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File: 41 KB, 474x638, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11812708 No.11812708 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that no matter how much you've lost, as long as you remain in crypto, you are going to make it.

Daily reminder that crypto represents the largest transfer of wealth in human history, and it hasn't even started yet. Anon, you haven't discovered a cheat code. You've discovered the future of the human race. Yes, you are early enough. Yes, you will make it. Yes, you will look back on the pain of your losses and feel real, genuine pride that you made it through.

Daily reminder to look forward, not back. Don't give up, don't opt out. A lot of you haven't known enough goodness to believe it can happen to you. I'm here to tell you that it can. And it will. Your worst mistakes will be nothing more than pebbles strewn along the beach that will be your life. And your children's life. And their children's life, too.

>> No.11812718
File: 450 KB, 1070x601, 33481015d04b3974f9ed7acf616592901b13507ebdabf48ee1d6d09d63acc2c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11812741
File: 79 KB, 282x386, top_feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Make it in crypto
>Still a virgin
>Still live in a time where all women are whores so love is impossible
>Life is pointless
>Have no reason to live

>> No.11812761
File: 487 KB, 1020x1440, 1502785500679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason this picture was really inspiring to me back in 2016 and 2017. Even so much so that I saved a bunch of other comfy-looking anime girls and believed that I would become rich. Time really flies, where did it all go...

>> No.11812763
File: 940 KB, 988x1416, 1542253966294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Anon

>> No.11812773


>> No.11812783
File: 363 KB, 452x710, 1501570066969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just keeps going

>> No.11812801

thanks for the reminder

>> No.11812805
File: 77 KB, 500x596, O2dEQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always appreciated OP.

>> No.11812853

OP Translation: Please hold my bags. Argle bargle fake online money will change the world.

>> No.11813226
File: 203 KB, 1213x921, 1517462009017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon. we need more hopium.
~you're gonna carry that weight.

>> No.11813734

You're spiritually rigid as a toothpick, you know that?

>> No.11813972

daily reminder that if you sell now you can get in at least 80% lower

>> No.11813988

>be me
>be 27 year old ugly beta loser loner autist with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, never been to a pub, club, or party
>woke up at 11 am
>read for a few hours while drinking coffee
>got an email saying I failed a graduate assessment centre when they told me I passed it weeks ago- they'll offer me a slightly worse job but I planned to leave the employer as soon as I could anyway
>decided not to bother going in to work today
>went to the gym and the workout was pretty good
>went out to the library to feel less alone
>went to mcdonalds
>had coffee
>binged on junk food at home

What a boring life. I thought I had successfully passed as a normie for an interview but seemingly not. It's impossible to have a career in the UK if you're not posh or one of da ladz. I'm feeling more pessimistic about my future now

>> No.11814024

>Daily reminder that crypto represents the largest transfer of wealth in human history

yep. from the pockets of neets, soccer moms, and baristas to the pockets of millionaires.

>> No.11814156

This is the beginning of the painful accumulation phase.

1. Get a fucking job. Actually try at it.
2. Live way below your means. Eat dirt cheap grains and legumes for the sole purpose of sustenance. Don't waste your money on retarded shit like smoking weed and going to see comic book movies.
3. Put every last fucking dollar you earn after you pay your bills and necessary expenses into BITCOIN

The bear market will be slow. The bear market will be cumbersome. The worst is yet to come, and when it does we will be mocked, but those who hold strong will be rewarded, and unlike the crypto hypers and moonboys of late 2017 and early 2018, we will be rewarded

>> No.11814947

I love you faggots

>> No.11815103
File: 31 KB, 640x357, fuck you fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daily reminder that you've lost all your money, and your continued insistence that you'll 'make it' only serves to dig a deeper hole for you to stew in.

Your status as low-IQ gamblers is a choice you've all made for yourselves, not something you were born into. The losses you've incurred, the stress you've put yourselves through, the shitposting you do on a daily basis are all self-inflicted ills that won't be fixed when you 'make it,' and no mega magical jewish super overlord is 'holding you back' from true greatness. It's all on you.

>> No.11815138

Just bitcoin? No alts?

>> No.11815144

daily reminder that this is a cope post of a faggot who lost his money because he bought into a bunch of paid shills and pajeets so now he has to double down on his retarded cult like behavior because the alternative is suicide

>> No.11815169

>in crypto
you mean in bitcoin, and maybe ethereum if you like to be risky

dont mistake a bunch of worthless funding tokens or chinese "companies" as being worth anything in the medium or long term.

>> No.11815576


A further reminder of your failure, as I already noted in >>11815103

No matter how hard you try to blame someone else, you're still the only reason your life is shit.