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11793734 No.11793734 [Reply] [Original]

Fellas, is it poor form to DM a girl through LinkedIn? I know instagram, snap or SMS should be the go-to but I've argued with my friends its also a valid way to shoot your shot.

Pic is from me in Thailand btw. Little bit loopy from jet lag and partying still

>> No.11793743

Gotta add, thai pussy is amazing. Those girls are unreal

>> No.11793754

kek you look like a guy who would shoot his shot on linkedin

>> No.11793766

nice filename

>> No.11793768

Top kek

>> No.11793781

Yeah why not

>> No.11793797

I leave for Thailand next week. Which cities did you go to? I'm planning on doing Bangkok and Pattaya.

>> No.11793800

Bro your a fuckin joke to men.

You think your the only one playing loose girls? Those kinda of girl crush several dick a week and your proud to get a piece? Hahah

>> No.11793834

I did not get the chance to hit pattaya, but i wish I did. We ended up in cambodia for two days, that was a ton of fun if youre into taking as many drugs as you want and fucking $50 attractive hookers. Felt much more "raw" than Bangkok as well.

Bangkok is also a ton of fun with the sex tourism, but you have to be REALLY careful there. My associate was able to keep me out of trouble, him being a local, but the cops, drug dealers and hustlers will try to scam you in every way possible. They see white people as walking ATMs.

Get caught with weed, you better cough up the 30,000 baht to pay the bribe. Otherwise you'll end up in those hellhole prisons they have other there

>> No.11793866

When in Rome brother.

I'm not claiming to be a total playboy but I do score pussy back at university. Tinder works wonders man, I wanna try out bumble and see if i can improve the quality of the girls

>> No.11793894

I plan on taking a few hits of acid with me. Other than that, no drugs.
Which part of Cambodia did you go to or would you recommend? I only have 2 weeks but I could try to squeeze in a few days there.

>> No.11793900

Depends how good looking you are
Jared leto does it all the time and nobody cares

>> No.11793908
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>> No.11793933

you're a dumb motherfucker, if you get caught you're toast. Just skip shitty ass bangkok and get your ass to cambodia

>> No.11793939

Don’t go to Pattaya it’s shit. Chang mai is a chilled city. Ko pha-ngan is chilled if you avoid major towns. Ko pi pi was ok.

>> No.11793955

Downtown Phnom Penh. You can literally buy any drug you want from the pharmacy, eat marijuana infused pizzas at restaraunts, buy magic mushroom shakes, and $0.7 packs of cigarettes.

I had never walked into a bar and proceeded to recieve so much attention from the women there. They unbuttoned my shirt, and were sucking on my nipples and rubbing my dick. It was pretty hot (they were girls btw - I did see her bobs and vagene later)

>> No.11793975

Naw, business girl pussy is the easiest pussy to get. The reason why linkedin works so well is because chicks aren't expecting you to hit them up there. You've got little competition. Shoot your shot bruv.

If you have only a short while, stay south and hit up Koh Samui, Koh Tao, and Koh Pangyang while you're at it. If you've got more time to spare, make your way up North. Chaing Mai is probably my favorite place in Thailand. Nothing but comfy vibes

>> No.11793977

I'd say Laos is the most white and least pajeet admixture. Almost chink grade. Thai are too jungle brown.

>> No.11793995

Hes not entirely retarded because acid is easy to hide, but I'd be way too paranoid to trip balls in a country where you really don't have rights with the cops.

Id never consider smoking weed in Bangkok though, fuck that. Stuck to good ol beer and cambodian valium

>> No.11794148

Dude ur a fag I live in thailand and u look like a fukn pussy this shit real? lmao

>> No.11794161 [DELETED] 
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Oh look this pathetic white beta male who think he is a slayer because he fucks Thai whores.

I do it too, but, seriously, this is not something you should be proud of.

>> No.11794166

You probably fucked the same girls Tone Vays pays

>> No.11794179

that’s a ladyboy

>> No.11794197 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11794212

Why dont you guys go to like better countrys though?

>> No.11794231 [DELETED] 
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also, Pattaya is the only place you should stay in Thailand.

Massage, Eat, Massage, Swim, Massage, Blowjob, Massage, Sleep.

No NPC's, No white women, No families

>> No.11794246

ur embarrassing urself that’s like only $250 a night is this supposed to be impressive

i actually live in thailand and can spot the ladyboys and fags who fuck them a mile away

that’s a ladyboy and a fag fucker

>> No.11794257 [DELETED] 
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Thailand is great
Its safe
People are polite
Weather is perfect
Food is amazing
Girls are easy

>> No.11794275

pattaya is a complete shithole

only place i got an std yes even this fucking retard in his $20 a night rented airbnb pool can get laid

but they all disgusting isaan gorrila face gook sluts

>> No.11794277

Stay mad beta faggot,
I just told that you are a beta white male who thinks he is a slayer because he fucks thai whores :)

I meet same fags like you in Colombia, Brazil, Philippines and Japan

>> No.11794294 [DELETED] 
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>he fucks pattaya prostitutes

you are an untermensch

>> No.11794295

ur a stupid fuckn faggot fuck i’ve been slaying while u were still fucking ladyboys in the elevator

stay cucked and gay faggot

>> No.11794323 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 525x652, lui-4582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bluh bluh bluh
It's not a ladyboy
stay mad and keep farming Khao san road
cheap charlie