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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11637762 No.11637762 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me anons, what are your plans after you make it? What will you do? Will you live humble or buy expensive shit and show off?

>> No.11637808

starting to diversify my portfolio

>> No.11637846


>take a deep breath
>feeling free
>continue as usual for a while and plan for some weeks (got a plan but still need to work out specific points)
>decide where to move
>learn some more english + local language
>move to chosen country with lots of sun and zero crypto tax
>buy a house/an appartment with the saved tax money
>make sport
>enjoy sun
>fuck women
>get into new hobbies
>look for people
>try to make (new) friends
>invest money and maybe look for small work

Planned to reach this point till 2022. Will off myself if I fail because don't wanna wageslave and live in my mom's house with 30+...

>> No.11637847

I'll live modestly but comfortably. only expenisve thing I'd buy would be a house and a new motorbike.

>> No.11637862

For me personally, I will first buy a small humble house with small garden, few miles away from a major city. Then I will buy two cars (nothing too expensive, most likely will still buy used) - one for commuting, practical and reliable but still fun car and the other strictly as a project/track car. After that I will travel the entire eurasian continent in my commuter car, sleeping inside it unless a hotel is neccesary. I will travel everywhere from the mountains of Norway to the Swiss Alps to Russian Siberia to the seas of Italy to the amazing mountain routes in Japan, all in my car, no plane bullshit. After I'm done and bored of that after several years, I will get a long term VISA and travel into the US/Canada where I will stay for about 2 years and do the same in a cheap-ish car I will buy there.
After all that is done, I'll return back to my house where I will catch up on all TV shows, videogaymes, go track racing in my car, occasionaly take my commuter car for a night ride or a longer road trip but generally just enjoy life. After that I will be ready to settle and find a female partner (or at least will try to). That's basically it.

>> No.11637863
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Start a thot harem for myself. Not sure about the logistics of doing this though.

>> No.11637896

And if finding a gf fails, I will likely buy a small-ish piece of landy make it into my personal airport, get an airplane license and buy myself a nice plane for couple hundred thousands. Eventually once I'm old enough, retire on a small yacht in a calm sea, occasionaly inviting asian escorts over until the day I die.

>> No.11637959

Start my own Marijuana distribution, growing, and sales company. Will Monopolize poor neighborhoods, employ 100s, become a whale in the atock market, rack up on more millions, buy impoverished houses and rent them out in masses. Live in a big mansion full of thots, expensive furniture, a maid, liqour, pot, cigars, and a garage full of Aston Martins. While i drug myself up every night to Drakes music and repeat

>> No.11638051

I would go all in buying apartments, then will live a pretty comfy life through the rent.
I don't need to show off shit

>> No.11638067

Just gonna spend a year or two having fun before anything else

>> No.11638159
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depending on the magnitude of my makedom, I'll build a futuristic house which is self-sufficient.

>> No.11638175

Your written english is fine, desu. You brown skin autists are lower on self esteem than american autists

>> No.11638194

I will recreate pic related but with me in the middle smoking a fat cigar.

In all honestly, I would take my gains with me and not wage slave another day again. Preferably go to Thailand, find something productive to do and get a qt Asian gf.

>> No.11638230

I will do an endless summer type situation where I go to different coastlines for the seasons-- France in the fall, pacfic islands in teh winter, central america in the summer, cali in the srping. I could keep doing that for qutie a while and take in tourist sites and local culture when the surf sucks. I'll stock up on property when teh market cycle bottoms out and try to live off rental income.

>> No.11638234

Buy a block of land at least 300km from the nearest city. Must have a fresh water source and solid rainfall. Preferably that abuts national park/crown land so that I have as few neighbours as possible. Preferably in NZ/Tasmania so that climate change will cause an increase in rainfall rather than desertification.
Have a house constructed with deep, deep foundation pillars so that it's protected against landslides in a future that predicts massively varying rainfall. Set up as much solar power and storage as I can afford. Bury shipping containers full of canned food and non-perishables. Legally procure as much weaponry and ammunition as I can get my hands on. Literally set up the entire property so that when society completely collapses I will be able to defend it against the hordes of starving urban refugees who will be scouring the countryside for resources. Hope that I've done enough that my descendants and I will actually be able to hold the fort.

>> No.11638246 [DELETED] 

make sure to tan naked

>> No.11638277

Buy a property/house

>> No.11638341
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First thing I'll do is fly to Japan and eat Kobe beef at the best Kobe beef restaurant. Kobe beef is the best beef in the world.

>> No.11638389
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Second thing I'll do is eat otoro sushi made from bluefin Tuna.

>> No.11638401 [DELETED] 

I want to buy some fucked up parts of the rainforest and replant/preserve it

a private island somewhere (for my wife)

start a charity/grant

pay off the entire debts of my family and closest friends

invest in my alias/art-forms

complete my degree and maybe get a masters/doctorate

buy a home in every city I can imagine staying in for months at a time then airbnb the ones that don't have valuable assets kept in them etc.

definitely figure out some apocalypse shit

give out loans to small businesses or start ups

make comedy films

run a rehab center/respite center

never change the goodness and light inside me in favor of profit while funding the sciences AND arts

be the best dad I can be to as many people as possible

be the ideal husband for my wife and have my wife be the ideal wife for me


do something significantly important for our planet

then everything else I can spur of the moment

thank you forgive me the opportunity to share

>> No.11638450


>> No.11638463

Retire, work on my own projects and learn skills like a martial art (boxing or BJJ, maybe Judo). Otherwise, I'd live pretty humbly and focus on raising a family.

>> No.11638465
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I just want to open a dive bar, so I can party with my friends every night. I can happily sleep in a studio and drive a Honda.

>> No.11638550

you're right wifey, can't let them know our next move

>> No.11638638
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Buy a big plot of land in the midwest.
Get some animals, larp as a farmer.
Eventually find a good woman to settle down with and start a family.

>> No.11638772
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Travel the world
Get a house and a Tesla
Fuck high class escorts and pornstars weekly
Get an "office" set up, essentially a place to escape my fiancee and "work"
Invest in franchise businesses
Possibly start producing/starring in pornography but especially if fiancee ever leaves me
Create animated production studio so I can just write cartoons

>> No.11638790

Make sure you wash them first like OP. Bathwater looks disgust.

>> No.11638812

Painful reminder that the golden bull already happened and nobody in this thread is going to make it

>> No.11638833

Will put 75% of my money into gold and silver so I don't lose it once I make it. Fiat collapse coming

>> No.11638837

I'm going to build a wizards tower on my family land and plant a forest around it. Then il grow long hair and a beard whilst I learn magic.

>> No.11638852
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anyone thinking you should withdraw lots of crypto is a fool

you should only withdraw what you need for a decent living but not enough to raise suspicion.. you want to live as a grey man and not attract the attention of the authorities

>> No.11638863
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>what is daytrading/scalping

>> No.11638866

I'll be setting up an art gallery back in my home country. Assemble a harem of art hoes who will fuck me to publish their work in my gallery. pimp out some of these hoes to other men for better connections in the art space.

Longterm goal is to work hard on improving my artistic abilities and produce artistic masterpieces by age 35. I'm willing to grind it out because its my newfound passion. Currently slaving away in biomedical research. By the time I have my PhD, LINK will moon so timing is just perfect for me.

>> No.11638867
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buy tesla
buy solar roof
shitpost on 4chan and hack stuff

>> No.11638877

Rent a condo in Pattaya
Massage five time a day
A slut / A ladyboy every night
Lifting heavy weights at the gym

All this until 2025.

Then I will settle with a white woman and I will make 3 kids.

I will die in the European civil war because it's my duty.

>> No.11638885

How many LINK to drink that bath water?

>> No.11638899

I want a high tech home far away from other people, spend my traveling and studying things that interest me. I'll also build a bunker for the apocalypse

>> No.11638935


> wants to make it so he can die on a donorcycle

>> No.11638982


>Divorce the lazy cunt wife I regret marrying
>Get in shape due to less stress eating/more energy spent working out.
>Travel the US and world
>Spend at least a month fucking whores in Thailand.
>Come back
>Start online business
>Buy a nice home, but not fancy, home with some land in a state with legal weed.
>Live a polyamorous life with at least a couple of roastie bisexual gfs who’ll make my dirty sex fantasies come true daily.
>Do some writing and pursue various passion projects without caring if they fail.
>Die happy

>> No.11638997


Buy a sweet apartment in a major city and keep a ton of cocaine around. Join Seeking.com. The rest will take care of itself.

>> No.11639118

Litterally this.

>> No.11639133
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50yo here. Advice for the younger folks. Don't wait to travel and enjoy life. NOT YOLO BS. I did all my International traveling before I retired from my first career at 38. Now with a fixed pension and my second career almost finished the wife and I are doing local travel now that the kid is grown, through college, and started his family. If you wait too long you may not have as much time or the health to enjoy the things you should have done while younger. Only thing to wait for is high end cars. Drive a reliable inexpensive car while you are making money. Good Luck.

>> No.11639151

What did you do while being abroad? What made those trips worthwhile?

>> No.11639157

I'm gonna ski entire winter at a different mountain each week and find a Ukrainian girl to marry (im already a hohol living in us and only 27, on path to /fit/)

>> No.11639174

Guys i only have 0.5btc in REQ. Should I keep HODL or all in link

>> No.11639221

Some of the trips were for business. Some we paid out of pocket. Seeing how others live is one positive, some people are dirt poor but live totally happy lives with the basics. The food is completely different, I'm talking the backwoods, far from the urban centers food. I had an orange in Morocco and it was like I had never eaten an orange before. The various cultures, history, and cool ass people.

>> No.11639312

Bukovel is nice

>> No.11639388

Stay safe friends.

>> No.11639485

How much "make it" are we talking? That could mean anything from a comfortable middle-class life to a private jet taking me across the world on a constant vacation.

>> No.11639802
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Asian girl feet. Enough said

>> No.11639842

my dude right here

>> No.11639852

are you autistic? oh yeah this is 4chan... you visit world wonders, take photos, eat local food, meet cool people, scuba dive, hike, fuck hookers, etc

>> No.11639901

Nigga silver is so fucking difficult to move around compared to gold or platinum. it's literally two orders of magnitude cheaper by weight.
Degenerate zoomer lifestyle.
Pretty based, I would recommend not buying a plane though. You will have a shitload of maintenance, fuel, licensing fees etc. Money pit.

>> No.11640403
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Improve myself into a better person
Catch up on everything that I've "missed out" on
Make memories and try to find happiness

>> No.11640422
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Sounds real comfy. I'm sure you'd eventually find successes in meeting a gf, as you'd have the rest of your life to work on it.

>> No.11640458

Find a live-in trophy slut who loves me for my money and fuck her whenever I want

>> No.11640467

doesn't sound all too interesting or exciting honestly

>> No.11640718

Donate it all to my synagogue.

>> No.11640730

>Preferably go to Thailand, find something productive to do and get a qt Asian gf.
Literally me, except maybe Philippines. I want brown asian waifu and qt hapa kids.

>> No.11640740
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Instead of all that degenerate shit why don't you just find a nice thai girl to marry and have many babies with?

>> No.11640763


Fuck I love expensive Japanese food. If I was a billionaire I'd eat like 3-4k calories a day of the most expensive food and do an hour or two of intense exercise to burn it all off.

>> No.11640770


>A slut / A ladyboy every night

You gunna get AIDS

>> No.11641285

>make it
>buy a Tesla
Jesus, that's sad

>> No.11641339
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There is no making it.... You realize how fucking hard and the shit you have to put yourself through to actually make it ? You think you can just stop there and call it a day after hours,days,weeks,monthes,years of grind ? And before you say 1 million is enough, think again, if your gonna work your fucking ass off to get to that 1 million and then live like a frugally off of interest rates, then YOU WOULD NEVER MAKE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. I want to built a legacy, my legacy will be past to my children then to my grandchildren and i will do good with the fortune that i amass. ANON i hope you stop coping and get back to that wagecyck life of urs

>> No.11642043

Whatever it means to make it for you anon

>> No.11642050

Get a small house in a good neighborhood and level there until I die.

My idea of "making it" is owning a few bitcoin so I can sell and start my own small art/graphic design business. I don't need millions for that.

>> No.11642056

hitting that $5 carwash every week

>> No.11642077

buy nice luxury house on the ocean side. Get a boat and tesla car.

travel and fuck a bitch in every country.

>> No.11642135

basically that image describes it perfectly

>> No.11642147

I fucking hate shift work

>> No.11642201


Are u my Soulmate?

>> No.11642210
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>get some life improving surgeries I want like lasik
>use rest to live a comfortable hikkiNEET life
>extra cash into researching and developing a matrix/sao-like VR system because real life sucks and so does the oculus rift

>> No.11642345

This. I dont even need this much, most good and new apartments cost about 80 - 125k in my country. So I will buy a few, and rent them out. Honestly, I would probably be set for life with about ~500k... I have a few BTC, and some shitcoins. Tell me /biz/ that this os possible, I really want to settle down and live in peace.

>> No.11642397

I've already made it (I have +200 btc) but I unironically have no idea what to do. I just live passively, writing and chilling, watching anime and playing games. I'm thinking of going to vietnam and be a degenerate for a few months, I dunno.
The ideal dream is to fuck an 18 year old and cuck her for her younger sister, although I have no clue where to do that.

>> No.11642413

most based and redpilled answer

>> No.11642432

fund my movie

>> No.11642439

I'd rather not.

>> No.11642448

you can take all the profits and be credited as producer, youll get invited to all festivals and can castcouch all the young whores. i only need about 100k

>> No.11642503

>https://youtu.be/Il8VZ3WOpzQ [Open]

if you guys want to actually make it
spread the word frens

>> No.11642564

I'm not sure anything could ever satisfy me.

>> No.11642676

Based. Build that ark you magnificent exotic antipodean Noah.

>> No.11643427

Nobody would watch your movie anyway. What are you 10?

>> No.11643520

pay my mortgage
pay my mothers mortgage
marry my gf
buy a nice car
reinvest the rest.

>> No.11643981

>buy my parents a nice cottage
>pay off my sisters schooling
>buy some cool antique guns for my brother
>transfer from regular force army to reserves
>stake 50% of my link and start a crypto company
>buy up some land in Alberta and start a hobby farm
>go on a bender about once a month with friends
I have 100k link so hopefully this is all achievable.

>> No.11644006
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You're a good man, anon. You need to get a wife though, spend that money as our good Lord intended, on your own family.

>> No.11644068

I plan on starting a family once I get settled. Will probably wait until after I finish getting my nodes running and have hired some people to handle most of the small picture day-to-day stuff.

>> No.11644072

there is no making it, unless you made tens or hundreds of millions in crypto

>> No.11644236
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Good lad

>> No.11644256

have a humble life working out, eating healthy and playing videogames. I don't need much more.

>> No.11644358
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Kobe beef <<<< Matsusaka beef, thank me later anon

>> No.11644359


Tried that already. I used to think just like you, It doesn't work out how you think, anon. Sadly. I'd rather have the degenerate poly lifestyle with a woman/women who enjoys sex and then have babies with them in a lifestyle free of jealousy and manipulation.

>> No.11644372


That is possible. If you can, buy a whole apartment building (it can be a small one). Rent most out to others while you live in one and have them pay the mortgage. Hire a property management company to hire the maintenance and rent collection so the tenants leave you alone.

>> No.11644528

a better trading set up, a condominium unit to live in
grind my way up
buy a house near the beach and a boat to go fishing every now and then

>> No.11644889

man imma buy me a ferrari, snort coke and fuck bitches, smoke a lot of weed (when not high on coke of course) and eat dope food all the time while driving the earlier mentioned rara.

>> No.11644908
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>go into low tax country and cheap cost of living
>get fucked by shitskin criminals
>go into low tax country and expensive cost of living
>get fucked by expensive cost of living because you are a pretend rich that thinks he is rich with a couple of millions

>> No.11645512
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I will use that money to make it even harder, ie: most of it will be re-invested somewhere else. Perhaps into other crypto projects. Since I've lived in extreme poverty in the past I don't care that much about lifestyle gains beyond a specific point.

This except I don't live with mommy anymore since a couple months ago (I'm 24). I wanna go live some time in Chiang Mai and/or somewhere else in South East Asia. The entrepeneurial climate over there is boiling and there'll be lots of chances to meet interesting people to network with and make even more money.

>> No.11646266

REEEEE what is the solution

>> No.11646412

find wife (already in process)
get children
buy small house next to big city in nature
diversify portofolio
invest 20% in several startups
work with these startups on daily basis
travel around the world
meet all different cultures on this planet
meet a lot of new people and new friends from around the world
use social media to stay in contact
make my own small tech company with a small team just as hobby with no need for profit where i work daily, hang out, relax 2-3 days a week
do a lot of fitness, stay healthy, ... same as now already

>> No.11646454

why do asians look like they have down symdrome?

>> No.11646587

>with them in a lifestyle free of jealousy and manipulation
Good luck

>> No.11646599

this is also my plan. NZ is where ill move. if all goes according to plan i'll be worth around 10mm in the next 5 years. if im not worth at least that much im just going to sudoku myself. no point in living if im stuck with parents and wage slaving the rest of my life.