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11966236 No.11966236 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck no i dont want to work.
2k a month?
If that.
No thanks.

>> No.11966246

You cant handle reality, pussy

>> No.11966264

>Oy vey! What do you mean you don't want to work!? Why wouldn't you want to work!? You must work! It's important you work because...b-because...reasons! Now get out there and work! Don't forget you owe me some of your paycheck too!

>> No.11966460

Taking home 2k a month for one person is a middle class income. You should be thankful for your good fortune if you manage to make that much.

>> No.11966504

Fuck off faggot 2k a month is barely enough to survive you are almost pay check to paycheck after all bills are paid, forget investing.

>> No.11966512

For one person? That's plenty you stupid faggot

>> No.11966537
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>> No.11966540

$700 a month for a one room efficiency
$400 a month
$100 a month
Plus the other expenses.
Pretty much wageslavery.

>> No.11966565
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>yes goyim, dedicating 40 hours a week of your life working hard for me and getting paid not even enough to survive in any metropolitan area is plenty enough goyim! dont forget to work your mandatory 6 hours unpaid overtime and also no holiday bonus for you either, goyim! now get back to work!

>> No.11966597

>400 a month in food for one person
How much of a fatass are you

I spent the last year bringing in $1680 a month and had more money than I knew what to do with. Stupid faggot

>> No.11966607

66% of the families in my country earn 500 dollars a month, be grateful

>> No.11966617
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imagine working

>> No.11966640

>$1680 a month and had more money than I knew what to do with
imagine this guy handling 500k or even 1 million. This is why you'll always be poor

>> No.11966641

frail bugman with no extraslavery aspirations detected

>> No.11966661

Are you retarded?

Um no sweetie. I'm probably more ambitious than you and likely have a better future ahead of me as well.

Funny how all these retards suddenly show up who don't know how to live within their means.

>> No.11966675

-t lives in flyover bumfuck missouri

>> No.11966688

Try Pennsylvania, just outside the state capital.

>> No.11966721

I mean, if you're going to be making 2k a month you might as well GTFO of the city and live in flyover land and use that 700$ to mortgage a house. Being poor in the city is awful.

>> No.11966727

So what? You instead live with your parents in permanent manchildhood? Really is that freedom to you? Being your parents bitch instead of a job? Ok bruh

>> No.11966741

>Wanting freedom now now now
>Not investing saved rent into your own income-generating portfolio

Think, McFly, think.

>> No.11966742

t. lives with his parents.

>> No.11966754

Well said. A 1 bedroom apartment in NYC in a good part of town is 4K/mo. If I'm not getting paid at least 100K/yr its not even worth showing up to work. Might as well move to Tenessee or some shit and collect NEETbucks.

>> No.11966762

>pennsylvania state capital
So bumfuck flyover? I know the capital isn't philly, motherfucker.

>> No.11966767

>getting jewed by your own parents
you won I guess. Keep taking the trash out and go kiss mommy goodnight again her memory is going she doesn't remember it

>> No.11966773
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It hurts man. It feels shameful living with the parents.

>> No.11966781

If you live near any major city this is the new norm these days. I know lots of people that try to scrape by on $12 an hour before taxes. And these are fuckers with stem degrees, internships, etc. A classist system has developed where companies expect people to work for them for free for 1-2 years before they actually pay you. You're fucked.

>> No.11966784

I'm living on my own but you can't deny the advantages of crashing with the 'rents.

For plenty of people it doesn't hurt several hundred dollars a month. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.11966792

to save $600 to $1000 a month in bills/rent? fuck yeah i'll take out that trash.

>> No.11966803

I mean, wow that's pretty bad. I just got my first machinist job at 18$/hr. Like do these shit pay stem jobs go up rapidly or something? Is STEM really that much of a meme?

>> No.11966804



>> No.11966813


Jesus the delusion.

> be grateful to spend most of your waking hours working so you can have a tiny, shitty place to live and a little food.
>meanwhile the top 10% owns 90% of all capital and resources


>> No.11966844
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>> No.11966850

You realize you can get a job while living with your parents right? Im living in the Chicago suburbs in my parents McMansion and just take the train to work every morning. Drops me off right in the Loop.

Beats paying Mr. Shekelstein $2000-3000/mo to get my own apartment in the area, thats for sure.

>> No.11966867

Well shit man, what's the alternative? Most of these blue collar jobs out there are redundant anyway. 20% of people are pulling the weight of the other 80% who don't even do anything. There might as well be socialism.

>> No.11966882

Flyover country seems comfy. I want a sub 200k house where I can smash German QTs all day.

>> No.11966943

House in the burbs, literally a few feet away is the next house. Commute every day, JUST. So many levels of JUST from weather to flat carpet state to infinity.

Could go on all day about Chi and IL. Just overall shit

t. lived there 10 years

>> No.11967045

Except they are all fat and the food sucks.

>> No.11967063

>There might as well be socialism.
To be honest, I think I would unironically prefer actual Socialism to whatever the fuck mixed bullshit system the West is supposed to be running now.

East Germany had some style at least. I don't know what this interventionist-capitalist-corporatist system is meant to be.

Not like we aren't already being spied on far more than East Germans ever could have imagined.

>> No.11967185

Work conditions are inhumane ,we're treated like slaves,getting fucked paying absurd taxes,spending at least 8hours a day on average just for basics stuff, women's standards reaching peak insanity, not to mention the purposefully weaking of males thru xenostrogens in fucking everything!

Never feel guilty to leech of your boomer parents/family if you can, always remember they got it all handed to them in a way we will never have.

>> No.11967198

Get a load of this goy. I take home $2500 a monty and it does not go far in my city.

>> No.11967212

The worst part of it all IMO is that situations like this used to lead to civil unrest and revolution, but nothing like that ever seems to happen anymore.

You just get to die slowly and watch things get worse because of a bunch of ignorant pricks purposefully ruining everything.


>> No.11967228

Read Turchin. Next 10-15 years are when the happenings happen.

>> No.11967278
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>Read Turchin. Next 10-15 years are when the happenings happen.

Yay. Pic related.

>> No.11967385
File: 46 KB, 322x499, SAS Survival Handbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need for despair fren, here's what you do:

>stop consuming mass media,this will relocate your mind into reality
>slowly minimize your needs, as close to the most basic as you need(food,water,shelter)
>lift weights and become stronger(your mind will become to)
>learn survivalist skills like surviving outdoors,hunting,finding water(pic related is a good start)
>get the fuck out of the city as it slowly makes you a comformist and you go back to NPC mindset, go to a rural place and learn to live off the land
>use money just for essentials,but also buy physical books that teach skills to become independent as possible(if/when SHTF happens books dont need eletricity to be used

That's just stuff I could think right now,any more recommendations are appreciated.

>TL;DR :Become as Self-Sufficient as you can.

>> No.11967467

In the midwest you can rent a decent 1br apartment for $500. $2k is more than enough to live comfy in non-coastal areas especially if you live close to work and don't need a car.

>> No.11967470

It's incredible. Boomers made a fortune pushing paperwork for a company in middle management sitting on a chair drinking tab soda all day. Now they don't give up their comfy jobs.

>> No.11967505
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>poor me. Im such a victim. Life is not fair. Nothing is my fault.

>> No.11967539

I want to move to the Midwest so bad. They pay good in my field of work and the houses are so cheap in Wisconsin. Every neighoborhood outside of Milwaulkee looks beautiful. I'm shocked that the Califags haven't invaded.

>> No.11967620
File: 138 KB, 1024x768, why my depression won't go away starter pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's disgusting.

>poor me. Im such a victim. Life is not fair. Nothing is my fault.

Never said nor implied that, just stating facts, boomer.
But Indeed Life is not fair,as it should be.

>> No.11967653

You either live with your parents or live in a poor country (and don’t know what western living expenses are like).

>> No.11967698
File: 120 KB, 554x400, pepe_dab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpeped

>> No.11967766
File: 3.37 MB, 1338x6212, destroy zionism weimar germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know what this interventionist-capitalist-corporatist system is meant to be
its called ZOG

>> No.11967966

>He thinks Harrisburg is anything

>> No.11967981

I need to play Deus Ex again... somehow I feel it will have the answers as usual.

>> No.11968063

This is me rn

>For plenty of people it doesn't hurt several hundred dollars a month.
This is true. If you can make more than 20$ hourly you can invest a lot of money for the future. Preferably you should be getting additional education so you can earn 25 or more hourly. If you make anywhere from 60-80k annual you basically made it in life. Just save money and invest in VNQ with vanguard fill your Roth IRA every year and put at least double digit % with your 401K at your job.

Oh yeah OP is a faggot. We're all gonna make it except OP.

>> No.11968077

if you make 2K monthly and live with your parents that is a based situation you can actually start saving and looking for additional training in higher paying careers.