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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11692689 No.11692689 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder for poorfag linklets that if you don't even have 20k, you're not going to make it, period.

>> No.11692708

you need atleast 200k retard

>> No.11692733
File: 63 KB, 750x1000, no news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are absolutely deluded. 3 million Links to make it.

>> No.11692739

mfw 50k

>> No.11692751

Sorry anon, but it's 1,000,000,001 link to make it.

>> No.11692795

we're all in this together. we don't do this shit, marine. cut it out.

>> No.11692842
File: 20 KB, 220x229, pw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 1700 link

>> No.11692899
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>> No.11692935

After a lot of time contemplating and reading many 'lovely' comments about trans women from cis guys on this board I've come to the conclusion they're just not worth it.

Trans men are, for several reasons better
-they won't objectify me and see me as more than an actual sex object
-they can actually emphatize with what dysphoria and depression feels like
-they won't make me question my womanhood despite me being trans
-they'll be more likely to be okay with my neo vag and not make fun of it or call it an "axe wound"
-they're generally not as douchy as all the cis guys here
-at the same time they're more handsome

The only problem is what they've down there, but I don't care. I mean they probably don't like it either. And people with functional dicks are dicks themselves for the most part anyways.
Inb4: 't.larping ftm',
I'm mtf and cis guys just suck and everyone should avoid dating them if they can, I'd actually become prison transbian if trans guys wouldn't exist
Inb4 "lol ftm are women"
they're more masculine than any of you will ever be

>> No.11693322

Only have 10k feels bad man

>> No.11693330

300 :))))))))

>> No.11693340

It... it always was 10k to make it wasn't it ?

>> No.11693350


>> No.11693357

God he's so fucking perfect

>> No.11693467

its always been 10k LINK to make it

>> No.11693577

I think we need to define "making it"
Yeah it means never having to work again, but the actual level of net worth is going to vary a lot by region and lifestyle.

I would consider myself "made" if I had 5 million. With that amount, I could safely and easily be able to live off of 4% of that, which is $200,000 a year. Would make for a very comfy life.

I've got 15k link, so I'd need link to hit $333. But honestly, I don't think link will hit that. I'm guessing we max out at $100

>> No.11693600

>the biggest cock on /biz
>tfw biggest LINK stack on /biz
>the highest IQ on /biz
You're like ants to me

>> No.11693614

You NEED to put a few hundred K of that into physical gold and silver.

You idiots are going to make it and then throw your 5 million into the most overinflated rigged stock market with 0% interest rates for a fucking decade.... and fucking lose it all when the stock market and dollar implode.

>> No.11693616

I think I need 10mil to make it and never have to work again. That requires link to hit $1000. Even if I need to work for another 10 years before I make it I'm completely fine with that. I have a comfortable office job.

>> No.11693638

Am I fuck putting it into stocks before a gigantic crash. That shit is a legit ponzi.

>> No.11693671

I have 1.3k link. I need 30k to make it

Will I