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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11765258 No.11765258 [Reply] [Original]


You cannot just subscribe to the Bloomberg API for example and then attach it to your node - this is actually illegal.

How LinkPool, or anyone else for that matter, is planning on selling proprietary API data they have a license to USE (NOT RESELL) is beyond the scope of my imagination.

>> No.11765272

nobody is selling data. We are selling a service of data transfer.
You can't sell Ubuntu, but you can charge a deployment/maintenance fee as an IT service provider.

1/10 FUD.

>> No.11765277

Linkies BTFO

>> No.11765278

Step 1: find API you want info from
Step 2: obfuscate API source
Step 3: ???
Step 4: profit!

You don't need to have a direct link between oracle output/ input you fucking retard.
All you need is something that matches the API source.

>> No.11765281

>You can't sell Ubuntu
What? You can repackage/alter/distribute it as you see fit, including selling it if you wish.

>> No.11765283

depends on the type of license you get
e.g. enterprise or individual

>> No.11765301
File: 14 KB, 56x56, diddy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The FUD gets more and more stupid.

>> No.11765312

KEK, you have no idea what the hell you're talking about, holy shit

>> No.11765320

Like the Chainlink team would go through years of work just to find out "oh shit, can't access apis" lol panjeet fud

>> No.11765346
File: 307 KB, 800x715, newfud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new FUD has arrived

>> No.11765452

Cmu insta venmo

“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” - John Adams (2nd president of the United States)

>> No.11765958

>Buy Bloomberg API subscription
>Sell the API data to thousands of of data requesters to trigger their smart contracts

Seriously, why would anyone buy the Bloomberg API if they can get the data for cheap from Chainlink node operators?

>> No.11765996


Wow is this seriously?

>> No.11766018

Bird Law in this country is not governed by reason.

>> No.11766032

imma need a smug serg in here

>> No.11766125

>Mailing packages is the same as reselling them

>> No.11766134


>> No.11766143


>> No.11766171
File: 290 KB, 1156x2031, aaaslidethreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to create awareness of pic related problem on biz. It seems we suffer alot more than most with all the shill/fud discord groups constantly invading.

>> No.11766197
File: 10 KB, 229x220, laughpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't sell Ubuntu
Apple has been doing this for over 20 years. Kek.

>> No.11766203

Is this a serious reply? Lmao are you 15?

>> No.11766224

there's nothing much on the board atm, what's the point of sliding?

>> No.11766225

gotta catch me first. good luck im behind 7 nodes.

>> No.11766238

>200 linknodes all grabbing the same bloom(((berg))) api data


>> No.11766307


What ishe trying to slide?

>> No.11766318

> be chainlink Lord
> smuggle API data
> caught by whale watchers
> reported to oreo police
> locked in enclave forever

>> No.11766346

ive seen "slide" threads that were pro link too

>> No.11766388


>> No.11766454

Hahaha oh come the fuck on
What is this? This is "2 man dev team" tier fud
You've had over a year to accumulate
Strap in faggot

>> No.11766879

>what are open APIs

Also, look up PSD2. It's becoming more and more illegal to have non-open APIs.

>> No.11767134

> what is an enterprise license

>> No.11767158
File: 178 KB, 1200x888, 1542023551554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain to my why tje smart contract wont be encrypted had have private keys and logic to retrieve data?

>> No.11767189

Testicle 1, 2, 3

>> No.11767504

You have to think of it like Nigerian scammers. As the case for Chainlink gets more and more obvious, they have to target more and more oblivious people. So it's actually strategic to make the FUD as stupid as possible, because anyone with half a brain is going to see past any attempt they make anyway.

>> No.11767582


because then you wouldn't have open trustable nodes, which is exactly the problem link is trying to solve