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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 343 KB, 1068x1388, 1543157949718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11894960 No.11894960 [Reply] [Original]

Can you believe this all started because crypto is crashing and biz is lashing out at everyone they can

>> No.11895011

It didn't. /pol/ did it to troll (and a few of the retards there who are serious actually believe they're stopping the 'degeneracy' of society) and tried to co-opt /biz/ into it because they know people are desperate for any money back and are completely on board with lashing out at anyone with more than them

>> No.11895038

based incels

>> No.11895046

Topkek. Very plausible explanation.

>> No.11895054

Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society

>> No.11895073

so being a virgin automatically makes you right wing?

>> No.11895084

Too bad bb, pay your taxes

>> No.11895095

How is this actually gaining traction in the media, I thought this was just a fucking joke.

>> No.11895102

>I thought this was just a fucking joke
>He thinks there aren't people here with autism strong enough that they would take this completely seriously and make it their mission

>> No.11895112

You retards are so entertaining I dont even care about crypto dumping anymore

>> No.11895121

IRS will pay 30% to the reporter

>> No.11895142

How do we profit from this?

>> No.11895156

>30% to reporter
does that work internationally?
imagine indians switching to watchdogs instead of hotline worker

>> No.11895162

>IRS will pay 30% to the reporter
Only if the amount of taxes they're dodging is greater than $100k and they make over $200k, so you're pretty much doing the IRS' job for free

>> No.11895171

>be IRS
>profit off THOTS

>> No.11895174

This is the start of legalized prostitution in america.

>> No.11895180

Fucking based. Thots patrolled

>> No.11895188

>girls shouldnt have to pay taxes, men pay taxes, you are an autist

>> No.11895196
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Good news. I can't wait for them to get rammed by the tax man.

>> No.11895200

Delete this now before the irs gets ideas

>> No.11895207

>send bobs and vageens or I repot u IRS

IF anything this is the bubble popping for thottery markets because the pajeets are usually the ones funding.

>> No.11895213

I’m anticipating a whole new genre of porn to spring from this.

>> No.11895216

you can get reward from IRD for reporting thot for tax fraud.

>> No.11895220
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okey now you did give me idea for private company thanks anon

>> No.11895222

>right-wing trolls

Only in Shitstralia. Can't wait to get out of this hell hole.

>> No.11895225

Anon, nobody actually believes you're making a legitimate argument here, so what are you even trying to achieve outside of (you)s? Plus you fucking retards are doing the IRS' work for your, and even if you get a payout chances are the IRS is gonna look into your own taxes since they know they gave you something that's taxable, and I know none of us are paying taxes on crypto gains, me included

>> No.11895229

did anyone get any money from this yet?

>> No.11895239

You won't get any money unless those girls are somehow dodging over $100k in taxes

>> No.11895248

pay your taxes next time beef curtain

>> No.11895253


Retro-rival 80s The tax man/plumber/handyman comes by to personally handle an issue? They could work in all the 80s revival synthwave music into it.

Powerglove, a roided dude in a rented suit, a smoke machine to conceal all the recording equipment in the back, and a fake ass camwhore.

>> No.11895255

Are you paying crypto taxes? I sure as fuck am not

>> No.11895265
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top fucking kek


>> No.11895267

Sounds like they are admitting that thots really are just prostitute whores.

>> No.11895270


>> No.11895271

don't have to pay taxes when everything is losses. at least in my case i'm safe.

>> No.11895273

also lol at the notion that literal whores being more than the average anon who you dont even fucking know

>> No.11895275

We've always been the taxpayers, we have nothing to fear from the IRS. The rest of you are being dragged down to our Provider level and the thots are SEETHING about it. Welcome to Hell.

>> No.11895282

Since when are some lulzy raids "right-wing trolls"?

>> No.11895283

>seriously leave girls alone!!

also 6 posts ITT

we found the autist

>> No.11895293

No, but this is a surefire sign of a NPC. When they see someone they don't like or doing something they don't like, they automatically characterize it as being opposite-wing of themselves.

This is what a disintegrating society looks like. It just means 'bad person from other tribe'.

>> No.11895297
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based dubs checked

>> No.11895300
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top fucking kek

>> No.11895313

>>seriously leave girls alone!!
More like
>Stop fucking doing the government's job for free
/biz/ unironically helping the IRS for free, now I've seen everything

>> No.11895317

If the IRS is fucking our buttcorns over e-thots whoring it out on the internet should also get a good ramming by the tax man. Equal rights equal responsibilities.

>> No.11895336

Someone's nervous as fuck here. How much do you owe stacy? Have an attorney clients? Better hit them up asap.

>> No.11895361

Clearly you haven't been to Australia before.

pro-tip: don't ever come here.

>> No.11895362

>Being a woman
I'm a dude and enjoy not bleeding out of my genitals monthly

>> No.11895367


is this the guy who started it?

>> No.11895372

white knights don't count as being a man.

>> No.11895378

pay your taxes you cheap 1 dollar whore

>> No.11895387

But how would I even fuck (or imagine I could fuck if I'm white knighting hard) these women I'm not talking to and don't even know who they are? That doesn't logically follow anon

>> No.11895398

>get 30% of the tax money owed by every thot you turn in
pic one faggot

>> No.11895414

I'm pretty sure most of these thots aren't dodging over $100k in taxes

>> No.11895417

November 6th 2016.

>> No.11895440

you probably do bleed from atleast one orifice from the excessively taking it in the ass gaylord

>> No.11895446

I can't feel bad for them, because they are very likely the same type who blindly vote and support people and policies that increase taxes in the name of "the greater good"

>> No.11895452

you're either a sex worker that owes money, a white knight, or a complete financial dumbass that wants to pay extra taxes to to support sex workers who are getting paid cash and not paying their fiar share of taxes. Not to mention these same girls are collecting government benefits. food stamps etc. the fuck is wrong with you? Maybe you've never had a job in your life and paid taxes to see how much we are getting fucked over supporting these programs for lazy scum in this country.

>> No.11895455

>taking it in the ass gaylord
But if I were gay why would I give a shit about what happens to a bunch of women? You gotta think this shit through a bit better man

>> No.11895498

Supporting taxes for "greater good" is actually a statist right wing thing

>> No.11895508

gay sex workers targeted exact same as women. I'm not saying theres anything wrong with the occupation. They should pay taxes though. If you're an IT consultant and you get hired for you services you pay taxes on your earnings. these women are providing a service in the same manner and it should not be tax exempt.

>> No.11895548

>“With all these men harassing us, stalking us, snitching to our families, and reporting us to the cops and the IRS, I’m wondering when sex workers are going to snap and take these f****** out when we finally have nothing more to lose.”

lol, whores exist only to get fucked, what is this shit? They'll take it like they take everything; on their knees or bent over.

>> No.11895578

When did I ever bring up right or left wing?

>> No.11895714

Lmao you want to be seen as a legitimate business and then cry when u realize u should have been filling out a 1099 lmfao.

>> No.11895765

Honestly this is great. Sex workers should still be paying taxes like the rest of the world. Noone on biz or pol or anywhere will be collecting 30% or whatever else they thought they would get because there are too many requirements to meet before payment is valid. People on biz and pol hate taxes and the irs yet they are forcibly making others pay their taxes. Its gold.

>> No.11895796

Exactly. Only under 1% of them even make that much.

>> No.11895825

15-30% only if you report it un anonymously. The person you report must owe at least 2million in taxes and make over 200k income per year.

>> No.11895827

Divide and conquer. This will make women vote for lower taxes, which makes them face every leftwing smear campaign that comes with trying to do that.

>> No.11895856

word, not to mention you gotta pay tax on that too kek

>> No.11895886

>Pay taxes
>Roastie refuses to pay hers but votes herself more of my money
>Report them
Guilty pay the price + tax.

>> No.11895891

Good. These thots have everything too easy. Time to fucking pay bitches.

>> No.11895902

this was my initial thought too lol

>> No.11895916
File: 242 KB, 1000x1000, the best pads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hell you talking about.
/biz/ has advised people from the start to get themselves kneepads and aim for the stars.
fake news.

>> No.11895930

>breaking the law
>lets call them right wing trolls for sympathy for "sex workers"

Can't make this stuff up

>> No.11895963

It is just priming. Right wing means bad so if someone is right wing and doing something that is bad too. Right wing trolls are double bad.

>> No.11895986

i dont really care if i have to pay tax on money im getting for free already

>> No.11896008
File: 28 KB, 801x534, Laughing-Meme-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if i don't get paid, i'm doing this for fun and the chance to see some of my favorite camwhores get fucked in the ass by Uncle Sam

>> No.11896049

How many cam thots do you know that owe over 2 million to the tax man? Im gonna guess none.

>> No.11896258

your mom is one for starts

>> No.11896319

Where are you getting 2 million from, thought it was 200,000?

>> No.11896383

>How many cam thots do you know that owe over 2 million to the tax man? Im gonna guess none.

It's nowhere near $2m you illiterate peasant.

>The IRS also has an award program for other whistleblowers - generally those who do not meet the dollar thresholds of $2 million in dispute or cases involving individual taxpayers with gross income of less that $200,000. The awards through this program are less, with a maximum award of 15 percent up to $10 million. In addition, the awards are discretionary and the informant cannot dispute the outcome of the claim in Tax Court. The rules for these cases are found at Internal Revenue Code IRC Section 7623(a) - Informant Claims Program, and some of the rules are different from those that apply to cases involving more than $2 million.

Autists are doing it to patrol and audit thots living off welfare and selling nudes tax free.

>> No.11896410
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Reminder: None of this will change your status as a racist, Trumptard teabagger, untouchably ugly white incel who breaks into a cold sweat of social anxiety any time a normal woman looks at you.

You are fucked up. Soulless. Mentally deranged. And then you have the NERVE to tell polite society that somehow women and battered refugees are what's wrong with the world.

Report away. Judgment is coming in this life and the next for all skinhead fucks.

>> No.11896454

>T. cuckold human footstool

>> No.11896484

yes, and...?

>> No.11896509

what have you done BIZ HAHAHA

>> No.11896519
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>> No.11896525

This has to be a joke

>> No.11896538

(((they))) already made an article about this? I was in the original thread that was on /pol/. I already got 5k from successful reports on several e-hookers. I just threw it all into XMR, was surprised when i got a check from thd IRS. Later faggots, buy the dip

>> No.11896549


>> No.11896557

the one we pay taxes to will make sure we live in an uncivilized society if we dont pay as they so well demonstrate abroad. decivilizatoin by orbital bombardment

>> No.11896565
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>The lack of self-reflection in this post

>> No.11896660

i can unilaterally say without a doubt that people of the mindset of that joke poster do indeed exist and are extraordinarily low IQ kike pawns. Predominantly 99% are categorized as actual cuck orbiters who believe white knighting = getting laid, the others are the outlandishly undersirable females who secretly want to sleep with a master race white man, shitskins, and kikes. All of whom are the conglomerate of dipshits actually believing it

>> No.11896666

Fuck roasties

>> No.11896701
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Not mad at all

>> No.11896708


>You won't get any money unless those girls are somehow dodging over $100k in taxes

You obviously don't know how much money men dump on those whores.

>> No.11896727

low energy

>> No.11896808

Reddits here alllready. Fucking newchannel

>> No.11896892
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>> No.11896998
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>FYI thots, you don't have to fuck me
>but I'm fuckin' you one way or another
>get wet

>> No.11897094

You still get a (lesser) reward if it doesn't meet those requirements

>> No.11897131


>> No.11897136

>biz incels got angry because they can no longer afford brappers with their imaginary money

>> No.11897188

if paying taxes is a right wing mentality then id rather live under 3rd reich than whatever you faggot liberal anarchists have in mind.

>> No.11897230
File: 954 KB, 1242x1515, 8171BC60-7137-45C0-BD50-00A40EE67C42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's absolutely beautiful how butt hurt the beta male white Knights are on top of destroying thots. I love Pol so fucking much.

>> No.11897240


>> No.11897268

so why not report everyone that tax evades instead of just prostitutes? you know, like 95% of people that have crypto?

>> No.11897310

>Furthermore, the CRA does not give monetary rewards for information about suspected tax cheating under this program. When you submit a lead, you are supporting your community and the programs and services we all rely on to improve quality of life in Canada.


>> No.11897379

Are these actual whores being "patrolled" or are they just camwhores who only take off their clothes for money? If it's the latter I have no real problem with this.

>> No.11897394
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>Autists are doing it to patrol and audit thots living off welfare and selling nudes tax free.

Fucking this.

>Thots need the government subsidies for rent, food
>Thots need cheap/free birth control for their thottery
>Due to terrible life choices they invariably want free/subsidies for healthcare
>They are infantile and are trading pornographic photographs/videos for money, which means they'll end up with zero skills, zero experience, besides being thots and will want continuous bailing out by the government, forever.
>They don't declare their pornography as income so they can continue to evade taxes and not trigger thresholds to have their gibs taken away by the government.

Thots are parasites twice over. Taking money from beta cucks in the form of nudes/porn, taking money from wagie taxpayers in the form of welfare.

And the funniest part is they're pissed at the thought of being patrolled.

At least with a Felony tax evasion conviction they won't be able to vote in most states. 19th Amendment was a mistake.

>> No.11897425

thats cool but noone gives a shit.

>> No.11897484

Please Sauce.

>> No.11897515

There's no 'statist right wing' if you're a statist you're a commie in denial

>> No.11898237

who else here laughing way too much at this

>> No.11898330


Remember your roads and schools goyim.

>> No.11898428
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>right-wing trolls
>reporting people to tax daddy

>> No.11898434
File: 88 KB, 935x1083, 9F403A25-AFEC-418B-95E4-0E604F55BDBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing makes me happier than roast beef whores getting BTFO’d.

>> No.11898473

It's not hard to get laid if you're liberal. Just become gay.

>> No.11898514
File: 71 KB, 848x960, Thots patrolled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11898932


From a serious point of view, I pay an ass load in taxes and I know most of it is squandered. I know these cunts are probably making a ton of money so they can pay too. Now they can hate the government like the rest of us and at least vote accordingly.

If nothing else, it is pretty fucking funny.

>> No.11898996

And this ladies and gentlemen is why every hoe needs a pimp

>> No.11899090

>cucks complaining because making these thots pay up is "helping the government", as if these whores deserve a free ride while honest people are forced to pay taxes
maybe when these roasties get their gibs cut and start paying taxes like the rest of us things will change. fuck tax-evading whores and ecelebs, maybe if they did real work I'd have some sympathy

>> No.11899096

unbelievably based

>> No.11899225

Speak for yourself, goy