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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11671356 No.11671356 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we talk about our origin stories into crypto:

>Time you entered crypto markets
>First project you bought into
>Initial holdings (optional)
>gains/loses so far (optional)
>Hard lessons you learned
>anything else you want to add or get off your chest

I'm a newfag, entered in may after wanting to learn how to make passive income First project I got into was chainlink (thanks biz). Inital was 4k (poorfag). So far I'm holding close to 7k, so I can't complain, I've seen some anons here do much worse. Learned how easy it is to get scammed, trust no one in here I guess. I hope to make it, otherwise wagecucking for a while longer.

>> No.11671382

Learned about /biz/ on Reddit, I'm all in Chainlink

>> No.11671477

>December 2017
>lost 12000
>crypto is a fucking scam and I am a subhuman for ever buying literal chuck-e-cheese tokens
>I fucing hate myself and crypto

>> No.11671504

Learned about Reddit on /biz/, I'm all in XRP

>> No.11671529

Damn. Now that's a hard lesson.

>> No.11671538

>Mine 400k dogecoin instead of bitcoin
>Ehhh too volatile
>Fast forward to 2017
>Friend shilling eth at 8,13,35,45 dollars
>Too high to care
>eth 100$
>of fug nextbitcoin.exe go all in with 2k
>50x by December
>gambling rehab
>Mainly in on chainlink now

>> No.11671539

Was lurking /pol/ and fund /biz/ after the last december golden bull run...I was mining back in the day, then found out about chainlink when people were FUDDING it, it got e curious and I read the white paper, I fucking sold my rig, and all inned into chainlink...

thanks /biz/ I love you guys

>> No.11671544
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>2011, created the earliest site to allow users to buy items off of Amazon
>price went from $10 to $2 over a year
>only a dozen or so customers
>shut the site down

>came back with $2k in btc
>setup a site to sell crypto to people
>enjoying the rise of doge
>2014 going down, closed up shop

>2017, came back
>$1k worth of dust found mostly ltc/clams, used to create a crypto business
>made $100k or so over the last year

I literally should have just bought and held.

>> No.11671545

>March 8th, 2016
>150 ETH ~ $1,500.00 USD investment @ $10.00 each
>3,100 ETH ~$674,250.00 USD
>Total is now 3,250 ETH
>Lessons learned: ICO's made and lost people a crap ton of money. Smart contracts are revolutionary and will take Blockchain technology to the next level.
>I've been the biggest believer in Ethereum ever since finding out about it at the beginning of March nearly 3 years ago. I think people should stick to the projects that have been able to prove themselves because the upside from where we are now is insane. This is the opportunity of a generation, don't waste it.

>> No.11671558

bought 1 bitcoin for 2k, sold for 10k. feelsgood

>> No.11671562
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>oct 2017
>put in $1k
>went to 20k in january
>didnt sell
>now below the price I bought in at

Every day I want to kill myself for not selling when it was $2.44. Jesus christ how fucking retarded am I JUST

>> No.11671576

lmfao i scooped 50k of these and bitcoin red on coinexchange.io but sold way too early

>> No.11671577

>heard of crypto in 2016
>bought fucking BURST of all things
>held until may 2017
>played around with alts and made sick gains
>cashed out in May 2018
>lessons: 99% of these coins are scams and will fucking die
>only buy BTC and XMR if you're in crypto at all
I wish I knew sooner

>> No.11671585

>Bought drugs late 2016
>Bought Dash with the money I had left over. My reasoning was that they had a cool ATM
>Around 20 USD
>I have 8000 USD right now
>I held Bancor through most of the 2017 bullrun, it really fucked me. Sold NEO just before it started mooning. I've learned not to get married to my bags, but also to be more patient. Thankfully I got lucky this year and bought the Holo ICO which is why I'm better off than before the crash.
>Crypto is hell and I can't wait to get out

>> No.11671589

>few months ago, sold ingame currency for 0.01 BTC, bought XRP for 7.4k sat, sold few days ago for 4% profit, just bought BAT for 5.1k sat
Thats all kek.

>> No.11671604

Thanks anon, I agree with you completely. I know I'm late to the game, but it could be worse.

>> No.11671611

Smart man!

>> No.11671623
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I dont think its over yet though.... the dev is working hard, although its been a bumpy ride since the 2 other devs left and he shifted focus from P2P lending to Crowdfunding. I still think its worth hodling when they start doing global lending with collateral and credit rating system

>> No.11671627

Just sold BAT for 5.2k, now i have 0.01055 BTC. Am I crypto god yet?

>> No.11671636

>did some mining, .84 and DCA bought some
>won some lost some ended up with 3.4 at one point last year
>lost over 2 with polo hijinks and ended up in hospital, then lost the rest on bm

>> No.11671689
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damn bro...

>> No.11671771

Work for financial consulting firm
Ripple is a customer, Bitcoin just crashed from 1200
Read Satoshi’s white paper
Invest half life savings into $500 bitcoin and $.005 XRP
Sold 25% in late 2017
It’s all house money now
Price rollercosters and I feel fine
Wageslave because retirement at 35 is boring as fuck. A man needs to have a purpose
Six figure income plus benefits.
Life is good. Thank you crypto

>> No.11671772

First heard about crypto 2 years ago.
Bought 10 bucks worth of BTC.
After the fork I sold my BCH and flipped it into BTC.
Now I hold .005 BTC and I will keep holding it forever.
Good stuf.

>> No.11671788

its a gamble mate. hedge with a top 50 w potential. this bear did a pretty good job of purging shitcoins

>> No.11671854

Nice. I would honestly be happy if my crypto holdings gave me enough to buy a house.

>> No.11671904

>August 2017
>Bitcoin Cash
>41k lost
>Lesson: Dont try to be a trader

>> No.11671913
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lol you feel for the alt meme

>> No.11671936

WOAHH there bud
better reign in that riskiness

>> No.11672007
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>bought 1 bitcoin around $1000 in 2013.
>bagheld for 3 years
>diversified in litecoin and ethereum around august
>went all in on link in november.

This was unironically lucky, I rode up the big coinbase coins then caught the shitcoin erc20 alt bubble in january. Only sold a few thousand for cash in january but I'm confdent in link.

My one regret is not following through after signing up to buy Ripple in 2014 when it launched. Pic related is the email I don't think I did anything with. I probably would have sold once I realized what it was (at the time I wasn't a very informed buyer) and the following it started to acquire showed up, but still would have made some nice money.

>> No.11672022

>>Lessons learned: ICO's made and lost people a crap ton of money. Smart contracts are revolutionary and will take Blockchain technology to the next level.

There's been studies about ICOs last year. If you purchased literally every ICO, scams included, you would have made a ridiculous amount of money and still even be up today. That will never happen again, but ICOs were in general a fantastic investment last year.

>> No.11672046
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>YFW you missed the ICO golden bullrun last year

>> No.11672105
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>early 2016
>was just into bitcoin but this little project sponsored by wells fargo "ripple" sounded interesting
>sounded like cool futuristic tech, send payments instantly to anyone anywhere
>and backed by banks
>saved up enough money working at an icecream shop to have 2.6 btc, at the time worth a little over $1,000
>put it into XRP, at the time worth 1440 sats each
>constantly viewing breadcrumb info online
>bull run comes
>patiently watch as everything explodes around me
>finally its Ripples time
>blows up to $1 and I sell 15%. Already at amazing ROI
>hits $2.20 each and I decide to take my profit and sell 100% of my holdings
>was nervous to re enter the market because I thought it could collapse any second

Im invested in LINK now because it reminds me most of early XRP, which is my baby and my golden investment.