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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11638287 No.11638287 [Reply] [Original]

where the fuck can i enter my private key and see my balance. why does every fucking site want me to enter my email and shit. i just want to enter my bitcoin private key and unlock my fucking wallet.

somebody give me a site that does this right fucking now. jesus fucking christ.

>> No.11638292

Give me your key, I'll do it for you

>> No.11638299

just post it here

>> No.11638307

Download electrum from electrum.org

>> No.11638311

your money is gone

>> No.11638348

will this shit wallet let me enter my private key and see the resulting bitcoin address?

this is in non-hex format 6583645390246129625234757418636474088900976031448194536254326620352381760545

it actually doesnt have any balance in it but i need to verify that the ecc key i generated and the resulting pub key matches that of the standard secp256k1 curve (because the rust lib im using is still fairly new idk if i can trust it). but there are no fucking online tools to do this. and every javascript and python fucking piece of shit library only generates pubkeys from randomized buffers. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST> WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE NO BITCOIN WALLETS THAT LET YOU JUST CONVERT PRIVATE -> PUBLIC KEY:> FICKCKCKCKCK.

i thought the whole poijt of this shit ecosysstem is that you are your own fucking bank and have your own priv key. fuck you

>> No.11638419
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fuck you this doesnt work. fucking kys. it wants it in WIF format. im not downloading another fucking bitcoin js library just to convert the private key to wif. somebody give me a wallet right fucking now where i can just enter my private key and unlock it.

>> No.11638438

are you fucking retarded man

>> No.11638481

no im not fucking retarded. point me to a single site that lets me just enter my private key and see my wallet

>> No.11638512
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Good thread, OP.

>> No.11638552

FUCKING KYS. 9 replies later and not a single one of you has given me a fucking wallet were i just enter my private key. fuck crypto. this whole thing is a fucking scam. whats the point of having a FUCKING PRIVATE KEY IF YOU CANT EVEN ENTER IT ANYWHERE

>> No.11638557
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>> No.11638577

I spot an opportunity in the market

>> No.11638582
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>> No.11638602
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>Private Key
OP you aren't supposed to tell anyone your private key...

>> No.11638611


>does not provide a solution
kill. your. self..

>> No.11638614
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Gee I wonder what this thread is...

>> No.11638624

its not fucking bait you cunt. just give me a fucking site that lets me convert my private key into public key and ill stop bumping it

>> No.11638631

>he doesn’t know

>> No.11638643
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we tried to tell him but he just gets madder

>> No.11638660

> give site to enter private key


>> No.11638661
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just go to myetherwallet.com and it lets you do exactly that OP

>> No.11638672
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My sides have left this galaxy
OP is a larping fag, no one can be this stupid

That's the kind of entertaining threads I missed since the market took a nosedive

>> No.11638675

Do u mean this in the link or u mean somthing else in on my phone so did a little Google search https://askubuntu.com/questions/53553/how-do-i-retrieve-the-public-key-from-a-ssh-private-key

>> No.11638684

finally. post btc address ill send you a tip

>> No.11638697


>> No.11638701

now this is rsa. i need ecc on secp256k1

>> No.11638707

beta coiner btfo. KYS ragefag. you deserve to die poor in a constant and unending state of uneasiness

>> No.11638708

lmao hahahahaha

>> No.11638711

Crypto is so un-userfriendly, there is no fucking way mass adoption will occur in its current state.

>> No.11638723
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>> No.11638788

However, when running, I get the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid point encoding 0x30 at org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECCurve.decodePoint(Unknown Source) at org.bouncycastle.jce.ECPointUtil.decodePoint(Unknown Source) at Wallet.Wallet.setPublic(Wallet.java:125)

What am I doing wrong? Is there a better/easier way to do this?

EDIT: I've managed to get some code to compile, but it does not work correctly:

public void setPublic() throws GeneralSecurityException { BigInteger privKey = new BigInteger(getHex(privateKey.getEncoded()),16); X9ECParameters ecp = SECNamedCurves.getByName("secp256k1"); ECPoint curvePt = ecp.getG().multiply(privKey); BigInteger x = curvePt.getX().toBigInteger(); BigInteger y = curvePt.getY().toBigInteger(); byte[] xBytes = removeSignByte(x.toByteArray()); byte[] yBytes = removeSignByte(y.toByteArray()); byte[] pubKeyBytes = new byte[65]; pubKeyBytes[0] = new Byte("04"); System.arraycopy(xBytes, 0, pubKeyBytes, 1, xBytes.length); System.arraycopy(yBytes, 0, pubKeyBytes, 33, xBytes.length); ECNamedCurveParameterSpec params = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("secp256k1"); KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.getInstance("ECDSA", "BC"); ECCurve curve = params.getCurve(); java.security.spec.EllipticCurve ellipticCurve = EC5Util.convertCurve(curve, params.getSeed()); java.security.spec.ECPoint point = ECPointUtil.decodePoint(ellipticCurve, pubKeyBytes); java.security.spec.ECParameterSpec params2 = EC5Util.convertSpec(ellipticCurve, params); java.security.spec.ECPublicKeySpec keySpec = new java.security.spec.ECPublicKeySpec(point,params2); this.publicKey = fact.generatePublic(keySpec); } private byte[] removeSignByte(byte[] arr) { if(arr.length==33) { byte[] newArr = new byte[32]; System.arraycopy(arr, 1, newArr, 0, newArr.length); return newArr; } return arr; }

>> No.11638811

So after a while, I figured out a solution and decided to post it in case anyone else has the same issue as me:

KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("ECDSA", "BC"); ECParameterSpec ecSpec = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("secp256k1"); ECPoint Q = ecSpec.getG().multiply(((org.bouncycastle.jce.interfaces.ECPrivateKey) this.privateKey).getD()); ECPublicKeySpec pubSpec = new ECPublicKeySpec(Q, ecSpec); PublicKey publicKeyGenerated = keyFactory.generatePublic(pubSpec); this.publicKey = publicKeyGenerated;

>> No.11638874
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based thread

>massive adoption
>muh decentralized
>we wuz early adopters n sheit

>> No.11638908


Also, get a hardware wallet. You are not made for this. The chance of a hardware backdoor is minimal and the chance you will get keylogged and raped out if your coins is astronomical.

>sincerely hoping this is bait

>> No.11638954

Private key management should be an important industry by now. OP is rather correct in his outrage.

>> No.11639045

Exactly. This shit is a complete joke. You think normys will do this shit? Lol

>> No.11639071
File: 95 KB, 685x1023, 7buwxsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol u dont know about /biz/ wallet feature?

just type without the dot:
./pkey (your key)


>> No.11640189

OP, are you still here in this thread? You just want a plain, raw, private key into a public key right? Using Secp256k1?

>> No.11640219

this is nodejs code i wrote. Completely implements ECC from scratch. The variable sk (at the bottom) is your private key, pk is your public key.


>> No.11640236

>I'll use a non-standard data format!
>WTF nothing supports my non-standard format!
That said, reading this thread was painful. I don't like being reminded that this place is full of idiots.

>> No.11640287

you can uncomment the last line too and pk.address() will spit out the address corresponding to your private or public key as well.

>> No.11640312

how is the private key in raw format non-standard? its literally the most standard you can get...
literally just multiply the base point by the private key...

thanks i already solved the problem tho. you can just use an eth address and the standard ecrecover will tell you if the pub key matches

>> No.11640357

Because bitcoin is a mash of bitcoin-specific data standards. Base58Check, WIF, BIP39, etc. You're trying to turn it into a bitcoin-specific address, so the input expected is bitcoin-specific WIF.
Glad you found a workaround though. It's good to see someone actually writing code in this wasteland.

>> No.11640375

thinking my next project will be to fully explain the technical workings of bitcoin so anons can code their own stuff from scratch. I absolutely hate plugging my shit into websites. It's like a minefield of, 'who's gonna steal my keys today?'

>> No.11640429

There's actually a few sites like that already. I just found this while looking for an online WIF converter for you: http://learnmeabitcoin.com/glossary/wif
There's also the bitcoin wiki of course and the bitcoin core developer documentation. https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-documentation
I'm sure there's others. It's probably just the nature of the space for there to be scattered and redundant documentation and explanations.

>> No.11640864


Try Atomic Wallet. You can create a wallet there, and import your private keys to it. Best part is, it'll give you a 12 word seed phrase that you can memorize to get back access to your wallet at any time, even if you wipe your computer.

>> No.11640904


I spent just about half the day learning about my cold wallet and its mechanics, even had to email tech support to ask a bunch of questions that were answered in the FAQ. I understand OP's sentiments. It's not an easy thing to digest, there's A LOT to learn.