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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11574545 No.11574545 [Reply] [Original]

Heh, wagies... when will they learn?

>> No.11574707

A little too close to home, aye wagecucks?

>> No.11574716
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>Wagies btfo by modern day Renaissance Men - Neets

>> No.11574719

Wagecucking made me serious about life. Wagecucking sucks so much. When I was NEET I just let time pass by and I didn't care about getting stuff done, wagecucking gave me some work ethic to atleast work for myself.

>> No.11574723

Also nice lol ratio OP. Definitely smashing 1st meetup

>> No.11574728

>read, paint, work out, brainstorm business ideas, relax

read: jack off 5x and watch anime

>> No.11574730

this lmao

>> No.11574899
File: 38 KB, 600x630, F03D24F8-B5CC-4820-961B-302CB4A99C19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitposting on anime anonymalous forum

making cheap pepe edits in MS paint

>work out
edging and masturbation

>brainstorm business
think about when buy high and when sell low


>> No.11575027

Guaranteed. I improve myself while NEETing, and make the most of my available time.

>> No.11575030

The amount of salt from jealous cucks is incredible. They have to defend their slavery otherwise they are forced to admit the harsh reality that they're wasted their life making someone else rich. Congrats, really.

>> No.11575100

How is the NEET life sustainable? I'd love to be one but I just dont see how it's possible.

>> No.11575186

I would be a NEET if I didn't want smart children. I can live innawoods and be very happy, did it one summer. But girls require resources or are really low IQ

>> No.11575235


>> No.11575245

Crypto and parents who are enablers

>> No.11575648


this, fucking bullshitter

>> No.11575659


she better be young and really cute, OP

>> No.11575666

>brainstorm business ideas
ever get out of that stage?

>> No.11575680

i can confirm also play games

>> No.11575715
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>> No.11575728

the biz version of "starting on a novel" Lmao

>> No.11575805
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Roughly, my average wagey day

> Wake up at 5:30
> Have coffee, breakfast
> 6:00am - Start studying for cert. exams
> 7:30am - Quick work out on boxing bag
> 8:10am - Leave for work
> 8:30am - Start wageslaving
> 4:30pm - have mealprep dinner
> 4 - 5:00pm - Works over
> 5:30pm - Go to boxing class / home or fiends
> 7:00pm - Arrive home - do usual stuff, cook, clean, etc.
> 8:00pm - Study some more, go over notes from morning studying
> 8:45pm - Start watching netflix, skyping with friend who works oversees.
> 10-11pm - Smoke some weed and fall asleep

I'd rather be a neet again...but.....I don't mind doing this, I have not even used my 4 vacation weeks for the year. They'll carry over to company stocks into 2019 (I'll market sell them and buy Crypto). Have a 5 year plan here, at some point I'll be able to go into consulting, set my own hours at a high rate while petty much working for myself.

>> No.11575876

>tfw still living off of student loans and living with my parents at 29

>> No.11575918
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>> No.11575954


I can tell whoever made this is very insecure.

>> No.11575973

Yeah except Renaissance Men were wealthy while the neet sure doesn't have a job but gets like 600$ a month

>> No.11575996


I can live as a wagie if what I do makes sense, and makes me feel productive and valuable.

Actually I think it's good to get some experience form bigger companies before launching your own.

>> No.11576003

That's too much for me to be honest, where do you find the time to post this

>> No.11576018


Not really average wagie though. If I were you, I'd study in the weekends, and have more spare time in the working days.

>> No.11576041


I spend most of the day at work distracting myself from...work. Either podcasts, audiobooks or browsing and posting online when there's no workload in-front of me (like now).


I don't know what to do with my spare time on work days desu. And studying does help me with my daily routine. I feel like I must be the only person hoping for Monday to come on Saturday morning, because I literally just spend my weekends in bed.

>> No.11576057
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retired millionaire here

why do you NPC's do so much in a day?

why do you work so hard? you know that no one will be grateful for your hard slaving right? a woman's loyalty is eternally for Chad. chad comes before you and everyone (even her children). one day everyone dies and you would of spent your life working your ass off

>> No.11576061

>600$ a month

fuckin LOL, try living in Canada, got a therapist to confirm I have mental illness and now government gives me $3200/month NET so like $19.20/hour wage equivalent.

I was talking to a friend of mine, and my brother, and they work 40 hours a week and make $16-18/hour, whereas I get to stay home, reading, working out, painting, leisurely studying, consuming media, cooking delicious meals, and it's at the tax payers expense, and has no term limit! That's right I get this benefit until I'm dead (and I'm only 28 and in extremely good health and very fit)

>> No.11576092


> why do you work so hard?

implying that I work hard while I am posting on /biz/ from work. Apart from that, I have no problem with "working hard". I am building something for myself here, as NPC it may sound, it does give me meaning.

>> No.11576121
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>I am building something for myself here

thats your delusion. but its good to be deluded. dont question it

being stupid is a good thing. I would pay up to 20,000 euros to get blue pilled or becine ab NPC. maybe lobotomy used to work in olden days

>> No.11576126

>tfw been wageslaving for the last year
I miss being a NEET but desu when I was a neet I didn't use my time correctly, I will when I quit this job in a week

>> No.11576141


You could try meditation to silence your inner dialogue, it works for me

>> No.11576159

nah its too late. finna too lit senpai.

>> No.11576224

What happens if a new government is elected that takes away your neetbux or makes you do menial labour in return, like what happened in Aus and the UK? You're not banking everything on it remaining the status quo for the rest of your life, are you?

>> No.11576243

no not really i have like $150,000 saved/invested and some cash-only side business

and im generally a laid back person, don't stress much, have a kind of "I'll deal with it when it happens" attitude, so not really thinking about that possibility. If it happens I'll be fine since this is all a scam anyway, I'm not actually mentally ill, and in good shape physically, so if I have to I can get a normie job making like $60k/year minimum

Although I doubt the scenario you propose ever comes to pass, our government is importing millions of immigrants each year to keep things propped up, and even the Conservative party has basically said "we won't increase immigration numbers, but we won't reduce them either"

>> No.11576249

the N stands for Not
>Renaissance Man
implies training and education

>> No.11576287

>brainstorm business ideas
Is not the same thing as actually taking action. If you are a NEET on welfare or living with your parents you are not fooling anyone by talking big when your lifestyle says otherwise. People might humor you, but no one is impressed by your NEET lifestyle

Being a wagecuck is bad
Being a NEET is bad
Running your own business is god tier and is a totally different thing to being NEET

>> No.11576297


>> No.11576471

>Wake up at 5:30
>10-11PM fall asleep
Have fun with your heart disease kek

>> No.11576648

>because I literally just spend my weekends in bed

I used to do that when I got shitfaced on Fridays. Eventually you reduce alcohol intake in order not to waste the precious time which are weekends.

>> No.11576660


Are you me? I also want out of this blackpilled state, I'm unable to meaningfully work on anything.

>> No.11576805
File: 318 KB, 496x559, 1462146309744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was neet:

>exercised daily
>well rested
>got a gf
>had time for friends and family

Now that I am wagie:

>tired and angry all the time
>no gf
>just want to be left alone in my free time
>cant be assed to exercise or cook

>> No.11576859
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It's called having a wagey-life balance, try to figure it out. I can do all the shit you did while being a neet while being a wagey, without complaints or time issues.

>> No.11576979

>as NPC it may sound, it does give me meaning.
Yes, that is NPC, thats literally making your life about making somone else rich, while you convince yourself that you're actually doing something of value.

protip: you're not.

>> No.11577356


It's a mistake to derive your life meaning from your work considering you're slaving away to make someone else rich. There's no nobility on this particular suffering. Just get in, get paid, get out!

t. wagecuck

>> No.11577383

my work life balance is no work, all life

>> No.11577459

>haha im so smart, i'd love to be dumb cause dumb people are always happy
You sound 14, but I'd actually believe that you're 40 with a 14 year olds mindset

>> No.11577520


honestly care very little. If there was a way to turn into an even bigger NPC I'd go that route. Perhaps start clocking in overtime even. So far my meaning derived from what I do is pretty convincing. If I am fooling myself, please let it never stop.

>> No.11577637
File: 232 KB, 960x960, 1529734913891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw parole officer made me take a 4 X 4 12 hour night shift at the docks
Not worked in 15 years. Wish me luck and give me a moon mission to put all this fiat in.

>> No.11577680

how did you convince them abou tthe mental illness shit?

t. canada cuck

>> No.11577714

Like... Children on the blockchain?

>> No.11578199

reading this post at a desk with 3 computer screens
Then again I'm also shitposting on a taiwanese shadowpupeteering discussion forum

>> No.11578580


>> No.11578675

Get your shit together m8 your parents wanted better for you.

>> No.11578759

This is becoming me. Only going out once once a week max and starting to even regret that when I spend half my Saturday in bed and realize how much money I blew on booze and cocaine.

>> No.11578781

>Read,paint,work out, brainstorm business ideas and relax
You do realize someone who is actually skilled and can't be easily replaced by some Indian mutt will be able to do that plus having a good disposable income?

>> No.11578811

this, I can see through that bullshit lmao "paint" yea you paint your screen with your cum

>> No.11578963


don't be stupid and turn into a druggie or alcoholic. At most stick to weed if you must find a way to cope through drugs.

>> No.11578998

>he doesn’t know this is considered art now

>> No.11579128

I've been in way worse places, anon. Done a lot of drugs and boozing in these 26 years on earth. Have spent several months in a row drunk and have done cocaine every other day for months at a time. Went sober for a year and can limit myself almost exclusively to the weekend now.
Weed gives me horrible anxiety and I haven't touched it in years. Inb4 "you're just smoking the wrong strain, bro." No. I don't like how it makes me feel and I'm over it.

>> No.11579145

This cant be true. Arent migrants abuse this extremely generous system to no end?

>> No.11579412

kek q7MB+UVu got redpilled today

>> No.11579612

What you actually do:

>jerk off to tranny porn
>jerk off again
>eat shitty fast food
>yell at your mom

>> No.11579869


This is absolute bullshit. Are you serious?

>> No.11579936

>brainstorms business ideas
>not interested in being in business
seems legit

>> No.11580211

Anyone else just stay up all night everday looking at screens, I know its bad but at least I have decent savings.

>> No.11580259

this is the most self-serving pile of shit post I've ever read. congrats, npc-poster.

>> No.11580314

Reading hentai doesn't count.
Painting your hand with cum doesn't count.
Working out your penis doesn't count.
Brainstorming how to make hentai mangs doesn't count.
Relaxing have a good hentai cumning session doesn't count.

>> No.11580347

nah it's more like stare at computer screen all day.

>> No.11580418

Quit your job. Claim mental disability. Enjoy your free NEET bucks, courtesy of your favorite Democrats.

>> No.11580441

>Tfw can't tell which one is the wagie and which one the NEET

>> No.11581098


What province and how do I get in on this shit?

>> No.11581279
File: 114 KB, 1028x675, 1540154337045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My plan:
>22 1 year left in college
>right now working as small business banker for a large bank making 70k a year
>best sales in the region but i need that almighty bachelors degree to be a wealth advisor, fuck college
>saved up 130k in 3 years, buying house and investment property once I'm done with college
>will continue to work as wealth manager where starting salary at my bann is 200k a year plus incentives, where I could earn another 300-400k a year with my abilities
>live frugally with gf while she gets through med school
>10 years from now at 32 I will have earned about 5 million spent around 700k on living expenses and have most of it in rental properties
>I will pay someone else to manage and gf will be neurosurgeon which is what she wants to do since her family has neuro issues in brain
>I will not have to work as a high paid wageslave, quit and will simply continue the rental business and grow my real estate empire and ski which is what i really love
>gf and I will have kids at 34 and financially stable
>i will have made it

Its gonna be rough but when you dont spend frivolously, the world is your oyster. We enjoy a good dinner out from time to time but building a good life for a family is our goal

>> No.11581805

What kind of mental illness did they diagnose?

>> No.11581992

well done there picking up doctor gf
she will be always at work, you will get both the neet-like time alone and pussy/kids

>> No.11581995
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Sounds like you have a plan desu. The wagie haters are just looking at your situation with a narrow scope, essentially you're preparing yourself for where you want to end up. Much like how people used to go to uni to get the career they wanted, nowadays for a majority of people, they need to also acquire work experience to get to the place they want to go.

You're doing the best you can, and that's more than can be said for many people out there who are just okay with being stuck in the wagie cycle. I pray to Jesus that all anons can make it, unironically. Wagies who find their identity in their work will live a sad life until they realize their whole life has passed by and that they bought into the "retirement is when you really have fun" meme.

To all anons out there, enjoy your life and get out of the wagie nightmare.

>> No.11582008

This. It‘s literally the same. Just one is using flowery words.
Contributing nothing to society, i.e. leeching off other people‘s effort is considered „superior“ by many of the absolute vermin on here.

>> No.11582012

This post made my sides hurt

>> No.11582021

Great plan anon.
>gf and I will have kids at 34 and financially stable
Maybe you should consider having kids now. Or in a few years at the very latest. A women has a biological clock anon. The odds of producing autistic kids increases like crazy once they get CLOSE to 30.

>> No.11582116

Holy fuck the amount of cope in this pic is extraordinary.

>> No.11582129


Only young thots put a space before double question marks. I have no idea why they do this, but they do.

>> No.11582478

false flag you can see by the 15 year olds and BEING AN ADULT

>> No.11582539

I can tell whoever mocks adult responsibilities as (((adulting))) has a mind of a child.

>> No.11582678

OP here. I'm not going to link to all the cucks, but you know who you are. Posting from a Cafe, enjoying a coffee in the sun.

Read - just finished American Kingpin, next is Bad Blood.
Paint - I paint with acrylic and tempted to try watercolour. Taken a two week break after finishing my latest project.
Workout - I workout 4 days a week, I have all the time I need, I never have to rush and am literally in the best shape of my life. My original pic is another tinder roastie I'm going to bang.
Brainstorm - I was a BDM in the NORMIE world, I like starting businesses, but I won't work for anyone else anymore. Me or no one.

Relax - this means being able to rest and not have to worry about those TPS reports, or have any stress. You wouldn't know about that though, would you wagie?

You don't have to believe this, but it's true. You're all fucking slaves, its disgusting.

>> No.11582704

Isn’t that really what you do all day though? Be honest.
Anyways. No work = stare at two screens and trade. Work = stare at two screens and trade. So I don’t mind. If you hate work, you’re in the wrong profession.

>> No.11582726

No. If you do that as a NEET you're doing it wrong and are weak willed piece of shit squandering the best gift anyone on planet earth has.

>> No.11583654


>> No.11584245
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It's honestly boring. Everyone will go through this stage when unemployed.
Finding a job you genuinely enjoy is true enlightenment

>> No.11584264
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>jack off 5x and watch anime
Literally my dream
and I'm fucking living it right now

>> No.11585241

>on deathbed
>yep I had a really fulfilling life, I brought in a bit extra profit for the stapler company
>imagine that, we sold 50,000 more staplers
>also, I found new suppliers that saved the company thousands!

Fucking delusional wagies