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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 246x410, 978-1-4692-1895-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1186029 No.1186029 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone summarize this book?

>> No.1186034

sorry, i am c student with poor writing & reading skills and thus cannot.

>> No.1186036

Probably the economic law that smart lazy people are more successful than smart hard working people.

IE, I'm smart but lazy, so one day, while sitting on my ass I decide to start a business and hire smart hard workers to do all the leg work while I collect the income.

>> No.1186040
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This fully.

>> No.1186043

Technical people work hard and get As based on that work. They never move into managerial roles because they're good at what they do.

C people have to be diplomats and bullshitters, so they never get good at anything and are promoted out of the way of people trying to get shit done.

Note that managers don't always make more than technical experts (oil exploration especially)

B people are content to work but also want a social life. They are smart and get a government job because strict 9-5 is healthy, and you'll never be expected to excel at your job

>> No.1186117

Then how come 4chan'ers aren't ruling the world right now?

>> No.1186122

Because we're aged 19-25 on average. Won't be surprised in 20-30 years some of the most successful businessmen and politicians were 4channers in their youth

>> No.1186165

we will ;)

>> No.1186171

"buy my shitty book because you're average and this title appeals to morons"

>> No.1186177
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It's a lie mediocre people want to hear, so the idea sells.

>> No.1186199

I'm an F student. F is for Forex trader

>> No.1186201
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We actually are

>> No.1186210

teared up a little

If I recall its been a while, Bobbo makes a couple fair points in this book. He draws from the cashflow quadrant to for goal setting.
Set your priorities correctly.
The path to business ownership is frankly only a few hundred dollars in most states. Grades have nothing to do w/ that. So do just enough to get by and Focus on what's really important.
Schooling teaches Employment and self employment skills not Biz and not Investment

You can buy the A students work most of the time and its a fucking steal.
Lawyer, Doctor, Accountant, & Engineer, Together will often do the work you need for under 10k out of pocket.

You don't need a 4.0 gpa to solve most of life's problems and peoples pain points.
Most things in life require a simple answer.

The temperment required to run a business and move forward despite unknowns is often a characteristic of the c student.
While the A student us fussing about the C student is often trying things out, and getting lucky some of the time.

The useless C student is accustomed to weakness in certain areas and will ask for help willingly
while the A student will try to go it alone and fail. In business the scale of inputs is staggering and you will need others to help.

> The Clover Consortium hasn't moved into vaunted halls of power already. Moot himself is positioned in google.

>> No.1186220


>> No.1186226

Lmao how fitting.

>> No.1186229

>The useless C student is accustomed to weakness in certain areas and will ask for help willingly
>while the A student will try to go it alone and fail. In business the scale of inputs is staggering and you will need others to help.

Wish I would have learned this earliier in life. So much easier to play dumb and have smart people work for you then it is to fill every gap to keep playing smart.

>> No.1186264
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I think this shit is a bull shit lie, being a "smart" C student can get you a business, but if you want to enter the apex of corporate america you're gonna have to be an A student with the social thinking of a C student.

>> No.1186268

This guy is a hack anyways. Who cares.

>le epic C student from Public university
Even those "dropouts" like Zuckerburg and Gates still went to Harvard.

>> No.1186291

I don't know. I got D's and F's and almost failed highschool. I passed by sneaking into a couple of my teacher's classes and changing the gradebooks. I am not really lazy but I hate doing shit just for the sake of doing it, which is why I rarely ever did homework. I always learned how to get ahead by skirting or bending the rules, and I rarely ever play someone elses game unless I can cheat at it.

To me, "C students" are still slaves to the system because they still have to do the minimum requirements in order to pass. I don't pity them as much as "A students" but I loathe them all the same. Collegefags are indoctrinated robots taught that there are absolutes outside of math and physics. Anything worth learning can be self-taught by picking up some books or researching on your own time. Why box yourself into a corner and let a degree dictate who you are and what you can achieve? What even happened to creativity and original ideas? If you are taught how to think and how to fit in to the world around you then how will you ever percieve things differently? I say don't become pliable to the world. Let it become pliable to you.

>> No.1186307

sure: "buy my books and come to my seminars you fucking cuck lemmings"

>> No.1186310
File: 105 KB, 318x468, 8608719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet the lot of you faggots have never even read pic related.

>> No.1186313

I read this exact book literally a week ago in about 4 hours. It was a waste of time and his books are already summarized in the thread.

>> No.1186318

How old are you - What's your job, what do you do in your free time, and what are your goals in life?

>> No.1186370
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Is this shizzle worth reading?
Do i buy it or pirate it then?
Inb4 b&

>> No.1186373

I love government work. The people are actually not bad for the most part and the work is rewarding depending on what you pick. The security and pay is nice and I never feel worried about making risky investments.

>> No.1186382

pirate first read
if worth a second read buy a copy with gains earned from application of principles.

>> No.1186385

Book is more stupid shit, but he does have a point, like any half assed self help book

Most of the administrators at the hospital and drug reps make more than the actual doctors.

The people that sale the product, whether it be medicine or goods, make more than the people who design and manufacture said goods

Dumbass books spins it in a way that grades are irrelevant and the C students are better

>> No.1186390

>Even those "dropouts" like Zuckerburg and Gates still went to Harvard.
Since they are among the top-end of dropouts, it's expected they went to an ivy. Dropouts who went to a shit college probably wind up with less massive/successful businesses but they also don't stand out as much so they're harder to point to.

>> No.1186396


Those people dropped out because they already have a ground breaking idea and college served them no purpose

>> No.1186415

Indeed, I was just pointing out there are probably many people who in college had a business idea and did that instead of finishing their degree, you just wouldn't hear of them because they didn't go and start the biggest companies in the world. I'd respect these people just as much as gates, jobs and the google/zuckerjews.

>> No.1186429

>smart but lazy
>g-guys I'm a genius I'm just lazy!


>> No.1186437


I get that, but the total number of people who succeed like that is not going to be impressive

This whole book is essentially based on telling everyone that you can be the survivorship bias guy

>> No.1186451

That's just pure conjecture bruh ;)

>> No.1186663
File: 362 KB, 600x840, 30 years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just you fucking wait

>> No.1187578

I honestly believe this to be true. We definitely have the most intellectually stimulating conversations on the web.

>> No.1187628

"Attend my seminar"

>> No.1187651

>meme magic is real
>it gets stronger each time another anon achieves wizard status

>> No.1188078

"I don't go to college and everyone who does is a moron"

>> No.1188079

It's true. all businessmen are greedy and lazy, and the really smart people like scientists make good money but never as much as a businessman or CEO. So someone with a degree in nuclear physics might make $400k a year, and then some middle-class asshole might start a business and make $500k a year.

>> No.1188087


>> No.1188091
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>We definitely have the most intellectually stimulating conversations on the web.

>> No.1188101

Yes because comparing the femininity of penises is intellectual.

>> No.1188103
File: 10 KB, 319x158, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is everyone on 4chan so fucking delusional, even the business board is filled with retards

>> No.1188105

>A student
Oh boy I graduated from a good university, have a shitton of debt, and these people want to hire me with a high salary, awesome!
>Works for someone else for a lot of money

>C Students
Oh fuck I can't get into a prestigious university, and literally no one will hire me.
Guess I'll have to make it on my own then.
>Do their own thing
>Own thing can grow into business
>Owning own business includes hiring people
>You probably hire A-level students
The circle of capitaliiiiiiism.

>> No.1188110

Thats if you can even get successful before an A student decides to hire you as a janitor. It may be possible anon, but look at the odds! I mean, I am not telling you to not do that or anything, but just be rational!

>> No.1188128

In my experience, some people aspire differently.

I'm not saying that all C-students will become successful, or get any leadership position. Far from it, to be honest.

But, sometimes, the people with non-perfect grades do something else, or have their mind somewhere else, that can help them.

I personally think it has a lot to do with options. If you have high grades, it's almost always better to go for the highly payed position somewhere else.
If you have low grades, and still want to 'be someone' or 'go somewhere', you have to really find your niche or where you can excel. This, sometimes, works and the person goes far.

You sure did add to this conversation, you super intellectual. I am sure, you are always right. I wish you the best of luck my friend :)

>> No.1188138

whatever, just take this whole thing with a grain of salt. To be honest, I am failing high school right now and I am really scared of the future. I would rather be scared instead of believing in lies

>> No.1188141

You sound like you want to be hopeless and directionless.
Venting your emtoions on an internet board won't help yourself or anyone.

>> No.1188144

I was an A/B student in AP and IB classes in high school, and then in college, took life easy on my scholarship. The most important thing I learned in college was to work the system. You don't get rewarded for grinding away in your cubicle, but for cooperating with people and fostering a productive work environment.

I consider myself one of the least intelligent of my old high school top-level peers, but one of the most successful because I can work with others around me.

>> No.1188145

That's actually almost verbatim how I really feel.

>> No.1188148

I guess

>> No.1188159


I live with three room mates (all pre-med) and then me (business). We all go to a top school. They are busting their ass off for 4.0s, I go to class and maybe spend an hour or two on homework every weekday and cram for exams and pull a 3.6 (though admittedly declining).

But I have 12 months of *relevant* work experience (none of them have worked more than 1 part time job over their entire uni career). None of them got involved any any student clubs. None of them really made friends with anyone (I live with 3 people out of my faculty, my social circle is very diverse).

I'm the only one with a full time offer lined up for after graduation while their "full proof" plans to get into med collapsed. Their EC portion of their applications were all rated as half the average of the candidates they invited for interviews.

I wouldn't say a C student is good, but like someone who is actually learning the material instead of memorizing every little bit and can apply it to real world applications will be successful other than full blown autists like my room mates.

>> No.1188165

>tfw I failed to get the diploma

>> No.1188210

Let me guess, you're also nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humour?

>> No.1188260
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You sound like a redditor.

>> No.1188562

Everyone is laughing at this comment because on here, and most other messaging boards, there's tonnes of shitposting or deliberate bait but I fervently believe it to be true. Spending all day on /lit/ will teach you so much.

>> No.1188612

Agreed, it's just soul crushing if you have any aspirations to do something great

>> No.1188949

Although I agree the college meme is a joke, at the same time as long as boomers are running the show and want their pensions high skill jobs are needed in order to feed the parasite that is the boomer.
Respect college students but strive for more then mediocrity

>> No.1188950

this mentality only works in a communist universe

>> No.1188968

clickbait in its former glory, also makes an avg joe buy the book?

>> No.1188974

We already control a significant chunk of the youth's collective consciousness through our memes

>> No.1189094


I am in EE and I must say this sentence might become reality. If I look at the C and A students, it's quite clear who will become an entrepreneur and who not. Let's not kid ourselves here: getting an average of 3.5 and higher in EE takes immense ability, but it still is nothing compared to what's needed for the positions of power/reputation/high salary. Get by with a 2.0 in a hard degree while focusing on personal development. The ROI will be much higher than the alternative. Being a good engineer or other tech professional will be good for your future employer, not much else. I can also already see that it's easier to produce a good engineer than a good entrepreneur. So in a way this might be true. There is more to this statement than "excuses by bad students".

>> No.1189942

If that's what you believe brother have I got news for you.
>the gutters are full of geniuses.

>> No.1189947

right in the feels

k I'm done

>> No.1190781

Same. Kinda funny desu :)

I have yet to meet a highly successful 4channer irl, though (maybe it's not obvious). I feel like the oldest of what will be the successful 4channers are like 25-26 years old right now.

>> No.1190809

Yeah I have to agree with this. All these "high skilled" positions want you to have a degree and x number of years of experience but they want to pay you minimum wage because some sucker is willing to work for that.

>> No.1190850
File: 102 KB, 350x350, pepe122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lazy people look for easy ways out of things,
smart people get shit done.
lazy smart people get shit done as efficiently as possible

>> No.1191848

That book actually makes extreme sense. Like its the perfect outlet for the "I want to create generational mobility for me" people.

>> No.1191865

Good advice in general where this self-help stuff is concerned.

>> No.1191913

same. computerscren huggs

>> No.1192550

I honestly think it has more to do with not being lazy makes you seek knowledge and experience more, so you grow in efficiency, and babyboomer's see it as lazyness (even though they get things done better and faster)

>> No.1192576

I find WE WUZ to be very stimulating

>> No.1192582

>tfw spent your teens and twenties arguing with assholes on the Internet
>the people around you are all practically illiterate

it's weird

>> No.1192593

>I would rather be scared instead of believing in lies
thats just willfull ignorance fampai

>> No.1192618


For you XD

>> No.1192622

lazy is not efficiency

one thing i've learned is that hard work will almost always trump natural ability at anything.

if you think you're going to convince a smart hard working person to do for you, what they can plainly see they could be doing for them self you're deluded

>lazy smart people get shit done...
no. lazy people don't get shit done. if you're nailing your job in half days, you're coasting and likely wasting your own time instead of working a better job.

no matter how smart you think you are, or what tricks you think you know, there is always someone out there just as good as you, and likely knows all your shortcuts. but they work harder.