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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 960x701, BATbros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11473011 No.11473011 [Reply] [Original]

Are we selling this peak and rebuy the dip or is that too risky to miss the CB pump that can come anyday now?

>> No.11473019

Sell with caution, support has been holding all weekend.

>> No.11473021

sell, buyback in 72 hours

>> No.11473039

> generate tax event and maybe miss the bullrun
nah no thanks

>> No.11473050
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If you are risking swing trading this to try min/max your gains, you deserve to miss out.

>> No.11473071

>sell with caution
Head and shoulders on the hour, heavy resistance on the daily. Weekly lost a major YTD level recently.
An erc20 funding token in the depths of a bear market.
Sell with abandon.

>> No.11473177
File: 145 KB, 634x626, 2F84C07200000578-0-image-a-2_1450571684568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time in the market, not timing the market with this one

>> No.11473185

These. Dont fall for the trading meme. TA is nothing more than an information product that is sold to gullible idiots. Real traders do not use the same tools you use, and they definitely do not trade on things like meme lines,rsi.

Hold for 1 year plus. Its the optimal gain strategy, and once you do sell the gains will be taxed at a long term cap gain rate. You might think you are beating the market, but you will lose. There were 50 TA threads a day 5 months ago on biz. They arent here anymore. Almost everyone got bodied. Hold your BAT and if it goes down then lower your cost average. You dont want to miss the bull run over a couple scalps, and you will sit on your hands looking for a good entry point as it just passes you by.

You will wake up one day and say "damn i should have fomod into BAT, but instead i decided to trade and now im poor, and BAT bois are rich"

>> No.11473192
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>head and shoulders

>> No.11473235

Does nobody make money off TA?

>> No.11473239

You're being given good advice here anon. Hopefully you're smart enough to be able to decipher who the retards are.

>> No.11473328
File: 50 KB, 1790x761, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2HR Chart

You Decide.

>> No.11473332

They do, but its not the TA thats making them money. You either enter or exit its a 50/50 chance. Any TAer will tell you that their trades dont work out all the time. They just happen to by chance be on a winning side of a trade some of those times. Its like a hot streak at a roulette table. Usually these idiots get so confident in their TA skills (hot streak) that they start trading on margin and lose everything. Its also not an optimal strategy. It creates tons of taxable events, and it will not beat out time in the market, especially on an asset like BAT that many of us here believe will do a 10-30x

A trader getting extremely lucky might 3-4x at most. We all know they will just lose it on margin. Trust me on this, im a crypto oldfag.

>> No.11473375
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>4HR Chart

No divergence yet...

>> No.11473478

>buy and hold
>trust me
>useless fucking token
>never sell
>hold my bags
TA is the only way to make money flipping bullshit commodities like crypto. But you need to be smart and you need to have access to good info. If you don't then thats fine, but dont go around pretending like buy and holding erc20 tokens is some smart move.

>> No.11473512

Last time I sold BAT and rebought I added 13k to my stack. And to the cucks worrying about a taxable event, cmon guys, you do it on a chink exchange and youre fine.

>> No.11473543

Binance should be fine then?

>> No.11473595

>Peak of the bubble
>Legitimate ponzi schemes are worth billions and coins like linda where the creator is publicly asking for a use case on twitter is nearing $70 million
>Ignores all warning signs and does not sell
>continues to hold as the bubble is popping until hes in the red
>continues holding despite the fact that his shit coin has fundamentals 80x worse than a snapchat ipo

Yeah I can see why people think buy and hold is a meme. They think your supposed to buy and hold shitcoins forever. thats not how it works.

Ive been here long enough. Ive seen both traders and holders get justd. Ive seen holders actually make it though. Got a pretty good laugh when coinbase failed. Margin traders were in meltdown mode for weeks while all the rich holders were laughing at them.

>> No.11473661

I remember when ETH was $7. I was sitting on a stack of 1400 eth. The ethtrader daily subreddit had 60 posts a day. Some guy was bragging about how he added 40 eth to his stack from trading monero. I think at the time dash was going on a run and he transferred his entire stack over. The EEA news was announced and Ethereum ran to like $40 in a week. The now dash holder was contemplating about moving back into ethereum but he kept thinking it was going to retrace, and he ended up buying in at like $90 as it sat at the price for a couple weeks. This was just one account. Yeah its a bit of an outlier scenario but the same thing can happen with BAT. I wouldnt want to miss out on a 3-4x on BAT because im mulling about on a trade trying to add a couple thousand extra BAT. Its not worth the risk, and most of the people that do these trades get in the habit of thinking trades always work and they get left behind. Time in the market is better than timing the market. At least for legitimate assets like BAT.

BTW theres a pretty good chance fidelity is listing BAT on their new trading desk.

>> No.11473733

>I think at the time dash was going on a run and he transferred his entire stack over.
Lmao he sounds like a dumbass. Yes anon, TA doesn't cure "being a dumbass". Not exactly a revelation.
>the same thing can happen with BAT
No. 0% chance. Not now, probably not ever. I would bet a large amount of money against BAT going 4x in the next year and I'm very much a cautious trader.
It's a total certainty that "something similar" to what happened ETH will NEVER happen BAT, ever.
I mean, look at ETC which is on coinbase right now. It looks worse than ever.
Sorry but your hopes of even a 3x are borderline delusional.

>> No.11473734

Good points anon. BAT is probably just to strong at this point to risk a flip. But if I were to dump now at 3730 sats and rebuy at 3200 sats I would add 10.5k BAT to my stack.

>> No.11473755
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>meme pattern names

>> No.11473756
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You must really want to accumulate.

>> No.11473775
File: 247 KB, 1425x855, 1532128199613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resistance is .55 sats. Trade up to that, anything else and your gambling. Ease off around .5 - 55 watch the DEXs see where the moneys going.

>> No.11473778

How much have you made trading?
Lol yea buy up quick before wall st gets their bonuses.

>> No.11473813

By the way, today's close is important for you BAT fags, get out your lunch money because if it closes under 24 cent.....

>> No.11473815

Enough to know that markets don't give two shits about patterns. It can either follow or deviate at a moment's notice. Congrats on being lucky more often than not lucky. Answer this: Do you look at what a chart does after a bad trade and say "Oh I should've seen that pattern/signal"

>> No.11473816

hes trying so hard to accumulate, hes had a year. Im all tapped out of money and im not waiting.
>Only thinks about exchange pumps
>Doesnt realize theres an even bigger exchange than coinbase
>Doesnt realize they both pale in comparison to the media machine thats going to be promoting BAT/Brave.

I want you to make it, but you just arent going to unless you change your line of thinking. Im trying to help you anon. Ive already made it. Im here to help other anons.

>> No.11473883

>Answer this: Do you look at what a chart does after a bad trade and say "Oh I should've seen that pattern/signal"
Of course. More likely it would be an error in risk management.
>to the media machine thats going to be promoting BAT/Brave
Thanks man, I'll add that to "muh consensus" and "muh chinese" new year.
Muh media machine lol.

>> No.11473988

I dont think you understand. Publishers are being hurt by ad blockers and they are being forced to put up paywalls to make up for lost revenue. BAT can be used to bypass paywalls or they can ask for donations. Publishers are also hurt by the quality of ads on their site should someone not use an ad blocker. They have a strong incentive to report on brave and give out referral links or work deals with the brave team.

Its also a good piece of material to write about. A silicon valley titan kicked out of his own company, and now hes coming after google, and hes going to pay everyone. Its a good underdog story. If they dont report about it someone else will and they will be first in line to receive donations.

>> No.11474040

BAT is such an incredible coin. Being able to actually use the coin to tip and donate on the new Brave browser is fucking cool.

Long term hold boys. I need more cash to buy this shit. If I don’t have over 10k by the end of the year I’m not going to make it.

>> No.11474055
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Anons don’t listen to this shit advice, just hold.

>> No.11474095

The smell of desperation. Don't worry anon, MMs may grant you a move up Kek.

>> No.11474118

Random large buys and spikes in volume going on right now. Same shit happened to zrx before things started getting leaked through the tax tool just keep buying dips for < 30days

>> No.11474150

With the new Brave release you can really see things coming together. If you guys aren't using the Brave browser you should really check it out.

>> No.11474178

Sitting here waiting for my money to clear and it keeps going up, fuck this gay Earth. I need some more 70 IQ 4chan mongies to FUD this so I can get it at a fair price.

>> No.11474186

Have a bot scraping the cb wallet page, tax tool, and api waiting for leaks. Checks every 10 seconds and is set to record the desktop, launch browser and go to where the leak was detected if it is.

>> No.11474206

What do you mean by .55 sats?

>> No.11474226

Bat is my favourite crypro project because i fucking hate watching ads

It my time they want and they can at lwast pay me for having it

Id gladly pay amall amounts to content creators who need it

>> No.11474246


Its easy to spot the smooth brains in this thread.

>> No.11474260
File: 44 KB, 570x734, the master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge regret for not buying more BAT with my ZRX profits. At least I got a little more.

>> No.11474261

Same, also fuck people collecting data. Using the brave browser, it is smooth, cant wait to be able to tip individual users instead of general websites.

>> No.11474267



>> No.11474286

Not even close in sats or usd yet

>> No.11474301

i trade in eth, onions boy

>> No.11474325
File: 65 KB, 1773x728, point55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resistance is at 0.000055

>> No.11474326

you shouldn't compare ETC listing to BAT listing. I received about $4.5k in ETC when Coinbase listed it because I held ETH during the fork (like a lot of people). I completely forgot about this and thought "oh, nice" and I then immediately sold my ETC at ~$4 for BTC.
Lots and LOTS of people were holding ETH on CB during the fork and I'm sure most of them sold (like I did) when they got their free airdrop of ETC.
BAT is not even remotely the same. Big thing about BAT is that it has been under the radar for so long and actually has a working product (!).

>> No.11474346

where's that one nigger that used to always come into these threads to talk about how he's a media buyer and how he has more BAT than everyone combined and he's "just waiting to dump his bag"? He even offered to sell me his bags on bittrex.

You still looking to dump those bags nigger? HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.11474390

BAT is still under the radar at this moment. If you took a survey of every crypto holder only maybe 2% could give a good case for or against it. Everyone else has this idea of what BAT is, and its a really fucking shitty bare bones cliff note of what the project actually is. If they were truly BAT pilled they would be all in or pretty damn close.

>> No.11474411


>> No.11474414

Are you guys seeing the breakout right now? We are about to head for ath levels now.

>> No.11474473

You're welcome, frens.

>> No.11474480

Eth pair carrying btc

>> No.11474497

these posts aged well. I dont know how to read the other TA posts because im not a TA fag.

>> No.11474526

Yeah the market is definitely too bullish on BAT right now, Im holding my bag for now, may sell around 5k.

>> No.11474529

Thanks, and fitting ID color.

>> No.11474610
File: 165 KB, 1220x844, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at 5.00.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol about to break $0.26

>fuck my nipples are hard

>> No.11474636
File: 1.87 MB, 2592x1200, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at 7.26.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How smooth is your brain?

>> No.11474639

Uh, why tf is this mooning.

>> No.11474649

>i trade in eth
LMAO. I trade in ZWD I'm waaaay up.

>> No.11474668

Really? Eth lost 2/3 or.its btc value and, what, 80% of its fiat.value. isnt trading to eth stupid?

>> No.11474694
File: 2.12 MB, 1080x608, maybeforyou.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you stupid faggot, are you mad you missed taht +10% dildo? Go back to plebbit with your ta faggotry.

>> No.11474695

In addition to storing cryptocurrencies, Fidelity Digital Assets will use an existing internal crossing engine and smart order router for trade execution. This order router will allow Fidelity institutional customers to execute trades for bitcoin, ether and other assets at multiple market venues. While Jessop didn't say which ones, he said cryptocurrency exchanges have to comply with the same "Fidelity standard" applied in other parts of the business.

"We have a pretty extensive onboarding procedure for these types of counterparties, which involves diligence on their financial strength as well as their regulatory procedures like 'know your customer' and anti-money laundering," he said. "We are certainly only going to connect to those counterparties that we feel good about."

>> No.11474726

Are you mad that if it ends today bullish I'll buy in and make actual gains while you're reducing losses?

>> No.11474751


>> No.11474763

You have been taking losses this whole thread faggot. Be gone. Save yourself the embarrasment or atleast post from a different ip.

>> No.11474767

Just a normal retrace after a huge pump. Buy the dip.

>> No.11474793

Lmao how have I been taking losses dickhead?

>> No.11474817


>> No.11474841

You more than likely missed the 60% pump over the course of a week because you're a TA fag.

>> No.11474846

Just look at 30min volume, so many massive buy spikes, not many people are selling.

>> No.11474889

I've seen enough 50-100eth and 5-20btc walls get immediately bought out to know something is coming

>> No.11474931

Lol I don't know what part of the pump you think defied TA.

>> No.11474933
File: 747 KB, 850x472, whomst&#039;ve.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just made +10%
>brainlet on biz missed +10%
>brainlet says will buy "top" after pump
>somehow I'll be taking losses at moment he buys "top"
The plebbit trifecta: faggotry, cognitive dissonance and projecting embarrassment. Sorry not going to make it faggot.

>> No.11474934

actually you aim for a accuracy of your trades of about 60%. the rest is risk management. if you are too dumb for this, you don't deserve to make money out of TA

>> No.11474938

If you bet against Eich you deserve to lose your money.

$5.00 end of 2020. Cap this.

>> No.11474940

Look at the size of his noggin.

>> No.11474951

Brave is going to set a new standard for people's data and people's time. For example normies are going to wonder why they pay $200 for a fitbit that spies on their activities and sells the data when they can collect that data for themselves and have it up for sale by smart contract for a passive income. Long ways off from that example but Brave ads will set the new standard.

>> No.11474959

Lol. Which is it? If I'm a dumbass for "buying the top" then surely you should be selling right now?
Which is it, anon?

>> No.11474970

Unless you are scalping in the very short term, don't sell.

>> No.11474972

>parrots 60% accuracy bullshit his faggoty TA coach taught him in his intro to Technical Analysis Masterclass that he bought off udemy for $15

>> No.11474971

Honestly that sounds way too complicated. I just want people to tip their e-celebs with it.

>> No.11474981

Who said I was selling? Plebbits calling faggot, you can go circle jerk missing +10% pump as part of your ta master plan.

>> No.11474985

It's just now starting to diverge on the 3 min.

>> No.11475004

Not a pump. Oregano growth.

>> No.11475005

These TA faggots need to go. A broken clock is right twice a day as apparent by the shitty TA posts at the top of the thread saying to sell. They will squiggle a chart together real quick and say its going down soon, and then say they are right if it goes down.

>> No.11475011

>borderline english

>> No.11475017

I don't understand how TA accounts for outside news. Like announcing you're going to be able to tip BAT on twitter.

>> No.11475041

Dont worry they will be here shortly to spin off some weird mental gymnastics.

>So if you draw a line and its wrong can you go back and draw another line that would confirm what actually happened?
>"Yeah its all about risk management"


>> No.11475042

It can't. Best strategy is to find divergence between momentum and price action to determine when a pump or dip is coming to an end. The most money is made when price changes direction.

Daily and Weekly charts can give you a clue that something is coming because insiders start loading up before leaks go out, as we are seeing now with BAT - its so obvious.

>> No.11475077

top kek

looking at daily and weekly charts for clues when the clues have already been there for 4 months.

>> No.11475093

MACD daily crossed over back in September, BAT has been climbing ever since.

>> No.11475096

Weekly is just now about to go positive. Normies are coming...

>> No.11475097

please tell me what tools "real traders" use big brained anon

>> No.11475137

I think TA is better for altcoins. Most of these are complete shit so I wouldn't trust holding any of them. Using my ta skills though I sold after the 4oclock bar closed and will rebuy if it looks like it will pump again.

>> No.11475174

Which chart you use all depends on how long you plan to be in a trade. For example day traders use 1-5min while swing traders use 2hr-daily, investers use weekly and monthly.

>> No.11475232
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>> No.11475284
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tfw sold at 4k

>> No.11475332
File: 1.36 MB, 1326x1372, Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at 1.05.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the BAT order books?

>> No.11475335

>support has been holding all weekend.
Strong hands will be rewarded.

>> No.11475348
File: 100 KB, 1196x356, Screen Shot 2018-09-04 at 10.20.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many would say that's conservative.

>> No.11475398

Wtf do you think

>> No.11475418

If I'm looking to dump 2 BTC in, what buy in price in sats am I looking for? I don't want to FOMO now after its 10% up and get dumped on.

>> No.11475422


>> No.11475443

3837, 3747, 3570

>> No.11475491

Theres about 5 announcements they could drop at any moment that would skyrocket the price to 1 dollar. Theres no better time than now.

>> No.11475502


> :/

>> No.11475505

What would those be??

>> No.11475516
File: 558 KB, 650x833, BATCHE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the five? I can only think of:

- v1
- coinbase
- fidelity

What are the other two?

>> No.11475540
File: 599 KB, 848x1200, 1522986526786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off the top of my head: coinbase, coinbase partnership, v1 browser, live twitter/reddit tipping. youtube tipping, handshake partnership, disclosure of ad trial contributors. I could name probably 10 more but I'm multitasking at the moment.

>> No.11475543
File: 147 KB, 850x1022, 1536028611472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. A BAT team member recently answered this to a reddit suggestion to have in browser purchases for BAT. "We're also introducing credit/debit card buys as well. The work here with the exchange partner is nearing completion and you should see it in subsequent major releases of Brave."
>credit/debit buys
>exhange partner nearing completion
>Coinbase. Who else could it be?
The Coinbase listing is going to be much more than people are expecting, CB is going to be handling the purchases for an in-browser "Buy BAT" button

>> No.11475568
File: 242 KB, 1252x1102, BAT Bois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking huge. The price is already starting to gain inertia based off all the possibilities. When things start getting confirmed its going to be astronomical nigga.

>> No.11475593

Cashing out via oneclick coinbase intergration is going to make brave browser usage skyrocket

>> No.11475632

Im going to let you in on a secret. The real traders are the exchanges themselves. In wallstreet they use algo trading, TDM, and other tools that you will never have access to. They are not charting head and shoulder patterns in an office somewhere.

>> No.11475688

Theres roadmap also.

Fidelity is the biggest one by far.

Well coinbase -> fidelity -> coinbase

Most people are not red pilled enough to understand this though. Shame that some are reading this thread and they will just pass this information up.

>> No.11475714

well if you only mean patterns, I agree. They are a small subset of TA tools

>> No.11475803

You can use your rsi, depth charts etc. It doesnt matter. You dont have an edge. The exchanges themselves stop hunt and use algo trading and text data mining etc. You, and your quad core processor dont stand a chance.

>> No.11475824

you know that you can trade other than hft algo right?

But sure, we have no proof of exchanges not trading against customers. But the "secret algo bots" of companies are looking at statistics like any other, they do not have any secret info they are just good at processing it

>> No.11475828

What's up. Fundamental Analysis King here.
We the real master race.

>> No.11475863

What else are you doing?

>> No.11475891

What about money laundering laws?

>> No.11475892

I got a hard ass dick

>> No.11475911

Priced in for over a month.

>> No.11475916

In order to with draw from the in browser wallet for things other than tipping you'll need to be verified through Civic's KYC process (CVC will be one of the ERC20s added soon-ish after)

>> No.11475957

Lol. To all the "sentiment analysts" out there, what sentiment would you say is represented by this exchange?
>You can use your rsi, depth charts
>Trading off crypto order books
I fuckin SHIGGY DIGGY. No wonder you think TA doesn't work lol.
Battle for the close very entertaining. Longs really want this.

>> No.11475965
File: 136 KB, 1112x704, Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 11.03.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree on the grounds that its more people to FOMO in later and build momentum. So fuck'em.

>> No.11475980

Brainlet here, what do you mean by that? I'm a buy and hold type faggot.

>> No.11475995

Starting to get complicated now.

>> No.11476022

This is why I'm worried about buying now. This may not pump like ZRX did, because its already being priced in now.

>> No.11476024


Don't worry. When normies have dollars in some system they go through hell dragging their balls on broken glass to get them out.

Withdrawing is never the problem (as long as it's possible), buying in is.

>> No.11476062

They've essentially created a new FIAT on ramp if that happens. BAT could be THE token people buy into to get into other coins/tokens

if they pull this off a $20 BAT is an extremely likely possibility.

>> No.11476071

They won't buy in though if it's complicated to get the money out.

>> No.11476100

Just installed Brave today, it is amazing.

>> No.11476111

It means it's old news, so the market, being efficient, has already reacted to it's implications (both positive and negative) and the price has long since adjusted itself accordingly. New market information is generally priced in within minutes to hours depending on how big of a bombshell it is.

>> No.11476115
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They'll use Brave-ads for the free money. The KYC is an annoying complication but it's what's going to stop Pajeet Farms from watching ads and destroying the system.

>> No.11476118

make it with 60k bat?

>> No.11476126

ridiculous statement. You're assuming the market is rational which time and again it's proven that it is not.

>> No.11476142

what do you consider "making it"?

>> No.11476161

The information that this MAY get listed has been priced in, but as time goes on it becomes theoretically closer to the coinbase listing so more and more people start jumping in, which raises the price, which attracts new buyers through fomo. The fact that that the listing is not 100% guaranteed to happen is what is was referring to being priced in, not the late stage fomo.

>> No.11476162

I just wanna quit my job and stream all day

>> No.11476190

Would you consider yourself "smarter" than the market? I would say this market is absolutely rational, just rational in it's own terms, not necessarily yours (or mine).

>> No.11476196

Fundamental analysis master race. TA fag traders are slaving away at their "wallstreet master race jobs" abusing stimulants all day for $180k+bonuses. While chad fundamental analysts are sitting at their hedge fund reading cliff notes from their admin assistant whos making $14 an hour. Chad is making $1.2 million base + commission and he only comes into the office to fraternize the women.

These TA fags are trying to mental mog me with their gay trading buzzwords that nobody but stimulant junkies care about. Not even sure what half the shit they said or i said actually means. Dont want to crowd my FA chad brain with TA fag knowledge.

>> No.11476251
File: 137 KB, 960x956, 1531513502590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is early 2020
>The 2020 elections are shaping up to be the most expensive in history due to the political divide.
>Billions will be spent on campaign ads
>Both parties buy hundreds of millions in USD of BAT for ads for campaigns for president all the way down to mayor
>Brave has 20 million + users
>both political parties try to corner the BAT mkt and accumulate so the other party has to pay more for BAT
>BAT reaches $2500 despite being divisble up to 18 decimal spaces due to being the new currency of the internet
>but muh mkt cap and coin supply
>smart money will have well over half of BAT supply on cold storage and out of the market waiting for this moment
>Lambos for all BATmarines

>> No.11476258

Can you do that on roughly 300K? Going off conservative estimates of BAT @ $5 at some point in the future.

Now you're getting into the weeds here buddy. But no, i don't consider myself smarter than the market, which is why I don't day trade.

I find assets i think are undervalued and buy and hold em. Frankly I don't see a future in which BAT isn't at the bare minimum $5 per token. There's just too many ways for it to get to that price point.

The only thing I see derailing it is BTC. It's already fucked up BAT's gains in the past and a new GOX (or similar whale) sell off would fuck BAT (and most every other crypto) right in the ass.

>> No.11476262

I dunno what the fuck you said but I agree with what you said above. Fucking retards talking shit about BAT for ever. Fucking retards still talking about Brave like this is the peak or it's mooning now. It's a work in project, it's an IT project before anything else. It's a revolution really. This shit has years of growth ahead of it. Decades maybe if google doesn't hit them strong enough. Hold it.

>> No.11476263

>Fundamental analysis master race
AKA professional scammer.
I'm on the edge of my seat here lads. 1.5h till close

>> No.11476284
File: 69 KB, 939x526, 3ef847eef436f556a4e647c0e30211d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google is going to get hogtied by Brave/BAT and be too busy trying to not get crushed under the weight of it's own operating costs to properly compete.

>> No.11476313

This is institutional money or a major whale buying in. Or trying to buy in without spiking the price too badly. You can tell by the walls being placed and pulled.

>> No.11476323

Holy shit he just quoted Spock.

>> No.11476338


>> No.11476352

You might be right about getting a little off topic there. However instead of trying to define different types of rationality, I would point out that my original claim was of an efficient market, not a rational one (although I still stand by my previous statement). Money flows around the market to find its various levels pretty quickly in crypto.

>> No.11476385

Consider a btc pump though. That would be very beneficial for BAT.

>> No.11476407

Has our boy Brendan ever said anything negative about Apple? How fucking brilliant would it be for Apple to buy-out Brave and BAT? Safari sucks ass. This is a huge win-win.

>> No.11476482
File: 398 KB, 500x542, tumblr_ohse36c1Vm1vj2buoo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He hasn't as far as I know, but BAT was the first ERC20 to be permitted for use in Apple store apps. (Might still be, haven't actually checked if ZRX has been added to that list.) Either case Apple does seem to be on board with the idea.

>> No.11476532

4200 next.

>> No.11476549


>> No.11476555

Get ready for 35 cents

>> No.11476559

Muh browser plugin token

>> No.11476568

Apple indirectly supports anything that could harm their rivals.
Facebook is the more logical choice. Consider the BAT talk @ FB HQ. FBs recent privacy / advertising woes. A buyout would prime facebook for consumer agreeable, best targeted advertising. Encouraging continued use of their platform, using BAT rewards as an incentive.

>> No.11476594

Might just get a facebook if they do

>> No.11476595



>> No.11476598

Here comes dat FOMO.

>> No.11476600
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Based af, also checked palindrome.

>> No.11476602

I'm shaking. Next stop 4500.

>> No.11476621
File: 345 KB, 1838x894, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at 00.27.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the most caveman TA shows that a correction is way over due allready. Once this pumps fades, all shitcoin alts will be dumped into oblivion, coinbase listing is only being put in place so that devs and actual investors (not chanFAGS) have volume to dump on. Everybody knows this. Incels better sell your BAT for ETH. I have spoken

>> No.11476628
File: 25 KB, 480x268, 1533774674461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the year is 2020
>no one uses Chrome anymore
>Brave is as widespread as Javascript and more popular than Firefox ever was
>every single news corporation uses paywalls to collect BAT from readers
>Google actually supports BAT because they collect a percentage of BAT from every contribution to a YouTube channel
>the NFL and NBA stream games online which can only be accessed after paying your game fee in BAT
>reddit uses BAT to monetize upvotes and downvotes, like Steem but better and actually mainstream
>online games use BAT for micropayments
>Netflix charges BAT/hour of viewership
>Brendan Eich's homerun project actually saves the internet from regressing into a catastrophic implosion
>feels good man

>> No.11476636

One of the most rational posts in here so far

>> No.11476647

I know but after "BTC 100k/ETH 10k" I think it's wise to err on the side of caution and be kind of conservative.

>> No.11476648

Probably the most retarded post I've ever seen. Go back to plebbit and stop clogging up our boards with stupid plebbit faggotry. Also projecting inceldom, not going to make it.

>> No.11476649

Oh fuck BTC is going to fuck this up.

>> No.11476664

That's not TA... that's an autist with too much time on his hands.

>> No.11476673

>Even the most caveman TA shows that a correction is way over due
It's been kind of fascinating as a long-term holder of BAT (almost at one year mark). Really amazing price action. What will happen if we get a weekly close above 6000?

>> No.11476675
File: 48 KB, 511x305, 1529059791465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only ''correct TA'' ITT

>> No.11476677
File: 2.97 MB, 1517x1953, 1511724610389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT is going to get to a point where its going to completely decouple from btc for around 3-4 months. Not even BTC crashing to 3k can stop BATs momentum once v1 comes out with tipping and paid ads plus coinbase.

>> No.11476691

When do we expect V1 sentpai?

>> No.11476702

Google is also weighed down by diversity hires. It's few competent male coders doing all the work aren't going to be eager to be worked harder.

>> No.11476711
File: 479 KB, 1800x2500, 1538186104485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im hoping by halloween or early november. I know they have a few tricks up their sleeve with other BAT related projects they've kept silent on and will probably release some details either this week or next.

>> No.11476712

Shut the fuck up you pathethic manchild

>> No.11476716


>> No.11476721
File: 7 KB, 208x243, 1519927851403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Early adopters of Brave get access to the Slush Fund™ to tip their favorite content creators
>content creators eventually get notification saying "Hey, you have a couple hundred bucks of free money sitting around, became a Brave Partner to claim it"
>Youtubers and sites fucked over by google ads then get red pilled and start shilling Brave/Bat
>imagine PewDiePie (who is already a Brave partner) telling everyone of his subscribers to go download Brave.
>In the long run Brave adoption really doesn't matter because BAT browser extensions will be made for other browsers.
>As soon as Brave 1.0 releases, there will be constant buying pressure from advertisers who buy Tokens to pay out to users. Users give to creators, and creators become independent of centralized ads.
>It's a positive feedback loop that won't stop once it gains traction
>the total Google ad revenue for 2017 was 95 Billion dollars, if BAT can capture just 10% of that market that's $9.50 a token. If it manages to replace google ads that's $95 a token

>> No.11476733

How do you figure?

>> No.11476740

He's full of shit, don't listen to him.

>> No.11476748
File: 390 KB, 700x788, touhou_inubashiri-momiji_e5a4a9e99fb3e893aee4baba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As that feedback loop repeats itself the supply of BAT passively will get spread thinner and thinner as more users/content creators/advertisers get in on it. Anyone with a good stack now is going to make it.

>> No.11476750
File: 156 KB, 512x512, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11476773

>there will be constant buying pressure from advertisers who buy Tokens to pay out to users.
Brendan Eich, and I quote,
>advertisers and publishers do not want to buy, sell, or hold crypto in any way

>> No.11476802

You quoted, you listened, but lacked a key element, comprehension.
Go back to the video, watch more than a snippet, look at the context and try to apply it to the future. Hard concepts to work through, but I'm sure you'll get it eventually.

>> No.11476804

updates come in 3 weeks anon. I think v1 is in the next update cycle, and 3 weeks after that I think they will have the twitter tipping function according to a team member. He said it could be 2 cycles away. I will give them 3-4 just to be safe.

>> No.11476820

anon I.......


>> No.11476828
File: 56 KB, 620x448, BrendanBro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the video
huh? what video?

>> No.11476833

He also said that Brave will accept fiat from advertisers and transition it to Brave for them you Braincel.

>> No.11476845

Who doesn't believe in this project at all but is still making a fortune off it right now?

>> No.11476850

Muh browser plugin token

>> No.11476897

>On the browser front, Mozilla (Firefox) has reached out with interest in natively integrating BAT, as has Opera and others

I'd been in if I can keep Firefox.

>> No.11476902

mah nigga

>> No.11476910

The video anon. You mean you dont know, ha funny.

>> No.11476950

Where and how to buy? Is it very expensive per token? Sorry if these are stupid questions, it is my first time here.

>> No.11476960

quick tell me how you ended up here

>> No.11476965

It's going to be the cheapest coin on Coinbase.

>> No.11476991

this shitcoin has pumped 50% already since the start of the listing speculation. what do you think?

>> No.11477011

>he doesnt know

coinbase is just to make it easier for normies to invest once they are shilled by every media outlet competing for your bat tokens

>> No.11477021

Good thing the Brave browser will make using crypto so fucking seamless people don't even have to know they're using crypto.

>> No.11477031

Buying a token you can only use in Brave is hardly investing

>> No.11477058
File: 83 KB, 421x550, bb574856547414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon is pic related. Listen to him.

>> No.11477064

Hmm I was researching AMD stocks and was just reading some articles about it, thought I should check out /biz/, saw this thread and here I am.

Cool, I have an account there I'll take a look at it there.

>> No.11477077


>> No.11477079

that coinbase response was kind of a meme response. you can currently buy BAT on Binance with ETH or BTC.

You can buy ETH or BTC with real currency on a site like Coinbase

>> No.11477083

>he doesn't know Apple will implement this into Safari just to fuck over Google/Chrome.

I can see Amazon doing this with Silk too for the same reason, as Bezos owns the WaPo and it needs money. It's Prime video may experiment with this too.

>> No.11477124

No, I really was looking at the stock. Slumped Friday and I was researching why. Then I saw some ad about the CEO of Motley Fool "doubling-down" on a buy order, but I'm not a member so I couldn't see why.

I see. Well, I only have a little over $7 on Coinbase. Not a lot, sold all of mine a couple of years ago when I was hard up for money. Should have kept the BTC instead.

>> No.11477213

So it looks like I can get about 20 BAT with the BTC I have

>> No.11477245

Maybe you can get sniperwolf to show you her tits with that some day.

>> No.11477258

I don't know who that is...

>> No.11477279

god damn it bitcoin

>> No.11477288

i wanted to accumulate more BAT so I am happy with this turn of events.

>> No.11477314

Some more stupid questions...
Is the Brave browser any good? I normally use Firefox with uMatrix and Adblock and sometimes Opera when I don't feel like mucking with the allowed stuff. Any real reason to use Brave?
Is BAT mined like other cryptos? I recently got a nice GPU, I could probably mine some if it is available. For BTC, I am part of Slush's Mining Pool, although I haven't mined in quite some time.

>> No.11477399


>> No.11477570

Sorry, I like having conversations with people, although I forget that most of the people here are autistic basement dwellers who don't know how to handle human interaction, my apologies.

>> No.11477939

just don't make the same mistake twice

>> No.11477983

How can you guys trust Brave and BAT when the founding team is comprised of so many (((people)))?

>> No.11477986


>> No.11478044

>so many (((people)))?
name one

>> No.11478151
File: 133 KB, 808x585, bat-team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eich and Rose both trigger my J-dar.

>> No.11478193

I don't know anything about Marshall Rose. Dude looks Jewish. But do you have anything specific on Eich?
I mean, fucking Jew hunter extraordinaire was named fucking Eichmann.

Eich is a conservative who was removed from his CEO position for disagreeing with (((them))).

>> No.11478200

Yan Zhu is probably a freak in bed

>> No.11478261

>did you just assume my pronoun?
>ok, don't fucking grab my hair like I'm some bimbo
>oh what? you're expecting me to be all submissive and loving because I'm asian?
>ok fucklord, that's enough. it's my turn to fuck you now
>don't forget you need to cry like a real man when I fuck you

>> No.11478350

I haven't researched any of them, just looking at them though...

>> No.11478403

Fuck you literally know nothing.

>> No.11478844

With jews you win.

>unironically crypto waifu

Also, I hope they make Jennie, the community organizer or whatever she is monitor this board in addition to reddit.

>Jennie show us your tits
>t.50k BAT holder

>> No.11478853

this is what completing german idealism looks like

>> No.11478907

literally everyone is going to chomp at the bit to fuck google in the ass. not to mention the federal government is the biggest dick waiting to fuck googles ass. google themselves might end up begging for BAT's normal dick raping if it means they can claim competition in the internet ad department and avoid the feds 10 foot monster dick raping being cooked up for them

anyone remember when microsoft kept apple alive so the feds didnt fuck their asses wide open?

>> No.11478926
File: 409 KB, 953x392, 1264837287720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11478943

Eich was removed from mozilla by tranny SJWs because he donated to groups trying to stop fag marriage, he's pretty fuckin based

>> No.11478948

Out all those faces Eich looks the most jewish to you?
Come on.

>> No.11479015
File: 229 KB, 1384x544, 1505672595380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marshall Rose is more of a Lovecraftian Behemoth than a Jew.

>> No.11479021


>> No.11479123

That's a good point too. I could see Google having the foresight to anticipate this. Especially given the rumblings from the current administration on Google's behavior.

>> No.11479273

T. brainlet

>> No.11479291

Maybe but think about when the bull comes back... The coins on coinbase will be best positioned to get pumped

>> No.11479404

That alone makes me want to use the browser.

>> No.11479864

Looks like it might be breaking out again.

>> No.11479939


>> No.11480038
File: 150 KB, 1000x741, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, just want to say thank you to all my BATbros who wisely told me to not bother with swing trading this gem of a project. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.11480095

the new browser is insanely good, exceeding all expectations. The tipping feature is fucking ingenious - that alone makes it completely unique too.

BAT is a hilariously obvious gem in the world of crypto scams. I'm sure it may retrace down to below 20 cents in the next weeks because I'm a huge pessimist, but we need to stock up on this token boys. This is going places.

>> No.11480101

i have no idea about any of the shit you're talking about, I just swing trade this shit and am gonna hold till cb listing to dump rofl

>> No.11480115
File: 24 KB, 367x500, 1492992192272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, pleasure was mine anon

>> No.11480132
File: 56 KB, 1071x440, batstairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accumulate around 3990 and proceed to wait till after 5PM EST on Tuesday

>> No.11480185

Perfect example of The Chad Fad pattern. It's beautiful, just wish I bought in sooner!

>> No.11480216

go for it my man I will gladly buy your bags and sell them back to you next year for $2 a pop

>> No.11480224

>implying i have any intention of buying this after the big dump
i'm just using this pump to go all in on link baby

>> No.11480235
File: 5 KB, 255x197, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11480285
File: 8 KB, 250x250, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you guys were all gone already.

>> No.11480295

I think absolute worst case scenario a retracement is possible. But if it holds strong +/- 3 cents then that's possibly a new support line.

>> No.11480308

Unless btc dumps. We really need it to hold 6k

>> No.11480377

btc is becoming (has been?) a god damn liability.

>> No.11480418

Its given no indication it will though.

>> No.11480423

Whatever you do don't zoom out.

>> No.11480625

Lol that means nothing. Bat is going to 50 cents by Thursday. Big news Tuesday

>> No.11480729

What's everyone's thoughts on this pump; head and shoulders, or bull flag? I'm leaning towards the latter.

>> No.11480756

What is the minimum amount of BAT required to make it? I only have 6.5k

>> No.11480776

It really is, although in all fairness 20k was ridiculous. No idea if 6k is fair though

>> No.11480789

Thats a good stack. Whales are accumulating around 50-100k$worth at a time

>> No.11480823

Bull flag confirmed.

>> No.11480937

I'm getting heavy fomo man

>> No.11480946

You should. Bat is going to keep pumping

>> No.11480977
File: 243 KB, 1550x1000, 1_BaQZ59n4mEDPd-NjCUjK7A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets all win together for a change anon

>> No.11481058


>> No.11481075

think about it, what is the worse scenario for google?

A: Adopt BAT, implement it in YouTube and all their services, which makes their creators very happy and possibly their advertisers as well. Staying competitive with Firefox who have already announced intent to incorporate BAT (and Brave itself of course)

option B: Google tries to block adoption of BAT for as long as possible, either falling way behind in the BAT game (dangerously bad), or successfully blocks it and almost guarantees it gets regulated to all fuck (remember when Google didnt show up at congress?).

From this perspective, Google is very much like microsoft was when they kept apple alive, and needing another competitor of at least a say 10% size, to keep the feds off their back. If they don't do it first Facebook will jump on it to save their skins and they know that will just make it worse for them if they try to block it.

It's already been established that if BAT were to receive that much of what is essentially googles market it will be huge, so from a pure logic perspective it has nowhere to go but success. A new model is needed, not only from the users perspective, but from the regulators perspective because either something changes or Google gets hammered, but they will not be allowed to maintain this domination indefinitely without at least propping up some kind of realistic competition. And since BAT not just the only real solution to this but also one that is very advantageous to pleasing some of Google's side streams, in summary, it seems like BAT might have a bright future.

>> No.11481344

lol then one BAT > $1000...
that just does not happen

>> No.11481505

>Fuck loads of altcoins all look the same as BAT before it moved
>You can literally just buy any alt right now that hasn't started moving yet and the same will happen
>FOMO BAT instead
Jesus christ have you fuckers learnt nothing in the last year.

>> No.11481538

but BAT is not finished yet? has only just started?

>> No.11481551

Yes that is true. However you have already missed an 80% move, and the coin will probably top out after another 50%. The risk/reward isn't there, where as you can buy a coin that hasn't moved yet, and get the whole move.

>> No.11481563

but I have been waiting for BAT to explode for a year now. I have been holding since 1500 sats... should I just sell now? before the big move is about to happen? I waiting for it to go to at least 100k sats

>> No.11481579

>should I just sell now
I can't tell you what to do. I wouldn't sell now, no, but I definitely would not wait for 100k sats because that is never happening. Take some profits as you go along and don't get greedy. Sell 10-20% of your bag at a time after a nice move up, never sell all at once.

>> No.11481607

I just want BAT to go "viral", like the NPC meme did. I am waiting for the youtube shills. That has not happened yet. I think it should happen within the next 3 months. I want to sell when that happens. But you are right, selling 10-20% of stack is not a bad thing.

>> No.11481632

Let's be honest guys: It's basically irresponsible to not hold BAT at this point.

>> No.11481667

fuck, Im a poor fag (400$) Should I go all in BAT or RVN? Or 50/50?

>> No.11481682

don't know about RVN but I like BAT at these prices.

>> No.11481697

Should I actually buy at 4300+ sats? It will dump at some point, right?

>> No.11481711

I'm a long term believer in this project. So I am not the most biased person to talk to.

>> No.11481716

> unbiased

>> No.11481724

Should i buy a pump and dump shitcoin or should i buy the internets currency?

Damn tough decision

>> No.11481725


I found out about it some time ago and really hate myself for not buying at 2k sats. I believe in this, but since I am a poorfag, I want to get the most amount of BAT I can get. So I really don't want to get fucked by buying the green dildo.

>> No.11481734

I once went all in on BCH at $600, it went to something like $2500 in the next week after that. I made a few BTC from taking that risk.

>> No.11481733


RVN isn't a pump and dump, it's gaining momentum and the mainnet is releasing in the end of the month. I probably won't be holding it for long, I just want to increase my stack to buy more BAT

>> No.11481750

I could have bought at $300 and I also hated myself for that.

>> No.11481756

We haven't even seen a proper fomo dildo yet. There's still time to get on the train.

>> No.11481757

Correct me if Im wrong but I really shouldn't diversify with only 400$, right? I feel like I should make gains with one stack of a certain asset and then move on til I have enough to properly invest. Am I a brainlet?

>> No.11481764

Your hunch is right. Diversifying $400 will not get you anywhere.

>> No.11481775

you can have a 75% to 25% rule. Gamble with 75% and keep 25% in something steady. When your 75%--->90%, you unload into the steady asset.

>> No.11481810

i have done similar. moving funds around to try to build stack but losing out on timing things poorly.
if you have the time to spend on exchanges and make a few to a lot of % or more a day it can be worthwhile, but my days of doing that are over.

>> No.11481836
File: 276 KB, 2330x1228, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at 5.17.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This single tweet caused the price of BAT to drop from 23 cents to 13 cents over the course of a few days. This nigger is just another scamcoin pump and dump megaboss. You should sell right now, because I guarantee that's exactly what he's doing. He's going to tweet something like this again soon to crash the price so he can accumulate again.

>> No.11481842
File: 15 KB, 365x365, bogged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT will dump soon.

>> No.11481849

Im holding just 999 BAT, should I sell it?

>> No.11481853

Yeah, I'm sure it had nothing to do with BTC having her period at exactly the same time.

>> No.11481861


it was the exuberance from coinbase confirming rumor, but then everyone realized that it was too early.
It is no longer too early.

>> No.11481865

We're mooning straight to $2 before November ends.

Screencap this.

>> No.11481878

I want to tell everyone in this thread.
BAT has never moved this forcefully, I have never seen it happen so rapidly and with such determination. The rise in December was a lot slower.

>> No.11481888

Its price drops severely compared to BTC. You can see the price in BTC in the screenshot. Look at the orange line. You can see how it drops.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you didn't even look at the screenshot, because the alternative is that you are a complete fucking retard who needs his hand held to understand a simple graph.
Also, sarcasm is reddit and only works on women and other redditors. I recommend you stop trying to use it as a persuasion tactic here

>> No.11481894

BAT just hit ANOTHER all time high

holy fuck I want to be rich.

>> No.11481896

This dildo is so massively green.

>> No.11481897

There are people out there that still see this as just a daily trade, and dont realize what is soon to come.

>> No.11481898

Red dildo incoming

>> No.11481911

Fuckin hell I just want to buy in and it keeps pumping and pumping

>> No.11481916

honestly its just going to keep going up very slowly

>> No.11481917

Dammit boys. I’m goin all in!

>> No.11481924

>le your a reddit argument

the majority of low liquidity alts have taken a major shit anytime BTC made a large downwards move in 2018. it has everything to do with liquidity and nothing to do with some random tweet you didn't like

>> No.11481945
File: 15 KB, 355x355, 61E84vOT5CL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys can I OD of Tums?

I have a 60 pack of Tums and I was wondering what would happen if I ate a bunch of them right now?

>> No.11481947
File: 1.28 MB, 1061x1600, kdtsfuxhnps11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i Just downoaded brave and they gave me some BAT. Can i cash it out for myself? I'm using the work computer so when i go home I can do the same again? huh?
Also besides that i thought I'd be earning BAT for myself by using Brave but it seems it's only to earn o give to content providers?

>> No.11481979

The promotional BAT can only be used to support other content creators. Soon you will be able to opt into ads and withdraw the bat they give you for viewing ads. And yes, you can go home and claim the same promotional BAT.

>> No.11481983

Nuffin, Tums are sweets for fat Adults.

>> No.11481990

Create YT channel / website on a different IP & computer and donate to yourself. Sometimes just doing it under a different user is good enough

>> No.11481996

The paid ads are supposed to be released in the v1 browser release in 3 weeks. It could be pushed back, but thats the plan. The BAT you earned is a grant. You cannot cash it out for yourself. You're supposed to send it to sites like wikipedia, twitch users etc. Seems kind of bogus, but it will increase adoption tremendously. Better off just buying BAT yourself. You're lucky to be here because this is the ground floor, and its probably only going to get better from here over the coming months.

>> No.11482032

Nobodies mentioned the inbuilt Brave VPN service that will give BAT even more utility.
I was in the telegram when BE came along to ask our opinions about it. He wants more utility for BAT than just tipping and paying paywalls, which are already massive.

>> No.11482055

>Better off just buying BAT yourself
It's not even easy to buy.

>> No.11482064

No it’s not, we’re still bear and a lot of anons are going to get ass fucked by New Years

>> No.11482091

Will be soon, thats why you buy now. Normies will buy through the browser using paypal / cards, the backend runs the transaction through coinbase pro, and they get their Batties.

>> No.11482101

>Sometimes just doing it under a different user is good enough
feels abit slimey though. It's not that much money anyways I'll just give it to guys I like. it'll help promote the platform atleast.
>You're lucky to be here because this is the ground floor, and its probably only going to get better from here over the coming months.
Yeah i've been monitoring for the past week. planing on putting in like $300. not much but i'm alil tight right now but it could still give me a tidy profit if things go well.

>> No.11482124

I would use my old Coinbase account to transfer BTC and buy some BAT but the shit requires my ID now, don't really want to register for something like this with that sort of thing.

>> No.11482128

Its doesnt feel as slimey when youve gotten 200+ BAT from user growth pool airdrops. Ive been using the browser for a 1yr+ now.

>> No.11482132

There are a lot of really great things that go unmentioned just because there are so many of them. It takes months to become red pilled on brave because the information is spread out everywhere and you really have to look for it.

Thats why were waiting for coinbase,cc browser purchasing, and fidelity. That will happen very soon.

>> No.11482134

Dont bother then, im not your mom.

>> No.11482149

WTF does that even mean?

>> No.11482162

>It's not even easy to buy.
how is it not easy?
>Ive been using the browser for a 1yr+ now.
i'm probably gona be easily caught when they see one crappy youtube vid created the day i downloaded Brave

>> No.11482191

Theres been glitches where UGP rewards haven't been donated. Theres 300m available, well less now, but if its not claimed it gets clawed back to the pool. They aren't going to catch you and cant ban you for doing this. Play the system.
Junior, just sit back and lurk. Every post you've submitted in this thread has gotten worse in quality.

>> No.11482397

yo dawg. i'm doing this but don't know how to forward the payment besides auto-contribute at the end of the month

>> No.11482435

Thats it, you gotta let it go out automatically at the end of the month. Make sure you set your channel as the only donation.
Did you set the channel up and upload on a different ip / comp user

>> No.11482452

>Did you set the channel up and upload on a different ip / comp user
no, i just thought fuck it. When i go home I'll do it again.
When you turn your modem off and it reset the IP is that considered a different IP?

>> No.11482486

No haha use a free vpn if youre cheap

>> No.11482525

i'll try that out then. but then i could basically farm alot of free BAT. It really can't be this easy.

>> No.11482646

Youll get caught eventually but in the early growth stages they arent bothered.
Refferals are also a good way to get free bat

>> No.11483131

Double ouch.