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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 195 KB, 826x890, ZROnRAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11553455 No.11553455 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11553471


All of these issues existed in the 20th century, it was just more socially taboo therefore talked about less. Anyways it’s also hard to tell what’s really to blame here, it seems like everything starts going downhill because he works too hard?

>> No.11553476
File: 29 KB, 520x690, karel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't have kids
>make money
>government takes it all
>op is clever.

>> No.11553482

>it’s also hard to tell what’s really to blame here
Women my friend. Women along with their absurd expectatnions and "Instagram life" twisted minds

>> No.11553487

>alway blame the guy
faggot, roastie or cuck?

>> No.11553489

Marriage actually makes pretty decent sense as a life choice if you at least get to feel reasonably certain that you have someone who's committed to you for life. What the fuck is the point if all you get is someone who's committed to you unless you work too hard or don't manage to keep romancing her in perpetuity or whatever else?

>> No.11553490

>prenuptial agreement
>have kids
>stroy ends at the pic number 3

>> No.11553510

>let a judge declare your prenup invalid
>continue with last pic

>> No.11553525

How shitty of him to bust his ass to feed two children and an adult whose concept of working is probably some MLM scented soap garbage.

>> No.11553538

Yes but social media didn’t exist in the 20th century.

>> No.11553545

how can we protect our money in current year? i dont care about the house, but if a woman gets my business they will make diverse hires and drive it into the ground.

>> No.11553548

Meant for

The fuck should I care? I'm dead. My money can go anywhere. I don't know what successions laws are like in your country, but in mine distant relatives are included, so there's a chance money would go to cousins or aunts/uncles before The Man. I could also get a notarized will and donate everything to charity. But I reiterate, I don't give a fuck either way.

>> No.11553553

>marry a godless Jew slave this is what you get.
Women need Christ in their lives, they are natural followers who without a Sheppard will go a stray. Men are to blame for letting it get this way, we are the dominant sex.

>> No.11553570
File: 368 KB, 1032x1516, 1949_alimony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In America if you get divorced from your partner and earn more income than they do, you will be ordered to pay them alimony so that they will be able to live the lifestyle to which they became accustomed to during the marriage. Alimony payments are payable for life.

In Australia, however, the law is quite different. There is no such thing as "alimony". In Australia, we use the term "spouse maintenance". What is spouse maintenance? Spouse maintenance is financial support paid by a party to a marriage to their spouse (or ex-spouse) so that they can adequately support themselves. This support can occur after separation or divorce, and is generally limited to a specific time frame.

The key factors in determining spouse support are the payee's ability to meet his or her own reasonable financial needs and the financial capacity of the payer spouse to pay spouse support. Usually there must be a large discrepancy between the incomes of the parties. Generally, a mere difference in income will not suffice – the gap has to be significant.

Spouse maintenance is not payable for life. Instead, it is considered "rehabilitative". What this means is that it is designed to be a temporary order to get the party receiving maintenance through a temporary period of their life. Usually a spouse maintenance order would not be for a period of greater than 2 years and in that period the payee would be expected to retrain and become self-supporting.

>> No.11553578


It’s not the guys fault you dumb fucks, I’m saying the problem is he works too hard. Why? Because of stagnant wages, social expectations to spend money and have “nice” things and American corporate culture as a whole. I think women can truly cruel and vicious, and I’ve had encounters with women far worse than what’s described in this photo, bad enough to make me a borderline volcel. But in THIS particular image, it doesn’t highlight how horrible women are, it highlights how horrible modern socioeconomic climate is.

Women are NPCs they do whatever they are told, their bad behaviour is ultimately a reflection of society as a whole.

>> No.11553580

OP's frustration is not wrong and this problem has existed ever since the age of like someone said the 20th century. It is factually true that more people died of old age together in marriage before the 1900's than in our modern society. What is wrong is our concept of marriage and its full ties to our legal system.

>> No.11553581

Based and redpilled

>> No.11553589

>Women need christ in their lives
Women need Allah. See what I did there? That argument is as convincing as yours.

>without a Sheppard
I think they would benefit from a shepherd that knows how to spell

>Men are to blame for letting it
>we are the dominant sex
You are contradicting yourself in the same sentence. Also: most women can bamboozle a man 10 times over before the man even has a hint something is awry even once. This weak women illusion is a coping mechanism of betas.

>> No.11553603

I actually love that you can find people with actual intelligence in all places of 4chan.

>> No.11553608
File: 297 KB, 1200x948, 1275151206746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Society 1st for encouraging this type of behavior with alimony, then the man because he should know better. All women are whores always have been always will be.

>> No.11553615

Yea to debate whether a women are intentionally sluts and all disloyal is open but one things for sure is that our society certainly promotes this.

>> No.11553633

>This weak women illusion is a coping mechanism of betas.
I agree so far that the weak female thing is a delusion. Just drop the alpha/beta dichotomy when elaborating on such a topic, though. I've met enough men who had the nerve to get fooled by feminists while labeling other guys as 'beta' at the same time and on top of that still make up excuses for the shitty behaviour of their gfs..

>> No.11553650

Virgin cope

>> No.11553658

i wouldnt care if my wife fucked someone else

>> No.11553680

You can either cry about these things or do something about it. If you're going to marry then make sure your assets are fully protected. Then make sure you have some understanding about how women are.

The OPs pic is such a bs case. It's literally the wageslave tier marriage where the man is bluepilled and marries the woman "just because" and then can't even manage his family.

>> No.11553690
File: 585 KB, 762x1146, 1266993853709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We have decided to form a transaction based society and pussy has value. "Morality" factors less into it because morality doesnt pay bills. So, you have Becky using pussy to get money(stability) and emotional shit from Chad and Chad using money(stability) to get pussy. Then when one party doesnt hold up their end of the transaction, DeQuan comes in, offers some emotional drama for cheap and gets some pussy, and is out the door.

>> No.11553696

Woman need to believe something. It doesn't matter if it's factually true. As long as they believe in Christ in this case, they'll have a less chance of acting like a whore.

>> No.11553697

>You can either cry about these things or do something about it.
Like avoiding marriage and serious relationships altogether.

>> No.11553699
File: 150 KB, 959x960, panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Eastern Europe where judges aren't actively anti-male, so things aren't THAT bad.
But I've been wondering, what's to stop the guy from cashing out his assets, claiming he's lost them and buying Monero, then withdrawing abroad?
What's the realistic outcome and what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.11553701

>gets his theories debunked
>hurr durr virgin cope
This is a board with sigs you know. Your retort could possibly have made an impact if you could have pretended not to be a samefag.

>> No.11553707

That's an option, but if you want kids and a nice family of your own you gotta find a someone. And then when you do find someone you gotta make sure you are protected and that you control your woman not the other way around.

>> No.11553719

Yes that's entirely true, Our society has formed an economy and business around relationships and women are the billionaire banks so to speak, it's horrible. It's something that unfortunately needs to be said but can't be said in public or you're a sexist.

>> No.11553727

Thanks, Captain Obvious.
>you control your woman not the other way around.
So you want an immature subject as a partner?

>> No.11553737

Expecting the the woman to accept blame is not a viable solution.

>> No.11553740

Not bashing you, But it's kind of hard to avoid marriage and serious relationships when you want to have a lineage or continue your legacy. And you could make the debate that the earth is too populated but every man should have the right to have children without the fear of total financial destruction.

>> No.11553743
File: 53 KB, 700x439, 1539075986074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are not people. I don't understand why anyone would involve women in their life in any way.

>> No.11553749

>to be beta cucked

>> No.11553753

What about just having kids without getting legally married? I'm sure there are some women you can rope into this. If your difference in income is big enough that you'd be financially devastated by a divorce, then if she leaves you you'd be more likely to keep the kids right?

>> No.11553762

I wouldn't know, I'm not sure it could technically work today with the tax system and all that complicated shit. But you know that's how marriage used to work before around the 1900's.

>> No.11553770

Fuck off schlomo.

>> No.11553773
File: 495 KB, 720x540, whatbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its built around money and manipulation; personal relationships are a casualty. I say manipulation because we are in late capitalism so there are less and less avenues to realize a high profit margin without shitting your customers with a subpar product. Marriage offers good gains for women and this is what are society is based on so why not fuck over Chad? Should have known better....

>> No.11553784

It's a sad reality, Doesn't mean you can't still bang hot women it just means you can't get legally tied which is having children right now. Wait isn't there a term for that? Hmmm.....

>> No.11553796

I have an uncle, his life was summed up by that imaage, tht's exacctly him, he had 5 kids, and he ended up living in a small apartment, and the wife kept the house with the kids. i asked him how come he didnt try to get the house and the kids, he said its better for the kids that they keep the house, and they need their mother.

OMFG, I am also married, but my marriage is completely different. I think the difference here, is that me and my wife are booth executives, and we both work hard to bring money buy our debts and stuff. I think it all depends on the IQ of the chick you marry. if you marry a low IQ superficial bitch, then you will suffer all your life.but if you marry a girl that did high end studies have diplomas as good if not better than you and you help each other with your careers I think its fkin awsome. thank god that's what I a living, we consider ourselves as equal and we both take big decisions, i never force stuff on her and she never forces stuff on me. she also understands that I like video games, and hang out with friends and she encourages me. she even bought me games so I can relax. I think there are precious hidden gems out there, real women who care and understand how we men function.

the only problem is that so far we can't have kids, because we are both focused on our careers. so we just travel with our money and have fun.

we have dinners from time to time to forget about work. also she encourages me with my crypto investments.

And I support her when she asks for anything regarding her career like she asked to pass a 6 months certification that costs about 5k$, to help her get to a new position if her company, and I ssaid yes.

not every marriage is the same, but I think if you are smart and have a career you should never marry an uneducated bitch.

>> No.11553797

Drop the 14 words somewhere else, fag.

Project more, cuckold pr0n connoisseur.

>> No.11553800

btw we have been married for 4 years now and we have been knowing each other for 8 years

>> No.11553806

Oof, Just when I thought everyone was going to be civil.

>> No.11553813

>Doesn't mean you can't still bang hot women it just means you can't get legally tied

I mean true, but by doing so you are:
1. creating more sluts
2. setting an example for said sluts about the morality of society

Now all she's learned is to get knocked up as fast as possible and into a marriage asap because WOMEN (generally) WANT KIDS.

>> No.11553814

The vicious cycle.

>> No.11553833

It's called surrogacy.

>> No.11553876

It is a good option but is not perfect. For example I live in Texas, and in Texas if you want to become a surrogate mother you must have given birth and be at least parenting one child at the moment of becoming a surrogate. Also the costs related to it are insanely high. But it just goes to show how destroyed our society if we have to resort to surrogacy because women today are so insane when legally tied.

>> No.11553898

Do it in another country. I admit this is not a cheap option, but neither is marriage.

>> No.11553916

You're right on that, I would imagine it would be different in Europe or elsewhere. It's sad that one of the most powerful countries in the world has such bad social problems.

>> No.11553932
File: 329 KB, 896x1045, canada_common_law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that seems a lot more reasonable honestly, 2 years isn't bad at all

>> No.11553952

Yea common law is ridiculous, That's why in the U.S. or Canada you never buy a house or car with your spouse legally attached or let her move in.

>> No.11553954


>> No.11554454

Blame the non existent Chadness

>> No.11554514

Go MGTOW and live a comfy carefree life.

>> No.11554532

I'd just use all my money on drugs before i die

>> No.11554546


>still falling for an old sandnigger ritual

Marriage is garbage and outdated.

>> No.11554557

once the divorce is filed you can't sell anything. even if you do you will be held liable and receive extra sentencing.

>> No.11554608
File: 929 KB, 2560x1576, room2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that we are untethered by the chains of religion there's 0 reason to actually get married

have a pretty ceremony if you want to but make it not legally binding

>> No.11554614

Girl I went to high school with got attention on Instagram from guys. Was married and had a kid, now divorced and lives that social media life. She a hoe tho

>> No.11554672
File: 480 KB, 592x584, zelda11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had no idea common-law marriage even existed. scary. her legal right to alimony is unclear though, the wiki page only mentions it once and that's to say that Quebec in Canada does not grant alimony rights to common-law married couples.

>> No.11554696
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>> No.11555174


you can google "Common Law marriage BC" and read the CBC article about it from back in 2013 when it went into effect in British Columbia.

Yea it's scary stuff. I've dated a bunch of girls in my life and only one psycho threatened the common-law shit a few years back - basically I wanted to dump her because she was crazy and she started talking about how we're technically married and that her mom/friend would vouche that we're married because we lived together for 2 years and blah blah blah. Drove me crazy. Luckily she finally fucked off but I could have been in some trouble.

>> No.11555367

Cucks were cucks even in prehistoric times.
>muh system is holding me down

>> No.11555488

> not stabbing her to death immediately afterwards


>> No.11555507

You're Trevor, and I'm Clevon, sorry anon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZde5VDAA8U

>> No.11555514

>h-heh i will just play with vidyagaymes and muh """hobbies""" until im 80

virgin incel cope

>> No.11555830

Marriage contract.

>> No.11555850

thanks for the advice, back to pol now

>> No.11555896
File: 81 KB, 500x737, 284A5C25-4B31-4196-89C1-0011BA57C40B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marry someone you love
>she ruins your life
>demands divorce
>entitled to alimony valued so high it leads a man to financial bankruptcy

Please explain me why this is actually legally defined in the marriage code

>> No.11555927

>be poor forever

>> No.11556264

Only if ur dumb op

>> No.11556860


>be dead
>still caring about memoney

>> No.11556894

so, bottom line is to avoid marriage? if I want kids, what is a good way to fill the void that motherless family brings?

>> No.11556954


>> No.11557001

>genetically engineer your kid/baby
>find a surrogate mother
>Rise your superior child without in need of femoid

>> No.11557019
File: 26 KB, 480x480, 1526145034574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't marry
>don't have kids
>cost of living reduced to only yourself
>don't buy minivans
>don't take out a mortgage
>take trips to pattaya instead of orlando
>can move anywhere and take whatever job you want, no need to kiss ass, no need to climb corporate ladder
>retire early and live off savings accrued by not having to be a beta provider cuck
>die penniless
oh no so sad :(((

>> No.11557049

This. Already decided on doing this. Even going to have a friend to be my gay partner when we go to the reproductive hospital.

>> No.11557169

I'd probably just have my father horde my wealth, so I can't be divorce-raped.

>> No.11557924
File: 35 KB, 821x424, There Will Be Blood 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEVER invest in women.
NEVER trust females with your assets.
Want children? You don't need to be married. Don't believe that crap about "children need their mothers", we all know that single mothers are way more destructive to their offspring than single fathers, and guess who gets awarded sole custody divorce? Don't get married; put all that wealth you would have lost in a divorce into a trust fund for your son.

>> No.11558033

Unless you file taxes together and go through some hoops it normally does not count.

>> No.11558090

truth of the matter is we're fucked