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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11523565 No.11523565 [Reply] [Original]

We all secretly know this is about to dump.
We just don't want to accept it.
We don't want to deny our dreams.
Market psychology.

>> No.11523589

I dont know shit. Non secretly.
You dont know shit. Very few people know shit and they arent on this interracial cuckold lifestyle forum.

>> No.11523593

Yes it will dump retard, that's exactly what everyone who isn't a brainlett is waiting for. Did you think it was just going to moon from the get go?

>> No.11523759

This lol so much this. But op does have a point nobody wants to accept its possible crypto will fail. Myself included

>> No.11524348
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god I love newfags

>> No.11524391

god I hate permabulls
Shit is dead, accept it

>> No.11524401

Emerging tech markets have proven themselves time and again in the past decades across industries. Why would it be any different in fintech?

>> No.11524430

it was somewhat more dead when it crashed from $32 to $2
I've seen this all 3 times before
newfags NEED to think it's dead for this to take off again
thanks anon

>> No.11524532

this you must be very new if you think this is over.

>> No.11524553

We are still in the denial phase

>> No.11524559


>> No.11524560

lmao. almost everyone is still bullish anon
>muh bakkt will pump us
>muh etf
>muh institutional money is about to fomo
>muh the "herd" is still coming

>> No.11524570
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>> No.11524600

If you've seen It, then you would alsp notice the pattern is for the bottom to be the top of the last bubble, in this case 1k
You can't predict the market based on past events

>> No.11524607

there is always the phase after the pop where good news doesn't affect the price
this is normal
you mustn't have witnesses 2014-2015

>> No.11524618

you seem to be in denial alright rest of us know we will hit $100k in 2 years.

>> No.11524631

you just contradicted yourself in 2 sentences anon
this bottom of $55 didn't hit $32 either so even your "pattern" is wrong

>> No.11524633
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We know and we accept it, and we're buying these dips.

>> No.11524657

im not talking about news. im talking about the fact that everyone believes we will pump because of these things. sentiment is still overall bullish/filled with hopium

>> No.11524671

you're looking at /biz/ and reddit which isn't representative of the world
only ones here are true believers or fags trying to have a laugh at losses

>> No.11524684

> 2000 coins on CMC. Many of them represent decentralized startups in emerging markets.
> No real world application
The crypto economy is bootstrapping. Buckle up.

>> No.11524693

besides, when I went all in again $400 bucks lower than the current price it was pretty obvious everybody was expecting 4k
just like when I sold everybody was expecting 100k in december

>> No.11524726
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was meant for

if you all haven't figured out who I am yet, pic related

>> No.11524855

and it will not change anon, because by now everyone knows whats up.
i first bought at $420 and sold at $860 i was very pleased with myself +100% that's good right? didn't buy back into the rally i was in total disbelief. even as it went down every day i expected it to crash i was like "this shit is extremely overbought" fuck... now i know better.

>> No.11524914

>even as it went *up every day

>> No.11524924
File: 5 KB, 357x141, ruined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I remember this thread. I got in May 2017 and my shitcoin portfolio got me from 10k all the way to 300K only to crash back down to 10K (from a slow bleed in 2018).

Unfortunately, I didn't listen and of course experienced the pain of a bear market and a full market cycle.

I didn't listen. :(

>> No.11524934

so by this pic >>11524348
there should be one more dip before we start an uptrend right?

>> No.11524969

this is the exact lesson you need to learn to be able to make a profit in this market
next time you'll find you won't get caught up in euphorically enduced delusion
it's the only way

maybe, maybe not, but once again I'm betting on the next speculative bubble so what it does in the meantime doesn't really matter to me

>> No.11524978
