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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11971030 No.11971030 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>get 6000€ from grandfather
>talk with him about trading etc
>turn 6000 into 7000 really fast
>talk about how good trading is going
>go up to 8700€ really fast
>still talk about how great trading is going
>go down from 8700€ to 100€ in a week

i now have to lie to my grandfather that everything is fine because he is old an i don't want to be an embrassment to him before he dies

i am so fucked he already doesn't like me and this trading thing was the only think that make him listen to me and not seening me as a loser

>what i learned
never tell people what you do with your money
always keep it secret

>> No.11971066

maybe you could tell him you gave the cash to a charity ?

>> No.11971073

Why must you turn this image board into a house OF LIES?!?

>> No.11971080

where can I subscribe? I don't want to miss a single update of your blog

>> No.11971089

why are cryptogamblers so predictable?

>> No.11971092

i wish it was a lie
this is 100% true
why would i lie about it

>> No.11971095

post screenshots of trades

>> No.11971110

i didn't even traded crypto
i traded leveraged options

i shorted the dow jones with leverage x100 but than powell made this shitty statement about not rising interest and the market mooned

>> No.11971123
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highest point was 8700€ went down to ~7000 and now this

when the markets open on monday i will be at 0€ because it hasn't updated since friday

>> No.11971124

kek, on the 1% chance this is not a larp, i hope you've learned something from your first, very expensive, lesson

>> No.11971125

>not even crypto
nobody here cares buddy

>> No.11971127

never change biz

>> No.11971139

KEK dein OPA hat sicherlich gedient.
Börese stuttgart, Schwabenfotze.

>> No.11971143

Leverage is literally gambling retard. You never go all in.

>> No.11971157

my grandfather was born after the war
he is a really sucessfull boomer

he hates nazis
constantly say "gauland is a 100% national socialist" and shit

i think he is most likly jewish or some eastern shit
he doens't look german at all

>> No.11971174

Time to lay some BOOMER on you


>> No.11971177
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>when your jewish grandfather only likes you when you make money
fuck this is like the cliche about jews that right wingers have

>> No.11971191

oh fuggg, i feel sry for you fren

>he hates nazis
This is just karma then. God hate kikes and anti-nazis faggots.
Tell your granp you mean a loan bcuz you have a big project in mind then use the cash you hire a lawyer and open a case against him for pedophilia because he raped you when you were a baby.

>> No.11971198

all stereotypes were true at some point in time.
Some aren't anymore (like Irish being dumb and criminal), some are (pretty much all about Jews).
The idea that stereotypes are false is retarded.

>> No.11971200
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>> No.11971209
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>jews his grandfather out of 6,000.000 euros
>fights the (((fed))) by shorting their asset bubble

>> No.11971211
File: 8 KB, 236x199, c7442d998e52e03500ec22fc737c68c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can unironcly lie to him

i am currently writting computer malware
this malware gets me like an average of 1 cents/day per computer it infected

i infect like 1000 computers and already make 10€ a days. You earn that money with commericals that automatically get opend on the infected computer

i just tell my grandfather i needed the money to write this software that gets me all that me that money. He has no idea of computers and shit

>> No.11971232

Do not speak about your investments then.
Let it be forgotten, finish uni and start to work to compensate the loss. Easy as that.

>> No.11971252
File: 251 KB, 848x942, 0409 - UWwJxzq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a cyber nigger
>bragging about it
You could've just went all in link and wrote some interesting software, unironically kys

>> No.11971254
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i like you anon.
Together we will make your granp pay for all the crimes comitted by the stupid boomers against humanity and our planet.

What would happen if you hailed Hitler in front of him?

>> No.11971260

my software only infects normies and thots computers

4chan user would never search for "free instagram follower hacking tool" etc
at least i hope

>> No.11971279
File: 280 KB, 1000x916, 1508619402733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally based und rothpilled

>> No.11971396

top kek i hope this is true
that's exactly why you don't let your kids play with your money
atleast it was only 6k

>> No.11971403

>he hates Nazis
What a faggot, probably a Russian rape baby

>> No.11971406

OP try forex with x1000 leverage you can make it all back in few days tops

>> No.11971453

don't know about op's grandpa, but mine would call me a faggot if i did that

>> No.11971730

i think he would just think i am a idiot

>> No.11971746

>i shorted the dow jones with leverage x100

>> No.11971755

Obviously you're an idiot

>> No.11971758
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>×100 leverage


>> No.11971763

put options bought from a bank