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File: 120 KB, 768x624, CE3C1204-32B5-4EB8-940A-6446DA9372F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11742723 No.11742723 [Reply] [Original]

You are here right now

>> No.11742730

And this graph is logarithmic btw

>> No.11742845

We're clearly at depression

>> No.11742854

That's nice, sweetheart

>> No.11742870

>Look mom I posted it again! XD

>> No.11742932

Wow I can't wait to go to negative prices!

>> No.11742943
File: 61 KB, 960x749, 38284391_1863398277303306_6660620679747993600_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is the one you are looking for anon

>> No.11742977
File: 40 KB, 801x577, eb11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek kill me please and then piss ony my grave

>> No.11743034
File: 4 KB, 220x229, 1536632314338s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is a great company. It will come back

>> No.11743043

we are at anxiety retards

>> No.11743083

or denial

>> No.11743169
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, iwillmakeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are right at that red part of the chart between anger and depression.
we are literally at the lowest point today.
look at the 12months chart on CMC.
we were on the exact same value as exactly one year ago today, until it dropped.
Now look at that red part between anger and depression. Its at the same level like at the beginning of the chart. And then it drops even lower and the bullrun starts.
The bullrun will start tomorrow. Its obvious.

>> No.11743198
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it could be we will know soon

>> No.11743214

It was Capitulation

>> No.11743241

Bear run starts 11/23. Just like last year everyone gets together talks about how much money they lost this year. All normans don't want to miss out on losses and start the parabolic sells.

>> No.11743278
File: 242 KB, 752x1063, star_wars_iv___a_new_hope___movie_poster_by_nei1b-d5t3cw9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are at Hope. The Hope witch became true in my opinion, crypto WILL get mass adopted and starts to change the whole world. This "Bubble" was just the first shake, the Revolution is ahead of us and it will became one of the most important things in our generation. our grandchildren will read about Start of the digital currency and assets. BTC will be way more than million USD, if you compare it to old analogue currency. You my fellow BIztards are in your way to prosperity. Com on took some money from those old fagots bankers, and Join us in Brave New World.

>> No.11743292

thanks, frens

>> No.11743476
File: 10 KB, 249x250, 1541729817535s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP are you actually retarded. we're not even past the disbelief phase yet lol, just wait till BTC hits $10M then it'll be a bubble.. lmfao amateurs dont even realize how fucking massive this thing can become.

This why all you brainlets wont make it, you'll see so fucking early. Not me though, I'll be driving the newest Tesla MarsRover GT in the underground tunnels of Mars while getting my knob slobbed on by some qt blonde asian.

>> No.11743609
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, lfmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11743631

Before today I was convinced we are at denial, thanks for the black pill.

>> No.11743637

Based and redpilled.

>> No.11743694

You guys are retarded, thinking youll ever reach 20k again

2k incoming

>> No.11743709

>meme chart

>> No.11743726

Crypto is literally dead, the bubble popped.

You'd have to be a literal retard to believe that we'll ever reach the ATH.

>> No.11743736

This is so true. Bitcoin is an asset that nobody owns. When people start actually buying there will not I repeat, WILL NOT be enough liquidity. It’ll jump from 20k to 25k to 50k, there simply are not enough Bitcoins to go around. This bullrun will be epic of proportions we didn’t think possible. Bitcoin is going to the fucking sky... and very, very soon.

>> No.11743740

>BTC consolidating at $300 at the end of the cycle
Kek what an autist

>> No.11743753

That's true. Internet and tech never recovered after the bubble popped in 2003. The S&P500 and DOW were so devastated during the Great Recession they never came back.

>> No.11743767


Yes im sure people who are up 500% just will never want to cash out to real money ever. Oh wait thats just you retards

>> No.11743813

It'll easily reach 2k per satoshi before it ever reaches 2k per btc

>> No.11743836

That's a log scale.
Try with the normal scale instead.

>> No.11743850

if i remember correctly the drop was about 86% or 90% bitcoin crashed about 3 times already and so far it always recovered

>> No.11743891


Those people are few and far between. The last year since Nov of 17 has been the largest distribution event for Bitcoin yet. It is reaching a critical point where demand is exceeding sellers (as it has since 2009) however it has been manipulated as any emerging market has been. Don’t fear, 50K BTC by end of Q1 2019 is a near guarantee.

>> No.11743918


I had a much harder time selling 10btc then buying it

>> No.11743926

again. like last time. and the time before that

>> No.11743941

I'm up more than %1000 mr. december buyer, and most others like me sold to you last year.We took our profits and learned our lesson from the other rally.Worst ones of us has enough money on the side to life another year like this.

We are not dumb enough to sell at these prices, as this may very well the bottom.

>> No.11743977


Whatever helps you sleep at night