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File: 79 KB, 738x554, kobe beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11630812 No.11630812 [Reply] [Original]

Your singularity food? The first food you'll eat after the singularity.

For me it's Kobe beef, the best beef in the world.

>> No.11630825
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>> No.11630837

20floz of onions

>> No.11630853

>Eating meat

>> No.11630871
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>> No.11630872

fuck thats too rare

>> No.11630883
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Except it’s literally dumping right now. Target: 6100 sats

>> No.11630899
File: 129 KB, 539x960, maccoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11630903

wtf its still walking around the table and shitting on your lap

>> No.11630906

that looks fucking awful. looks like a heart attack objectified.
any meat but chicken or fish isn't worth eating. steaks and pork are pleb food.

>> No.11630946

I havnt ate McDonalds in over a decade and shy away from fast food but when the Singularity happens I will drive to my local McDonalds and happily enjoy a Big Mac...why would you dine on anything else?

>> No.11630957

I will buy an entire cow and eat it raw

>> No.11630986

Waygu is better pretentious fagit

>> No.11630989


That isn't Kobe beef in your picture

>> No.11630994


Everyone saying that's too rare is fucked

>> No.11631000
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>> No.11631031

Fucking chekt.

>> No.11631045

I’ve had prime cuts of ribeye and filet that taste better than kobe. The Japanese get a bit carried away with their delusions of culinary superiority.

>> No.11631069


The only true answer

>> No.11631076

Are you black? no racism just really wondering who thinks that's too rare.

>> No.11631077
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trips of truth, checked

>> No.11631092

a nice girl's butt

>> No.11631098
File: 445 KB, 750x1334, 2359E77E-0EB6-4381-B0EF-AA513262EBE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and kekd

>> No.11631173

Post-singularity would imply we've transcended the need for food. Our AI divine ruler would have long since figured out how to synthesize all the energy we need from pure sunlight

>> No.11631175

mcchicken with extra mcchicken sauce

>> No.11631217

I'm unironically black and think that's too rare. I get my steak medium rare when dining out and the rest of my family thinks that's too rare.

>> No.11631227

That looks medium rare though. It's still pink, not purple

>> No.11631239

I've been vegan for 4 years. Big Mac.

>> No.11631270
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>> No.11631362

I'm a vego fag but when the singularity comes I'm getting a big mac

>> No.11631476

Its not just the nips. Plebs think more expensive = better.

>> No.11631851

if you actually have ever had it you would know its extremely overrated. just get a good rib eye for a fraction of the cost

>> No.11631796

Is this how amerifats eat imported Kobe beef? What a disgrace.

>> No.11632386

Sushi burritos.. lots n lots of sushi burittos :3

>> No.11633228

BIG old bowl of pink slime

>> No.11633237

This but well done

>> No.11633301

Kobe beef isn't that good. Way too fat IMO. I'd rather have a good Charolais or Fin gras du Mezenc you can eat blue rare.

>> No.11633333

argentine black angus rib eye had the best taste i have tried a lot of shit usda prime is asswipe compared. but it has it's own problems the connective tissue is very strong in it even after aging, stucks between your teeth which is not nice.

>> No.11633466

>the singularity


>> No.11633788

Fuck this thread you cocky fuck. You are the reason we won't make it with faggot threads tempting the universe to JUST us by being overzealous like this. I hope you lose your private keys to your 1k LINKlet stack.

>> No.11633807
File: 1.92 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20181008_212038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. And McDonald's of course has to be the singularity meal. Amerimuts can't even get pic related. I'll have to send one of these to Sergey.
>land of the free

>> No.11633834

For me, it's the same.

>> No.11633859
File: 6 KB, 230x250, 1517385627076s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Nice digits.

>> No.11633870


>> No.11633902

holy fuck those digits

>> No.11633915

Most Kobe outside of Japan isn't Kobe, it's just some jap exporter ripping off round eyes.

Hell, getting genuine Kobe IN Japan can be an issue these days, it's so meme now.

The best steak I ever had was on the cow an hour before I ate it. Same for fish. The best salmon in the world is one caught from the river outside of Anchorage in the summer, and on the fire 15 minutes after you catch it. You can't get the quality anywhere, because it will never be that fresh again.

>> No.11633927

Dude, most of the incels and NEETs on this site would dump a bunch of A1 sauce on it, after burning it to medium well, anyway. They can have the freezer burned tri-tip, they wouldn't know the difference.

>> No.11633934

That steak is perfect. If you think it's too rare, you like the taste of overcooked beef.

>> No.11634232

we literally just ask for extra patties, they don't bombard us with stupid marketing over here because we just get what we ask for

>> No.11634263

It will only be lab grown meat after the singularity

>> No.11634409

For me, it's the McChicken

The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.11634433

>any meat but chicken or fish isn't worth eating. steaks and pork are pleb food.

> steak - pleb food
> fish - not pleb food

Please anon, tell me where I can buy a bag of steaks for 10 buckaroos as I can point to you where you can buy a box of 20 lbs of chicken for $30.

>> No.11634439


>> No.11634442


$15 where the heck do u live?

>> No.11634449

How much do you get paid? Seriously, is this a gig I should consider?

>> No.11634460

GTFO. I know you can't get extra patties on Big Macs. No one does that in the states.

>> No.11634471

$15 Malaysian Ringit which is like $3.60 in USD. I don't live anywhere. I travel the world and live off crypto.

>> No.11634494

That's what medium rare looks like though. The only problem with that steak is the sear looks like it was grilled and not seared in a cast iron pan with oil to create a nice golden-brown crust.

>> No.11634512

That looks shit.

>> No.11635603


>> No.11635941

for me, it's the mcchicken

>> No.11636138

Damn even the get is 1000, fuck you linkies and your goddamn singularity meme

>> No.11637140

the only right answer desu

>> No.11637171

The singularity is fiction. Even if it were to happen, it won't happen in our lifetimes.

>> No.11637296

Fucking checked.

I'm gonna surpise my wife with a whole jamon de bellota

>> No.11637347

I'm going to make my favorite chili but instead of doing canned I'm going to finally take the time to make it from all fresh ingredients I grow in my own aeroponics garden and spices I crush myself mortar-n-pestle style. I'll have my family over and we'll all dig in and they can tell me what I can do to improve it. (It requires no improvement.) Then we'll enjoy a night of drinking good bourbon (and Miller for those that just want to stick to their usual) and playing farkle. By evenings end we'll crowd around a bonfire and reminisce my deceased brother. I miss him still.

>> No.11637357

When singularity comes we won't need to eat. Just need a some low voltages to move our consciousness around on the network.

>> No.11637362
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>> No.11637380

Not different from what I eat now, except I would like to take my parents for a steak dinner at the nicest place in town.

>> No.11637390

I do plan to go to a nice restaurant for dinner when I make it on one of my attempts (crypto or career-wise), but nothing specific. Won't be too hard to choose, as I just need to find the rare good vegan option.

>> No.11637443
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, C62510BB-4184-4987-9475-AA5EF3A354FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have zero fucking taste re beef.
I ironically best beef I’ve had was from Salt Baes Nurset restaurant in The Four Seasons, Dubai. Hot second would have been the wagu and local (I’m aussie) cuts at Cafe Sydney.

I’m rich already so fuck you

>> No.11637490

When the singularity hits, not when you make it, you fucking faggot

>> No.11637500

Exquisite taste, if I do say so myself.

>> No.11637510

fucking snake eatin bogan cunt

>> No.11637606

Just bought 6lbs of lean ground beef 15$, 6lbs chicken breast 12$, 2lbs string beans, 2lbs broccoli, 4lbs brussel sprouts, 2lbs cheddar, 2liters goat kefir.
Veganfags and carbfags get out.

>> No.11637618

What singularity?

>> No.11637764 [DELETED] 

Kobe beef is not overrated, it's just that most of you fags serve it western style. Go to a good Kobe beef restaurant in Japan if you want experience it.

>> No.11637783

Kobe beef is not overrated, it's just that most of you fags only have tried it at western restaurants where they don't know how to prepare/serve it (e.g. OP's pic). Go to a good Kobe beef restaurant in Japan if you want experience it.

>> No.11637813

Japan feeds their cows a diet of onions to make the beef fat as soft and buttery as it is.
Real beef fat is supposed to be tough and crunchy. That means that the fat is saturated and healthy.

Japan has a nice food culture, but onions is their downfall.

>> No.11637815

Of course you know that by onions I meant yoS.

>> No.11637932

Larping faggot stuck in shit hole country with delusions of grandeur