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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 425 KB, 1033x1118, the end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11943737 No.11943737 [Reply] [Original]

So this is finally it. They're not even talking about blue boards/burichan. It's all about "4channel.org" now.
It's sad. I hope that Chainlink will rise in price enough for me to be able to buy back the site from this retard.

>> No.11943750



>> No.11943806

This is a Christian board faggot

>> No.11943814

fuck off back to 4chan you disgusting incel

>> No.11943824

I told you this was the death of the site.

But you fucking zoomers didn't listen.

>> No.11943825

That's what you deserve for being a rotten racist.

>> No.11943829

Enjoy the ban

>> No.11943835

You have to go back to 4chan, fucking retard.

>> No.11943914
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>> No.11943946

Can someone please explain how this is the death of the site?
After changing the setting so I can see all the old boards in the board list at the top and bottom, I don't see ANY difference whatsoever except an extra "nel" in the URL bar
Please explain it to my dumb ass

>> No.11944060

eventually blue boards will be censored so you can't say nigger, or anything offensive. then when 4chan is purged of everything it is, he'll introduce ads from more reputable companies. he wouldn't be making this change if it wasn't to please advertisers, and no advert wants to put themself next to the word nigger

>> No.11944072

So we just give them the same treatment we gave mook. Niggertits, everywhere

>> No.11944103

Fuck jannies

>> No.11944111
File: 189 KB, 480x480, bat_avatar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could've just used muh browser plugin token

>> No.11944114

We doomed bros rip

>> No.11944116

To be quite honest, shitposting on 4channel shouldn't get you banned from 4chan. They should give longer bans but only ban from 4channel boards.

>> No.11944118

Well fuck.

>> No.11944128

I was getting repeatedly banned over harmless bullshit even before 4channel came along. this is worse than reddit these days. someone needs to come up with a chan on the blockchain

>> No.11944148
File: 174 KB, 562x389, 1510976717184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about money making schemes in a board made to discuss money making schemes

>> No.11944151

Yeah 4chan mods have become insane over the past few years. Whenever I get banned it's for some random shitpost that I didn't even think was edgy

>> No.11944167

Every time I post on /v/eddit i get banned

I actually had to stop posting on their because the mods are power hungry weirdos

>> No.11944172

so why not just go to infinity chan then

>> No.11944235
File: 87 KB, 657x527, 1542746908944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baste Green Fren

>> No.11944244

Something tells me that the frustrated banned anons aren't pure nuns in these situations neither... (easy proof : OP posted nsfw on a sfw board, which wasalready against the rules to begin with)

>> No.11944265

I had a weird retro ban from october I had to click through the other day. Fucking retarded. Probablly gonna get another for this post.

>> No.11944272
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>> No.11944279

I'm constantly shitposting all over 4chan and posting risque stuff and I never get banned

>> No.11944287

Same honestly

>> No.11944306

Same honestly

>> No.11944311

Same honestly.

>> No.11944322

fucking cocksuckers

>> No.11944323

Same faggot nigger

>> No.11944344

Quality Samefaggotry

>> No.11944464
File: 4 KB, 166x250, 1542299662574s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based red pilled 4channel

>> No.11944475

Gook moot nice job killing the only thing that brought sunshine on my life

>> No.11944580

Lol fuck off to 4chan retard

>> No.11944586

The Holocaust never happened. Prove me wrong with empirical evidence

>> No.11944589

Learn to read, retard. He didn't complain about being banned. He complained about 4channel.org as a whole

>> No.11944646

This unironically.

>> No.11944668
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1539403790095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't smart enough to evade 4chan bans you are too new to post anyways.

>> No.11944704
File: 50 KB, 380x380, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're aren't poorfag enough to shitpost with a shitty carrier sharing IP's with other users you're too new to post
>if you aren't a zoomer enough to activate airplane mode in order to shitpost you're too new to post

>> No.11944715

Stop posting porn on fucking /biz/ dumb ass it was never allowed in the first place you porn addicted degenerate

>> No.11944731

>I have no reading ability
Where did he complain even once about getting banned?

>> No.11944771

Good. Fuck you brapposter.

>> No.11944780

>Popular business venture is dying
>No one recognizes the business opportunity being created here
>business and finance

>> No.11945055

I got banned THREE TIMES last week from /fit/ for "racism" and "offtopic" wtf is happening to 4channel

>> No.11945121

We could all be niggers theoretically. The use of the word doesn't stop them from showing ads on twitter and facebook

>> No.11945520

If you're thotposter then I'm glad it happened to you

>> No.11945534

same queef snorting cunt nigggot

>> No.11945538


>> No.11945545

If you're banned from 4channel, can you still shitpost on 4chan?

I consider getting myself banned just for testing this.

>> No.11945576

this makes me happy desu
i love reporting posts that contain th n-bomb

>> No.11945691

Who will use it though? What's the appeal of being anonymous if you can't say what you want to say. Might as well go to reddit.

>> No.11945714

>Just give them the treatment we gave moot
>He thinks this website still has that kind of balls
It's all a fucking joke now. You idiots are more interesting in reporting camwhores to the IRS than taking care of the chans anymore.

>> No.11945722

Actually fuck it let's hope this pushes everybody back to /b/ and we can retake it and make it slightly less shit.