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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11818212 No.11818212 [Reply] [Original]

I’m gonna kms in one hour and will post the livestream link here
I’m done from 1 million to 10k I cannot recover from this

>> No.11818234


>> No.11818253
File: 28 KB, 761x1024, 1mil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1mil to 10k
how on earth do you fuck up that badly
damn baka

>> No.11818255


How is this even possible?

>> No.11818258
File: 31 KB, 486x309, 1532836991695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit
congrats on that, seriously

>> No.11818274

Fell for the bitmex meme and vechain

>> No.11818281

>I’m done from 1 million to 10k I cannot recover from this
You could make a documentary out of that and get your million back, not even kidding op.

>> No.11818300

I was going to guess Reqt but Vechink also makes sense
>We believe mr sunny!

>> No.11818315

Even I have more than 10k only 13k ATH was like 35 lol

>> No.11818328

>in b4 begging faggots ask for your coins

Go out like a true man and have it all lost forever.
Not that you are offing yourself anyway, just another LARP

>> No.11818354


nobody actually loses that much

>> No.11818356

Stop thinking about it and just do it. I killed myself and I feel much better even though I'm down to $1k

>> No.11818384

OP, I've lost more than you and I love it. I've lost it and it's only fucking digits in a computer. Man up and realize that wealth is completely determinant on how much willpower you can mold reality with your own two hands and mind. Stop being a weak ass follower bitch.

>> No.11818386

Fuck off and actually kill yourself you stupid larper. Give me your bitcoin before you go.


>> No.11818419

T-minus 48 minutes
A random series of letters and numbers:


>> No.11818425
File: 149 KB, 666x750, aaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will be my second time experiencing a mass /biz/ suicide event.
only steel hands and newfags remain

>> No.11818433

just do it faggot

>> No.11818466
File: 25 KB, 400x400, Sad pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bless you fren 3NdPjQjM6d44CBzyY1VUR4B3rqTzUj49Gk

>> No.11818493

Same 100k to 9k
x node scam
Fucking cocksucker chinks

>> No.11818511

I hope so. A livestreamed suicide is a strong buy signal

>> No.11818560

send me your shit before you die
you could double my crypto holdings

>> No.11818616
File: 784 KB, 1950x1300, 1534818631836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been through total hell in life. every bag i hold could go to 0, and i'd be completely unphased—it's all just gonna make it that much more satisfying to completely outcompete and outmaneuver existing governments, watching them collapse to dust as the reality sets in that the people who they leeched off of will not tolerate endless slavery with no satisfaction or freedom ever when they have the ability to simply opt out of the currency that is enabling their enslavement.
if you kill yourself, you'll never see the world as it is with truly free markets. you will have been born in the time after the free markets of the 1800s and early 1900s, and died just before seeing and experiencing those brought on by blockchain and decentralized aerial transport.
i can't imagine JUSTing yourself in a worse way.
this hell that we live in now is fucking temporary. fuck death. fuck the impulses that make you feel like backing out of everything, and separating from the body that confides you to a potentially indefinite period of time on what could possibly be the best place in the universe for you.
you can't even imagine what you'd miss out on. if you're currently sick or something, you definitely won't be. if you still have $10k in crypto, you'll be fucking rich (BUY LINK).
just fucking discard your fucking suicide idea and you'll live to be fucking godly

>> No.11818626

did you buy biconnect like a retard?

>> No.11818636

>he doesnt know that those 10k will easily be $1million by eoy

>> No.11818640


this has to be a joke

post losses or we sage

>> No.11818678

if dubs, or green ID, I will accept your internet blood money
I will even delay going to my McJob to watch the occasion

>> No.11818705

Okay guys I can’t take it anymore got my 9mm loaded and ready livestream link is here fun starts in 10 mins youtube.com/ watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

>> No.11818724

looks like your life isnt worth much after all

later anon

>> No.11818749
File: 24 KB, 593x386, jusdueet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but fren, you were supposed to end it