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File: 102 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11477591 No.11477591 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the Metokur situation? Was the dox real? I'm so confused and unwilling to read a lot or watch crappy streams to find out

>> No.11477592

Who fucking cares? At this point it's evident that Sargon is a subversive kike shill who is so fucking boring and unauthentic he's a laughing stock. I watched that killstream video of Sargon saying gamergate about 5000 times in 50 minutes and I gotta say that was the most pathetic sales pitch I've ever seen.

>> No.11477593

The way he plays it off it's probably not a real dox. It was info on encyclopedia dramatic for years.

>> No.11477594

It was real.
He's shitting bricks because now it's his turn to have a video made about him.

>> No.11477595

his gf doxxed him. he's a 2 chinned dork

>> No.11477596

Oh boy! I love hearing all about what's going on with my favorite e-celeb! It really makes me feel connected to them like they're my friend!

>> No.11477597

Jim seemed pretty pissed, so probably.

>> No.11477598

>Was the dox real?
Probably. He is handling it well though, by just making fun about it he makes people think that it's fake.

>> No.11477599

post the pics anon

>> No.11477600

source fgt

>> No.11477601

Yes the doxx is real
He is scared shitless that everyone know that he is a millionaire and a world wide known investment banker

>> No.11477602

The potato nigger dox has been around for like 2 years, who knows, who really cares. I just want rad dad to stick around and not leave again

>> No.11477603

I wish daddy metokur would breed My boipuccy. I would even go "Ching chong ting tong" for him

>> No.11477604

for your next trick, you will call everyone furrys

>> No.11477605

Are his actual pics out? Idk if I believe he's 50 years old

>> No.11477606
File: 474 KB, 587x705, 1540162737477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11477607

Hey Sargoy, everyone knows that you're a zionist kike shill sucking Steve Bannon's cock trying to setup the post Mossad false flag narrative of gamers vs journalists. The NPC meme is a psy op and that effectively makes you a terrorist because you're setting hte stage with predictive programming for the next false flag. Disgusting.

>> No.11477608

dude I hate to spoil it for you but it´s fake
There is a pic of metokur floating around because this retard clicked a link once and got his webcam hacked 7 or 8 years ago

>> No.11477609




You sound PATHETIC trying to take the temperature of /pol/ on your rep

>> No.11477610
File: 788 KB, 980x551, michelle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an alt-weens whining about their irrelevant e-celebs and their asinine drama thread.

>> No.11477611

Calm down grab a beer. Jim is fucking with us Euros. Hope you are on AMS or Mindestsicherung. Everything fine. Praise socialist Austria

>> No.11477612


t.groomed zoomer

>> No.11477613


fake news

>> No.11477614

Why are you such a gigantic cocksucking, jew loving zionist, Sargon?

>> No.11477615

it turns out he's a billionaire wall street Investment Banker

>> No.11477616

like pottery

>> No.11477617
File: 32 KB, 685x385, methode%2Fsundaytimes%2Fprod%2Fweb%2Fbin%2F2b585d04-1d4b-11e8-8523-de565c87c927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's a billionaire son who got richer by getting in big on crypto early. Trump/Batman tier doxx minus face reveal. pic unrelated

>> No.11477618

Jim's fucking prime 20 year old pussy, while you're literally raising your wife's son. Cope harder, fatty.

>> No.11477619

Surname meaning for Benjamin
Jewish, English, French, and Hungarian (Benjámin): from the Hebrew male personal name Binyamin ‘Son of the South’. I

>> No.11477620

Dude i know it´s fake because i have a pic of how he looked like 7 years ago
The funny part of it is that this unknowing investment banker will probably sue the people attacking him without reason

>> No.11477621

ultimate chad billionaire shit posting yellow fever anon ... /ourguy/

>> No.11477622

>i have a pic of how he looked like 7 years ago
Then post it.

>> No.11477623

>Can someone give me a quick rundown on the Metokur situation?
Sargon/Skeptics are butthurt/stupid as usual, and are attacking anyone who disagrees with them, as usual.

>Was the dox real?

>I'm so confused and unwilling to read a lot or watch crappy streams to find out
See point 1.

>> No.11477624


Not him, Jims way older


Not only does Jim own a suit, he wears one everyday and makes his videos from a corner office

>> No.11477625

can confirm
This is Jim.
I'm Lmte ama

>> No.11477626
File: 125 KB, 900x900, Ahahhaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you are either a furry or sargon when you point out how groomed people are

quick if you increase your patreon donations jim might say your name

>> No.11477627

sweetie squad reporting in

>> No.11477628

why? you can look it up yourself newfag
I am not gonna spoonfeed you

>> No.11477629
File: 170 KB, 360x346, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11477630

Good for him
But what does screaming at the shills accomplish
sell them the picture for 3 btc

>> No.11477631

do you have something for me?

>> No.11477632

I don't give sheckles to e-celebs, oh great sargoy of applebees.

>> No.11477633

Jim Liebowitz and Basedfag of Akkad should be ignored. This whole drama is because people are sperging out over the minutiae of doxxing and who is responsible for what level of involvement. Just doxx them all and get on with it, that'll separate those who are serious from those who are useless

>> No.11477634

when is this fuking stream? jeez

>> No.11477635

jim could snap tomorrow and become a babyfur and he'd still be less retarded than sargon's gamergate 2 concept

>> No.11477636

>I have proof my claims
>I'm not going to post it though
>Providing evidence is spoonfeeding
>You're the newfag

>> No.11477637

nobody likes you basedgoy

>> No.11477638

>that'll separate those who are serious from those who are useless
already did

>> No.11477639

>I want shit for free
Give me something in return, commie

>> No.11477640

when you respond like this I can imagine you doing the fortnite dance when jim uploads a video

>> No.11477641

And no snarky comments about "I bet you don´t really have it" isn´t of any value to me

>> No.11477642

When you go on Killstream and act like a fucking retard pretending like bringing back Gamergate is a paradigm shifting strategy it makes you look like a fucking loser. Well probably because you actually are a fucking loser.

>> No.11477643


>> No.11477644
File: 156 KB, 456x675, d3d0394501b0466433271951f667afc649d1aab4fb3b53af9fde5d2fd584de61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares about these eceleb retards

>> No.11477645

I'll give you 4 inches of good pipe baby boy

>> No.11477646

Metokur is Jade. Jade is Metokur. He's a tranny.

>> No.11477647

Where is the sauce tho?

>> No.11477648

do you really think i'm sargon?

>> No.11477649

Alright dude, you're a child.

>> No.11477650


>> No.11477651

>4 inches

>> No.11477652

It helps me groom zoomers of legal age while the pink hairs get fatter and fatter. Did you actually put a ring on that used pig that pumped out some random chad's kid?

>> No.11477653
File: 111 KB, 474x595, 1539381218151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can fap to that

>> No.11477654
File: 67 KB, 599x489, 90843535-EDF6-4A5D-83EF-F9CB4CC958CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11477655

how sad

>> No.11477656

shut up don't laff

>> No.11477657

>Are his actual pics out? Idk if I believe he's 50 years old
In vids from 10+ years ago he sounded 15, he cant be older than 40
Im not buying this leak

>> No.11477658

Dox is probably real. Sargon's political career is over before it even started. The dox is revenge for it and because he found out Jim does own many suits of multiple colors.

>> No.11477659

Also give me a quick rundown of your starship troopers vid I can't listen to your smug chubby voice for 81 minutes. You fash now, brah?

>> No.11477660
File: 11 KB, 500x359, Disgusted Sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to suck farts out of that old poofter's neghole. What the fuck does he thing he's doing? He should thoroughly familiarize himself with us and our bodies instead of fucking his ching chong roastie. There is no way she can compete with that moist tongue of mine. I fucking hate you dumb fucking cunt. You think you're funny? Shut the fuck up and whip that cock out.

>> No.11477661

Yet lives in a shitty apartment

>> No.11477662

he is a wall street investment advisor

>> No.11477663
File: 90 KB, 1125x1111, Dmxa55-U8AE0rD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11477664

who givess a fuck bout this gay shit, when is the sunday funday stream?

>> No.11477665

Probably where he learned his advanced techniques of spicy bantz.

>> No.11477666


>> No.11477667

not a clue what you are rambling about

>> No.11477668

So he isn't materialistic. So what?

>> No.11477669

8 cst

>> No.11477670


>> No.11477671

sargon doxed him because he made fun of his shirt and wouldn't lead gamergate 2

>> No.11477672

He was around 20 years old 10 years ago
And yeah the thing with the voice confuses me
Can´t these people realize that there is no way that he is a boomer if his voice got deeper etc?
Are they really this stupid?

>> No.11477673

the dox is several years old, they just got new info which confirmed it

>> No.11477674
File: 39 KB, 281x337, 1539557019711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick rundown:
>sargoy is losing popularity
>people do the "skeptic" thing better, wittier, etc., and since the overton window has also shifted some, he can't even try pretending to be a radical anymore
>jim jumps and does his usual shit, makes claims and shits on people for lolz
>gets into a big fight with both kraut and mundane matt and so is now a clearly marked enemy of the skeptics
>so they do their usual retarded shit making plans and whatever, but now they're going against the /pol/ or whatever groups instead of with them, so they don't have anyone doing all the actual work
>so, as expected, all their plans fail miserably
>jim makes fun of them more, and profits
>then out of nowhere some guy says he doxed jim and has all his info
>and it looks like sargoy and his gay lieutenants are involved with it
is that something close to it? I've been in and out and missed a lot of the exact details

>> No.11477675
File: 396 KB, 640x750, F18CC701-0A9C-4BB0-8C97-5D6243235230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twelve year old sweeties think correlation equals causation. Every Brit on /Pol/ is obviously named Carl.

>> No.11477676

He hasn't the license to learn about Fascism.

>> No.11477677

Most of his videos are about obscure people from internet forums that barely anyone has ever heard of

>> No.11477678

why doesn't the cunt buy a decent headset?

>> No.11477679

thanks m8

>> No.11477680
File: 504 KB, 800x1067, jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim is a 40 year old boomer.

>> No.11477681
File: 48 KB, 469x378, carl-ball-z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11477682

he says his voice got deeper when he started smoking

>> No.11477683
File: 1.60 MB, 3000x3000, patrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the 50 year old guy is his dad. Vidrelated is his son, and it sounds like Metokur's voice.


>> No.11477684

Don't get the appeal of Metukor

>> No.11477685

>new info
Are you people retarded or something?

>> No.11477686

>that hairline
holy fuck, is this a CIA man?

>> No.11477687
File: 213 KB, 397x397, 1477669317241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 years ago
>not older than 40

>> No.11477688
File: 107 KB, 1000x1050, sargon act.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the stream supposed to be?

>> No.11477689

>>1903073why would you rent a shitty apartment if you a billionaire?

God damn you fan bios are stupid.

Why didn’t you invest all your eCeleb love in Murdoch Murdoch?

Dude is a regular guy who will soon be fired for being right wing, unfortunately, Also he’s probably a weeb.

>> No.11477690

>he says his voice got deeper when he started smoking
Bullshit, watch his first vids under his old names, he talks like a teenager, its not just his voice, its just the speaking patterns and the stuff his into.

>> No.11477691

Probably because you arent underage.

>> No.11477692

You got to be born before ‘64 if you’re are gonna be a boomer, do the math

>> No.11477693
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 134657321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rumor is some one might of gotten paid from the kiwi farms board to find Metakur's dox. Kiwi Farm releases Metakur's Dox. Metakur sort of never acknowledged they where real, however as time passed he increasingly got more and more pissed about it. Metakur finally lost his shit on the Romanian stream Vee. Metakur only looked like he won to the flies who orbit him for viewers. to the rest, Metakur showed this dox bother him alot more than he wanted to show. Metakur thinks the Septics payed for his Dox. Metakur said he will show proof on Sunday(Today) of something Sargoy did.

For me, I just hope Metakur and the Septics mutually destroy each other, /popcorn

>> No.11477694
File: 64 KB, 255x247, 1539957443559.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11477695

>Your form of entertainment is inferior to my form of entertainment.
Who cares where he lives? Seriously? If he has wealth he isn't flaunting it.

>> No.11477696

Jim is definitely a Gen Xer , the son fits

>> No.11477697

the guy on the right works at guitar center in my town

>> No.11477698

The videos he's done every few weeks about furries and other mentally ill people are entertaining in a very niche way, but the live streams are unwatchably dull.

>> No.11477699

I thought I heard Ayden Paladin's nudes were out there somewhere. Is that true? I haven't been able to find them.
>Morbid curiosity - they can't be worse that Zoe Quinn's sad Suicide Girls attempts.

>> No.11477700

I've grown to somewhat enjoy his videos as some light entertainment calling out retards, it gets boring after a while and fanboying for any eceleb is gay, but he's not all that bad.
I guess I like less his actual content and more his joking attitude, can't fucking stand the pretentious hyper-serious skeptics acting like their basement dwelling youtube uploads are changing the world

I don't buy it, the voice sounds close but I'm sure there's a million similar-sounding voices, and him being some kind of investment ace just sounds off
he used to report intensely on gamergate, I don't think he's any kind of successful or big irl

>> No.11477701


>> No.11477702

another vid with just him talking, no video. Does sound rather like him

>> No.11477703

Sargon, you'll never be a big time UKIP celebrity. Give it up.

>> No.11477704

How they found his dox
>voting registrations are public in Minnessota
>look for someone with the name "jim" and someone with the name "jade" registered to the same address
>only like 3 different candidates in the entire state
>narrow it down by age range

That's how they did it. But that info has been known for a long time, they recently got some new info that corroborated it

>> No.11477705
File: 57 KB, 545x875, Based Black Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, you gay

>> No.11477706
File: 68 KB, 750x715, 1538715121478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your a fucking joke you fucking retards

>> No.11477707

Is there a new Stream from today?

I haven't seen anything.

>> No.11477708
File: 88 KB, 573x500, individualist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude is a regular guy who will soon be fired for being right wing
The Septics refuse to understand that they lost to normal people from the simple reason that they are wrong on race, so they invent some shady conspiracy of evil to explain their loss, much like team Shillary blame the Russians.

>> No.11477709

forgot link

>> No.11477710

Says the man posting this picture.

>> No.11477711


>> No.11477712

Jim posted he's on in half an hour, get the popcorn ready

>> No.11477713


>> No.11477714

Disregard its an hour and a half

>> No.11477715

83 minutes actually

>> No.11477716

I see your shakening and will vibrate in coalescence with you.

>> No.11477717
File: 165 KB, 851x841, 1537452484973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to check your peepee response, definitely gay as fuck, my pinkie dude.
Thank God, I'm dying of boredom here.

>> No.11477718

The stream starts at 9 EST

>> No.11477719

pls be actully this retarded

>> No.11477720
File: 1.10 MB, 280x200, big dawg sips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chili will be done in 5 minutes
>Meto in about 25 minutes

It's going to be a comfy evening.

>> No.11477721
File: 34 KB, 540x540, 1537728098403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuuuuuck, I can't wait, what a slow fucking boomer faggot.

>> No.11477722
File: 494 KB, 750x422, 16D6A72E-8E17-423D-B25A-7C122D95A174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes as soon as he gets off work at Applebee’s

>> No.11477723
File: 1.65 MB, 1031x811, from one sargon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy on the right works at guitar center in my town
It's the same in my town, so he might be some cloned NPC they do to save resources.

>> No.11477724

Aren't Poles the result of being raped by literally everyone in Europe? Like, taking dick 24/7 by anyone with more than $10?

>> No.11477725

They are
These retards actually believe that jim ran around with his real name attached back in the day when he was part of METOKUR
They found one of his old personas and think it´s his real name

>> No.11477726
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>> No.11477727
File: 40 KB, 395x395, 18881965_10213759794695333_8400040787611694306_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11477728

I can't understand why the other camp is cojmpletely full of absolute retards

it upsets me

>> No.11477729

Dox is legit his name is James Patrick O'Shaughnessy the dox is available for all to see on kiwi he’s a 40yo depressed alcoholic drunk driver from Minnesota. He’s trying to play it off like that’s not his name by putting up the info on the billionaire James Patrick O'Shaughnessy to throw people off. All the evidence is there and this is actually an older dox that’s been around for awhile some Tranny just reposted it in the metocuck general over at kiwi.

>> No.11477730

Can someone give a non meme answer that doesnt involve buzzwords and slurs, as to why you like Jim and dislike Sargon.

>> No.11477731

James Patrick O'Shaughnessy

>> No.11477732

James Patrick O'Shaughnessy

>> No.11477733


>> No.11477734

Yes, you can just google them. Her tits are disgustingly saggy though.

>> No.11477735
File: 41 KB, 249x249, Chad Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess so, just like Koreans are the result of a millenium-long rape of Korean women by glorious Japanese people. Getting stomped in the ground and stuff. Japanese soldiers used to ram water hoses up your women's assholes and get their recta blasted with ice-cold water, ahh, good times.

Not hostile or anything, it's just that you're gay as fuck my dude. Embrace your sexual taste, my yellow nigger.

>> No.11477736

They wouldn´t be where they are if they would be intelligent
>hey guys let´s fight the problem with the root of the problem that created this mess in the first place
>yaay liberalism rules
This is the most stupid take on poliktics once can immagine
Immagine the eastern Euros would go back to Leninism to fight Stalinism
It´s baffeling that people think this way

>> No.11477737
File: 11 KB, 255x320, 1366468457187[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is apparently Jim

>> No.11477738

i don't dislike sargon, he just acts insanely autistic and retarded, Jim wreaks hilarity wherever he is so it's fun to keep track of him, it's literally as simple as that and anyone that takes it further than that is autistic. The fact that people take it so far as to dox him is hysterical. People take shit on the internet way too seriously.

>> No.11477739

Jim is 4chan personified
Sargoy is reddit

>> No.11477740

You have to read the spoilers on page 1
It’s all there tons of evidence

>> No.11477741

I agree, the anti jims are complete morans

>> No.11477742

The dox comes from somebody who is well known on kiwifarms and has always been right so far, it's not just an old person that was found, there is a lot of evidence that makes it pretty likely that it is him. The owner of kiwifarms would not publicly state that he believes the dox to be genuine if it was to a solid dump.

>> No.11477743

You got any evidence? i'm more inclined to believe he's the millionaire just by the way his voice sounds here >>11477683

>> No.11477744

Koreans eat dogs like it it’s totally normal and the only thing they got going for them is “Gangnam Style“

>> No.11477745

*wasn't a solid dump.

>> No.11477746

u huh

they claim it's true huh?

>well known on kiwifarms
oh wow, must be true then, my claim for proof is btfo

>> No.11477747

his dox revealed he has a micropenis

>> No.11477748

Styx works at your guitar shop? Color me not surprised at all.

I always thought he would work at a pot shop.

>> No.11477749

>Insinuating it's not just propaganda for gibs.
I can't really hear you over your modern subjugation to the EU. You know that only by taking in immigrants will you be freed of the guilt of having all those terrible concentration camps.

>> No.11477750

>i don't dislike sargon
Fuck off
This fat liberal bernie sanders supporting faggot ruins all our memes with such a presission over and over agin that there is no way that he isn´t doing it on purpose.
Nobody is THAT stupid

>> No.11477751

Sargon is based
Jim is redpilled

>> No.11477752

I'm waiting for what Jim has to say in the next Sunday Funday stream. Apparently it's gonna be extra spicy.

>> No.11477753

And the 11th largest economy in the world. Don't forget about that one. United Korea will be glorious.

>> No.11477754

Not gonna have one because what he said was based on emotion. Either that, or he's waiting for Sargon/Vee to go to be bed so he doesn't get an immediate retort. It's what I'd do.

>> No.11477755
File: 100 KB, 1200x1600, 52e8ab133fca942872a3798e2f7310c01abd461e27de07605cc5559a912f50dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11477756

I didn't know Jim programmed his NPCS this fucking hard jesus Christ

>> No.11477757

Go to kiwifarms and read it or listen to what Josh said about it.

>> No.11477758
File: 84 KB, 1062x642, Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at 11.28.39 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paypigs btfo

>> No.11477759

weak b8

>> No.11477760

>Either that, or he's waiting for Sargon/Vee to go to be bed so he doesn't get an immediate retort. It's what I'd do.
yeah, I sense he is deeply afraid of those intellectual heavyweights


>> No.11477761


It's starting in an hour.

>> No.11477762
File: 4 KB, 312x161, cri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Meto-kun alone ANTIFAGS!

>> No.11477763

thanks man

>> No.11477764

Nah, it's just they can defend themselves if they're awake. Metokur primarily attacks those who cannot defend themselves, which is objective.

>> No.11477765

So you are unwilling to read the evidence and instead believe the person that the dox is about because he surely would just publicly admit that it is real. Then you go out and say that people who believe the dox to be real are stupid. Can you spot the flaw in your logic?

>> No.11477766

Ah, K. Well, let's see what all the hub bub is about. I'm predicting 2k within an hour.

>> No.11477767

There's a lot to unpack here.

>> No.11477768
File: 163 KB, 1764x1746, 1539230862410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I too back furry pedos

you faggot

bla bla bla shut up

I only trust CNN

>> No.11477769

So Sargon is like Harvey Dent. Hes the hero this world needs, a bright and beaming public figure to follow behind. Someone you can make into a poster boy of the movement.

Whilst Jim is Batman, hes mysterious and underground. He does all the dirty work that the 'moral' people can't do because of their public face. He gets down in the gutter and exposes the trash. But we need him, and so we will hunt him. Because hes not a hero.

>> No.11477770
File: 91 KB, 400x333, Covfefe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You win, my nigger dude. You blasted my asshole so wide, it's painful. It still doesn't change the fuck you're gay as fuck, my dude. Your penile response at my previous remark suggests that you'd want to get your asshole rinsed with ice-cold water pouring out of a filthy garden hose. I can assist if you like. It may be hard for one person to handle, getting plowed by streams of glacial water while screaming "HWOO TWO TYOOOO" and directly getting hit in that G-spot.
Fucking Christ, start already Jim. Have mercy on poor Eurofags for Christ's sake.

>> No.11477771


Similar, but different enough. It’s totally not him

>> No.11477772
File: 85 KB, 630x522, Sargon on the American Revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sargon is very disingenuous. He got his shit kicked in by Spencer and rage quit the debate, saying he was going to sleep, only to stay up for several more hours having his sycophants suck him off and tell him how good he did in the debate. Ever since then, he's been very hostile towards white identitarians.

>> No.11477773


What's the appeal of this guy now. I watched a few minutes of a steam and he just spouts pol memes and rakes in shekels. He is at the last phase of where bloodsports ended up and is just about bitching and drama now.

>> No.11477774
File: 43 KB, 250x250, No u NPC Ditto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11477775

How does Jim's cock taste, friendo? I hate furries and pedos as much as the next guy, but Metokur is clearly a fucking coward.

>> No.11477776

His nose and ears don´t fit the webcam leak.
His voice 10 years ago doesn´t work with his doxx age.

>> No.11477777
File: 153 KB, 1536x2048, 1527205502578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a pickled big-ass mushroom

>> No.11477778

like special flied lice, and jim ben

nom nom nom

>> No.11477779
File: 71 KB, 640x621, hypocrisy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taxes this high, and in 2018 and the government still allows corporations to make the sick poor for being sick. Mummy save us.

>> No.11477780

I point you back to my statement about taking the internet too seriously. You're being as autistic as sargoy

>> No.11477781

9pm est.

>> No.11477782

the dox are real but Jim doesn't seem to care.

>> No.11477783

Thanks, Anon - I didn't even think to check ED.
>Her tits are better than I thought they'd be.

>> No.11477784

Based and redpilled. I like watching dumpster fires as much as the next faggot but does /pol/ need to be spammed?

>> No.11477785

The dox is real, you can look the explanation up in the KF thread. Just because it's been on ED for four years doesn't mean it's fake. It really hardly matters though. Jim has said again and again that he won't stop if he is ever doxed.

>> No.11477786

to be honest unless there is something really good Im unsubbing, the lore has gotten too big for me to handle, it has been fascinating so far but I cannot keep up with this weekly dosage of internet autism

>> No.11477787

What's funny is if sargon ever got doxxed he would have the largest meltdown Yet.

>> No.11477788

If you refuse to post the webcam leak, any claim you make based on it will be disregarded.

>> No.11477789

They sound nothing alike.
Unless you are trying to tell me that for years Jim/mister metokur/internet aristocrat has changed his voice whenever he speaks online. Which is retarded.

>> No.11477790

I'm pretty sure he's doxxed.
He's open with his identity for max e-celeb status. That's one of the annoying things about him; he could've kept his anonymity, but he wanted the spotlight and meatspace fame.

>> No.11477791

He embarrassed himself during Anglin debate. He completely botched it and just wanted to paint Anglin as a 1.0

>> No.11477792

Its really not that complicated hes just going to talk about the leaked audio with Tonka and Kraut that Warski found and probably some new shit he has on Sargon

>> No.11477793

Don´t pretend to fit in
Yeah no shit dude there are autistic people on 4chan

>> No.11477794

Anyone can find his details, it's just that no one cares to.

>> No.11477795

The voices are close but It's not him. High level finance guys still pull like 60 hour work weeks. Jim wouldn't have the time for that with all the streams he does.

Plus if he was a millionaire he wouldn't need the money he gets from donations and superchats. I guess that wouldn't stop him though, the enterprising little potato nigger.

Sargon is a fat autist and Jim is a memelord that pokes fun at degenerates and retards. There's nothing inherently noble about either of them.

>> No.11477796
File: 8 KB, 220x266, Walter_Benjamin_vers_1928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sargon is not only a kike, but he is related to a literal Frankfurt school cultural Marxist who fled the third reich:


>> No.11477797

Who else is reading this and has no idea what the zoomers are talking about?

>> No.11477798
File: 14 KB, 450x448, we wuz metokur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11477799


>> No.11477800
File: 761 KB, 628x800, 1515711682891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not black
fake and gay

>> No.11477801

granpa go to bed. pleeeease

>> No.11477802
File: 85 KB, 712x851, madman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jim makes funny videos making fun of faggots online. I find them entertaining.

sargon moves from one meme to the next in an attempt to remain relevant. I find him pompous.

it's an apples to basedbeans comparison. sure, sargon has done some shit in real life. so what? jim has always been pretty clear he's only here to laugh at retards online. whenever anyone tries to praise him for anything else does what he always does and calls them a faggot.

jim is a troll: he does dumb shit for the laughs. sargon is a politician: he does whatever he can to make a group of people think he's important.

>> No.11477803
File: 260 KB, 1200x768, Dp_8TRWXcAAaakp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will the Irish be allowed in the ethnostate?

>> No.11477804

>sure, sargon has done some shit in real life. so what? jim has always been pretty clear he's only here to laugh at retards online.
Pretty much sums it up.
>Sargon does shit.
>Jim doesn't.

>> No.11477805
File: 103 KB, 532x435, Brazzers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wah wah wah, go to bed, you old geezer

>> No.11477806
File: 189 KB, 2048x717, Dpg_k6fXgAAaqKy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veeh, tonka truck, Kraut and the whole skeptic hive mind was caught planning gay ops on discord. Payed 150$ for a doctored video of Warski talking to a kid, offering 2k for Jim's dox. And a lot of other gayass flagging shit.

Gona be a fun stream. Get your beer.

>> No.11477807

So you think he had a nose job? otherwise it doesn´t really work dude.

>> No.11477808

>at least he's doing something hurrr
None of this reformist crap works u fucking cuck.

>> No.11477809
File: 3.37 MB, 630x385, Kek Kekkity Kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sargon is a politician
Not a very skilled one, I'm afraid.

>> No.11477810
File: 253 KB, 618x412, Sargon and the Indiviadualists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Sargon does shit
-Let's start da liberalists!
-Can I be part of the cool kids, UKIP!?
-Let's have Trump tweet about Gamergate!
Yeah. Stupid shit.

>> No.11477811


MEtakur did not want his Dox out because he will have furrys after his life.

>> No.11477812

It certainly does.
It's had the effect of pissing you off for no apparent reason.

>> No.11477813
File: 8 KB, 236x236, AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the fucking stream, sweetie squad, for fuck's sake.

>> No.11477814

He was disingenuous as fuck in that "debate".
He went into it and the first thing he said to Wang Lin was that he wasn't there for a debate, he just wanted to have a casual chat. Then he proceeded to go full talmud.

>> No.11477815

I'm sorry, did you get an interview with Bannon?

>> No.11477816

It's going to be great seeing these septcucks get demolished

>> No.11477817



Who am I kidding of course there's no proof, it's all e-drama to lure people into his stream.

>> No.11477818

Soon, sweetie, soon.

>> No.11477819

>Where is the fucking stream, sweetie squad, for fuck's sake.
What's the point? Last time he has some huge shit against Sargon and was streaming.... it turned out to be nothing.

>> No.11477820

yfw furries literally kill and rape some rando's dead body, brag about it on twatter and then jim goes live the next day

>> No.11477821

>-Let's have Trump tweet about Gamergate!
Which is stupid, infact i think he already tweeted it out during the 2016 election. Also gamegate fail as a movement if this year's E3 was anything to go by.

>> No.11477822

He's nothing to do with that hedge fund guy you morons.

Go read the kiwifarms thread before you spread nonsense. Jim is actually fairly poor going by the apartment he lives in, and given his criminal record it looks like he's a not far off a fucking inbred bum tbqh. By chance that investor guy James O'Shaughnessy shares his name that's it.

>> No.11477823

t. gamergate redditcuck

>> No.11477824

Sweety squad

>> No.11477825

Why the fuck would anyone want one?

>> No.11477826

Thing is, if all of this is well known, why haven't I seen it? I haven't gotten links to such stuff. I believe Kraut did shit like this, sure. But the all skeptics? I dunno, man. Like, Jim does comprehensive shit, but he's not an investigator. He reads ED articles and kiwifarm threads in a funny tone. If he's gonna say he's got 'dirt' it's going to be dirt that's already out there.

>> No.11477827

>he’s shitting bricks
Yeah no, he isn’t. Fucking not at all.

>> No.11477828

Warski did a 5 hour stream with the leaked audio. Start there faggot.

>> No.11477829


>> No.11477830

Looks like we got us a sarcuck cocksucker

>> No.11477831

>I'm sorry, did you get an interview with Bannon?
You mean the guy that lost relevance after Roy moore lost a deep red state.

>> No.11477832

Memeflags. Here's your (You).

>> No.11477833

Why would I want one?

>> No.11477834

>does shit
yeah, dumb shit

>> No.11477835

>being this stupid
I was sarcastic you faggot

>> No.11477836

Metakur got doxed by a crackhead. lol

>> No.11477837

Thank you, Jesus, Shiva and Krishna. My scrotum has just shrinked, I'd say it's a good sign.

>> No.11477838

Oh? Did his last stream after he whined so much about Sargon have ANYTHING of value?
Please, go ahead and list it.

>> No.11477839

"Nobody must find out we were talking today. Nobody." - Kraut 2018
Kek, did he really say this? Okay, I'll have it on as background noise while I write or something.

>> No.11477840


That's why he needs that money for his illness or whatever

>> No.11477841

The most egregious thing he does is have vee fight his battles if he deems the opponent unworthy of his time, or beneath him
He’s a raging faggot. Can’t believe I used to watch his channel

>> No.11477842

The furries aren't going to do shit because the last thing they want is draw more attention to their criminal activity.

>> No.11477843


>> No.11477844


>> No.11477845

Jim is probably going to go over all of this audio. This all leaked yesterday. 40 minutes till the stream.

>> No.11477846

Didn't Sargon call Jim a pedo groomer for having a youtube account with an audience, then have his own conversations leaked where he said AoC really "depends on the child"?

Or am I mistaken?

>> No.11477847

Yeah, man. The man is a walking, talking failure. I think I dislike him so much right now because some of his earlier stuff was legit good. Too bad he went down the lolcow path. Sad!

>> No.11477848
File: 885 KB, 480x270, A0EE6553-3C56-4C42-A434-F7E42C770740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff Bratass

>> No.11477849

Jim has a criminal record? What did he do? Now I feel bad for him, but his attitude makes him seem like a cunt.

>> No.11477850

The dude is a shill. Expect a massive influx of shills, anon.

>> No.11477851
File: 425 KB, 2208x1500, sargon-npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11477852
File: 3.99 MB, 2870x1598, donga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The winner?

>> No.11477853

Nope not a mistake it's a kind of projection where you accuse someone of doing something that you are actually guilty of

>> No.11477854

the look in his eyes reminds me of nikolas cruz

>> No.11477855

>Didn't Sargon call Jim a pedo groomer
Yeah, and I think Sargon was an asshat for that.
>his own conversations leaked where he said AoC really "depends on the child"?
Taken out of context, honestly.
Don't get me wrong, I like Sargon about as much as I like Jim, but the fucking Metococksucking here today has been nauseating.

>> No.11477856

I'm gonna watch it. I unsubscribed from Sargon after Spencer. I did unsub from Metokur after his outburst on the Vee stream. But why go over something Andy and JF already did?

>> No.11477857

Not pedo groomer but troll groomer, but the rest is close enough.

>> No.11477858
File: 84 KB, 1362x496, HARDENEDCRIMINAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a bad boy.

>> No.11477859
File: 76 KB, 762x979, Rape Jon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. He called Jim a 'groomer', while knowing full well what it implied.

>> No.11477860

>then have his own conversations leaked where he said AoC really "depends on the child"?
Sargon did say that and it's true. Some mature faster and some slower. Sargon also went on to say that society still needs a line drawn on age of consent and the current one is fine.

The part about Sargon calling Jim a "pedo groomer" was retarded though.

>> No.11477861

Yes, anyone that disagrees with you is a shill.

>> No.11477862

Veeh should be gassed like the gypsy he is.

Yeah, TWIS isn't a bad concept and it was pretty appropriately timed, but the helmsman was just not the one needed. He's gone pretty far down the villain path though.

Not sure if anybody has seen the cow Atheism Is Unstoppable, but he's been doxxing and throwing shade from his unvisited corner of the internet lately too. He might sperg his heart out to get laughed at in the big leagues soon.

>> No.11477863
File: 6 KB, 183x276, soygon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11477864

i still dont get what superberry is

>> No.11477865
File: 116 KB, 342x462, Thumbs up Solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it.

>> No.11477866


>> No.11477867


>> No.11477868

>people unironically believe Jim is a millionaire investment banker
You kids will believe anything

>> No.11477878
File: 173 KB, 2048x1139, Dp1fWZIX0AAnJXw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim is a billionaire investment banker. He belongs here faggots.

>> No.11477886
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 10685372_1021953284512354_7473904527688269248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw mods move thread to /biz/

>> No.11477887

At least the Mods have a sense of humor today.

>> No.11477888


>> No.11477895
File: 3.26 MB, 1588x1080, jim stealing super berry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it so dead here?
Link still a thing?

>> No.11477898

srs biz!

>> No.11477913
File: 99 KB, 618x1024, veronica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ because James O'Shaughnessy is a billionaire. Nice.

>> No.11477918
File: 59 KB, 960x768, hutin-putin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fails to complete a crowdfunded video game
>claims he doesn't care about the alt right then puts a picture of his ass on twitter as proof
>starts a retarded "movement" then joins ukip
>is invited to parliament in an attempt by out of touch politicians to reach out to the "internet crowd"
>utterly embarrasses himself in every live debate scenario with anyone of worth (including a ukip member)
>raising another man's child
>flirts with trannies online and gets called out by his wife
he is truly saving the west

no shit. i just meant he's trying to be like one, and since politicians are disgusting, that's bad. get it???

>> No.11477941

Wtf is this shit doing here lmao.

>> No.11477954

also Sargon thinks he is relevant because he got interviewed by someone that hasn't been relevant since he cause a dem to win in a deep red state.

>> No.11477962
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 5HZw3t7S_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically Jim.

>> No.11477964

Internet fun posting is serious business.

>> No.11477971
File: 151 KB, 506x443, Welcome to pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mods from /pol/ moved it here to be funny.

>> No.11477974

nah, he wouldn't have a Patreon if he were rich.

>> No.11477980

He's part jewish.

>> No.11477982
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 1456789045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if this is all a plan hashed by Boggie and Defranco to get him back for exposing the Betterhelp scam they had running. are we being fooled here?

>> No.11477985

Metokur isn't a billionaire. The billionaire has a wife and two kids. Because Jim has a girlfriend named Jem, this is not possible.

>> No.11477993

Jews taking down other jews. Wouldn't be the first time.

>> No.11478002
File: 55 KB, 465x312, 1539956049847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nah, he wouldn't have a Patreon if he were rich.

>> No.11478008

Boogie died a week ago LMAO how could he plan this?

>> No.11478012

Jews take out Jews for shekels

>> No.11478016
File: 683 KB, 1046x1032, Don't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just traps and brapposting in current week
Pretty dead as we wait for singularity.

>> No.11478019
File: 881 KB, 1240x793, 1462823235764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jew as an individual is genetically a sociopathic MOB, the original NPC, easiest to program, fucking over preferably his own, not in the slightest tribal

>Individual Jews selling out other Jews to the Egyptians
>Individual Jews selling other Jews out to the Romans
>Individual Jews selling other Jews out to Charles the IV
>Individual Jews selling out other Jews to Hitler
>Individual Jews selling out their own nation
The only thing that makes Jews tribal are imagined existential threats

The moment the holocaust religion fails Jews will all start to sell each other out again
So to make jews fuck over each other give them the feeling of security and a possibility to profit

Just do what Trump does, while you dig their graves in the shadows

As prove, polish Lady explains two little known laws of the Jews

But How can red pilled Jews break the curse? Same as Millions of jews have done after WW I and over the 19th century
Repent the mind control and stop mutilating your male childrens dicks inducing trauma to make them programmable drones


>> No.11478030

he refused to get a Patreon and mocked the idea for a long time, and still refuses to do merchandise despite people repeatedly begging. makes me think that if he had another revenue stream he wouldn't bother with Patreon and just do videos for fun.

>> No.11478031

Sargon was trying to call Warski and Metokur pedophiles because he was butthurt about getting BTFO. He's human garbage.

>> No.11478034

Can you give a rundown on what this is even about?

>> No.11478037
File: 179 KB, 756x1118, 1539226735343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much stealth phase then

>> No.11478048

>naming The Jew on /biz/
either they already know or they are Chosen themselves.

>> No.11478078

Kraut and Tea is running gay ops again. he and his Discord butt buddies have been manufacturing evidence accusing everyone from Michelle Catlin to Andy Warski of being pedophiles. Warski blew the thing wide open when he got a recording of Tonkasaw talking to all them, revealing that he and faggots like Zoom and Joachim were all in on it.

>> No.11478093


Wut? Anyone even give a shit about this gigantic faggot? He's the embodiment of the "DAE edgy channer XD" cancer that killed the place. He's the ultimate namefag. Fuck him and every last one of his beta orbiter fanbois.

>> No.11478105
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1538114301815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A guy named "Sargon of Akkad" is an "internet skeptic" e-celeb for whatever worth that title is to anyone. He recently got BTFO online for being a brainlet hack and now is trying to get revenge by doxxing another internet e-celeb who tries to stay anonymous named "Mister Metokur" aka "Jim". He also falsely tried to frame Mister Metokur and another e-celeb named Andy Warski as pedophiles.

To do this Sargon used other insignificant e-celebs to dig up "dirt" on Jim but the conversation between these insignificant e-celebs got leaked and exposed Sargon.

Mister Metokur is having a stream in 12 minutes to release info on Sargon. Sargon is universally despised online for being a retard cuck so people are looking forward to it.

Should you care? If you don't find internet shenanigans between e-celebs entertaining then no you shouldn't.

>> No.11478113
File: 183 KB, 461x750, 1365952911429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think he was just dumb but now it's pretty clear this is just madness.

>> No.11478114
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>> No.11478125
File: 1.31 MB, 339x336, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong. obviously they met so the banster could impart his master troll ways into young sargon's mind. how else would he have come up with gamergate 2?

>> No.11478134

is this a betterhelp thread now?

>> No.11478143
File: 225 KB, 1309x552, d4269050-e836-44e7-be1f-0ae659aedb54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a shit on who he is. All I know about him is that he gives solid investment advice and has a track record. Pick up his book newfag.

>> No.11478149

this was a good post

>> No.11478162

How are you weenies doing tonight? This is political eceleb drama bullshit and everyone in this thread is fauna. Also there are no sources for any of this sans 2+ hour live streams. If anyone has segments cut, just fucking post them for fuck's sake.

>Some eceleb in the "skeptic"'s circle who was in private communication with Sargon and co.
>They hold a little private political action party, planning what to do next
>Suggestions include doxxing by some
>Kraut and Tea uses this suggestion
>People like Sargon and Vee knew this was going to happen.
>They made no comment or told him explicitly not to do it.
>He does it
>Hey look! We have private recordings of all of this!
So basically the Skeptic network is full of leakers, doxxers, and untrustworthy people. This is also supposedly a grand conspiracy where it was really Sargoy going after people and using others as puppets.

>> No.11478178

>"Must defend sempai!"

Found an orbiter lel. Back to JewTube with you faggot.

>> No.11478192

>This transparent of a pajeet-tier shill effort.

Poo in a loo.

>> No.11478195

he has a sexy voice that makes my peepee hard
I can't help it. And cheaper than a whore

>> No.11478228

You on the spectrum man?

>> No.11478235
File: 180 KB, 750x325, 80DC4A5E-9F93-4B9B-9A8A-C937E44F3B12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool thanks I’m in.

>> No.11478244

>he's a 40yo depressed alcoholic drunk driver
So what? Even if true, that was like 16 years ago. And seriously - who gives a fuck? What kind of lame faggot has never been arrested for something?

>> No.11478291

isnt sargon that idiot who kept spouting shit about kekistan?

>> No.11478309

He is a known "meme ruiner" yes. He takes information from /pol/ without understanding it and then runs it into the ground. Unfortunately it's a common occurrence from e-celebs these days.

>> No.11478323

the stream is on "Jim time" I guess

>> No.11478354

What’s going on lol is this like Jim to be late?

>> No.11478359

i don't think so. maybe there's a cheeky pre stream op afoot

>> No.11478370

No. He's usually on time. Maybe he got swatted.

>> No.11478378

no, Jim is usually on time.

>> No.11478452

I told you the furries must have gotten him

>> No.11478493
File: 144 KB, 582x330, Screen Shot 2018-10-21 at 9.47.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has sargon ever had 11k people watching a stream that hasn't started yet?

>> No.11478545

Jim seems to have realized that when he shows you faggots the huge notinngburger he has that even YOU will stop riding his cock.

>> No.11478796

>Sargon is universally despised online for being a retard cuck so people are looking forward to it.
He used to be alright, but disappeared up his own ass over the years.
Still i wouldnt call him universally hated, he still has some fans, and a lot people dont fallow e drama nad he still can make some sensible videos.
Hes just another example that even with bit attention some people go full on fucking retarded and ride an ego trip with no shame.