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11948215 No.11948215 [Reply] [Original]

Considering that we're probably able to reverse the effects of aging in a few years, wouldn't it be a wise investment to get a older gf/wife who looked really hot in her prime?

>> No.11948225

This comes just in time, thank fuck

>> No.11948326


You can already do it yourself with quercetin + dasatinib (take one week every day 100 mg dasatibin + approx. 3 g quercetin, no antioxidants in the 2 weeks before).

Add some Epithalon after the protocol (should take Epi all the time anyway because it's so good for rejuvenation).

>> No.11948348

>implying she won't just leave you when she reverse ages anyways

>> No.11948382


It might help, but it's not what were're looking for yet.


>> No.11948423

>we're probably able to reverse the effects of aging in a few years
wont happen in your lifetime, dont be deluded

>> No.11948428

Saving this just in case the cure for aging was really hidden in this mongolian basket weaving forum all along

>> No.11948435

>wont happen in your lifetime

I've probably got another 60 years minimum before I kick the bucket, and that's a long time for scientific progress to be made. Just think of our healthcare progress from the early 70s to now

>> No.11948485

As someone knowledgeable in the field I can tell you that you’re delusional or a victim or the classic media sensationalism.
Our cells need to die to prevent serious mutations and malformations, and cells can’t multiplicate forever, sadly we barely understand why or how. Could take a couple hundred years who knows, you’re right science advances exponentially. But as of right now no breakthrough suggests that we will be able to reverse aging in the foreseeable future. I highly doubt it will happen in my lifetime or yours.

>> No.11948499

>tfw by the time we discover how to live forever you will be an 80yo man
why even live

>> No.11948512

>As someone knowledgeable in the field
Don't lie, Anon.
>Our cells need to die to prevent serious mutations and malformations, and cells can’t multiplicate forever, sadly we barely understand why or how.
You clearly don't know shit.

>> No.11948518

My kidneys aren't going to fail or some shit are they?

I can realistically expect living to 100 based on family history, wealth, and health status.

Kek works in mysterious ways anon.

>> No.11948529

implying the cure for aging wouldn't be guarded at absolutely any cost and anyone who knew about it killed if they were any risk to spread knowledge of it
implying it doesn't exist already

>> No.11948547

>Implying a truly senolytic peptide wouldn't instantly be mass produced and sold everywhere on the web.

>> No.11948549
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what exactly are you smoking op?

>> No.11948574

This. You can always get breakthrough drugs from China for cheap.

>> No.11948577

>he doesn’t know what the Hayflick limit is

I’ll explain it for the retarded 4chaners,
Cell division will cease once telomeres shorten to a critical length.
I’ll explain what it means
Every time a cell undergoes mitosis the telomeres of each chromosome shorten slightly once it divides enough times shortening the telomeres to a critical length the cell can no longer divide, this is the real cause of aging at a cellular level. It’s unstoppable and we are only beginning to understand how it works.

Go ahead refute my point with arguments not green. If only u knew...

>> No.11948614

C60 preserves + lengthens your telomeres

>> No.11948616

But one of the many beneficial effects of regular administration of Epithalon is precisely the lengthening of those telomeres. One of the very few known substances that has this effect.

>> No.11948643
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Let me break it down really simple for you, you age because over time your body produces more and more shit cells and these cells lead to producing even more shit cells. However we have found a way to kill the shit cells and make the body produce fresh ones, now that process just needs to be refined and perfected, which will take it's time, but it's coming.
Oh, now you know about telomeres. I thought you just said we don't know why cells can't multiply forever. You're fucking pathetic if you think that a quick google search can mask your lack of knowledge, especially after you spilled the lasagna so hard with your first post.

>> No.11948684

You all don’t understand why our cells eventually stop replicating.
You know what cells are immortal and replicate forever? Cancer cells.
While the Hayflick limit might be perceived as negative in reality is what keeps humans alive.
The big breakthrough is not allowing lengthening the telomeres, we have been able to do that for the last decade. The breakthrough is doing it without mutating ur cells.
Won’t be done perhaps, ever.

>> No.11948704

imo lengthening telomeres for a risk of mutation is something I'd be willing to take

>> No.11948706


Based. Also didn't we successfully de-age a mouse late last year? I can't remember the specific details but they isolated some substance that seems to repair the DNA so it stops making shit cells and starts going back to making them how they originally where.

>> No.11948707

Telomeres ain’t the end of it dummy, I said we barely understand it and we barely understand it.

Should improve ur reading skills before playing scientist, it’s past bedtime.

>> No.11948717

Health is the real wealth. If a way to prolong human life by decades really comes out, it will belong to the wealthy.

>> No.11948736

>it’s past bedtime
wtf it's 8am and I just woke up to go to my wagie-slavie job

>> No.11948738

ITT bunch of dumbasses that don't know what they are talking about

As that one guy said, cells need to die because each cell continues to accumulate DNA mutations overtime.

Life extension is impossible without nanotechnology so far advanced that it's able to go inside every single plueripotent cell and correct the accumulated DNA damage.

Leave telomeres alone. You are only going to end up with cancer cells

>> No.11948747

It's already out. Lots of moviestars use it and have become younger. They hide it by saying its cgi rejuvenation.

>> No.11948775

Literally the only guy in this thread who grasp why ageing won’t be solve anytime soon.

Enjoy ur life now anon, we won’t solve ageing for a long long time hundreds of years most likely, lucky for you with the increase in aging population there will be developments that will make old age bearable, in fact it won’t suck as much as it does now.
we will be 100 year old zoomers with working dicks and no Alzheimer.

>> No.11948823

t. bioengineer

>> No.11948840

Can confirm. Last time I read up on the subject i seem to remember longevity genes such as sirt1 that helped with free radical damage being a potential booster to lifetime but there is no such thing as reversing the aging process. Best you can do is hope to slow autophagy by promoting mitophagy over whole cellular whole cellular degeneration.

>> No.11948945

guys we just have to survive until about 2040 when sentience uploading and body transfers become a thing

>> No.11948964

>cells need to die
Dude. That's exactly what senolytics do. They kill off old cells that have forgotten how to kill themselves, to make room for young cells that aren't as dysfunctional.

>> No.11948990

Don't bother.

>> No.11949011

>100 year old zoomers with working dicks and no Alzheimer.
How optimistic of you. By actual market value and research centered around demand, the reality is we'll have 100 year old zoomers with SURGING dicks and total Alzheimers. The rapening will be like nothing you've ever seen.

>> No.11949222

Face wrinkles are caused by facial expressions over the years, like smiling (wrinkles around mouth) and squinting or raising eyebrows (wrinkles around eyes). How the heck is any process supposed fix that? Skin transplant?

Protip: try to keep a poker face at all times if you want to look young, that is the only real way to prevent wrinkles. You make look autistic, but at least you'll look young.

>> No.11949259


What do you mean by no antioxidants, aren't they in food?

>> No.11949268

>dont show emotion ever
this is the weirdest advice i've heard

>> No.11949269

She would just leave you.

>> No.11949418

>Protip: try to keep a poker face at all times if you want to look young, that is the only real way to prevent wrinkles.
checked and kekd
i realized this over 10 years ago. it works, and is also good for staying mindful. most of our wrinkles come from unconscious facial movements. you can still show emotion when around other people, but when you're alone stay mindful of your facial movements while reading, playing vidya, or shitopsting - you'll be surprised how much you move while alone. do this and you'll reduce wrinkles and help yourself spiritually

>> No.11949816

>Face wrinkles
We already have the cure for that. It's called GH. Only problem is it doesn't specifically target only the skin but it's only a matter of time reaallu

>> No.11949981

>As someone knowledgeable in the field

Obviously not as knowledgeable as Professor George Church of Harvard University who sees it happening within the decade.

>> No.11951014

Aren't verily and calico working on this?

One aims to increase maximum lifespan, the other aims to increase average lifespan?

I remember people saying self driving cars were decades away five years ago. Same way people said BTC was stupid and a ponzi.

People are familiar with some aspect of a problem and think it will take forever, meanwhile others are actually doing work and surprise them.

It would surprise me if some Google company solved aging, but sadly, I read an article that said they're going for caloric restriction stuff. I don't know about biology but I thought that caloric restriction means we may live longer but it'll be a shit life because we'll never eat enough to get big and be Chad.

>> No.11951968

Alzheimer's will be the new autism

>> No.11952112
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If this is the weirdest advice you've heard here then you must be a newfag

>> No.11952158

This. Women don't love the same way that men do and, once she's hot again, she'll leave you for a richer, better looking man.

>> No.11952204

Well, this probably already exist but just for the billionaires and their shady outsider investiments and shady projects financing. Its one of the biggest goals of "they", as they all worship Satan, to go against god and try to reach perpetual life. They probably already do clones to change their organs or even upgrade/boost their life span.

How can "they" live so long if they deal with stressfull investments that release cortisol that fuck your body and mind?