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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11797391 No.11797391 [Reply] [Original]

What is the least painful way to kill yourself, fentanyl overdose or am I missing something? I'm 23 and I've been suicidal since I was like 8, I can't make it trading off wagecuck money, I make fucking $9.10 and I am expected to work fast and hard for that ammount of money and I recieved shit training so I can't preform well enough, I look around and see souless husks just like me trying to kill themselves with their vices, I just want to nod off in some shit hotel room and not wake up. If you were going to kill yourself how would you do it? Don't tell me not to kill myself, I am a free thinking man and I will make that choice when and if it is the appropriate time. Who else here would rather die young than wagecuck till 70+?

>> No.11797421

Buy chainlink you dumb retarded fucking faggot

>> No.11797440

Are you American? How come your retail job pays so little?
I work retail in Ausland, I make $29 an hour (21.20 usd)

>> No.11797446

Read "Man's Search for Meaning"
What you do after is up to you

>> No.11797450

Are you stupid or just gay?
Link is only $0.50 and going to $1k EOY. If you invest just $10 you’ll have $20k idiot.

Also you can buy bitcoin for ~$100 and it’s going to $1 million by 2020.

Invest $500 into bchsv (real bitcoin) and have $5 million off of that in 2020. Invest another $100 into link and have $200k from that EOY to hold you over until you have your millions.

Then buy hookers and cocaine and kys.

>> No.11797451

try this niggershit

>> No.11797482

>1k for 1 link
>1 million for 1 btc
I want to believe

>> No.11797504

I may read this

>> No.11797566

Anon please listen to me. Here is a tip for you. Go to a cheap state school and get your degree, While studying, get a shit job at a small business in a field that you have some interest in, where you make enough to pay for your classes. Learn everything you can about the inner workings of said business. I mean literally everything from top to bottom. Take detailed notes and try to absorb as much as you can. Brainstorm what they are doing wrong and how you could make their business better - but don't tell them. Slowly start replicating their business on the side as a side hustle and when you graduate and implement the ideas that you would use to improve their business into your own. Try to expand and grow it as much as you can. Get a part time job for guaranteed stable income that you invest into your business until you can sustain yourself and be free.

If all else fails, you have a degree that you can fall back on. Live with your parents as long as you can and invest your disposable income. You're still young enough to retire 10 years before all of your friends if you have the right mindset and invest wisely.

>t.28yo boomer

>> No.11797582
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anon, you are a man in the 21st century. you literally have it made. killing yourself "while you're young" only makes sense if you're a worthless roastie. men peak later. at the very least wait until you're like 28-29 and fit and slaying 20something pussy, it's like life on easymode. in the end it's your choice but the fact that you are even considering taking life into your own hands means the world is better with you alive in it. think about it anon

>> No.11797611

/suicide/ is a great resource on another site. You want Nembutal with a suitable antiemetic.

>> No.11797631
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Hand over your rare wagie wojaks before you die

>> No.11797898


Cyanide pill on the darkweb. Ask the Nazi Party.

Gone in 30 sec.

>> No.11797963

Not horrible advice
Cyanide might be an ok way to go, idk about a dark web cyanide pill though, would be pretty shitty if I lived because it wasn't strong enough

>> No.11798023

Why the fuck kill yourself over a job? And fucking quit retail if it makes you suicidal.

I have been in and out of jobs for the past 3 years. Still trying to find a good job that does not make me suicidal too. I accepted wholesale retail kind of order/sell type of job few weeks ago, and quit after a week even though I had 1 year contract (in my country there is always this 1 month test period you or the employer can cancel the deal)

Otherwise good job, but shitty atmosphere and coworkers were 95% women, good pay
Last year had a job with awesome atmosphere in forest industry, but dangerous working conditions, physically devastating and bad pay.

And so on. At the moment I can afford even 3 years of unemployment and still trying to find a job that would actually not make me want to kill myself. If it has 1) good atmosphere 2) good working conditions I will not mind bad pay.

I have seen good working environments, I even had a career in government during my early 20s, one of the best jobs I ever had for 4 years until I quit and went to study more.

>Suck it up kid every job is like other

Never ever listen to this fucking boomer advice, I know from in and out job hopping that it is hardly the case. The difference can be like day and night

>> No.11798045
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Yeah. Get on the chain gang with the rest of us.

>> No.11798048
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Propane. Unironically.

Buy a gas mask from amazon, get some propane and a hose from your local gas station. Connect the propane to the gas mask where it takes air in. Put the mask on, turn the propane on, and take deep breaths. You'll fall alseep and never wake up.

It's cheap, painless, very effective, but kind of smelly I guess.

>> No.11798059

>Also you can buy bitcoin for ~$100

>> No.11798068

Zyklon-B and creamation oven

>> No.11798070

Are you me? Spooky to hear someone type down the thoughts that plague me ever day.

Anyway. Research chemicals (designer drugs) offer some RIDICULOUSLY powerful options (talking 3mg offing you). Literally legal home delivery for suicide powder.

I opted for 1g of hellishly potent Benzo. Enough of a dose to kill 250 people. You don't want to survive just to live a life in a wheelchair being mentally disabled and have mom wipe your sorry ass.

Having that shit in hand shifts your perspectivie quite profoundly though. Being able to choose wether or not there is a tomorrow is a very powerful choice indeed that will give you a sense of freedom hardly anyone gets to experience.

Godspeed anon. I wish you only the best.

I know what you're going through.

>> No.11798073

worst part is if it works there won't be any positive reviews

>> No.11798080

$9.10 is under minimum wage anon, look to see if your town has any jobs, most are super easy and have decent pay. some of them you can actually sleep through. If you can't sleep at night being a security guard isn't a bad gig as long as you aren't skin and bones, but most people don't care because the purpose of a security guard is to call the cops.

I recently quit my shitty desk job of $50k a year, trading crypto and working at a ski resort this season so I ski for free and bang snow bunnies for four months straight while working around 30 hours a week with discount housing. You literally need zero qualifications.

theres so much work out there that isn't awful wagecucking. have you ever thought about working on a cruise ship? you get to go on vacation for free and bang daddy-problem riddled rich girls

>> No.11798143

This is a cry for help OP and yeah I do think you need it. What’s fucking you up besides you job and living condition that is making you suicidal? It can’t just be those two things, what else man? Tell us anons we don’t know you so let it out

>> No.11798174
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>I'm 23
stopped reading right there. I would unironically kill to be 23 again. Fuck the finances.

>> No.11798188

What do you have to lose? I'm a full time MBA student who is a bout to graduate and am currently doing exactly that. I've struggled to find motivation my entire life until I began working on getting my own business going. A deep burning motivation that I have never before experienced.

>> No.11798224

Fuck you retards. A suicidal guy asks about painless ways to off himself and all you narcissistic pieces of human trash can manage is I ME I ME I ME ME ME.

Fucking disguisting. Take a page out of OP's book and kys. You are literally what's wrong with society

>> No.11798228

What would you do differently if you were 23 again, anon-kun

>> No.11798278

...many things.