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11864463 No.11864463 [Reply] [Original]

why doesn't africa take advantage of its natural resources?

>> No.11864475

Because China is doing that form them.

>> No.11864476

Because the institutions in place are inherently prone to corruption and entire parts of some countries are constantly embroiled in war over the resources.

>> No.11864482

Have you heard of colonialism and multi-national corporations?

>> No.11864486

B/c they over value their own labour (want western money in a shithole) & Corruption...

>> No.11864498
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because no one needs niggers any more

>> No.11864664


empire of dust

>> No.11864687

The real answer is Africans don't care.

They are day to day thinkers. Give them some meat and fruit and a few shelters to gather around and they are happy. They aren't interested in advancement.

If they had minds like white people Africa would be the dominant continent on planet earth due to the natural resources and geography.

>> No.11864728

Because they don't have the intellectual ressource.

>> No.11864744

this anon knows whats up

>> No.11864761

Because it's populated with niggers

>Why doesn't the monkey defecate in the corner to be more hygienic

>> No.11864768



*drops mic*

>> No.11864978

Low IQ

>> No.11865005

White guilt pls go.

>> No.11865023

Ever heard of the natural resource trap mate?

Have a read if not, it's interesting

>> No.11865036

never going to make if you dont understand the world anons

>> No.11865106

Correlation =/= causation. The natural resource trap is a meme. Niggers are just stupid. If White people lived in Africa things would be completely different.

>> No.11865123


>> No.11865128


>> No.11865137

Pick up a history book, you low iq inbred

>> No.11865165

it is pretty weird when you think about it

its not like africa was cut off from the world either theyve shared trade with advanced nations for thousands of years, romans, greeks, turks, barbary, persians.

>> No.11865182
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>> No.11865186

Why didnt they before any european set foot in the heart of darkness? Where are their ancient civilizations?

>> No.11865223

Because the majority of these countries still operate as colonies. The existing power structures were just handed off to a few native elites in the guise of 'freedom'. These economic elite live like kings and have very little incentive to improve the state of the people around them as that will lead to a revolt. Just make sure your military is eating right and business runs as usual.

>> No.11865226

Blue pilled redditards

>> No.11865264

>what is a horse?
>what are livestock
>what are dangerous predatory animals
>what are diseases
>what is egypt
>what is berber
>what is carthage
>what is an education

>> No.11865282

I said heart of darkness not north africa you fucking mongoloid. You think berbers and egyptians were niggers?

>> No.11865292

>What is no African has invented written language on their own
>What is an education

>> No.11865300

Why is the best post in every biz thread always ignored ?

>> No.11865307


came here to post this.

>> No.11865459

15000 years ago, the Sahara was a grassland in which millions of people inhabited. They grew crops, herded livestock, built cities, and created impressive civilizations. Unfortunately due to their farming practices, the soil washed away and the land slowly turned into desert. The ancient city of Atlantis, located in the Richat Structure, Mauritania, was the pinnacle of this civilization which was destroyed in a flood due to the global warming event that took place at the time.

See, prior to human occupation, grasslands were inhabited by astronomical amounts of grazing animals, bunched and moving, forced into herds due to packs of predators. It was this symbiosis between the herds, the predators, and the environment, that kept the land from desertifying. When humans arrived on the scene, they hunted these herds into extinction, and didn't properly manage their livestock in ways which would prevent desertification.

We don't exactly know what all is needed to foster intelligence in a population of people. What we absolutely know is that healthy farmlands are the main ingredient to fostering civilization, and it seems that civilization is the key to fostering intelligence in a population. Africa is sorely lacking in healthy farmland due to the massive desertification event which took place 10-15000 years ago in the Sahara.

>> No.11865556

You might as well ask why theres no civilization in serbia you low iq spawn of incest

>> No.11865569

Currently Europe (particularly France) and the US have been maintaining strictly military relationships eith Africa becauase as long as the African Countries remain unstable, resource acquisition will remain a matter of security which developed nations dominate. However Europe/France and the US are going into Hegemonic Contraction soon and Africa will go into free fall for while.

After that However, whoever comes out on top will bring order and Africa will go on to lead the world in Fertility rates.

That Will Secure African Supower Status in the next century.
The Future belongs to those who have children. China understands this and is building and entrapping Africa to use it as an industrial base.

>> No.11865593

agriculture: needs machinery
oil: tapped but the value has dropped
gems: still profitable but they're on the low end just mining them not selling them so not much money
raw ore: needs machinery

>> No.11865628

can we sell china robot gardens and ways of being self sustaining?

>> No.11865635


>> No.11865679

They spend 99% of their time and brainpower finding clean water and bananas.

>> No.11865785

>agriculture: needs machinery
that's just not true. you still have mexicans harvesting crops in the US for instance. agriculture, fundamentally, requires healthy farmlands, which is something that Africa sorely lacks.

>> No.11866133

And how do you get healthy farmlands retard?

You get it from intelligent farmers, something Africa is incapable of

>> No.11866157


Because muh dik

>> No.11866321

Farmlands are a depleting resource. We lose billions of tons of soil every year due to our 'intelligent' farming strategies. It's only a matter of time until our farmlands desertify. Look at the dustbowl in the 30s. Farming practices haven't changed since then. The only reason there hasn't been another dustbowl is because the land is watered via aquifers (which are a depleting resource).

There are some areas which receive enough year round rainfall/humidity in order to prevent desertification from occuring, but the majority of land is prone to desertification.

>> No.11866329

Low iq af.

>> No.11866354

Colonialism fucked them pretty hard. But they had as much opportunity to advance like Europe so I don't know

>> No.11866355
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because it's just easier to get on a boat and fuck tons of white pussy

>> No.11866376

So when this happens is Canada going to become a superpower? We only have 1 harvest usually, but all our prairies are super balanced in terms of how much precipitation they recieve. Most farmers here don't even water their crops unless we've seen an unusually long period without rain

>> No.11866403

coz sub 100 iq niggers op

>> No.11866416

You're smart. I learned something. Thank you for this

>> No.11866441
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Spot on mate
Also very true, but if they didnt, they couldnt do anything with their natural wealth.

>> No.11866511

Because Whiteys.

>> No.11866516

How much farmland is available in africa(if we discount sahaar of course). Do they lack it actually or are they just too stupid to cultivate stuff?

>> No.11866535

Because evil racists use facts and logic

>> No.11866568

The mere existence of Australia, Canada or New Caledonia proves that wrong.

>> No.11866605


Ethiopia was an advanced empire back in the day, comparable with other regional powers of the time.

I read an account of an English noble visiting Contantinople during the Byzantine Empire, and while he was there he encountered an Ethiopian king who was there to visit the emperor. He's described as royalty: he has an entourage, they're all wearing silk, gold, and furs, and he was treated with great respect by everybody in the court.

Ethiopia also had libraries and churches, roads and advanced agriculture- pretty much on a par or better than the European equivalent of the day.

There were a few other African empires which you or I would recognise as advanced, but I can't recall their names or regions.

In addition, there were many mega-tribal units, such as the Zulu nation, but they did not really contribute to development as it is commonly understood.

>> No.11866654

What is Sankore?

>> No.11866662

africa is the best song from toto

prove me wrong, pro tip you can´t

>> No.11866698

Canada is definitely experiencing significant soil loss due to erosion, but ultimately we're talking several hundred years here. At the current rate of soil loss, the bread baskets of the US will be desert by the year 2500. Symptoms of desertification are longer droughts in the late summer, harsher floods in the spring, more sediments in rivers, and eventually even invasive plant species will begin to die leaving more and more bare ground annually. I have hope the problem will be rectified, but currently things are just getting worse.

>> No.11866722

can you name a single other song by toto?

>> No.11866861

I genuinely feel sorry for the intelligent blacks that are born in Africa. Every race got to where it was by the dumb ones dying out in favor of the smart ones due to the environment but Africa never had that.

Genetic selection there always prioritized fucking and violence with zero forethought required so intelligence was not selected for.

So you will occasionally have intelligent people born among feral 70 IQ niggers who literally have or at least nearly have double the IQ of the average nigger they are surrounded by. The lucky ones manage to escape to a civilized country but most of them are browbeaten or killed because as it turns out intelligence isn't rewarded and doesn't save you from some feral nigger who kills you because they wanted your nice computer that you managed to barter for.

It really is horrifying to think of. Those are the people I feel sorry for. Not the feral niggers who can't build a civilization. The ones who could actually uplift their race and country but are brutally killed or driven out by all the feral niggers so that it will never happen.

>> No.11866899

Garbage compared to Oxford or Bologna
>A fucking sandcastle

>> No.11866944

Hold the line

>> No.11866965

because niggers are stupid and the average IQ is 55
everyone in the world knows that, why is this even a thread?

>> No.11867003


>> No.11867018

Corruption and no infrastructure (caused by colonializm)

>> No.11867027
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my mum said its because white people grew up in cold climates which required forward thinking and preparation + intelligence to survive

In hot countries with an abundance of resources, no intelligence or forward thinking is needed to survive

>> No.11867036

>Who is Mansa Moosa?: The thread 2 revenge of the incels.

>> No.11867065
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Well, your mom is a retard sweety.

>> No.11867098


When white men were there, it did. Now it's ran by apes. The chinks are stepping back in to do what the apes lack the intelligence to do.

>> No.11867119


News flash: that's the only time when anyone took advantage of Africa's natural resources. When the colonialists left, the Africans let all that infrastructure they'd built for them rot. It's hard to take advantage of your natural resources when your population are sub 70 IQ apes.

>> No.11867136


What's the difference between a SJW and a racist?

Two weeks in Africa.

>> No.11867147


What happens to a population when you enslave and take away the best individuals?

What does starvation do to the mental development of a child?

What are epigenetical changes?

>> No.11867152

Makes sense. If you don't or couldn't think ahead enough to prepare for winter then you'll die and those who did would survive and pass on.

>> No.11867167


There's a world of difference between the brown people of North Africa and the black apes of the rest the continent. The North Africans are well aware of this.

>> No.11867183


No, they spend 99% of their time and brainpower giving each other AIDs and having kids they can't feed while waiting for Westerners to give them clean water and bananas. Blacks are vermin who are only slightly above rats on the scale of "civilization."

>> No.11867188


>French girls
>Sign written in English


>> No.11867195

>slightly above rats on the scale of "civilization.
And you are even less than a rat, so what does that make you?

>> No.11867226

>What happens to a population when you enslave and take away the best individuals?
>What does starvation do to the mental development of a child?

Africans enslaved their own. Those people were sold into slavery by other Africans for a profit. The "best individuals" were the ones doing the enslaving. They still are in some places, but the slave trade is confined to the Middle East and Africa now.

Starvation and malnutrition in Africa has tried to be treated via "charitable" gibs for a century now. There's a reason that people of African descent all over the world have IQs that average at least 1-2 standard deviations from the mean, even when raised with plenty of nutrition, even when you remove all words and cultural references from the test to make them as unbiased as possible.

African DNA is trash DNA.

>> No.11867239


If you're going to make a comeback, at least try to do better than that weak shit. Your own lack of brainpower is showing.

>> No.11867251

It's not a matter of making a creative comeback, it's a matter of you literally being less than rat-flea shit as a person.

>> No.11867252

>colonialism literally never existed because it inculpates white people
The /pol/ history class must be fucking hilarious.

>> No.11867420

>only the last 300 years matter.
>Africans having done exactly nothing the tens of thousands of years before that shall not be thought about
>this must not be an explanation for anything, ever due to reasons

you npcs are kinda tiresome.
>hehe /pol/ so stupid
>proceeds to give the most retarded argument ever thought of
>presses "post" to expose his own stupidity

>> No.11867426




>> No.11867481

>Africans having done exactly nothing the tens of thousands of years
>My stormfag buddies said it so it mut be true!

Yet you have the nerve to call someone else "NPC" most ironic meme of 2018.

>> No.11867585


> a century older than both

> European constructions have to be restored every 50 years, ancient African buildings are still standing.

>> No.11868008

That's probably due to their Semitic admixture, and the fact that they had regular contact with Europe, even in the years of Ancient Greece. The further away from foreign influence you went in Africa the worse and more uncivilized it got. South Africa didn't even have a permanent settlement before Europeans, and the Khoisan barely even had a developed oral language, instead speaking with clicks...

>> No.11868038

How about list what Africans have done instead of dismissing facts out of hand. Note that Egypt was not created by Africans.

>> No.11868082

>Every race got to where it was by the dumb ones dying out in favor of the smart ones due to the environment but Africa never had that.

Same thing with Italy, they went from the Roman empire to embarrassments who switched sides in both ww1 & 2 and haven't contributed feckall in ages besides grease & scumbaggery.

>> No.11868099

I mean you realize that "Africans haven't done anything for 10,000 years!" is the equivalent of "My aunt Susie is a unicorn breeder" right? It's literally that retarded of a claim. And explain what you mean by "what Africans have done", are you talking about inventions, civilizations, what?

>> No.11868223

Thinking only in the present was ok in Africa because of their resources. This wasn't the case for Europe where everything was finite and scarce.

>> No.11868349

im sure white people have those places locked in a network of opression and manipulation for their own gain. and if they try to become independent from white societies, then white people overthrow their governements and kill millions of women and children. which white people want to do anyways. since the only way white people feel alive is by killing and raping women and children. its basically because of taking EVERY resource from EVERY country in the world that white people have satisfied their lust for violence are barbarity.

i would hate to be white. the amount of garbage in my psyche on a daily basis wouuld make me want to commit suicide.

>> No.11868350

ever dug irrigation by hand?

>> No.11868365

The climate was entirely different then you moron

>> No.11868376

>gets forcibly colonized
>thinks people would go back to the system that oppressed them instead of making communes and shit

>> No.11868392

you know there are nice places in africa right?

>> No.11868403

ruined by their own privilege

>> No.11868421

easy to do the oppressing when you're not at the barrel end of a gun

>> No.11868422

because they are stupid?

>> No.11868442

constant fuckery between capitalists and communists

>> No.11868456


>> No.11868473

I'm sure all of these places were winter wastelands anon, I'm sure.

>> No.11868488

oh ya, forgot about aids

>> No.11868494

This is a literal Stormfront theory unsupported by any science outside of scientific racism faggotry.

>> No.11868540

It's not weird...they're literally more dumb on average than whites, asians, or latinos. It's literally science. Why don't more people understand this?

>> No.11868552

based on a true story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gVrlTUWlrs&t=1029s

>> No.11868558

There are only nice places in Africa because of Dutch settlers in South Africa

>> No.11868572

all the universities and schools in africa

>> No.11868579

>theyve shared trade with advanced nations for thousands of years
Disease, poverty, colonization, resource drainage, and corrupt government.

>> No.11868613

the absolute state of american education

>> No.11868619

This is really good Larp. Thank you

>> No.11868632


>> No.11868639

Because it's full of niggers.

>> No.11868642
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>> No.11868664

Because Africa is full of niggers.

>> No.11868670
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not this, fuck

>> No.11868736
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So they took a shack from out in the country and compared it with some of the greatest monuments in history?

>> No.11868747
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based and redpilled

>> No.11868803
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who knows

>> No.11868852

You faggots do that with africa literally all the time.

>> No.11868866

Because niggers are too stupid to harness the resource rich continent

>> No.11868886

Black people are too stupid to harness the resources that their rich continent has. They've been living in grass and mud huts for milennia shitting on the dirt and throwing the turd outside with their hands.

Why do you think colonialism exists there? Because whites understand how to get and use those resources

>> No.11868896

Africa has plenty of land that could be used for farmland, but the issue is that most of it isn't economically justifiable to farm. Similar to what oil shale used to be. It's becoming more viable though via economies of scale.

>> No.11868903

Blacks are too stupid to harness the rich resources of Africa. That's why whites came in and took over.

>> No.11868939

And you're too stupid to do your research before you post unsubstantiated claims. Mansa Moosa and the kingdom of Mali used their resources quite well, so well in fact that Mansa became the richest man in history. Whatever helps you get through the day though I suppose.

>> No.11869420

any other answer is a sign that you are an ignorant dumbfuck. there is still hope for you to educate yourself - do it or remain stupid. your choice

>> No.11869428

fucked my post up with the link to the dumbfuck liking the china dumbfuckery. fuck

>> No.11869652


>> No.11869733

Because it's inhabited by 80 IQ niggers.

>> No.11869739

Who gives a shit what Africa does? Its just a bunch of retarded niggers kicking sand.

>> No.11869890


>> No.11870221

Because blacks are low IQ

>> No.11870245

Niggers are stupid

>> No.11870271

They are smart and get usa and europe to fund their leisure.

>> No.11870284

Because 3D earth is for neophytes. We've already ascended this plane of reality.

>> No.11870764


because it’s full of africans. we send them enough welfare to keep them alive and they don’t seem to have any ambition beyond that.

>> No.11871030

>it’s all a conspiracy man, those evil white nazis control the whole world. They trying to keep tha brotha’s down

>> No.11871047

When europeans arrived in africa they weren't even using the wheel yet.

Guess it was all the evil white man hey?

>> No.11871070

t. seething nigger who wishes he was White

>> No.11871096


>> No.11871115

>Didn't they know that it was actually da juice that control everything!

>They no use te wheel!
neither were white people, neither was most of the world.

>> No.11871122

Most of the natural resources in Africa are held by foreign groups, and Africans by and large are too fragmented to come together in a nationalistic sense and take back their land. Many of Africa's countries also fell into the IMF schemes while trying to industrialize following their independence, so they are stuck needing foreign aid in order to pay back debt. Lastly, outside powers want to keep Africa as fragmented as possible, and routinely fund despots and dictators in order to keep land/mineral rights.

>> No.11871222

lol i feel bad for the stupid ones in that they will have to die off in this great gatesian experiment.

>> No.11871458

so what went wrong between them and colonialism