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11911528 No.11911528 [Reply] [Original]

Why do females like me to cum? Like ill meet a girl im into. Can even have sex with her. But if im not willing to waste my seed she gets all offended. Like im worth your cum! I get all freaked out like wtf, why doe she care if i cum or not. If im happy and having fun and enjoying myself and she is too. Why do I specifically need to ejaculate for her to feel satisfied. Im completely perlexed. Does anyone have any idea?
Ps i dont like to cum cause it makes me feel like shit after. So i rather not. But wtf is her problem.

>> No.11911574

There has to be some high iq in here that has some ideas for this weird behavior from the female sex. Does she feel some type of power exchange or something. This is truly perplexing me, why does me feeling like shit after cause her to feel good.

>> No.11911667

Anon, why do you feel like shit after?

>> No.11911684

tell me anon, do you have to remember to breathe?

>> No.11911687

This is the actual high iq answer, OP

>> No.11911693

Because women desire the seed of man. Man carries in him the seed of life, women want it. And they get personal satisfaction from knowing they can make you cum, it makes them feel desired,

>> No.11911697

I don’t see why this is rocket science. I feel accomplished and more turned on when I make a girl cum because most girls rarely cum especially from intercourse only. A girl is used to sex ending in the man cumming and most girls feel a sense of accomplishment in satisfying the man they are with. If you never cum it makes them feel inadequate or as if they are doing something wrong. Am I not hot enough or good in bed enough for him? Its really that simple

>> No.11911728

Part biological, part psychological. Subconsciously/viscerally, they want to be impregnated (filled with ejaculate), and making you cum triggers satisfaction this way. Also, it's a point of pride and validation. Almost every dude they've been with before has jizzed and it made them feel attractive/desirable. When you don't jizz, it makes them feel inadequate, in spite of your explanations. I bet if you fucked the same girl for a while she would begin to understand that cumming doesn't matter for you.

>> No.11911742

Simple, by you not coming it shows that she sucks at sex.

>> No.11911748
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she's trying to steal your precious bodily fluids

>> No.11911762

>thinks most girls rarely cum

>> No.11911765

Lay off the SSRI's, my man. Everything will be better after that.

Every human who isn't a complete mental fuckup wants to cum. The fact that you can't, won't, don't want to, feel like crap after, and all that, is simply a reflection of the fact that you are dealing with mental health issues and medication. Knock off the meds, work at being less autistic if you can, or just be celibate and stop dragging some poor ignorant girl into your weirdness.

>> No.11911799

When you cum, it makes them think that they gave you something, a favor. something that they can recall to get a favor from you in the future.
If you just make them orgasm, and don't do it yourself, it makes them feel like you owe them something. Given most of them feel that the only thing they can give to a man is sex, you trigger the same kind of feeling as a 'nice guy' does. Women assume that you want sexual satisfaction from them, and anything else makes them feel out of control, which in their mind is physically dangerous.

>> No.11911811

>you owe them something
was supposed to say
>they owe you something

>> No.11911851


>> No.11911852

You have a urinary tract infection

>> No.11911872
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>> No.11912018
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>When you cum, it makes them think that they gave you something, a favor. something that they can recall to get a favor from you in the future.
this is the correct answer. its all about incentives. intercourse is an economic feedback system. a small-world near-complete graph, not a mesh.

>> No.11912233

Not sure why, its just i feel drained and i feel weak after. And then i need a few days to recoup before i feel my best again. So im not willinng to forgo that and feel temporarily drained and weak. Like if i was trying to have a child ok. But if she just want me to nut for her pleasure then wtf...

>> No.11912270

I dont take any ssri, i drink maybe a few beers sometimes but have my limit of 4 or so and ill occasionally hit a blunt but nothing like a must or daily or weekly or anything. I workout daily i cook for myself. Im successful and study and do my thing. Mentally i think im ok and dont need drugs for chemical imbalances. But jizzing does create a chemical change in my brain and i feel it for days after.

>> No.11912298

I dont even need secual satisfaction from a girl, i would rather her be there emotionally and physically. I dont know go shopping for me, cook for me, clean for me, be there when i want company. And ill fck her all she wants. Hours at a time if she wants. But cumming i just dont want to unless she actsully trying to have a child. If not then sorry there is no real reason to demand it. Other then a fake feeling of value that just isnt true or me

>> No.11912302

we've cum full circle now. BSV written in the stars.

>> No.11912319

You OP have realised a seldom noticed truth. Look into semen retention in eastern mystery schools, particularly Daoism and Tantra. Preserve your vital life essence (jing) and become ubermensch.

>> No.11912320

They can shop for me (my money) they can cook for me they can clean for me they can be there for me emotionally. Theres way better incrntives for me then making me cum. Fuck i can fo that myself without needing anyone... why the fuck does she think shes needed to make me cum. Thats the least thing i would need a girl for.

>> No.11912329

Ubermentch is pretty crazy. Thanks for the sound advice anon.

>> No.11912374

A good author to start with is Mantak Chia, you can pirate a collection of his books in PDF form if you snoop around on piratebay. Enjoy!

>> No.11912385

How this stupidity is related with /biz/?

>> No.11912394

Its no worse than the constant pink wojak threads

>> No.11912405


If you never cum don't you have lots of wet dreams? Cause your balls need to empty if they get too backed up. Otherwise you might unironically have very low T and you should get that checked out asap

>> No.11912426

I know what you mean OP. Consider training kegels and learning how to full body orgasm with injaculation instead of ejaculation. Google tantric sex

google moving orgasimc energy up your spine into brain instead of out

consider putting handcuffs on bitches so they dont move when you fuck them like a sexual virtuoso

protip: swallow their vaginal juices and saliva for stealing their sexual energy and extending your lifespan

>> No.11912436
File: 180 KB, 1459x736, EB4A2173-D8DD-4729-8605-5E40BF8B5B42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want your energy

>> No.11912448

This anon gets it, just make sure they're clean otherwise you'll steal more than just sexual energy. Avoid the herp

>> No.11912466

As creepy as it sounds, mother instinct. It's a redpill. Your mommy wants you to cum buckets, only with that thought in mind she can sleep comfy.

>> No.11912473

ever since I discovered semen retention and went on a 50day celibate streak, I consider men who ejaculate to be absolutely subhuman

>> No.11912497

you got a succubus on your hands lad
draining your energy
better go to /x/ and ask some digital witchdoctor what do

>> No.11912511

How was this even allowed to be posted on Reddit?

>> No.11912517

OP you should tell her that you have a bondage kink and can only get off if she's tied up. Then you can fuck her and full body orgasm without actually cumming

>> No.11912564


Self-validation. Women don't care about men.

>> No.11912655

i workout, do deadlifts 1x a week and squat 3x a week. my test is strong. and i can tell female can feel it. ye every once in a while there is a wet dream.

>> No.11912703

I don't know the answer, but have also noticed this. I first realized it with my ex, she could almost never cum from intercourse(i'm probably bad in bed, not the point) and it was never a problem. But one time we were having sex, i dont exactly remember why but i wasn't feeling it so i just stopped without cumming. She asked me what's wrong and i said nothing its all good babe. She then went quiet and stared into the ceiling for a few moments, and then went fucking apeshit. Screaming at me, accusing me of cheating, asking if im still attracted to her etc.

Bitch you cum 1 in 20 times we have sex and it doesn't bother you, but the one time in a 1000 when i dont cum suddenly it is a problem?

Women are weird...

>> No.11912747

appreciate it anons. ps this op just different device. thanks for all the good words in here to everyone

>> No.11912808

She doesn't pass her genetics by cumming; she passes on her genetics by making you cum. See how that works out?

>> No.11912824

you're weird man

but for the sake of discussion, females likes to see us cum because it means they did a good job, they get you horny

as a man I do enjoy seeing my partner cum, as it means I'm doing agood job and not just emptying my ballsack

>> No.11912892

i hear you if she wanted me to cum inside when shes ovialting and trying to reproduce. but when she just literally wants me to cum and thats all.
like she would have better chances of passing on her genetics by cooking for me and being there for me in all other ways, i can find sex from anyone more or less. but companionship isnt easy to find from anyone. her chances are much better for cooking for me and making sure i ate. making sure i slept or trying to be part of my life and me being part of hers. then just trying to drain me of my cum. thats not going to get her to pass on her genetics, instead it would make her have a weak fool that can be taked advantage of and vulnerable all the time

>> No.11912923

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.11912956

women are conditioned to think of themselves as sexual objects and define their self worth by their SMV. you cumming is proof of their SMV and if you don't their self-worth comes into question.

it's ironic that what makes women value themselves as sex objects and not as mothers is sexual liberation and feminism.

>> No.11912964

also this.

this is more of a /pol/ or /bant/ question

>> No.11912983

its ironic that women complain that they are viewed as sex objects by the majority of males. when deep down they feel that their only worth is being a sex object. i feel that woman look at me like a sex object way more then i look at them as one. like half the time the only thing a girl wants from me is sex. like wtf? im a human being i have emotions and thoughts and a daily life, you can be part of it if you wanted. and all you want is sex? you can find that anywhere else just go to a bar im sure 100's of men would want to fuck you. and all you want from me is sex? i find it disgusting. and super ironic.

>> No.11913028

I would say this an r9k LARP

>> No.11913055

women are EXTREMELY influenced by media messaging. they watch things like "broad city" or "sex in the city" or whatever garbage that's on tv showing "empowered women" fucking like a gay man and they seem happy on the tv show, so they think that is replicable irl, then they go fucking nuts around 32 when the lie reveals itself.

>> No.11913058

>only thing a girl wants from me is sex

same. If you abstaain for about a month you'll realise every woman out there is desperate to suck your cock and steal your precious semen. Every other dude out there is jacking it daily and after a week, a month, you will give out an aura that will make women literally WET at the very sight of you.

Bro women are only good for filling them with cum and they know it, everyone knows it. They dont give a fuck about your emotions or your daily life. They care about good cum in their mouth and pussy and ass. If you have good genetics or good money=good cum. Women steal energy

>> No.11913076

This is the most homosexual shit I've ever read.

>> No.11913183

ur dads gay

>> No.11913281

Aside from your severe emotional issues, this is an easy one. Women are insecure, and their partner not cumming to them means you don't find them sexy or attractive.

I've had sex a couple of times in the past where I was just too tired to get there, but fucking for a while felt good, and once she got off, I just wanted to go to sleep - and it was major drama every time. "Don't you like me anymore? What's wrong? CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK".

But seriously, get some therapy. You have major issues. Feeling like shit after cumming...I'd bet $100 you were molested.

>> No.11913318

He feels like shit after cumming because he already came so much that he went overboard with it and destroyed himself. You dont understand because you're probably lost way less cum than OP who is a sex addict. Too much orgasm is bad for brain

>> No.11913358

Everybody feels like shit after an orgasm. If you don't, you are the oddity.

>> No.11913359

Okay, Dr. Neet.

>> No.11913370

LOL. Okay....I knew you faggots were weird, but damn, son.

Who was it? Your father? A creepy uncle? A neighbor? A priest? Who touched you.

>> No.11913444

After good sex I normally feel great.

I did feel bad after sex when I had just lost someone close to me. So I think you might have some issues to work through bud.

>> No.11913468

trust me i know this. i just wish i had a woman that actually cared about my well being like how im doing mentally emotionally how my day went, to help cook for me help shop for me, do my laundry clean. you know women shit... like wtf lol do i ask for something not normal? all i want is a woman to be a normal woman and play her part thats all. not be a skeez ball tryna suck my cum and drain me of my energy.

>> No.11913488

>girls rarely cum from intercourse
Anon... I don't know how to break it to you, but you're either really inexperienced or had in bed. Also you are a faggot for posting this on /biz/, go to /adv/ for sharing this blog post. Something something sage in all fields

>> No.11913490

nope, i just feel weak in general after cumming, and i noticed ppl try to take advantage of me and see that im vulnerable after for a few days. or even more so if i cum over and over. and if i dont cum i notice the opposite, ppl respect me, the attracted to me, they never try me or even think twice to take advantage. instead they want me to see them as part of my team. tho im sure everyone has issues im not denying emotional issues. never molested tho. pretty healthy upbringing.

>> No.11913514

It's because you're gay you fucking sperg. How is blowing your load on a girls face "wasting your seed" that's exactly what it is for. You are gay and retarded/autistic.

>> No.11913525

This, pretty much. Or he has a small dick.

But you gotta remember, most of the anons on this site have never even held a girl's hand. Most threads about sex are usually what they think sex is like.

>> No.11913536

Seek therapy. You have deep seated issues. Again, you probably were molested.

>> No.11913559

dont listen to any other fags here, you're right, you had a spiritual awakening thats all. THey will continue to cum into tissues until one day they will understand whats up

Read about tantric sex, mantak chia book-cultivating male sexual energy, taoist secrets of love

>> No.11913598

i am a 28 year old kissless virgin. been a neet for 7 years, invested what i had in btc when it was about 9k. drinking right now, not the first time.

just end me please

>> No.11913633

stop trying to convince people on the internet and maybe explain this to girls who think you're a weirdo... we don't care.

You're fucked, deal with it faggit..
Also try to cum twice a day and you'll notice the negative impact goes away.. for me it has a positive impact, it's like a load off the shoulders

>> No.11913647

trust me i can weed out well what is useful and not. i dont pay mind to someone that cannot see what i see. i only am interested in the ones that understand me and can give me actual advice that they relate to and i relate to. thanks i will def check those out i alrdy dl'd and i love to read.

ps im not a virgin, not gay, not a cuck, not molested. im self made millionare from crypto.; i work out daily my test is strong. when i go to therapists i feel they get way more from the session then i do. and most they tell me i dont need it. ive had therapy before. always ends in them feeling i dont really need it.

im glad that im not the only one that sees that its retarted for a female to think her only value is making me cum.

all i was asking was why would they see that making me cum is their end goal. its truly not, but i now see where everyone is coming from and i can understand why they would be biologically inclined or even from society to feel their value is from making me cum.

i dont have a dependence on cumming, and for sure dont have a dependence on a female making me cum. now if she helped me in my life then i can have an interdependence and she can actaully be valuable. but if all she wants is sex and 10x a day and cares about me finishing over and over. its not cool, not for me, go find anyone else im sure anyone will be down for that.

>> No.11913650

pirating is bad karma. it's not worth it, anon

>> No.11913663

>this entire thread

>> No.11913682

whats your opinion on chainlink?

>> No.11913702

lol this invalidates your previous posts, as it reveals you're a fucking retard... haha
abstinence is not a superpower you fucking cucks

>> No.11913715

how does it invalidate my previous posts?

>> No.11913738

op never claimed to be a sex addict - you fucking projected that out of thin air.. most of your posts here are retarded.

then you fucking ask about chainlink.. like holy fuck i swear you're trolling

>> No.11913756

information should be free. same idea of having a ledger of the bitcoin blockchain. what if it was illegal to own the blockchain copy? btc proves that information should be freely available to anyone that seeks it. i can just as easily go to a library and read, im not selling the book. instead if i like it i would promote it.|

honestly i think chainlink has a potential to revolutionize crypto, if they actually deliver on a decentralized oracle system that everyone adapts to and uses, then yes it can be amazing. but chances of them delivering a fool proof system with no errors no bugs, and fully decentralized is difficult. since ethereum itself is centralized, and miners control blocks. as was proven in fomo3d from the just developers. you can easily see the block manipulation is real, and buying out the block space to not let others enter, and or using higher fees for your tx to get in aside from others. it makes creating a oracle system very very tricky, especially to create it as a smart contract on ethereum.
but the idea of a decentralized oracle system is a great idea. though its just an idea. id love to see them succeed. though i would be pretty surprised if it did.
also i saw the potential in btc early, and i saw it can possibly be worth alot if it works. same with ethereum i saw it early, same idea here with chainlink i see there is a huge potential if they do it correctly. its the actual execution of building a fool proof oracle system that isnt easy feat to accomplish, thats why im pretty hesitant on them delivering. especially on ethereum.

>> No.11913761

he didnt need to say hes a sex addict, I just deduced that shit because he realised ejaculating fucks his shit up, thats similar to how a weed addict finally drops weed when he realises he smoked himself retarded

>> No.11913802
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>that face when OP cums on accident