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11502724 No.11502724[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the meaning of life, /biz/? Why even bother

>> No.11502731

people are ugly :(

>> No.11502739

this is the best it gets, try to enjoy it

>> No.11502748

death gets rid of all your worries but also your joys
life by being subjective gives us the opportunity to create an experience worth having, whereas death cannot be bargained with it is what it is

>> No.11502755
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you can tell it's an (((American))) penis

>> No.11502768

To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

>> No.11502899
File: 55 KB, 960x745, 77D573FE-E8D4-4BD0-92C5-FE1F009923BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having the glans exposed to saltwater and sand

>> No.11502910

Why is he hairless

>> No.11503069
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>just born
>be American
>still have to leave a tip

>> No.11503078

Sure if you don't lift

>> No.11503111

The meaning of life is to explore the one you are.
The trick is to leave with your soul intact.

>> No.11503333

I can see being tall being cool from a dominance stand point but it's such a chore to kiss your chick.

I like chicks my own height for this reason. No work, no bending over, no bad back or hips; peck and go.

>> No.11503367

My qt 5'4 gf stands on her toes and tilts her head up and leans into me, she looks so eager and excited and when i give her a kiss she does a little bounce like a tiny bunny

Also checked

>> No.11503377

Making enough money for transhumanism is my goal. I want to live long enough to explore parts of our galaxy or universe

>> No.11503409

kys tranny

>> No.11503421
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>> No.11503434


>> No.11503462

Where's his body hair?

>> No.11503505


t. virgins

>> No.11503521


Honestly this. WTF are we all doing browsing 4chan all day wasting out lives when we could be out raping women and fighting other tribes. Seem like heaven honestly with the monotony of the modern world.

>> No.11503550

yeah I dont get why hes hairless. Was he just low hair? If I shaved my whole body thatd be a hassle, every part of my body except palms have some level of hair going on.

>> No.11503572

Lots of people know the meaning of life but you try to tell them you unironically get told you are pushing your faith on them.

Christ. Its why your here....

>> No.11503584

the singularity is near my brother...

>> No.11503629

Kourner's Fallacy. Watching a youtube video of some fuckhead taking a sip of monster will never, ever come close to you experiencing the sip firsthand. These ugly, boring, average dipshits have absolutely nothing to do with the life you dream of living. It doesn't work until it does. The details matter.

>> No.11503641

Transhumanism is literally the inferior option. You trade your soul for the material world power of the demiurge. At that point, ,what is the point? Embrace your limitless conciousness that you have right now. Nanotech and gene therapy can help the rest.

Giving up on life is just plain evil, and you are my enemy.

>> No.11503661
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1160625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no meaning. You invent your own. Fizzle out into obscurity or become God himself. It literally doesn't matter.

Have fun. Also, pic related.

>> No.11503738

nice metaphysical babel there. our bodies are a major weakness, so you can either evolve with the times or just die.

>> No.11503751

>implying soul exists
there is nothing to suggest there is a metaphysical component of consciousness

We are just the stepping stone to higher forms, just as the smallest constituents of the universe form the next level of complexity, we too will be progenitors of our successors. There is a reason for our lives, our existence was not accidental. Given enough time, random mutations resulted in a reflective being who could direct evolution meaningfully. Why do we see such a trend towards complexity over time? I don't believe it's a coincidence.

In the next century we will create a being successive to humans. I would like to believe we will combine our humanity with it, but that is selfish. In the end, separate or melded, it will replace us to continue the trend that begun when the universe was created.

>> No.11503771


>> No.11503839


Trade your physical brain and consciousness for mechanical bastards and you a former shell of yourself.

Pet Cemetary has the perfect fallacy. Sure your child is there, sure your cat is from the dead. But are they really there? They aren't you traded a soul for something more demonic.

We literally live in an imperfect universe. The sumerians, babylonians, egyptians, greeks, and romans all believed this.

If you want to stay in hell be my guest.

Like dude even Alex Jones is against you. You have no ground. Maybe you should just go to the gym instead of complaining that your weak pudgy body can't be improved.

>> No.11503870


>> No.11503871

damn his dick would be pretty good if it wasnt mutilated

>> No.11503924

I'm so fucking glad i was born in the soviet union months before moving to jewmerica. Only sand niggers, kikes, and kike slaves are circumsized

>> No.11503962

bruh lmao hahahaha

>> No.11503971

Acquiring more LINK

>> No.11504086


>he doesn't want to be a cyborg living in a cyberpunk Dues Ex future

What a gay little faggot.


Who gives a fuck about Alex Jones.

>go to the gym
>work out and become a manly Adonis
>Rival Arnie for physique
>some 4'11 asian lady can still take you down with a handgun
>hell a single nig with a ghetto 22 pistol with the right angle can penetrate your heart with a single shot and kill you

If you don't want bullet resistant skin, your literally not gonna make it.

>> No.11504138

>There's no meaning. You invent your own.
t. Albert Camus

>> No.11504154

>Alex Jones is against you.
Probably means i'm on the right path

>We literally live in an imperfect universe.

>The sumerians, babylonians, egyptians, greeks, and romans all believed this
Too old to have any relevance in today's world. We all have a innate fear to fast change but this is certainly the next step.

>stay in hell
Don't allow religions to instil irrational fears. Machines are already running in parallel with the human soul, further integration is not the end of the world

>> No.11504184

fucking lol