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11763715 No.11763715 [Reply] [Original]

you guys do know that ripple is going to replace bitcoin right...?
right guys?

>> No.11763746

LINK makes ropple obsolete.

>> No.11763761

XRP and Link cannot coexist

Link will stomp XRPs market cap december 31st 11:59pm.

cap this

>> No.11763856


XRP already wipes the floor with Eth. What do you think a shitty erc20 can do?

>> No.11763861
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>> No.11763888

Off chain computation, partnerships with the big boys (swift), real world use case.

>> No.11763906

Look up Codius if you actually want to see a platform FIs could use to run smart contracts. Your partnership is with a dinosaur that's on its last legs.

>> No.11763911

Soundclouders SBT will replace ETH

>> No.11763933

Who keeps spamming XRP posts

>> No.11764030

What is the heck? Sir, no. Please sir. Is good deal for you.

>> No.11764048

What does Ripple bring to the table that Bitcoin does not? Is it even decentralized?

>> No.11764101

It's funny really, I might have bought into that token if pajeets like you didn't keep bringing it up.

>> No.11764104

Come on man. A quick Google search would cover this.

>> No.11764117
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>> No.11764118


>> No.11764128
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LINK pls leave me XRP alone ;_;
it am all have left

>> No.11764230

It is more decentralized because the consensus algorithm strips all power away from validators (analogous to miners). You get better censorship resistance and no dictators who can try to control things.

>> No.11764254

I hope. That way I can get out of this crypto mess with profits.

>> No.11764263

What incentive is there to be a validator?

>> No.11764340

Strengthening the network and voting

>> No.11764353

There is no direct financial incentive. This keeps the rent seekers out and leaves you with a more reliable set of validators whose interests are aligned with the users.

Most who chose to run validators do so because they want to contribute to the stability of the network. It's easy to do since they can be run on commodity hardware.

>> No.11764364

centralized scam

>> No.11764644

just wait until Ripple Labs dumps it’s bags on you xrpee holders

>> No.11764699

Still waiting for that to happen after five years. I wonder why Ripple locked 90% of their XRP in escrow if they were planning to dump?

Maybe they aren't so narrow minded and actually want their XRP to be worth something in the long run. That might please their shareholders more than dumping a fraction of their holdings for a fraction of what it's worth, don't you think? Let's not forget the hundreds of partners Ripple would lose immediately if they destroyed their credibility.

>> No.11764844

>talking about partnerships, against Ripple
>not knowing banks around the world are already using Ripple Labs' tech, including AMERICAN banks
>celebrating a 'partnership' with a sinking ship that Ripple Labs openly say they will destroy
>supporting SWIFT with its 1 week money transfer shit

Linkies are dumb as fuck.

>> No.11764854


>> No.11764863


>> No.11764873

So scared.
LINK has been climbing the ranks steadily now.
The chosen coin will prevail and your kikecoin will be left in the dust.

>> No.11764881

This board is exhausting

>> No.11765010

You don't even understand link or even Ethereum. You link holders are fuelled off jpegs posted on anime forums and you're almost all underage and new. Even if link were to magically succeed the tokens wouldn't be worth much. You bought a fundraising token for something you cannot later profit off. You clearly have no idea how deep in the game Ripple Labs already is. Can you get any more successful than this in crypto right now? Dozens of actual BANK partnerships, publicly, sitting at #3 on CMC when it hasn't even started yet. Ethereum wouldn't even exist if Vitalik got the job he wanted at Ripple Labs being David Schwartz's dickslave. The man who literally patented the idea for distributed computing in the 80s. You stupid fucking child. By all means, ignore the established Silicon Valley company and instead 'invest' in weird tokens only existing on pajeet exchanges made by 2 autistic Russian roommates.

>> No.11765019

Let's give Stefan Thomas some credit as well. It was his idea that Vitalik borrowed to create Ethereum.

>> No.11765043

Don't give a fuck about Ethereum, it's used as a database for LINK, even then LINK is blockchain agnostic and handles all off chain computations.
You are getting dabbed on by LINK right now and Mainnet is NOT EVEN OUT YET. Better count your ducks before they're gone, ropple holder.

>> No.11765064
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David Schwartz was right. Proof of Stake>proof of work.

In two years the top four cryptos will be XRP, XLM,IOTA,TRX

>> No.11765078

>Ethereum is a database FOR LINK
>"dabbed on"

This post proves it. Link holders are technologically inept 15 year olds.

>> No.11765082

I believe what Joelkatz would say is distributed agreement protocols > proof of work.

>> No.11765101

I like how you avoided Blockchain agnostic and off chain computation.

You are getting dabbed on son and losing all your life savings on the kikecoin.

>> No.11765132

XRP is not a decentralized crypto currency technically. It is a fast ledger with trusted nodes to verify transactions.
It might be worth more someday, but it will certainly not replace Bitcoin just like fiat currencies have not replaced gold or other liquid assets.

>> No.11765142


Most XRP investors hardly care if it ends up being worth more then BTC. If it even ends up being worth half of BTC, that's a lot of new millonaires.

>> No.11765144

Yeah pretty much this. I could see it fueling a bank network potentially but won't replace crypto currencies or decentralized eth platforms. It could just be a bridge until more decentralized platforms are ready. It will also need dec oracles atleast to talk to other platforms

>> No.11765159

That's not accurate. The validators, or "trusted nodes", you are referring to are only used to put transactions in order. Validity of each transaction is determined independently by each node applying deterministic rules. This means every ledger is individually computed by each node in the network.

>> No.11765198

Not gonna happen. Brad Garlinghouse's personality profile is pretty weird for a CEO he's extremely puritanical.

>> No.11765246
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>> No.11765336


>> No.11765849
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>you guys do know that ripple is going to replace bitcoin right...?

Look at this smug asshole. You do know it's centralized, right? It's at $0.48 per XRP.

>> No.11765997

So, the altruistic nature of humans righ?

Sounds like the coin for me honestly.

Everyone will always do whats best for eachother and this coin proves that fact. We all care for eachother and no one is trying to lie, cheat, or steal from one another. People around the world care and love eachother always and want the best for their fellow humans.

I just don't get why everyone has to think we live in a hateful world. If we just sit back and relax we could she the good.

>> No.11766012

Permission to save?

>> No.11766033

He actually thinks banks will use an open ledger using a shit xrp token. Instead of a closed permissioned network. You think they need liquidity? The banking kikes invented liquidity.

>> No.11766056

Reading this makes me ashamed to hold LINK. Fuck some of you are uneducated beyond belief.

>> No.11766165

If no one cares enough to run a node or validator then the network deserves to die. That doesn't appear to be the case right now as there are over 900 nodes and growing. What financial incentive does someone running a bitcoin full node have? This is no different.

If you're implying the network is insecure, I would love to hear how. PoW's security model is based around requiring users to consistently outspend any would-be attacker to the tune of millions of dollars every day. Even then you can't guarantee miners will behave the way you want. You are much more reliant on altruism in this scenario.

>> No.11766180
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>> No.11766727

so was bitcoin... heheeh

>> No.11766835
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XRP is going to be backed by a basket of currencies. You dont understand?
Go and fuck yourself. Everyone that refuses to see this deserves to be cucked

>> No.11766865
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>> No.11767549

>What financial incentive does someone running a bitcoin full node have? This is no different.

So your saying there is/has been no financial incentive to validate or mine transactions?

>If you're implying the network is insecure, I would love to hear how. PoW's security model is based around requiring users to consistently outspend any would-be attacker to the tune of millions of dollars every day.

Thats awesome! Your against the evil greenhouse gases produced by excessive energy usage. I'm so glad to see/meet another person who understands that climate change is real and caused only by humans. I can't wait to see carbon and vegan credits on a solar powered clean energy blockchain. Just think of how we will save the ozone layer, your ideas tickle my own left hemisphere to action.

>Even then you can't guarantee miners will behave the way you want. You are much more reliant on altruism in this scenario.

I fail to understand what point you are making here. If a miner is able to swtich pools all willy nilly, depending on what is more profitable how is there any type of control?

Are you suggesting we need to utilize a price floor/ceiling type of economic structure? That's a great idea actually, everyone deserves a fair chance to profit! Control is the mother of invention after all.

>> No.11767645

Future tether stablecoin for other nations crypto currencies. Centralized, inflationary, censorship approved what's there not to feed the masses?

>> No.11767698

No it won't

>> No.11767737

Xrapid is moving forward. Its going to be used.
Why wouldnt international firms want to process transactions with faaaarr less friction and miniscule fees?
Xparrot? I will unironically process all my crypto from fiat to xrp to btc/eth when that shit drops.

>> No.11767752


I think u guys are honestly brain damaged or the ultimate trolls. Nobody could be this dumb... r-right?

>> No.11767757


Imagine actually believing ripple is decentralized

>> No.11768269

I know it

>> No.11768274

>Imagine actually believing ripple is decentralized
Imagine believing that it isn't lol

>> No.11768288
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I know it, I'm not an ancap brainlet

>> No.11768289

I'm sure it will be used but I don't think XRP will be backed by a basket of currencies similar to SDR's. I might be wrong but I don't think so.

>> No.11768293

>I'm not an ancap brainlet
banks are businesses too and XRP is sound money

You can be an ancap and buy XRP lol!

>> No.11768294

> What does Ripple bring to the table that Bitcoin does not?

This is your answer
> Is it even decentralized?

fucking brainlets and their decentralization on this board kek

>> No.11768313

All I'm saying is XRP is the winning side and will replace BTC exactly because it has everything it needs to work with the banks and the govs.

>> No.11768439

Do you realize XRP has a real industrial usage?
It does in indeed resolve a problem and also create an alternative in payment solutions with serious positive outcome worthy of consideration to Industry players!!!!!!!!

>> No.11768447


>> No.11768452


>> No.11768742

You are the economic expert you need to know better

>> No.11768758

new ath before Christmas,10 bucks mid 2019, 50 bucks end of 2019. easy money.

>> No.11768825

Duly noted.
Though, I feel like Its a good sign that the XRParrot pilot was using EUR with IBAN accounts.

>> No.11768927

>So your saying there is/has been no financial incentive to validate or mine transactions?
There is an incentive to mine, but not to run a full node. Thousands of people do it.

>Thats awesome! Your against the evil greenhouse gases produced by excessive energy usage. I'm so glad to see/meet another person who understands that climate change is real and caused only by humans. I can't wait to see carbon and vegan credits on a solar powered clean energy blockchain. Just think of how we will save the ozone layer, your ideas tickle my own left hemisphere to action.
Answer the question. Is XRP insecure because it doesn't use mining? I don't care about energy usage.

>I fail to understand what point you are making here. If a miner is able to swtich pools all willy nilly, depending on what is more profitable how is there any type of control?
You can't switch pools instantly. A 51% attack can happen before anyone can respond. The point is that an economic incentive isn't foolproof. Did you support BTC history being rewritten in 2010 and 2013? Today it would only take a decision from 2-3 people to allow this to happen.