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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11667327 No.11667327 [Reply] [Original]

common man, I know you are still lurking...say hello to us, we still believe in what you said and the prophecy is being fufilled.

tell us what are your thoughts on towncrier acquisition. and what do you think is coming?

>> No.11667343

Hey its me, yer assblaster

>> No.11667371

It was a larp you moron

>> No.11667459

I have come, my child. 1k eoy.

>> No.11667519 [DELETED] 
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Yes. An anonymous poster on an anonymous board. Let's summon him


>> No.11667530

nice try buddy

>> No.11667818

Need a god damn necromancer to bring back Assblaster.

>> No.11667947

I'm AssBlaster and so is my wife.

>> No.11667972


Why do you faggots love this ANONYMOUS namefag larper so much? Holy fuck just stop the cocksucking. Fuckin' zoomer fucks. HURRR DURRR THIS GUY SAID A LOT OF STUFF WITH A NAME ATTACHED TO HIS FACELESS ANONYMITY GODDAMN WHERE IS HE WHERE IS OUR DAD? AYYYY LMAO GANG GANG SKRRRRRRRRT

>> No.11668007

This is my final post. I will not be returning, nor will I reply to any posts in this thread. The doxxing 'attempt' on me was enough evidence to show the true nature of the users of this board as maurading adolescents with no real concept of investing or patience.

I provided what I believed to be at the time (and still do to some extent in hindsight) a well thought-out estimate of where not only Link, but the entire crypto market was headed.

I was wrong in my timing. That is all I will say on the matter. I am not throwing any bones out because of what occurred previously.

>> No.11668028

LARP dude common stahp it....

>> No.11668030


Bye. Die. Don't post again. Don't reply to me. Fuck you.

>> No.11668054

You know that we know AB’s tripcode, right?

>> No.11668213

I am a larp. 2.5k EOY.

>> No.11668248

> this is when blockchain was really starting to explode in firms
hahahaha man
those of you who missed last year: goddamn you fucked up

>> No.11668278

Fuck you piece of shit nigger face

>> No.11668296

I have to admit he had the right tone though

>> No.11668303

Reply to my post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

>> No.11668369

creatine on twitter came out and said "we are all AB." it's confirmed him, and he was definitely in a position to have had the knowledge he claimed. It was legit, and the fact that he isn't attention whoring coming back day after day is more encouraging than a shitty larp that somehow has the time to post here daily despite allegedly being important.

>> No.11668511

we could triangulate his age and see if its the same guy

>> No.11668703
File: 67 KB, 640x453, downloadfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys,
I may not be knowledgeable in crypto currencies, but I sure as hell can wrangle in digital fish. Anyone need help?
I heard the REQ thingie may need a fish expert. Any truth to that, or is it just a fish tale?

>> No.11668721


>> No.11668722

Best bait to use?

>> No.11668723

Its drunk anon.

>> No.11668772


AB’s disappearance really suggests he was legit. A larper who put that much effort in would never just walk away at peak popularity. AB was real.

>> No.11668779

yea, but idk i've had suspicions he's been at least one other larper. that said, should link have a major price increase or something incredible is announced like SWIFT using chainlinks name, I fully expect he'll be back.

>> No.11668799

the only thing is, how could he be so wrong about the timeline for when the main net would be launched... he seemed to believe it would be fairly early 2018 but he literally couldn't have been more wrong... then the trezo monero stuff, all the times he promised to show a wallet (i get why he wouldn't, but don't make promises about it if you're legit), him being absolutely wrong about binance listing link against their wishes, etc.

I want to believe, but there's undeniably a whole lot of red flags about him being real.

>> No.11668810

tripcode 1 !!MBPenmwX43G
tripcode 2 !!N0bsArEgJCr
anything else is fake

>> No.11668858


>> No.11668864

assblaster probably got btfo during the january crash and is either suicided or sucking dick for .001 btc

>> No.11668901

Also believe is the same, Drunkanon disappeared after Devcon when Towncrier was the big news. He may be back this month but only if some good news pops.

>> No.11669623


Everyone remembers his wrong calls (and he had several) but he was completely accurate about TWO pumps and one shitcoin massacre. Seriously look through the archive and CMC. He also repeatedly said he was a finance insider not a crypto insider, so it makes sense he didn’t anticipate how hard crypto would crash, but literally early jan he told EVERYONE ago evacuate every shitcoin, most of which fell 95%, and move into blue chips, most of which only fell 60-80%, purely on paper if you had listened to every call AB made, you wouldn’t have profited much but you’d be down a lot less than everyone else. Also I’ll never forget the six post tear down of NANO culminating in him saying it would go to single digits. That rant about NANO alone makes him my hero lol

>> No.11669640

that's exactly what a larper would do
and they would also post retarded shit such as your post to keep fooling retards

>> No.11669673

This. He was a good man

>> No.11669717

Someone post that rant

>> No.11669904
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>invest in blue chips like vechain


>> No.11669914

I would be extremely surprised if LINK is under $1 by December.

>> No.11669976

>Best bait to use?
In the digital fishing realm, we find using larp threads that lead to traps work best.

>> No.11670002

100 link to whomever picks up on this

>> No.11670245

Nah ur wife is assblasted

>> No.11671234
File: 146 KB, 1280x1080, 44743035_1872423119543126_1474846238498095104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear putting a small piece of mozzarella on the hook is effective

>> No.11671295

bump cunt.