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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11570324 No.11570324 [Reply] [Original]

What is there left to do on a daily basis after you make it and don't NEED to work anymore?

>> No.11570342

If you don't know that, just get a job, NPC prick.

>> No.11570418

KEk was about to comment something similar to this.

I don’t understand people who can’t see life beyond work. There are infinite things I would do.

>> No.11570428

He should give the money to people who need it. Obviously he doesn't.

>> No.11570478
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>> No.11570512
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>> No.11570630
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do you like gardening anon?

>> No.11570673

impregnating as many women as possible

>> No.11570718
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buying all the Gucci sets available

>> No.11571081

Kek this

>> No.11571201
File: 59 KB, 680x471, 1539477992094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you would ever want to do. You must be a mindless insect.

>> No.11571286

nice le meme hehe take an updoot

edit: thanks for the reddit gold :)

>> No.11571331


If i had one billion i would litterally paint my whole skin green, my dich purple, wlak through the town and tell normies thats the spirit which made me rich

Then i would check how many sheeps would do the same...normies believe everything rich people say...they are pathetic but cute at the same time

>> No.11571346

>continue sperging on crypto
>take care of aging parents
>visit family overseas
>visit friends who have spread out across the country and globe
>drive nice new car
>buy designer clothes
>start collecting watches
>hookers and blow
>maybe even fall in love and start a family
So many things to do, Anon. Where would one even begin? I think you may have depression.

>> No.11571367

If you need to ask this question you need to unironically kill yourself.

>> No.11571534

yeah, cuz code monkeying is just what I'd wanna do in that situation

neck urself faggot

>> No.11571537
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unironically this

>> No.11571568

Get a hobby, smoke weed, get into politics?

>> No.11571623

Literally this. NPC's shouldn't even be allowed to have money. Money should be for people that actually have a soul and ambitions in life.

>> No.11571663

Some of us have ambitions you fucking loser. There are cool crypto projects I want to get involved in and understanding smart contracts is a big part of that.

>> No.11571835

-Buy land and start a small hobby farm
-Build shit
-Learn a musical instrument(s)
-Learn a new language(s)
-Learn how to write fiction
-Learn to draw and start a comic
-Pay sex workers to act out all your weird fetishes
-Learn to identify wild edible plants and mushrooms and go hunting
-Go hunting for animals
-Go hiking and camping
-Buy a boat and go fishing
-Go see the worlds best classical performers play before they die (RIP Horowitz, Richter)
-Buy 4chan
-Git /fitlit/ by lifting & reading a ton
-Learn to cook and make awesome meals

The lists goes on and on. If you can't find a reason to live besides wageslaving you are a lost cause NPC and should KYS.

>> No.11571841

Travel the world and fuck a woman in every single country on earth

>> No.11571850

I wonder if you guys realize how many Anons from 4chan made it and are still miserable af

>> No.11571874

Solve intelligence

>> No.11571893

I made enough in 2017 to pay off almost six figures in student loans. I'm miserable because I could've been a millionaire if I didn't make so many dumb mistakes. And I didn't report crypto on my taxes so I have that to worry about.

>> No.11571895

I'd break up with my gf and bang her best friend

>> No.11571928
File: 177 KB, 301x492, Retire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move where the sun is, roughly every 6 months.
Go for lots of walks.
Work through movie, TV, and book backlogs.
Stick a post-it next to my bed reminding me that I don't have to go to work so I start every day with a smile.
Increase time dedicated to exercising and learning foreign languages.

>> No.11572214

What would you do for social interaction?

>> No.11572221 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11572294

Oh I don't need much of that. 4chan and calling family every few months works fine.

>> No.11572340
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have your own reality show

or even better become the president of the united states and turn government into a reality show

>> No.11572438


I'd probably try starting a software company

>> No.11572478

Based. Call your family more often though.

>> No.11573502

as an autist myself I get exhausted socially within about an hour. I don't even want to think about how people exist after that, and that's not even talking that's just being around someone doing something.

I don't need to work already, I live on neetbux. The times I was most miserable was when I wasn't feeling like I was trying. I took up writing, poetry, walking an hour a day, journaling, and recently challenged myself by working as an Election Judge for some extra cash.
When I was at the training for being an EJ, I realized that most of the satisfaction I was going to get from doing this was from doing something that I feared doing and increasing my own self-estimation of my worth and capabilities to move about society.
Of course if I wasn't getting paid I wouldn't care as much about it. I think even if I was rich I'd take things more seriously if I was getting paid because I like the idea that I'm getting something that I believe has value, even if comparatively I could make more money doing something else.

>> No.11573522
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good goals op 9/11