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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11506555 No.11506555 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11506698

I feel so used. I'm literally thinking about reporting Sergey for abusing me

>> No.11506709


>People are literally cucking themselfes to this fat fuck.

Is it masochism? Is it findom? Why do you enjoy getting dumped on?

>> No.11506713

Trips confirm PnD

>> No.11506721
File: 151 KB, 826x631, Link tanking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Almost all of yesterday's gains literally wiped out. Every single person who bought during 3 of the 4 biggest volume candles is now a bagholder. Can you fucking believe it.

I told everyone who bought yesterday they were retarded for doing so and they just called me a swingtrader, now who's laughing you fucking bagholder faggots. I literally told you this would happen.

>> No.11506734
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plase no bully. Gib me hugs

>> No.11506752

It's easy, just sell when a green dildo comes out of nowhere with no news or anything
It always dump afterwards

>> No.11506753

Got 150 free links yesterday by swinging, I'm so happy :)

>> No.11506762


If you bought Link over 6k sats you deserve to be bagholding for the rest of the year, and you probably will do that as well.

After the Devcon conference in a few weeks the hype will drop off and people will really take their profits and we could go back to low 4k sats.

>> No.11506769

yes every coin is just rising because of conferences. you must be really dumb.

>> No.11506770
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Hello :/
Strap in fren

>> No.11506774
File: 219 KB, 1000x1000, liberal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just sell when a green dildo comes out of nowhere

Holy kek, I just now realised how ingrained the dildo terminology is on /biz/. I no longer read it as dild the way normies do. It just has another meaning to me and is a totally normal way of describing charts. Fuck you biz, you have fucked me real good!

>> No.11506789

>Almost all of yesterday's gains literally wiped out.
That is pretty fucking amazing.

And the pump was because of some REALLY good news too, so the dump makes absolute zero sense.

>> No.11506801
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The fudders already own bags of 100k link or more. Its all just a sad attempt to create buzz about their "all in" investment. You see, fudding lets them bump the threads discussing their bad investment while promoting discussion of tech so people think its a good buy when in reality everyone on this board who owns it already knows how it works and if not for the fudders would have nothing to talk about except for the 1k eoy delusion. Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.11506802

>no news
Yeah, you're retarded.


>> No.11506806


Are you retarded. Link has had 5 conferences this month and it's one more to go early next month then the carrot on the stick keeping the koreans and all the other nulinkers holding stops, and the price will correct accordingly. Do you think this is natural growth or something?

This is huge conference hype that has been priced in for months now. Expect the floor to fall out from under you once the conferences end buddy.


Buy the rumor sell the news, only reason it didn't dump harder is because 1 conference left in 2 weeks time. But that pump went so incredibly stupidly high we had to take profits.

Remember SIBOS last year. Same thing. Partnership with 6 banks and dumped for 6 weeks afterwards non stop once the news dried up..

>> No.11506813

One time Poc on bond payments is not a partnership

>> No.11506814

I believe it

>> No.11506818

>Buy the rumor sell the news
There was no rumor.

And partnerships and users are supposed to increase the value of something.

>Remember SIBOS last year. Same thing. Partnership with 6 banks and dumped for 6 weeks afterwards non stop once the news dried up..
We knew for a year in advance that Chainlink was going to do a demo for Swift.
That implies 11k banks. That announcement about the 5 banks meant shit in this context.

>> No.11506837

>There was no rumor.

Yeah, except for the one about Sergey releasing mainnet on the 22nd during the conference. Instead he announced web3. If you think there were no rumors it just means you haven't been browsing this board enough. The rumor mill for Link went insane in the month and weeks leading up to these conferences.

>he doesn't remember the rumor about Sergey outsourcing the job of aggregation and reputation to a third party and will launch mainnet in October by surprise

That dumbass rumor was what caused the leap into 5k sats in the first place, then the slow coaches over the last few weeks pumped it to 6k in anticipation of yesterdays conference.

>> No.11506841

Pre news dump for the ocean conference desu.

>> No.11506848
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>> No.11506852

what ever faggots!!! im holding comfy as fuck

>> No.11506858

>Flooding the reddit threads yesterday
so now faggot redditors are the new stinky bag holders.
At least thats one positive to come out of this

>> No.11506879


/biz/ be warned of faggots like this who shit on the idea of swing trading. They want you to hold just like them and create a support for the price so their bags don't drop further.

With the creation of thousands of new Link bagholders due to the incredibly amount of volume that happened yesterday, all above the price of Link right now, there are currently thousands of new Linkie bagholders out there that will be shilling this to the maximum.

>> No.11506900

You would be stupid not to..link swings all the time. Of course you keep main stack away but with few thousand links it's easy without stress. I just made 20% more yesterday.

>> No.11506948

>except for the one about Sergey releasing mainnet on the 22nd during the conference
Are you a literal retard?
People have been saying "mainnet soon" for a year now.

>f you think there were no rumors it just means you haven't been browsing this board enough
By that logic nothing will ever take off, because there are always rumors about all kinds of things.
Also, you're wrong. Nobody was expecting a Web3/Polkadot partnership announcement.

>That dumbass rumor was what caused the leap into 5k sats in the first place
You mean on Sept. 18?
That was when Bithumb announced it was listing Chainlink, dumbass.

And the uptrend that started in June was because of a constant announcement stream of major and minor partners and users; Accord, OpenLaw, etc.

>he doesn't remember the rumor about Sergey outsourcing the job of aggregation and reputation to a third party and will launch mainnet in October by surprise
If you seriously think mainnet speculation threads on fucking /biz/ are impacting the price of Link in any way, then you're an absolute trenchbrain, lost to humanity.

>> No.11506961

It's stopped at a net higher bottom you fucking mongoloid. Go back to your faggot discord

>> No.11506969


There is a different between "tonights the night" threads and actual decently made up rumors claiming mainnet is soon, especially when Sergey has 6 conferences lined up in succession.

The entire last months price action has been because of conference hype. To say you were surprised that something was announced at a conference you are retarded.


It's gone down further since I made that screenshot dumbass, and it will continue to tank and make every single person who bought yesterday into a bagholder.

>> No.11507002

>There is a different between "tonights the night" threads and actual decently made up rumors claiming mainnet is soon, especially when Sergey has 6 conferences lined up in succession.
I'm not talking about the "it's happening tonight" threads.
I'm talking about the constant threads and posts speculating about how mainnet is just around the corner, which have always been there.

>The entire last months price action has been because of conference hype.
And actual partnership announcements.
Like Accord, OpenLaw, etc.

>To say you were surprised that something was announced at a conference you are retarded.
Sergey has done countless conferences, and this was probably the very first time an actual partnership was announced during the conference.

>> No.11507018


If you watch the charts daily you would notice that every decent rumor about mainnet on here is followed by pumps.

>sergey has done countless conferences

He's done barely any. Just him doing 6 conferences in a row is huge and that is what caused the hype. Everyone knew he had something to announce. One this last conference is done the price will correct downwards.

>> No.11507030

>If you watch the charts daily you would notice that every decent rumor about mainnet on here is followed by pumps.
Confirmed trenchbrain.

>He's done barely any.
He's done dozens, and this is probably the very first time an actual major announcement (big partnership) was made at the conference.
You doofus.

>Just him doing 6 conferences in a row is huge and that is what caused the hype.
And the actual partnerships, anon.
Don't forget about the actual partnerships.

>Everyone knew he had something to announce.
And what was that?

>> No.11507039


I agree and it is the only reason I sold all of my stake and waiting to buy back in ~20 cent in late November or early December when people cashing out for Christmas gifts and new Chinese year in Feb. Jus wonder when is the last conference where Sergey is gonna attend? Devcon in Nov 2nd?

>> No.11507041


Jason Parser dumps his pre forked Link on every single green candle like that.
As soon as binance list forked link with the agrigation bug fix this bullshit will end snd ppl stop falling for it

>> No.11507057


Lmao. Nope. It created s massive number of ppl who will sell if it continues to drop

>> No.11507060

You could've gained 15% more links if you sold the top yesterday
Btc is at 6500, bear market is in full force, far from over
Holders will get raped, this is the time to swing trade, nothing will 10x overnight like in December

>> No.11507075


It is funny that whenever there is a pump or large dump, this drunk anon appears and persuade the Linkies to buy more and we are mooning forever and hold your bags.

>> No.11507088

>And what was that?

A known unknown you idiot. We didn't know what he was going to announce, but we knew he would announce something. You have to be retarded to think he wasn't going to announce anything at one of these 6 conferences.


This is smart. Remember patience is key, FOMOing in will just make you a bagholder.

>> No.11507122

>A known unknown you idiot. We didn't know what he was going to announce, but we knew he would announce something.
And what did he announce?

>> No.11507124
File: 131 KB, 829x636, Link dumping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It took that much fucking volume for Link to have that big green dildo yesterday
>it only took a tiny bit of volume to bring it all down again today
>there are now thousands of new bagholders who bought above the current price desperate just to break even, creating new points of price resistance

The bulls just absolutely exhausted themselves yesterday. Bears are only exerting minimum effort right now and have taken away the lions share of the bulls gains. Imagine the sell pressure on Link right now from all these bagholders, imagine the huge volume and gigantic pink dildo all those new bagholders could create if they decided to cut these losses and buy back in in December.

>> No.11507134

>it only took a tiny bit of volume to bring it all down again today
Because of self-fulfilling prophecy idiots like you.

>> No.11507163


>he doesn’t understand simple market psychology

Link needed a big pump on huge volume to begin a new bear trend. Now there are enough new linkers to start their initiation of losing money to test their resolve. No linkie escapes.

>> No.11507200

>he doesn’t understand simple market psychology
I understand it fine.

Good news is announced, a large number of people decide to invest based on the merit of this news.

Afterwards, a small number of retards sell on the merit of some old shitnugget they remember from somewhere that doesn't even apply (hurr buy the rumor sell the news, amirite guy'ze??), causing a low-volume pullback.

>> No.11507209
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BTW Link both double topped, and formed a head and shoulders on the 1 hour scale. So a reverse in direction has been confirmed. We might hold up in the 5k range for another few weeks until the final conference, but after that it's gonna dump pretty hard.

>> No.11507226


Fa and news doesnt cause it. The psychology does. Investors are not ready to create a bull rally. The candles make the news.

This was all latent attempt at the market trying bring bull, but it wasnt ready and we are seeing the effort of a 4 month rally top out

>> No.11507232

>The candles make the news.
In the case of Link, the news has been making the candles for months now.

>> No.11507241

link is the most predictable shitcoin in the market. you buy it when it dumps back to 5k sats and sell when it pumps +20%

i've almost doubled my 10k stack doing this exact thing lmao, and you're probably all holding waiting for a 2x out of nowhere which will never happen

>> No.11507257

>you buy it when it dumps back to 5k sats
That means you've only been trading since 18 September.

>> No.11507258


You misunderstood. The market is “ready” to try rally. The news can result in candles.

This is why in downtrends, the most bullish news ever can do nothing or cause a dump. Market is not ready.

Link had that. It tried for a few months to rally now. We may see a reversal

>> No.11507260

you forgot about the ball tingle apostrophe that might be forming on the full moon

>> No.11507273


>> No.11507277

Oh I understand.
But when you look at the Chainlink chart these past few months, you can literally make out every time something like a partnership announcement was made.

>> No.11507298


Yep. Market was ready to rally, so any “excuse” cause greed dildo.

They could have anounced some fucking shit news and still green dildo. Thts the point

>> No.11507307

None of this matters.

With chainlink you just win. How do people not understand this yet?

>> No.11507317


If you have been paying attention, double tops (and bottoms) are the most reliable TA formations, and head and shoulders extremely reliable too. Pretty much all else is tea leaves though. I have never seen a double top or bottom be ignored before though.



The pump last night showed the extent of bullish sentiment on Link and they were swatted down with ease. It's time for a reversal. You can just keep going on an upwards trend forever. We are already at a former resistance point from a previous high earlier in the year, and that combined with news drying up soon means it's time for a downtrend.


That was during a bull market for Link. The bulls clearly exhausted themselves last night and they went all out and reached their limit, they could not push it higher at all, bears kept swatting them down with ease. We can't go any higher than last night anymore without more good news or mainnet coming out, plus the added resistance of all the bagholders there now means even testing it again will be hard. It's either sideways motion or down for now anon.

Don't worry though, it's not a bad thing. Hope you all have good income streams anon, it means you can once again start accumulating. I had stopped buying for months now because it was getting too expensive. Can't wait to get some more Linkies on the cheap in late November/Early December. It will be like early christmas.

>> No.11507349

>And the actual partnerships, anon.
>Don't forget about the actual partnerships.

Like the 6 banks SIBOS partnered with? And what happened to it? Remember?

you're running on fumes now, stinky linkie, and you're going to stay stinky when it dumps after Sergays last confrence.

Best case scenario - You hang yourself when stinky dumps to 100 satoshis.

>> No.11507358

assblaster here, im gonna pump it in the next 2 hours watch the news

some of you are alright

>> No.11507364

Gotta give Sergey and his team some props. They managed to scam delusional neo nazi NEETs out of millions of dollars. Doing God's work.

>> No.11507373


Link will moon like crazy in next bull market. These rallys give hints of it.

But now it cant

>> No.11507376


Discord pajeet announcing pump means he is gonna dump hard in 2 hours.

>> No.11507377

> The bulls clearly exhausted themselves last night
Well, you're the expert on bulls and how tired they get.

>> No.11507381
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>> No.11507386


Well of course he is. He is the bull.

you on the other hand are not an expert because you're not allowed out of your cuckshed while he punds your gf.

>> No.11507389


Anon what do you think will happen if Bitcoin gets it's ETF approved and goes on a bullrun. Wouldn't Link tank in sats just from BTC's price increase. Wouldn't a lot of people sell Link and other alts to jump in on BTC?

>> No.11507408

His expertise comes from years of watching bulls pork his woman from his cage.

>> No.11507418

Yeah, not like there was a general crypto bullrun late 2017 / early 2018.

>> No.11507435

>Market was ready to rally
More like "really good news was announced".

>> No.11507450


No, just like I told you before retard, even rumors were causing pumps during the last few months uptrend. We've hit the apex yesterday. If you bought then it's bad luck to you.

Just like the other anon said before, but in reverse, the market was so bullish for Link that when the Salesforce partnership fell through at the Dreamforce conference, it didn't effect the price at all. The market was ready to pump on anything.


Kek. True.

>> No.11507467

>even rumors were causing pumps during the last few months uptrend
A lot of really good news was announced during the past few months, changing the baseline for Chainlink.

>the Salesforce partnership fell through at the Dreamforce conference
Imagine being this deluded, fucking lmaoooooo

>> No.11507507


Yea probably.
Saying, links performance in a bear market is a hint into its possible performance in a bull market where everyone is excited, and link is providing huge value.

Literally like with eth

>> No.11507536

>the market was so bullish for Link that when the Salesforce partnership fell through at the Dreamforce conference, it didn't effect the price at all.
In fact, let me spel it out for you:
NOBODY in the real world was actually expecting Salesforce to announce a partnership with Chainlink, only a handful of dot-connecting autists on /biz/.
That's why the price didn't dump.
Same with the retarded "mainnet soon" speculation on /biz/.

Like I already told you in >>11506948
If you seriously think mainnet and/or partnership dot connection threads on fucking /biz/ are impacting the price of Link in any way, then you're an absolute trenchbrain. Plain and simple.

>> No.11507540

Price dropping with volume after a pump. That's a good sign. Stop focusing on price pre-mainnet in a bear market and look at the overall performance and the climb in ranks.

>> No.11507546

>Price dropping with LOW volume after a pump.

>> No.11507592

You are a faggot. If you bought there you will be fine in the long run.
I didn't because I'm not stupid but I am considering buying soon.
Dumb niggers have been calling every swings pump and dumps since .15cents

>> No.11507657
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> link is dumping

>> No.11507827

>Amost all

So it's higher than it was creating yet another new floor faggot.

>> No.11507850

>Imagine believing LINK pumps like other shitcoins because they are just at conferences.

>> No.11507859

Yes. They are fools. What's great though is that it adds to liquidity and attractiveness for larger whales.

>> No.11507894


Absolutely fucking delusional. Imagine thinking Link's pump yesterday was random and had nothing to do with the conference.

>> No.11507909

It had to do with the partnership announcement, not the conference on its own.

>> No.11507935

Ya think, it is honestly the biggest confirmation Link is legit since the Swift POC and the ICO. How anybody could be selling this now is beyond me. I will Hodl for the duration, not worth the risk of losing any of my stack.

>> No.11507957

>15 posts by this ID

15 posts of absolute, unadulterated stupidity.

>> No.11507963

Where do swing traders find the liquidity to trade and buy their stacks? The walls are so thin that if I played with a 5,000 link stack I would be destroyed with slippage

>> No.11507964
File: 37 KB, 498x522, nralink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was actually just one whale who bought 540k after hearing about marketwaves/freightwaves at the conference. Most events are still under everyone's radar. We good senpai

>> No.11507974

that was some of it. More that Nothing else is going on in the space. You notice BTC is starting to move again right? everyone was chasing a pump and are going back to trading their shit coins

>> No.11507977

Gambling addicts larping as "swing traders"

>> No.11507983

because swing trading doesn't mean selling and rebuying 15 minutes later after a .5% move...

>> No.11508118
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My TA says this is only the beginning of a HUGE fucking climb. Full big dick dragon energy has been achieved on Chop index.

>> No.11508145

>What is a partnership
You should do yourself and everyone here a favor and kys.

>> No.11508181

okay u caught me. i sold 1600 LINK so i could buy some RLX. still got 50k+ LINK tho, btfo faggot

>> No.11508449
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>this discordjeet desperation ITT

>> No.11508846
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The main thing that keeps me from doing so is coinbase possible listing chainlink as new crypto while I swim on eth or bitcoin

>> No.11508886
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>> No.11509029

there are a lot of reasons not to sell now, but a possible coinbase listing in the near to mid-term is not one of them at all.

>> No.11509048


This. Is. What. It. Looks. Like.

This is a moon mission. This is a bullrun. Extreme volatility, multiple 5% swings a day.

When you look at a monthly or yearly chart post-moon, it looks like it's going straight up -- a perfect parabola. In a practical sense, however, this is what it feels like on the elevator, and this is what it looks like on the daily.

This is the initial rocket launch, so if you can't iron up those hands you're going to panic sell on the march up.

Remember that kid who lost money during the bitcoin run from $100 to $1000? Lost his and his sister's inheritance? It was cuz he was spooked by volatility like this. Don't be that kid.


>> No.11509154


Mainnet isn't even out yet you stupid little prick. There is every reason to sell on pumps before mainnet. Once mainnet is announced and out then yes it would be retarded sell after that. This isn't Bitcoin where there is never any reason for pumps. It's quit simple. Is mainnet out? No. Sell pumps. Is mainnet out? Yes, don't sell pumps, HODL forever.
Christ once Link takes off I feel like hiring a dark web hitman with my Linkie profits getting him to assassinate every goddamn impatient dumbfuck linkie out there who pumped the price up before mainnet. Fuck all of you little shits making it hard to continue accumulating this. I want to make sure that the hitman painfully tortures every linkie that said "you've had a year to accumulate". Do you want Link to make you a millionaire or a billionaire?

>> No.11509164

nooooooooooooo delete this! this doesn't fit the agenda I'm trying to push!

>> No.11509183

1000 eoy check em

>> No.11509212
File: 188 KB, 1204x642, BTC uptrend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bitcoin will reverse it's trend because of this small low volume dump

HAHAHA how stupid can some people get, LOOK AT THIS UPTREND! We've been gaining for 3 months now! Anyone who thinks this is a trend reversal is a FUDing idiot. Get rekt swingtraders we break 20k tomorrow!

>> No.11509227

>hurrrr mainnet has to be out before moon
Like OMG right? Or Antshares?

You're just one big tub of retarded cliches.

>> No.11509250

WE're going back to 6k sats then up again.

>> No.11509251


If you can't stake it there is no point in it going up before mainnet, unless you want to sell before mainnet and get no staking money.

Link should be tethered to 1 sat and never allowed to go above that until Sergey untethers it on mainnet's release. Fuck all these pre mainnet pumps.

I've got a shit ton of Link and I made a fuckton of money on yesterdays pump and I was still mad as fuck about it. Accumulation is way more important than any premature pump profits.

>> No.11509254

>parabolic blowing up to a new historic ATH = reaching 1/3rd of historic ATH after a few months of uptrend


>> No.11509259

yep. took me a while to understand this too.
No mainnet= no 1k eoy
im out of cash and this is the only way i can afford to get more link

>> No.11509268
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>not trading in augmented reality
>not doing it while wearing balenciagas you bought with your link gainz

>> No.11509273


>> No.11509280

>If you can't stake it there is no point in it going up before mainnet
Like OMG right? Or Antshares? Or any of the countless other cryptos (and other projects) that mooned and stayed moon even though they didn't have a working product yet?

>> No.11509293

keep doing what you doing then and we will see who has more link when main net comes

>> No.11509295
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>> No.11509302

So no rebuttal?

>> No.11509312

are you just arguing for the sake of arguing? dont you have shit to do today. I know you're wrong, you know you're wrong as well. At the end of this thread nobody will even remember what you typed

>> No.11509323

>I know you're wrong
So OMG and Antshares had working mainnets when they mooned?

>> No.11509334

You have had plenty of time to accumulate, the Link needs to rise.

>> No.11509358
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parsed and jasonpilled

>> No.11509401


You are so fucking short sighted. In 10 years you are going to look back at what you and others did here and wish you had a time machine so you could go back and punch your younger self in the head for not FUDing harder. Yeah you will have several million, but you could have had well over a billion if you had just non stop accumulated the entire time.

I got a job just to accumulate Link, I went all in, and then I got more fiat put in my bank account because of my job. Every fortnight I get more fiat. Now I have half the fucking amount of Link I got a few weeks ago thanks to you fucking hype niggers. I literally want to kill everyone person who bought Link after August 1st. Unless they are a based swingtrader who also does a lot of sells then it's okay, swinglinkers are good.

What the fuck is different about Link now than it was a few months ago, other than hurr muh partnerships are now confirmed so now I will buy because I was too much of a fucking brainlet to read the white paper and put 2 and 2 together and the partnerships actually surprised me instead of being obvious.


They took off from hype alone during the incredibly bull market of 2017. Non comparable. Also lots of OMG and ANT holders were probably pissed they couldn't accumulate for longer.


Why does it need to rise before mainnet? Tell me in detail why there is an absolute NEED for the price to rise? Is it to make you feel better about being a bagholding faggot? How many more sats does it need to go up before you break even? I've been in Linkie threads where everyone shares their stack count and average buy in? Most people have a buy in in the fucking 40 cent range nad that's only because they DCA'd it down from 60-80 cents. You all bought way too high.

My average buy in for Link is around 19-20 cents. Link is fucking double my buy in right now and it physically hurts to consider buying more at this fucking price.

>> No.11509434

i dont even know what to say to you at this point

>> No.11509435

>I got a job just to accumulate Link
Yes, it's very obvious that you're one of those perma-accumulators.

But honestly, fuck you and fuck your shit.
You had a year, so piss off with your fixation issues and general mental problems.

>They took off from hype alone
The price of anything is entirely down to supply and demand.

>> No.11509449

i see what's going on. You can't fucking wait. You're a neet with all your money tied up and need your ticket right now.

>> No.11509452

Because you've been B T F O.

But keep fudding on /biz/, hoping to suppress the price firmly delusional that you're actually having even the slightest impact.

>> No.11509461

>i see what's going on. You can't fucking wait.
I've been waiting for a year, I'm in no hurry.
But when I see retards like you whining about "muh accumulation" I just can't help cringing.

>> No.11509469
File: 202 KB, 1380x639, back to 20k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is it boys, solid 2 months of uptrend! The bull is back we are going back to 20k! WHO HERE GOLDEN BULL! BOBO'S BTFO'D!

>> No.11509470

i dont have to hope i know whats going to happen. Im not even fuding btw so not sure where you get that from. Maybe you're one of the faggot that try to spam the board hoping people will fomo in so you can dump on them

>> No.11509489


>no mainnet no moon, but I'm not fudding yo!
Yea right lol.

>> No.11509500

thats the facts. it will noot ever reach 2.00 without main net sorry you're deluded

>> No.11509511


He is a fucking neet. All these fucking neet linkies are cancer. They are impatient little shitstains trying to ruin accumulation for everyone else. We have been blessed with this amazing opportunity, and like like Jordan Belfort said in Wolf of Wall Street, the only thing you'll be mad about is that you didn't buy more. I don't want to regret not buying more and not getting as many linkies as possible. Yet this fucking disgusting obese fucking neets on here who went all in with mummies money back in fucking January and have been bagholding their fucking tendie allowances for a year now are getting impatient and literally trying to hype this up on reddit now. I see them go "i'm all in" all the time, as if you can actually be all in for more than a fortnight. It's so obvious they have no income stream and can't keep buying like the rest of them.

>> No.11509521

Whatever you say, but newsflash, as more confirmations come about speculation will drive it higher just as Drunkanon stated. My recommendation, find access to some fiat and load as many as you can right now. You are at the new low.

>> No.11509523

Countless other projects have mooned without mainnet.
Including shit like Antshares and OMG, which helped spark the general crypto bullrun.


>> No.11509528
File: 128 KB, 1122x2208, DA4239BD-9159-426F-A884-4C336DBACD74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh yes the old asymmetrical
Head and shoulders

>> No.11509533

It's a fucking Jason Parser, this shitcoin has no value

>> No.11509543


Another example of Link's current uptrend repeated by Bitcoin.

BTC hit a bottom, reversed, had a solid 2 months of uptrend reaching about half of it's ATH and everyone was bullish but they overextended themselves and the trend reversed again and BTC went down the day after that. Just like Link will BTW. Trend is reversing. You bulls pushed too close to the sun before mainnet. We are gonna retrace downwards.


>being a neet with no money, under 10k Linkies and too afraid to swingtrade because he has no market skills

Fucking cringing so hard right now.

And I told you before idiot, OMG and ANS took off because of the 2017 bullrun. It's not 2017 anymore faggot.

>> No.11509552

Unironically fucking cringed so hard at this post. It wasn't even the type of cringe that you just slightly wince at. No, this is a whole new level of cringe to the point I needed to take a step back from my fucking keyboard and pace around for a few minutes contemplating on how abhorrent and downright embarrassing something like this is. Do you have any idea the level of retardation and pure contrarianism a person needs just to make such a bold fucking claim like that. Downright embarrassing, cringe, bluepilled, and horrifying at how bad this post is.

>> No.11509555

im working on my own business just to buy link. I dont care if im paying for it up $50.00. all i know is my dollar goes way longer when it's below 0.50.

do you think we are going to see .32 again? i feel like when btc ramps up people chasing pumps will dump it to get into btc

>> No.11509578
File: 149 KB, 1357x653, binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought in at 6700
Sold at almost 7k

I had like $196
Now I have like $207
That $10 means R$35 atleast, one month of food for my dogo.

Good week for you frens.

>> No.11509589

>Another example of Link's current uptrend repeated by Bitcoin.
Link climbed fifty ranks in a matter of days this summer.
It's not "following Bitcoin".

>OMG and ANS took off because of the 2017 bullrun
They first mooned in the summer of 2017, before the December 2017/January 2018 bullrun.
This was a big deal, and they helped spark the December 2017/January 2018 bullrun.

You have ZERO insight into anything.

>> No.11509590

Wow, you seriously believe that BTC fud. Good luck Anon.

>> No.11509603

its not fud though. Have you been watching btc/link daily? im not talking checking it on your phone i mean checking every 5min?

>> No.11509611


Probably will. Some other anons are predicting a retrace even down to 3200 sats or lower. It wont start right away, will probably be sideways movement for the next 2 weeks or so until Devcon starts, but unless more news is announced after that, it should dump in the days after that conference and continue downwards as all the people who bought the rumors take their profits from retarded conference buyers.

And yeah, I think that if BTC ETF's get approved it will cause a major BTC pump which will cause a lot of people to dump their alts and jump on the next bullrun. In the short term will definitely cause Link to dump, but int he long term it could start another bullmarket entirely. And once Bitcoin reaches it's first sideways movement in a bull market then alts get their turn. But the added bonus of BTC pumping hard again soon, it that the BTC charts for Link are gonna look shit it will look like it's dumping way harder than it is since BTC will be pumping so hard, so people will be selling just to save their sats. And before retarded linkies on this board claim they will never sell, all the koreans who recently bought in from Bitthumb to get in on the conference hype absolutely will be selling.



Yep, that ones going in my cringe compilation.


>> No.11509621

The bullrun was the entire fucking year you goddamn moron. Not just december, that was just the height of Bitcoins bullrun. When did you get into crypto? You realize BTC was around 1K in January 2017 and ETH around $20 or so. That entire year was a mega long bull market with a huge run up in Septermber to top it all off. ETH went to $500 from a few backs back in June.

>> No.11509622

During the late 2017 bullrun, pretty much all alts went parabolic right alongside BTC.
Stop being dumb.

>> No.11509645

Fuck your accumulation, I've been doing that shit for 9 months and I can't afford to any more. I'll accumulate through staking now thanks

>> No.11509657

im not talking 2017 you numbskull. Im talking now, right now.

im thinking i want to buy back in today just to ride the talk with sergay.

>> No.11509661

>The bullrun was the entire fucking year you goddamn moron
No. Bitcoin flatlined during the first half of 2017.

ETH was a massive factor in the general crypto bullrun of 2017, and this implies a large involvement from ETH tokens (like OMG) and ETH copycats (ANS).

>> No.11509676

>im not talking 2017 you numbskull. Im talking now, right now.
And you're an idiot if you think BTC mooning will keep other coins from mooning.

>> No.11509699

>t. guy who said not to buy link at 4500 sats a couple weeks ago for the same exact reasons

>> No.11509705

we are in a bear market? I dont care what btc did in a bull market i care about my opportunities now.
This year every time Link when down btc was up. Im not sure if people are using it as a way to keep their money safe idk. For you to talk about
from last year when we are discussing links price now and the future is retarded.

>> No.11509712

Will he say something that hurts it or helps it? Based on recent delivery, I know which direction I would be leaning.

>> No.11509720

>This year every time Link when down btc was up.
Whatever you say, boyfriend.

>> No.11509737

im so mad that people like you exist in the world. I want to have a legitimate discussion. Im just going to ignore you.

you're right in assuming that. I mean its his talk and hes trying to sell it right?lol

>> No.11509756

>im so mad
Maybe that'll pump some blood into your brain.

>> No.11509769

>I'll accumulate through staking now

No you wont. Mainnet isn't out yet. The high price does jack shit. You aren't making a single linkie off of staking you you fucking faggot.

Anyone against continued accumulation is a retard.

>> No.11509780


>> No.11509786

>No. Bitcoin flatlined during the first half of 2017.

No it didn't retard, it only looks like that now because of December and January's candles making all the others look small. It had a big bull run at the same time as ETH and kept gaining allthroughout the year at at the time unprecedented levels.

>> No.11509797

>next 2 weeks or so until Devcon starts
devon starts in 1 week. opinion discarded

>> No.11509799

No, he isn't selling it, he is updating where they are and who they are interacting with more than in the past. He doesn't have to sell it, but what he shares can absolutely have an impact. "We are literally talking with 100s of teams". He isn't lieing, he says the right thing it will drive it up in a hurry. I see it as a no lose, because don't see it going lower, Imo.

>> No.11509804

Cringe + blue pilled

>> No.11509809

i think you're right im going to buy back in and just see what happens. I can always sell again

>> No.11509812


Just sell all your link and start decumulating then you fucking neet retard.

>> No.11509815

>No it didn't
Yes it did.

>> No.11509845

It will your your hitman against my mercenary army. Will be able to afford one after the singularity.
The age of warring stinky warlords is upon us.

>> No.11509917

I bought what I needed over a year ago.
I actually read the white paper, literally nothing has changed in my (very positive) assessment of Chainlink.

If you didn't have the funds the first time you bought, and needed time to accumulate, then I respect that.
But it's been a year, and any talk of accumulation at this point is top cringe.

>> No.11509998
File: 236 KB, 504x375, qqewrwerf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basic gestalt on huobi margin trading?

is there are difference between huobi pro and "normal" huobi or is that just the brand name?

most important question:
****what is the minimum required balance for margin trading?*****

has there been any scandals like on polo?? how does customer service compare to bitmex and finex?

likelihood of surviving regulator environment in singapore in your opinion? And do they effectively stop US traders from using their site because that will make the CFTC and SEC really angry?

margin trading fees?

oh yeah and is there a night mode or a dark theme available? the white background burns my Hiki eyes..

>> No.11510008


I'll just pay your mercs higher than you are and have them turn on you, after all, I kept accumulating low while you didn't.


No it didn't. You obviously were not around.


>we have until mainnet to accumulate
>nah lets artificially make it earlier on the most important project of our lives because I am an impatient neet

>> No.11510017

>You obviously were not around.
Anyone can look up the chart, bucko.

>we have until mainnet to accumulate
This was never true.

>> No.11510036

>lets artificially make it earlier
So Accord, OpenLaw, Web3, ... announcing they'll be using Chainlink is "artificial"?

>> No.11510131

>I got a job just to accumulate Link, I went all in, and then I got more fiat put in my bank account because of my job. Every fortnight I get more fiat. Now I have half the fucking amount of Link I got a few weeks ago thanks to you fucking hype niggers. I literally want to kill everyone person who bought Link after August 1st. Unless they are a based swingtrader who also does a lot of sells then it's okay, swinglinkers are good.
yeah I'm fucking pissed about the price right now. I don't think this token deserves to have broken the Sibos price of 0.0016 ETH. fucking weird.

>> No.11510171
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1539659046450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink cannot moon without a working product to sell. You know why? Its because noone knows if what he is making will even work. Partnerships mean nothing if they have no product to sell.

>> No.11510184

Then how come so many other projects have mooned without a working product?

>> No.11510211

and to add to your point, mooning is getting to the level of BTC and ETH. Pre-mainnet 20x isn't a moon. You need real fucking developers excited about the product, you need security, you need heated debates about the codebase (BIPs, EIPs). LINK isn't even political yet.

>> No.11510222

Link will never be below 40 cents again

>> No.11510231

>yesterday's gains literally wiped out

congrats, you're all NPCs

>> No.11510238

yea i'm sure you know more about the potential success or failure of chainlink than all of the projects that have publicly put their reputation out there and stated their intention to use it months, and even a year in the case of zeppelin, before it's launched on the ethereum main net.

>> No.11510248

Oh I'm sure Link's price will benefit from mainnet release.
But to think it can't/won't moon before mainnet is hilariously delusional.

>> No.11510272

see >>11510211

Joseph Poon, Karl, and Vitalik on stage talking about how more work needs to be done on oracles is just the beginning of this shit. We are so fucking early it's crazy. The good thing is this:

Chainlink's codebase is written in Go-lang and is well organized. What do you think Ethereum's most robust client is written in? You think people are gonna try and write a whole new oracle system from scratch when someone has been working on this shit for 5 years? You don't understand open-source developers. We're going to see some of the best minds in the industry dedicate their time to working on defining aggregation standards and whatnot very soon. And the implementation will more than likely use chainlink.

Just take a look at Web3/Polkadot, OpenLaw, and Market Protocol. Why are they excited about chainlink?

Do you guys see though, how much more work needs to be done? It's in our best interest to trust the developers and just accumulate instead of hyping "main net".

>> No.11510283

30th succesfull swing trade with link this year ;D I started with 1300 links. Now have 42k links.

Based, comfy and redpilled.

Stay poor

>> No.11510286

>see >>11510211

See >>11510248

>We are so fucking early it's crazy.

>just accumulate instead of hyping "main net".
I cringe just as hard at "mainnet soon!" as I do at "accumulate!".

>> No.11510293
File: 817 KB, 2626x2620, 1518414109994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullish af
fud = pointless

>> No.11510301

Nick Johnson, Hudson Jameson, Gavin Wood, Nick Szabo, Ari Juels, Joe Lubin. All of these people know Chainlink and have some vested interest in it's success.

>> No.11510306

You gotta do one or the other. which do you choose?

>> No.11510308

The biggest projects all had a working product to market before they took off. Btc was functioning electronic cash until december 2017 when when scaling became an issue. Eth had a working blockchain, programable smart contracts and their own programing language. Then they were adopted with the ico craze. Ripple has 3 working products they are offering and they are being tested by hundreds of banks. People already know blockchains have value because of btc, they know smart contracts blickchains have value because of ethereum, a decentralized oracle network is too new to moon, noone even knows if it will have value because noone has ever made s working product for this technology before.

>> No.11510320

Do not listen to this guy! Chainlink is a scam and you will lose all your money. 4channers created chainlink to fool noobies and keep them away from mobius. They shadow forked mobius a few months back and began heavily shilling the linked chain (chainlink). Don't be deceived by the recent pump. They only released a fraction of the tokens so that they can manipulate the market! If you don't believe me check the top 100 wallets and you'll see they control over 90% of the supply! The supposed head dev, sirgay, is just some lowly McDonald's employee they hired as a front. It's so obvious because he only has a philosophy degree, not a computer science degree and has been radio silent for over two years now! Please whatever you do, do not invest in chainlink, buy the real coin: mobius.

>> No.11510329

and eos and cardano have both achieved substantially larger market caps without a "working" product. it might not be good but there's a precedent for it happening before a main net is achieved and it's entirely possible, especially as it's revealed the hundreds of teams sergey says they are working with.

>> No.11510359

would you hold EOS or ADA if they dipped 80% after you having bought in?

BTC and ETH dipping 80% means nothing since they are active networks with tons of investment capital in the startups surrounding them. Not to mention the nerds who work for the love of it.

>> No.11510361

Calm the fuck down. This shit is just shaking all the weak hands that can only hold penis . It’s gunna bounce up so fast you sissies are gunna wish you were getting fucked by the big linky dinky pump. Just reuped 1k more. Thanks fagits

>> No.11510496

No you don't.
There's much more to legit hype than just mainnet. Like actual major partners.

>The biggest projects all had a working product to market before they took off.
And tons of projects mooned hard af without.

>> No.11510515


>> No.11510574

Whoa Sergey just said something huge

>> No.11510627

Only projects that were very similar to projects that have already mooned in the past have somewhat mooned and not as hard as the ones who had a working product first. Nothing like chainlink has ever existed before let alone mooned before. Chainlink will have to prove their idea can actually work before they take off unlike eos and unlike cardano which had ethereum as proof what they were building had value and was possible to build.

>> No.11510663


>> No.11510692

>very similar to projects that have already mooned

Look buddy, let me spell it out for you:
Mainnet is nothing without partners/users.
On the other hand, shit can moon before mainnet, purely because of partners/users.

If you honestly think Chainlink wouldn't moon its ass off if something like Amazon came out and said "we're partnering with Chainlink" before mainnet, then you need to get your brain studied by science.

Stop being dumb.

>> No.11510775

Why the fuck would Amazon ever come out and partner with chainlink when chainlink foesn't even have a working product? They are putting their brand on the line by supporting chainlink which they don't even know if it works. What might happen is amazon white labels chainlink, this way they are secretly partnered with chainlink while using their own brand name

>> No.11510822

>Why the fuck would Amazon ever come out and partner with chainlink when chainlink foesn't even have a working product?
Why did Accord? Or ZeppelinOS? Or OpenLaw? Or Web3? Or any of Chainlink's confirmed partners?
Hell, why did Swift invite them to do a PoC when Chainlink didn't even have a working product?

Did you bump your head or something?
Because you seem to be getting dumber by the post.

>> No.11510839

you really are a fucking NEET holy shit i feel bad for you.

>> No.11510887

Great rebuttal.

>> No.11510904

Last I heard the link guy (steve something..?) was just looking at electronic skateboards all day

>> No.11510945


Just get a job you fucking neet and start accumulating again like the rest of us, trust me, you will start feeling good, you will start feeling fucking great when it dumps too.

BTW none of those companies are even near the level of Amazon you neet faggot. No one outside of tech even knows they exist. Go ask your normie friends what web3 is and he wont have a fucking clue. They are all behind the scenes no name companies. That's why they can risk their name, no one knows them.

>> No.11511016

what is that?

>> No.11511032

Elaborate please

>> No.11511093


The price will grow naturally whenever good news comes.
Regardless of your autistic screeching.

>BTW none of those companies are even near the level of Amazon you neet faggot.
In terms of impact, Swift compares very favorably to Amazon.

You really can't stop posting dumb shit, can you?

>> No.11511126

>still a neet

>> No.11511160


There once was a token called VIT
On biz linkies did not give a shit
But when Sergey died
from a big mac they cried
And the VIT pimps just said "deal with it"

>> No.11511255
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, sirgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how fucking bored everyone looks, there are people literally sleeping and browsing their phones. You think people are buying in and exited because of web3? Get fucking real neets. Link isn't taking off anytime soon. The tech establishment and blockchain experts aren't impressed with Sergey or Chainlink as of yet.

>> No.11511268

It's 8:34 pm here, and I'm at work getting paid to shitpost.

>> No.11511278

>The tech establishment and blockchain experts aren't impressed with Sergey or Chainlink as of yet.
That's why the partnerships keep coming, right?

>> No.11511333


>claims to work but stopped accumulating because he cringes at the thought of buying Chainlink


Partnerships with literal who companies. They are one step above tron tier partnerships. Who the fuck ever heard of OpenLaw, Zeppelin OS or Accord before they got a CL partnership.

>> No.11511349

Dude, everyone has heard of those, lmao

>> No.11511375

>>claims to work but stopped accumulating because he cringes at the thought of buying Chainlink
I accumulated everything I wanted to accumulate based on the merits of the project, all in one go.
If you didn't have the necessary funds to do so early on, then by all means accumulate.
But when you're still crying about accumulating a year in, that's top cringe.

>Partnerships with literal who companies.
Imagine being this much of a copelet, lmaoooooooo.

>> No.11511460


No one outside of tech nerds has heard of them.

>> No.11511534

the moment you do serious research into how blockchain could help your company, you come across Zeppelin, OpenLaw, and Accord. Why?
Zeppelin for the security of your smartcontracts (of utmost importance), OpenLaw and Accord for legal primitives. Not being amazon tier has nothing to do with these companies being not important to this industry. Every company on earth is watching this industry, especially legal firms and financial firms.

>> No.11511573

Are you still yapping?

>> No.11511687

>still posting in this dead thread

>> No.11511694

5500 was the old floor, now it's 6300.

>> No.11512022


>> No.11512037

>And the pump was because of some REALLY good news too, so the dump makes absolute zero sense.
sell the news and resistance line meme you fucking brainlet

>> No.11512056

>sell the news
That only works when there was a rumor first.

You NPCs really love your tired cliches, don't you?

>> No.11512613


>still pretending you were surprised something was announced at one of the conferences this month

Absolute retard. The rumor was mainnet or something big was going to be announced, web3 was, people are selling it.

>> No.11512639
File: 50 KB, 576x416, 1537844285646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off posting your ugly nigger shoes in every thread faggot

>> No.11512776

>people were expecting something big so they sold the first big news that came out of nowhere
Ok buddy, whatever you say.

Not joking, but either you're a literal third-world pajeet with kindergarten-tier education, or you're like 14 years old. Seeing you post is physical pain.

>> No.11512854

no one touches my link

>> No.11513302


You are so fucking unbelievably dumb you are trying to prove buy the rumor sell the news isn't happening because of a technicality because we didn't specifically know it would be web3.

We were expecting something big, something big was announced, we sold the news.

>> No.11513322

There was no rumor about Web3.

>> No.11513333

He probably meant a rumor on /biz/

>> No.11513360

There's always rumors about everything on /biz/.
And even then, I don't think anyone on here actually speculated about a Web3 partnership.

>> No.11513370


I agree, there was no rumor about web3 at all. There was a rumor though, that SOMETHING, fucking ANYTHING would be announced, and something, was announced, turns out it was web3. Web3 is actually something, it counts as something, so the news was sold.

What part of this are you not getting? You don't have to know what the rumored partnership is beforehand for it to count.

You must be the dumbest linkholder alive.

>> No.11513392

>There was a rumor though, that SOMETHING, fucking ANYTHING would be announced
There's always a rumor that something is about to be announced.
You absolute child.

>> No.11513456


>> No.11513482

it's crashing because
>wall street just got their bonuses
>venus is in retrograde
>this happens every LINKtober