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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11897882 No.11897882 [Reply] [Original]

So what will be the market sentiment when all the XRP fanatics realize that ripple doesn't have anything to do with the token LOL. All these "deals" don't even need your the shitcoins to replace swift. LOL the market sentiment is going to be absolute suicide.

>> No.11897908

LOL kill yourself

>> No.11897923 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 550x377, 20180711-cdd-chart01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in whiles its still cheap

>> No.11897938
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goddammit wrong pic

>> No.11897953

>muhhh my shitcoins are useless let me bash on the only coin with utility
>has no idea what xrp is and how its utilized

classic /biz/ faggot, its right in front of you and you cant even see it

>> No.11897957
File: 74 KB, 763x757, 1474232952265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold ETF to take normie physical gold
>internet money to take normie cash

>> No.11897963

What say you to anons who suggest XRP will be supplanted by XLM?

>> No.11897981

no utility. Not even used for transferring money accross boarders by banks LOL.

>b-b-but its really fast payment
yeah until financial institutions and ripple are done beta testing with your cute tokens

>> No.11897997

Couldn't this be said about all coins? It's the companies who invest and buy blockchain you want to invest in

>> No.11898023

good one

Yeah all crypto is for is to beta test technology. Financial world doesn't need any of them. XRP just has the strongest believers and it's going to create massive FUD when buyers wake up and smell the garbage.

>> No.11898024

literally ever pajeet taxi driver owns some XRP in hope its the next bitcoin.

>> No.11898108

Literally ever other pajeet with a small business owns at least 2 million XRP hoping it will make them rich.

This shit is going nowhere.

>> No.11898194

Like Biz is ever right...

>> No.11898218

This bullshiter wants you to buy XRP don't listen to him. Literally the biggest scam in Crypto

>> No.11898229

This bullshitter wants the price to stay down so he can accumulate more.

>> No.11898258

The FUD on this board is always the same
>banksters coin
>token has no use
>freeze your wallet
>kikes niggers

>> No.11898269

dude ripple doesn't own the XRP project. They are separate entities. Ripple has no stake in XRP and neither do banks.

>> No.11898276

2 million XRP and you are rich you fucking retard

>> No.11898282

>he thinks this is a bad thing

>> No.11898511
File: 194 KB, 1021x1200, DooMtujV4AA0pPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, i thought everyone knew this. XRP is still utilized in their software(Xrapid which requires XRP)

>> No.11898590

No dude, XRP is not going to be used. It's a scam. Not even joking. It doesn't matter that there is xcurrent.

>> No.11898683

This is the most retarded post on this board. Congrats, OP
Hate ripple/xrp but still claiming the Token is not used is just plain full retard stupid.
Oh boy

>> No.11898703

prove to me that the tech needs XRP to replace swift. You can't.

>> No.11898714

I get the strange feeling you know nothing about Ripple/XRP tech.

>> No.11898737

I get the strange feeling neither do you. You fell for the shills.

>> No.11898746

No, i think you fell for the FUD

>> No.11898758

I sold at 70 cents LOL

>> No.11898765

Have you seen xrp holders? They're literally all braindead NPC normies who don't understand anything about tech or finance. Whoever is doing their marketing must be a genius.

>> No.11898836
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>......Loading NPC argument 371.....

>> No.11899002
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Cant wait for the new retard wave coming in 2019...
What its going to be?

XRP is so fast it gets lost in a transaction therefore banks wont use it?

>> No.11899053

congrats? i sold at $2.50 and re bought at .29cents. I don't see what this has to do with the tech.

>> No.11899129

it doesn't have anything to do with tech because XRP will never be used by the implementation of said tech.

>> No.11899186

>What say you to anons who suggest XRP will be supplanted by XLM?
how's that working out NIGGERS

>> No.11899215

>prove to me that the tech needs XRP to replace swift. You can't.
Prove to me the internet needs fiber to replace dial up. Protip: you can't.

But of course everyone will use fiber because its faster and cheaper.

There's this thing called rational self interest maybe you've heard that other people, not just you, possess this.

>> No.11899227


>> No.11899232


>> No.11899239

Cant even spell borders, expects to be taken seriously

>> No.11899713

Your answer is irrelevant because the fiber is ripple, not XRP in your example.

>> No.11899768

Ripple's xcurrent still requires prefunded Nostro/vostro accounts. Xrapid does not and is even faster than xcurrent.

>> No.11899829
File: 39 KB, 479x359, 1543102625689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought at $0.35 last year
>sold at $1.00, made decent money
>bought at $0.33 again this morning
>plan to dump again once it hits $1.00
There is literally nothing wrong with this.