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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11900255 No.11900255 [Reply] [Original]

When will there approximately be a reccesion and what will be the major cause?

>> No.11900302

Right now and Donald Trump

>> No.11900383

Based and sorospilled

>> No.11900403


>> No.11900413

Fuck off Leftypol

>> No.11900438

Unironically this.

It's not that trump caused it. It's that we're already too far into the recovery that the easy money has been made and boomers are cashing out. The ponzi ended in 2018. Only pain for the next 2 years

>> No.11900442
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>> No.11900445
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Market resets itself around every 20 years or so. So watch out around 2028 with maybe a 5 year deviation

>> No.11900463


Everyone has been euphoric for the past year so it’s a good indication we’re at the top

>> No.11900470

Your first name must be Bernie if you can't tell the economy is doing well.

>> No.11900518
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Yah man it's going great

>> No.11900542

If you unironically believe the economy by and large isn't doing fantastic right now, then what the fuck are you even doing on /biz/?

>> No.11900563


Why in the hell does he have to think the economy is doing well to 'belong' on /biz/? There is a serious jump in logic going on

>> No.11900609

/biz/ is supposed to be about business and finance yeah? If you think the economy is going badly then you clearly haven't been paying attention and have no place telling people how to invest.
Though, this is the same board that thought meme money was a good investment, so I don't know what world you people are living in.

>> No.11900633

I guess if the state of something you like talking about is bad, you don't talk about it?

>> No.11900672

>Though, this is the same board that thought meme money was a good investment

I doubled my savings so that worked out pretty well for me

>> No.11900713

sage and hide all leftypol threads

>> No.11900720

bobo has been the meme of the year.
you don't have to be an optimist to be here.

and to your other inane points, the stock market has had two corrections in the last year.
The last one was on Friday.
Donnie is running the government into outrageous deficit and still planning on making some tax cuts.
The trade war tariffs are taking hold as this seasons harvest of crops are underselling and literally rotting.
The fiasco startup investment shadow banking scheme of the tech industry is starting to experience some margin calls.

So yes, again, you are the increasingly nervous man claiming the US has a healthy economy.

>> No.11900773

student loans bubble bursting. Approx 2024. Its the perfect set up. Student loans bubble burst, sheeple start saying “students baaaad, higher education loans irresponsible” along with stricter repayment requirements etc means less people will enter higher education, less people enter higher education more people adopt blue collar labour which is exactly what ((they)) want as ((they)) are attempting to shift from a service based economy back to a manufacturing based econ.

>> No.11900915

The people claiming the economy is bad are degenerate gamblers who are drunk off hopium, who think that everyone will run to crypto in a recession, they run their tiny dicks over the idea of a recession, because they don't understand...well, any of it.

There WILL be another recession. When and why? Who knows, even the experts don't know, they're almost impossible to predict. But right now, the economy is in better shape than it has been in years - and a lot of Trump's doing, from things like correction the tariff situation, and getting the trade imbalance dealt with.

Anyone here who spergs "OMG RESESSION USD CRASH JOOS GOYS FUKED" is just a desperate no-lambo who thinks a failing economy will prop up their money for nothing daydreams.

>> No.11900932

>When will there approximately be a reccesion

Any time in the future. Recessions happen. Another one will. Even the experts don't know when, you'll know when it's happening. You'd need a crystal ball to predict the factors that cause one.

>and what will be the major cause?

A slowdown of the economy, overall. That's the definition of a recession.

>> No.11900948

>The people claiming the economy is bad are degenerate gamblers who are drunk off hopium, who think that everyone will run to crypto in a recession

What? I think the economy is at the turning point for some real shit, but I have no illusions that that's a good thing for crypto. People would pull their crypto 'investments' to actually pay for shit when their other investments go down the shitter

>> No.11900956

Buying LINK doesn't mean the economy is doing well

>> No.11900982

There was no recovery you idiot. We had 0% interest rates criminally suppressed for a decade.

All they did was re-inflate the bubble after bush/Greenspan and this time it's going to be a currency collapse.

If you don't have at least just a few ounces of gold and couple hundred ounces of silver you'll be fucked

>> No.11900996

Economy is only doing fantastic when prices are falling. Why do you think your in crypto? Because Jews at the fed are stealing all our wealth and purchasing power through inflation.

Rising prices = bad economy no matter how bad you've been brainwashed.

>> No.11901011


>thinking this board is any better after becoming 4channel

>> No.11901022

You are right in your first half but your an idiot towards the end.

Literally nobody owns crypto. You could walk up to 1,000 random people throughout the country and you'd be lucky to find 1 person with more than 1 btc in crypto.

Yes technically it won't be good but so few people are in crypto them pulling out to buy shouldn't mean it's really a bad thing for crypto because so few people are in crypto to begin with.

>> No.11901023

The student loan bubble popping will have more benefit to society, because it will mean less debt for current and future generations, and the only sector of the economy that will hurt are colleges.

The current loans aren't going anywhere - they're federally backed, and you can't discharge them in BK. If and unless Congress moves to wipe out the current debt load - which they're in no rush to do (but certain politicians will pimp the idea during campaigns) - there will be no recession caused by a drop in student loans. If anything, it will help prevent one, because of all of that money entering the economy, and not sitting in the college's bank accounts.

Oil is more of a factor than student loans, right now. Oil prices are sliding down - good for our gas tanks, but bad for anyone trading it. Oil is a way bigger part of the overall economy, and will have a significant effect overall.

But they're low, which is good for us, in the short term. The liberals are crying about it, though. As always. So watch for a high ranking dem to do something to piss off OPEC.

>> No.11901038

Good example of someone drunk on hopium, right here.

>> No.11901054

I work for a major firm and read the daily analyst reports. They believe growth will slow over 2019 but the real recession is still a couple of years away

>> No.11901063

I don't understand why people talk about a "student loan" bubble. There is no "student loan" bubble, as the vast majority of student loans are backed by the federal government and this type of debt cannot be ridden off through bankruptcy. However, there certainly can be a "higher education" bubble completely dependent on millions of students getting loans to go to their expensive colleges.

>> No.11901095

"The economy is booming"

>job growth worse than Obama's last years
>inflation higher than GDP growth
>multi-trillion dollar tax giveaway to global corporations only results in small stock market pump followed by 10% correction
>dollar only holding value by sheer luck due to collapse of various other currencies

>> No.11901218

The fuck you talking about lol. Half this board is idiots bitching about their assets getting rekt, crypto and otherwise.

The economy is headed for a recession, and it is in part due to Trump's asinine policies that even adam oldass smith would disagree with. Pick a quote from any fund manager you choose who agrees.

Talking about business and finance is to talk about these things you fucking retard

>> No.11901264

Drunk on what hopium? I just stated facts

>> No.11901270

They're clueless, that's why. They need scapegoats and fairy tales to keep their hopium flowing for their lambo dreams. If it's not student loans, it's the hilariously idiotic "USD crash". And the even more hilarious idea that if the USD did crash, which would destroy the economies across the globe, that for ...reasons, people would flock to crypto.

I don't come here for real talk on the economy, those places exist elsewhere. I just come her to laugh at all the angry little manlets who think they're big swinging dick investors who have their thumbs on the pulse of the economy. It's fucking funny. Or, they're mealymouthed pajeets who want the US to fail, because their entire country is one big crab bucket of failure, and they can't handle their 3rd world reality.

>> No.11901275
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>The recession will come because of a presidents policies and not the fed

>> No.11901799
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> a normal inflation rate causes recession
> tariffs don't cause recession