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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 919 KB, 1076x980, your_future_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11692414 No.11692414 [Reply] [Original]

Cryptocurrencies = No
Debt based fiat ponizi schemes = No
Stocks = No
ETFs = No
Bonds = No
Any other digital infinity scheme = No

So what is the future? Plain and simple:

Cryptographic receipts backed by precious metals.



>> No.11692423

Where can I buy this shekel ?

>> No.11692438

not really, the point of pm as store of value is to have no counterparty risk. If you dont hold the PMs, you dont hold the pms.

Cryptocurrency where you hold the private keys not backed by PMs AND some self held PMs are superior to PM backed cryptos

>> No.11692448

Or just use blockchain / supply chain every time their is a transaction or when it’s moved

>> No.11692469

They will only let you in two ways:

Precious metals in your hand
Cash in your hand

All other points of entry will be blocked.

>> No.11692531
File: 1.36 MB, 1169x715, tenbyten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cryptocurrency where you hold the private keys not backed by PMs AND some self held PMs are superior to PM backed cryptos

Unfortunately, you couldn't be more wrong. Cryptocurrencies by themselves are a laughing stock.
Precious metals by themselves are a digitally manipulated nightmare.
Fiat cash by itself is a flaming runaway train of inflation death.

With the three combined it will be perfection. There will be no stopping it.

We say what we mean and do what we say.

>> No.11692539

>Cryptographic receipts backed by precious metals.
I own gold and all, but go fuck your mother with that bullshit.
It's called the gold standard and the gold standard failed for a reason. It was a shell game the whole time.
The British pound is a reciept for a pound of sterling silver.
If your gonna buy shiny meme rocks, buy shiny meme rocks.

>> No.11692629

>go fuck your mother with that bullshit

I assure you it is not bullshit. It is the future. It is coming and if you reject it then you will be stuck in misery for the remainder of your life.

I hope you watched the presentation of the new notes. If you did you would be thinking more clearly.

>> No.11692664

there is rare and extremely powerful cryptocurrencies that dominate capitalism. I like that one, and PM held. crypto backed pm doesnt make sense for me but you may love them. When you want to claim your pms from the developer, you will not be able to just downlaod them instantly, and you may never see them at all

>> No.11692698

>there is rare and extremely powerful cryptocurrencies
>there is rara
put down the vodka ivan

>> No.11692735

Time to put the puzzle pieces together:

JP Morgan = locked and loaded

United States Treasury = locked and loaded

China = locked and loaded

Federal Reserve = locked and loaded

Stay in the digital casino/old world as long as you wish. Just know that the longer you stay in and accumulate bags of air the world is doing the opposite.

>> No.11692741

Would these dollars be valued against the current USD and rolled out by the fed separately?
Since PM would be finite or or rather, the accumulation very slow it seems like these would be worth more than their current counterpart.
If they have a separate value to the current dollar I feel like you couldn't use them practically.

>> No.11692758

well I've got about a pound of gold hidden away so I guess I'll make it

>> No.11692769
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I hold precious metals, not an empty promise for them.

>> No.11692801

I am aware of the hoarding of silver.
What makes you think that new money will be made?

>> No.11692851
File: 538 KB, 1400x1483, two_zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lacks faith

You are almost there. The wrongs of the past are about to be made clean. There will be no more empty promises. No more pain. Did you happen to see the new 20?

>> No.11692886

are they like a cryptocurrency? or real paper?
if its the first, where do you store them?

>> No.11692925

The design of these notes are absolutely stunning

>> No.11692958


>> No.11692962

The gold standard failed because we let politicians ignore the Constitution.

>> No.11692965

are these actual new US notes?

>> No.11692966

Barely any info. Where's the official info on this? care to post some non-bs links?

>> No.11692977

Nevermind its just a stupid concept, an artist work. Fuck off op and sage this useless thread

>> No.11693131

no, but damn they look pretty effing sweet, I wish they were

>> No.11693163

They are quite aesthetic, I don't really like Kennedy on the $20 though for some reason.

>> No.11693176

All of the above. You will be responsible and the accountability comes with it. All the power will literally be right in your hands.

And we couldn't be anymore debased then we are right now because of it. All that is going to change.

>> No.11693178

he would roll over in his grave if "federal reserve note" was printed on his jacket
I've thought about dollar redesigns before, and honestly I wish we had no presidents on the bills, the founders never intended the executive branch to be the most powerful it was suppose to be the legislative branch. I thought having Neil Armstrong on a $10 or $20 would be pretty cool, and then the reverse image be the Apollo module in orbit around the Moon with Earth in the background

>> No.11693198

>comes to a shit posting board for meme coins and wants official

I am your official messenger anon. Walk away and never come back if you wish. That's your choice. Maybe you should stick around and watch the future unfold before your very eyes. This is the ground floor.

>> No.11693246

You may want to recheck your history:

But perhaps the past should be in the past? The new twenty note is most appropriate and meshes well with the current note scheme. He should be recognized for the important role he played in the nation's history.

>> No.11693290

more like larping faggot that wants money to be 'cryptographic receipts backed by pm' and pasted some artist concept of new US notes. We will never see such in circulation nor your idea of money, kys

>> No.11693646

>You may want to recheck your history
That proves exactly what I was saying. JFK didn't like the FR and would be disgusted if its name was printed on his picture.

>> No.11693851

You dumb nigger.

Cash is based on how much people value it, and the reason it's been so fucky is because people are losing faith (which is how Crypto happened in the first place).

The future of finance (the only sure bet anyway) is going back to a barter system. Of course, it'll be bartering on the level of the stock market because computers.

>> No.11693852

>We will never see such in circulation nor your idea of money

You will never see it. That much is true. The rest that have cash and metals in their possession will see it. You should not waste being on the ground floor with this.

>> No.11693886

>In god we trust
That was the wrong of the past that will be forever unclean.
It's not even legal tender. It's just another lie.

>> No.11693919
File: 1.04 MB, 1872x5168, the final redpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11693925

>O ye of little faith

The sins of the past will be washed away. Be certain of that. The three will be fused together come hell or high water. This task is not for the faint of heart. Can you smell the hurt?

>> No.11694333
File: 279 KB, 2364x2097, us-dollars-andrey-avgust-money-bills-design-_dezeen_2364_col_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the puzzle inside the bill?

>> No.11694359

>stocks not the future of finance
Why the fuck not? Who’s going to get tired of owning companies?

>> No.11694901

>and the reason it's been so fucky is because people are losing faith
Paper money was never actually valuable (in a natural way) to begin with. The only reason it holds any value and is used is because governments forces companies to use it.

>> No.11695307

>literally cold, hard monopoly cash
The concept is there.

>> No.11695336

gold standards don't work