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11875007 No.11875007 [Reply] [Original]

Nootropics. Alright biz what are you taking?
explain benefits/dosage.

>> No.11875016

I currently take

Methylcobalamin (3 times a day)
Choline Bitartrate
Choline Citrate
L-Tyrosine (and L-DOPA) 5 times a day

Also microdosing LSD 3 times a week and on 1 day off and 3 days on low dose of amphetamine on that stack

My iq went from 97 after starting the stack to 186 (clinically tested). t is a lot, but worth it. Started it 4 years ago

I was able to quit my job at cheese sandwich factory and these days I teach mathematics at local university and private tutor people on various topics ranging from physics to quantum speculation.

>> No.11875022

You can get far more benefits through intense exercise three times a week. You can even eat all the garbage you want and still feel great.

>> No.11875023

where do you usually get your modafinil?

>> No.11875028

stfu this is a nootropic thread

>> No.11875029

Also at the moment, I only sleep only 20-30mins 6 times a day


Instead of caffeine, I use low dose of amphetamine to "boost me up"

Why I do this?
>More time to study
>More time to make mony
>More time to workout

Sleeping is your worst enemy, while you are dreaming you could be doing mathematics on low dose of amphetamine to countereffect the fatigue or exercising.

>> No.11875044

I buy all of my stimulants and nootropics from black markets with bitcoin and other tokens like Monero. Most nights while studying mathematics I bounce trade crypto and usually make orders on the drugs as soon I have made my money back by selling and buying. At the moment I have been awake for 68 hours straight using low dose of amphetamine, modafinil and a line of meth. Made lots of money last night by swing-trading

>> No.11875046

if this is a non larp what sort of mathematics do you practice ?

>> No.11875050

looks like a total larp

>> No.11875054

Imagine being this much of a larper.

>> No.11875055

Alright then..

I took Phenibut for a bit. DIdn't do shit except give me bad withdrawals when I stopped making me unable to sleep.

I've tried Ashwagandha and it definitely works. Organic ashwagandha extract in particular with a high withanolide %. It's supposed to be taken at a low dose though I think as megadosing it just made my body feel overheated and I had a very short fuse.

Brahmi is just amazing in every sense. Just makes your mind more 'balanced' is the best way I can describe it.

Turmeric extract is incredibly good for any sort of inflammation too.

>> No.11875059

I am expert and consult in Teichmuller Theory, Riemannian an Hyberbolic Geometry, but also do quantum speculation with private customers from universities. I have no background, education in these things, just extremely high IQ (Clinically tested of 186)

>> No.11875065

Oh and Tribulus made me shoot bucketloads of cum and made me savagely horny all the time.

>> No.11875066

well yeah but i wanna see what he says.

>> No.11875068
File: 52 KB, 903x960, 1537477978638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quantum speculation
That's not even a term.

>> No.11875076

nice larp fren

>> No.11875078

Then you'd be surely interested to know that Tribulus is a confirmed placebo.

>> No.11875082

That doesn't sound like an enjoyable or sustainable lifestyle whatsoever, but I hope you're making good cash.

>> No.11875085

okay so does hyperbolic geometry use euclidean or non euclidean planes? Pretty easy to answer for anyone with even the slighest understanding of hyperbolic geometry. No googling.

>> No.11875095

You can believe what you want.

All I can say that with the power of nootropics, determination I was able to quit my job as a factory worker and become a teacher and senior consultant of various mathematical topics in my mid 20s.

>> No.11875102

phenibut and caffeine. its a fucking brilliant combo.

>> No.11875109

enjoy dying at 45

>> No.11875113

I don't care if some people wearing labcoats tells me it's a placebo. If it works for me, and it matches the descriptions it's sold under, that's all that counts.

We actually live in a time where people would rather let some people in a lab tell you whether what you're experiencing for yourself is real or not. Talk about being completely and utterly disconnected from one's own body and mind.

>> No.11875137
File: 13 KB, 220x293, 220px-Teichmuller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Teichmüller was a gifted, brilliant, and seminal mathematician; he was also a dedicated Nazi.

>> No.11875362

baka none of you faggots using enhancers to trade? no wonder everyone in here is losing money

>> No.11875388

Everything here modafinilmart.com

>> No.11875413

shitty prices

>> No.11875432
File: 37 KB, 708x480, 1543056297653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a prescription for 18MG Concerta but it always makes me want to smoke cigarettes.

It helps me a lot, but if I go off of it I get exhausted for a couple days - it does catch up with you - stresses me out too.

>> No.11875720

Based & redpilled