit out of less retarded women
Breed like rabbits
Genocide non-whites (or systematically breed them until they become white)

>> No.11971924

here will always be (((more food))) to black the earth.

>> No.11971931

Damn. As a guy living in europe who is half white and half filipino, this picture made me feel guilty to live here. (I've never really felt like a filipino though, hate the language and culture.)

>> No.11971949

Whites will be severely outnumbered in the futute but we will still run shit. 2 wealthy white parents passing their genetics and wealth to 1 white child = concentrated power. 2 brown parents passing their low IQ genetics and poverty to 10 brown kids = crippling poverty

>> No.11971962

well, i've got some bad news for you friend

>> No.11971994


But they are insect-like subhumans with no souls and no capability to function in society.

Forbidden from Mars. Only Japs allowed.

>> No.11972033

>2 wealthy white parents passing their genetics and wealth to 1 white child
Means that amount of whites decreased by 2
In the end whites will be just absorbed by shitskins

>> No.11972042

This is why you gotta be in link. The profits will be used to build a walled city of crypto oligarchs who get to live as neets in the sky above the dirty shitskin savages.

>> No.11972068
File: 90 KB, 800x450, c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> we will still run shit


You will be the protecting and maintaining the assets of the TRUE ownership class.

Pic related.

>> No.11972088

>only reason these poorfag countries can exist and overpopulate is because they eat from the white man's hand
>our government forces us to pay taxes, 90% of tax money gets wasted on bullshit like international gibs to useless black hole countries that produce nothing of value
>a time will come (already approaching) when taxpayers get sick and tired of being slowly impoverished more and more every year while the rest of the world rides on our back and whips us to go faster, rayciss white devil
>will shrug
>all the worthless turd worlders will fucking starve to death and we won't care
>trump is already starting it by telling the caravan to fuck off and die (muh 3 day fast is "hunger strike"...nigga everyone on /fast/ is laughing at you, I do 3 days just for fun)
>"starving" obese honduran heiffers saying we rayciss for not letting them in and gibbing them gibs
>meanwhile we can barely pay our bills and eat food ourselves
It has to change. They're too numerous, too lazy, and too entitled, and whites in america and yuurope are already under austerity from crappy economic situations. It simply can't continue, I'm already fed up and if you have a conversation with anyone on the street they are, too, even if they're surface-liberal. We need to revise our taxes and immediately halt all foreign aid and overhaul all domestic gibs. Millennials are too god damned poorfag to afford this, the way they milked boomers and xfags.
And yes taxes are /biz/ related.

>> No.11972262

But one way of containing the third worlder problem is simply to get those countries to economically develop quicker such that they stop having so many goddamn babies as well as stay in their own countries
I think Bill Gates' main goal is this, he could be a flat out, balls to the wall racist at heart for all we know, but the good thing is that the goal of racists everywhere and that of mankind overall are aligned here

>> No.11972480

>economically develop quicker such that they stop having so many goddamn babies
This is retarded. It's like wanting your neighbor to stop being a drug dealer and bringing the house values down, so you give him $200 every paycheck. Do you understand why you are retarded? You don't stop something by giving it more money. For that much, you don't economically develop a nation by giving it handouts. If we wanted to do that we'd be selecting promising young african negroes, educating them, and releasing them back in their home countries to clean the place up. That's not what we're doing. We're throwing money into a toilet.

>> No.11972581

this is exactly what hitler talked about in mein kampf. in a world of finite resources at some point the more civilized cultures would limit their population while those more savage ones would grow without any consideration for the future.

>> No.11972597
File: 541 KB, 1920x1080, Bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry, with the increasing interspecies relationships white genes will live on. blacks will even be smarter in the future.

>> No.11972608
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>no pajeets, no niggers, no chinks allowed
i wish that was true but you know just as well as me that there will be at least one non-white on the trip

>> No.11972638

What year was Donald Drumpf sentenced to life in prison?

>> No.11972691
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>90% of tax money gets wasted on bullshit like international gibs to useless black hole countries that produce nothing of value

Do you just pull numbers out of your ass? Foreign aid is less than 1% of total tax revenue and most of it goes to Israel and countries you invaded

>> No.11972754

They have higher IQs and their women are horny as fuck. Breed with the women and create the human pinnacle offspring; capable of thinking for themselves.

>> No.11972792

the first guy elon musk is sending to space is a chinese/japanese elite.

>> No.11972858

>so you give him $200 every paycheck.
No it's more like you give him some tools to start his own business and fortify his health so he's less likely to get ill and memed on trying to fend for himself

>> No.11972866

are east asian women hornier than white women?

>> No.11972877
File: 243 KB, 1000x679, Demographie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, this projection is optimistic because africans make WAY MUCH MORE BABIES than expected in the 80s.
By 2100 the human race will be 95% blacks and the whole world will be like Nigeria.

>> No.11972912

they will understand once people unironically hold crypto and not value fiat anymore

>> No.11973044

We tried this since the 70s and IT DOES NOT WORK.
You have to understand that those third worlders have no forward planning and no drive to develop, they are like children in the adult bodies.

The only way to develop those countries is through eugenics, you make the smart ones breed and you incentive the dumb ones to not breed (give them lots of shekels for vasectomy/sterilization after their first child), that's what China did and still does.

>> No.11973132

>AKSHULLY we only throw x% of our money down the toilet, I'll have you know
>hehehe I win another argument, that will show him
Oh yeah?

>> No.11973138

>build water desalination plants for Africa
>they strip it and sell it as scrap metal as soon as you turn your back
>build electrical transformers for Africa
>as soon as you turn your back they've destroyed it to make fried chicken in the transformer oil

>> No.11973236
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>If I believe it hard enough 1% is just the same as 90%!
>who cares about real numbers and facts and shiet amirite guis?

I really hope you don't procreate, you are just as dumb as those malnutritioned niggers in Ethiopia

>> No.11973981

>niggers in Ethiopia
Actually they are smart (for a niggers)