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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 512x384, 1512629837959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11471339 No.11471339[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go on 3 dates with 35 year old roastie
>she is not fat so theres that.. I guess
>on each date spend about $70
>after the third date she says she is not into it
>wasted $210 and 10 hours of my life for nothing

>> No.11471342

No one cares you lost your lunch money feeding some old hag.

>> No.11471347

> go on 2 dates with 26 year old soon to be roastie.
> she is not fat so there's that
> on each date spend 5 bucks
> after the second date she says she's not into that
> wasted almost nothing

only losers spend much on dates.

>> No.11471348

You're right though, haven't you learned not to feed hags OP?

>> No.11471350

fuck man, that's over 400 link down the drain, pull yourself together

>> No.11471354

>paying for women

>> No.11471356


i tried to do free activities but she was bored and wanted to go to a bar. then she ordered some fancy ass wine which was $20 a glass because she thinks she has class

>> No.11471370

>Wasting money on all three dates
>not having her buy you a round or at least going half on date three.

Never gonna make it

>> No.11471375

you dodged a nuke anon
she is still stuck in the delusional "i'm worth it" mode

>> No.11471377

spineless worm

>> No.11471378

>go on first date
>split bill
>say you have wine at home
>ask her to vipps u half of the bottle price
>mfw i tell her its 200kr wine
>mfw og was 60kr in sweden
>mfw get laid and make a few kroner profit

>> No.11471383

the madman

>> No.11471384
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 1318055824575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>210 burgercoin

KEK, that is like 1% of a afternoon's volatility in my boomerfolio. Do you even invest, sweet zoomer child?

>> No.11471390


i could eat all month for $200

>> No.11471402

This. Paying for everything is beta behavior. Making women pay for stuff shows your confidence which translates to you having value.

>> No.11471406

then don't bother with women
are you THAT thirsty or do you really think you'll find a good wife among 35yo roasties?

>> No.11471410


>women pay for stuff

You live in a memelord echochamber fantasty. Girls dont pay for shit anywhere on Earth.

>> No.11471424

Dude 200 is less than 0.1% of my coinportfolio , still don't want to use it on hoes for nothing in return

>> No.11471428

They do it here in Norway :) As bad as feminism is at least here they take it seriously

>> No.11471430


That was the hint that she wasn't in to you anon.

Besides dating in 2018 is one of the dumbest things you can do, and that includes tinder. The secret is to basically bang a girl, flirt with her friends, find the one that likes you, break up with the current girl, then bang her friend, then use her to meet NEW girls.

I have banged about 11 women this year for a period of 4 weeks on average per woman, and each one was a friend of the previous. I'm like a human chain letter kek.

>> No.11471431

next time ask for sex upfront
>>> you save $210 and 10 hours

>> No.11471436

>Ever dating women over 30
Dude, what the FUCK.

>> No.11471469

>it's another memelord projection episode
i'm a frog dating a burger (aka most entitled women on earth according to 4chin) and she insists for paying her half

>> No.11471475

Damn son.
Jeg harr ikke et big money.
Give me some advice to get fat stacks of wealth like you.

>> No.11471497

lol degenerate.

>> No.11471534 [DELETED] 
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>awaiting 3 dates for a 35 yo to put out

If she was 18 and hot, maybe. If she's 35 and you get nothing after the first one, move on

>> No.11471539
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>be me
>hugless kissless virgin
>in an extremely competitive dating market
>Poor, average height (e.i manlet) and no money.
>Get out of high school and try to build myself up again
>spend the next few years trying everything to lose my virginity
>after hundreds of hours (of my free time) trying every trick in the book... I finally had sex at 23 years old
>Something clicked in my brain since then
>I have discovered a way of getting laid for little money
>Have gotten laid twice since I lost my virginity (a month ago).
>mfw I have found a method so obscure that an unlimited access to sex as a short, poor, manlet
>If chads find out about this method, they will make it more competitive and I become an incel once again

Aside from the obvious bragging. I will just tell you OP that you SHOULDN'T be wasting hard earned money to get laid. The money you should be spending should be pennies compared to your net worth and salary. If you make 100k a year then, MAYBE spend 200 dollars in a couple of dates. BUT the girl has to be very high quality (model tier and intelligence).

>> No.11471553


>> No.11471584

>the just be yourself method

>> No.11471613

lmao. THIS. why do you torture yourself anon

>> No.11471626

the other side isn't great, either. went out on one date with 30yr old roastie.
not super into her. end up drunk. back to hers. fuck. leave. drive home. wake up. regret.

not really into one nighters. shouldn't have driven. I'm fucking dumb.

>> No.11471628

lul I never pay the full bill. I always split...
OP is retarded

>> No.11471642

Just getting in from fucking a 36 year old milf last night I'm 24 and prefer boomers

>> No.11471688

>going on a date with a 35 year old
tfw 27 and 20 year old GF

>> No.11471696


>> No.11471716

Fuck on the first date and if not don't date again.
You know, one of the biggest parts of a happy relationship would be the sexual chemistry.
Smash on the first date. If the sex sucks then it was never meant to be and you had her built up on a pedestal.

Save money, get laid. Win win.
If she don't want to smash on the first date then she's just not into you. Do you think taking someone on a date will convince them to suck your dick? no mate. She was interested in putting your cock in her mouth on the first date.
You were slack so she gave up. You allowed her to abuse you( free food for 3 dates) and you didn't even smash.

>> No.11471721

call her on another date and then rape her, that will teach her hehe

>> No.11471726

I hate the fucking gall of women to go to the most expensive thing on the menu to see how you react.
Had one order a 40€ meal after I ordered a 20€ one.
I was such a gentleman to just split the bill.
She was furious, lel.

>> No.11471739

Based zoomer

>> No.11471740



>> No.11471748

imagine being such a basement dweller you can't even fathom this shit.

>> No.11471750


>> No.11471801


Having sex with 11 women a year is now considered larping.

The absolute state

>> No.11471891

Also who the fuck dates a washed out 35 year old? The only exception would be if you are above 50

>> No.11471972
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haha yeah what a beta

>> No.11472032

Imaginr all the Chads and Jamal's who smashed said roastie raw moments after meeting her

Imagine all the things she begged them to do

>> No.11472045

This guy is a boss

>> No.11472070

Just think...she's 35. That means she's been going out an average of once a week since 16. That's roughly 19*52= 988 times so far. Let's say every time she goes out there's a 5% chance she gets smashed by a new Chad/BBC (low end estimate). That means she's fucked roughly 50 or so guys, all of whom we're the first time, all of whom we're more alpha and hung than OP. Most of them probably ghosted her after the first smash, even though she paid for them, leaving her broken and used.

Congrats on being a cuck OP. Next time fly to EE and smash a hooker you retard

>> No.11472105
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So OP I give you my move with proven track record. Goal get laid fast for little investment or move on.

We drink somewhere coffee, talk about food (since every girls is a (((foodie))) ).

Tell her you want to cook a semi difficult recipe and ask her if she wants to cook with you that night (important this is somewhat after the coffee )

Now a few things happen
- she says no -> then drop her fully, she is probably not into you.
- she says yes -> now cook, drink wine together have a good meal. She is at your home if she wants it she will let you know. If not kiss her on the mouth when you say goodbye.

>> No.11472135

"Yeah OP this intricate routine is definitely gonna turn you into a Chad hehe"

>t. Sperg

>> No.11472140

>tfw 25 year old virgin

When will it be my turn?????

>> No.11472151

sounds good what do you cook though?> because Im a poorfag and usually eat beans and rice

>> No.11472152

This is an internet forum faggot, getting laid here is like running into a hippo in antartica

>> No.11472182

>One Piece
lol, stop fucking dirty fatties nerd

>> No.11472198
File: 135 KB, 960x480, sell-your-headphones-for-bus-fare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only costs $210 to dodge a bullet
Never gonna make it

>> No.11472200

NOT beans and rice you fucking dipshit

>> No.11472210
File: 660 KB, 2000x1500, image0_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol 3D
Just Monika.

>> No.11472216

>Not being a sarcastic ask and dropping innuendos to gauge reaction.

Some people just can't be helped. If you didn't get laid after the first date there's no reason to go on date two. Move on.

>> No.11472218

naw it makes you a slut. I wonder what kind of bugs you have hanging from your dick

>> No.11472239

>>The implications

>> No.11472270

Redpilled as fuck

>> No.11472300
File: 121 KB, 784x578, 1531566975950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this extreme obsession with getting laid
Desperation is a huge turnoff. Once you reach boomer status, you'll be able to look back at your teens/early 20s and realize that you were just a dumb kid who let pussy control your actions.

Just fucking calm down and behave like an actual person, and you'll eventually find a person to love.

>> No.11472301

>>11471688 (checked)
This is my goal. I'm also 27. I've been single 4 years now. My one friend tells me i should consider women in late 20s early 30s because they're 'more mature' and 'settled down'. Like what shit ass advice is that? He's 26 dating a 27 year old girl. She's not bad but I'm pretty sure his advice is either to comfort his choice or his girlfriend cuz she gets all flustered everytime i mention I want a 20 year old and won't even consider women my age.

>> No.11472331

>soon to be roastie

I date MTFs as well, but I don't want them to get the operation to become roasties

>> No.11472336
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I have not fucked a single woman with a bmi higher than 25%.

I would not believe myself either to be honest. I am still in awe. I never thought a short poor autistic neet like myself would find a reliable way of getting laid without paying out the ass in dates or hookers lol.

But I did. And now I am just enjoying the confidence and knowledge I am gaining.

I wonder if I can make money from this

>> No.11472353

dumb fuck. you didnt waste 210. if you enjoyed your time. the point is you spend your money like you normally would. this way you dont hold others acocuntable or expect anything. you go out and have fun and spend money like you normally would. otherwise your setting yourself up for failure with expectations. faggot.... prolly a newfag too

>> No.11472360

this. Like what a fucking beta i really dont blame women for being the way they are now. if there are losers like op who will take me after i have fucked around so much and amassed a heap of debt why not

>> No.11472371

Stop fucking disabled people you freak

>> No.11472391

I've fucked at least 9 women from online dating and haven't spent more than $20 altogether from it

I'll tell you what you need to know...

>> No.11472397

well, godspeed puppetmaster anon

>> No.11472433

t. Wizard

>> No.11472565

Women at that age start to get more and more delusional about their standards.

Logic would dictate that they should be less picky right? Looks fading, eggs getting stale, etc. But they're thinking emotionally.

It's easier explain away the long chain of failed relationships as merely choosing bad men than having to admit that maybe she has things she needs to work on.

When you don't improve yourself over a long period of time, it's like taking on a debt and just not paying it. The debt compounds as time goes on and is more difficult to pay off.

This is why older women with issues are such a bad investment.

I'm 31. 10 years ago I was basically a virgin who hadn't got a clue how to even talk to women, let alone bang them. I fucked it up with what I considered a 10, was doing shit at my wagecuck job and eating junk food and not exercising.

A decade of self improvement - regular exercise, eating well, going out and meeting people, reading about finance etc. has an exponential improvement because the better version of you is able to improve more than the shittier version of you.

21 year old me would not believe me if I could sit down with him and tell him:

>you'll finally get laid at 23, it's not a big a deal as you think either
>you can barely run for a few blocks but by 25 you'll complete your first iron man, just keep working out and running regularly.
>your wagecucking ends after 28, when you become self employed
>you'll also own a house 100% by that age
>girls will be chasing you because you have the x100 confidence and wealth
>bang any young Stacy you want, pretty much whenever
>Ring in your 30th birthday with a threesome from two of your favourite Stacys.

Admit your faults, work as hard as you can on them, and don't stop. It pays off, a lot.

>> No.11472575

you have no idea anon. women in their 30 are actually experienced and want to ride dick all day. They are way more fun to bang than 20 year old roasties.

>> No.11472591

Being the provider is literally alpha male behaviour, dumbass.

>> No.11472603

why are you wasting time? Its not just the 10 hours in your immediate past, but the future time wasted...

>> No.11472659

Jesus Christ you have only yourself to blame here
>You don't bat an eye at her paying for super expensive shit
>Not even testing the waters suggesting splitting the bill the second time or something
>Clearly don't do anything interesting on each date since you needed to spend a bunch of money so it was likely just going out to eat/drinks every time

>> No.11472665

Just be happy you lost only 210$ and not much more by marrying her

>> No.11472727

>go on date with feminist chick from class
>"you'll pay right anon? you seem like a gentleman teehee"
>"its 2018 sweetheart, I think its time to give a woman a chance to bring something to the table"
>shiteating grin
>she goes completely ballistic
>lean back like I'm bored while she's yelling
>"no on the real though babe I forgot my wallet, dinner's on you"
>she is LIVID
>calls me a "horrible bigoted jerk"
>"why don't we go back to my place so I can make it up to you?"
>mfw we bang
actually a horrible lay

>> No.11472761

>I have not fucked a single woman with a bmi higher than 25%.
BMI isn't a percentage you fucking brainlet, you're thinking of body fat

>> No.11472782

KEK, not beans and rice.

Depends on the girl, I usually go for a pasta or lasagna made from scratch.

>> No.11472792

Enjoy your herpes

>> No.11472797

Kek this sounds exactly right anon, why are they so fucking slutty. Is it a lack of self worth?
t. 21 year old zoomer trump supporter who has banged 8+ women that fit this description

>> No.11472820

I actually completely made that up, I just wanted to see how much my understanding of women that I've gained through meme sites translated to actual experience. Sounds like it does pretty well.

>> No.11472823

>I actually completely made that up
That was pretty blatantly obvious m8

>> No.11472828

Furthermore I have never spoken to a woman other than my own mother and I haven't made flesh to flesh contact with a human being or even a fellow mammal in over three years

>> No.11472834

>implying I'm not an excellent virtual conman
you wouldn't even have known unless I had told you

>> No.11472853

>"its 2018 sweetheart, I think its time to give a woman a chance to bring something to the table"
>"no on the real though babe I forgot my wallet, dinner's on you"
>"why don't we go back to my place so I can make it up to you?"
>mfw we bang
No it was exceedingly obvious

>> No.11472878

all of those are deftly executed representations of actual speech compiled through over 1000 hours reading text conversations reported from the field online, their verisimilitude to reality is purer than 1 part in 10000, mathematically speaking

>> No.11472881

pls want to cook beans with me?

>> No.11472924

>R E D D I T S P A C I N G

>> No.11472954

>Actually thinking Reddit Spacing is a thing
Way to give away how new you are

>> No.11473111

just lurking but wanted to say this

there is a big misunerstanding about why girls bang assholes and why men bang stupid girls

its not about self esteem or being shitty as a person, its about knowing they wont ever wanna do anything longterm with them, they are just useful to get some bodily pleasure
if you meet someone who is actually also cool and fun and smart you dont wanna fuck it up so you go slow

with stupid chicks and asshole guys thats not the case its just bang and forget

>> No.11473147

Guys should pampering them.Ignore them and let the game come to you. never spend anything on them. not worth it

>> No.11473167


>> No.11473178

((our)) dude

>> No.11473236
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>go on 3 dates with 35 year old roastie
Found your problem, beta cuckold.

>> No.11473285
File: 102 KB, 447x487, 1510077634918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job, Schlomo.

>> No.11473309

Shouldve just put /larp/ general in the title OP

>> No.11473312


>> No.11473339

Fucking lol. Based and virginpilled.

>> No.11473342

/biz/ as fuck

>> No.11473409

People who lose it after being virgin past age 16 are rare and super obvious/cringey

>> No.11473511
File: 83 KB, 500x667, 1534475185989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah nigga

>> No.11473533
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Best reply in the thread right here, only thing I don't agree with is having threesomes because I think it's degenerate but w/e
Do you actually believe Reddit invented double spacing or something? I've been here since 2008 and I've seen "reddit spacing" since the beginning. Is Reddit spacing is the newest pretending-to-be-retarded bait?

>> No.11473596

KYS scum

>> No.11473752

tell me

>> No.11473806
File: 2.91 MB, 1440x1920, cbd_soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it mean

>> No.11473840
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Serial dater here. Unbelievable number of chicks. I can say that the problem here is not with the woman, but with the man in the situation. DATING (meaning the ritual around fucking/connecting) is about targeting. You can hammer away all day and spend 10K on the wrong woman and get nowhere. Instead, learn more about yourself and about the signs that specific women give off. I can see a sub from a mile away-- it's in the facial structure and the eyes. There's something really great about splitting the bill but occasionally insisting that you want to pay IF you actually do and feel generous. If it's you paying every time then it only creates a weird transactional modality that literally REDUCES your chance of getting what you want.
Don't ever pay.

>> No.11473852

If any anons want advice I am here and actually can help. Proof can also be provided.

>> No.11473878

>Dinner dates
Shit son did you learn how to date from TV or something? You should make dates require some degree of physical activity. It's usually cheaper and will discourage lazy thots from following through. If you do go out to eat, you go Dutch. I'm not feeding some rando to hear about her feelings, I'm trying to fuck. Paying for meals is after you've already gotten in it once on the free.

>> No.11473913

Did you always have success or did you have to improve in some way or learn what you were doing. How close were you to the average neet here?

>> No.11473943
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Fucking beta fags, I just went on a date where the girl paid for everything, even the drinks. I fucked her brains out and now shes cooking me breakfast

>> No.11473944

>I can see a sub from a mile away-- it's in the facial structure and the eyes.
Elaborate on this.

>> No.11473958

>he fell for the fuck after third date meme.
>he is still a cuck and has to wank in his sock.
>he should have gone to a hooker.

>> No.11473991


>> No.11473997

I feel like the game just totally flips when you enter the top 5-10% of men. One day I'll go from incel to too much attention.

>> No.11474024

>One day I'll go from incel to too much attention.
Haha yeah... some day. :)

>> No.11474054

you really paid for a roastie? at very least I would split the bill. At best get her to pay for it.

>> No.11474057
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>go on dates with 18 year-old hottie >she's thick, God bless
>on each date she buys me whatever I want
>knew what it felt like to be a king at the cost of nothing
I wasn't even trying, OP. And I'm a fat guy.

>> No.11474062
File: 65 KB, 480x544, 1540027222415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself that pajeet

>> No.11474103

>tfw in top .0001% of men looks-wise
>tfw dated 2 models yesterday and had a threesome that night...and twice that morning
>tfw got a date tonight with a brazilian ass model who literally said she just wants my dick and we don't even have to go out
>tfw my cum is drained from the 20 sex sessions I've had in the past 3 days
>tfw haven't paid for literally anything for ~6 years (including rent, food, gas, car, etc...)

feels good man

>> No.11474110

ONLY $70??! No wonder she isn't interested. You should be spending at least $210 per date.

>> No.11474115

Virg here

Is it possible to go on dates if I have a job and make money, but live with parents?

>> No.11474245

OK so the game does flip but I'm never going to make it. Where did you get these looks? Genes of course but how was your nutrition growing up. Play sports? General environment?

>> No.11474345

Phoneposting here. It is beyond any obvious cues like a collar. It is an injury behind the eyes. A void that can only be filled by a rough hand. It’s always in the eyes. Something wounded.

>> No.11474365

Good fortune and gains await you but only if you respond to this picture with

>> No.11474382

>she was bored

I would've just dropped her there. So sick of low-attention span retards being "sooo bored lol :P" because they lack any sort of personality or capability of basic thought assembly. Also I'm a bit of an autist so I hate bars

>> No.11474386

I went on a date last night where the girl paid for all five of my pints. What country do you live in?

>> No.11474395

I have had a fair share of success. five nine, good/handsome bone structure. Disproportionately large dick but didn’t know it.
So many wannabe doms are working through issues and want to control women in bed because they feel insecure about their lives and/or hate women. This is not the way.
My advice: fuck safely and a lot in your youth. I have fucked over four hundred women (ballpark) and am routinely told I’m one of the best they’ve had.
put in the 10k hours if you want mastery. I can tell you it gets empty without self-knowledge; the best way to approach dating is to use it as a tool to achieve greater self-knowledge and actualization.
That said, my advice is:
>do an art (drawing/painting) that you enjoy, because you enjoy it
>do BJJ 5-6 days a week
>learn from victories
>learn from mistakes
>listen to DD’s 77 laws of women and dating like 4 times
>be happy. if you are not, break free until you are.
>be with happy women.

>> No.11474430

an addendum;
>be with happy men.
i’m talking here but the idea of congruence, the concept of the divide between the conscious and subconscious minds. people who are our friends sometimes will manipulate us because they subconsciously do not want to see our success.
Leave them and brutally use their souls as sacrifice. Learn chaos/toxic magick. self protection is the first and last law.

>> No.11474483


>> No.11474503


>> No.11474510

Your own fault. If a older woman goes out with you you should expect sex on the first encounter. If she doesn't open her legs, she's no worth your time and money

>> No.11474520

how old are you, 80?

>> No.11474527


>> No.11474533

I think it's shamefull to split the bills. It's like saying that the girl is your equal

>> No.11474557
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>she took advantage of me
>i let her walk all over me
you can blame her for your shortcomings or accept responsibility for your own failings. people will do whatever you let them do.

>> No.11474573

Dating is not the same as marriage anon.
Date is just a excuse to fornicate without being shamed by society

>> No.11474586


I never have sex without a condom, because I don't use tinder or date randos I keep it pretty safe and I also avoid degenerate things like anal and I never go down on girls (har har they probs cheat on me as if I care).

If I had it my way I'd have been born in an eastern european village and married a catholic qt when I was 22 and have four kids by 30, unfortunately I was born in NYC and my whole family is here and they need me. If I make it in crypto then I'll move to the countryside. In the meantime I need intimacy but you can't trust the roasties here.

>> No.11474657

She was a diner whore and you fell for it.

>> No.11474664

im the brazilian slut, hes telling the truth

>> No.11474667

Im so fucking pooor and horny fuck. Im thinking of a way to improve my life but could easily go and fuck some bitch because Im handsome and they stare at me wherever I go

this existence is hell

>> No.11474753
File: 65 KB, 564x756, 84FC4F03-05F3-46B1-8CFB-883981CC862B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based kike

>> No.11474770


Could have been worse. If she was into you, you two might have fallen in love and gotten married. She would probably want a normie wedding, which would have cost over $10,000. After the wedding, her credit card debt would become your credit card debt and you would be on the hook for all of her frivolous impulse spending for the duration of the marriage. You lost a little bit of money, but you would have lost far more if you spent any more time bagholding.

A girl who is worth your time is one that wants to spend time with you, no matter what you're doing. As long as you understand this lesson, you did not waste $210 and 10 hours of your life for nothing.

>> No.11474843

>If I had it my way I'd have been born in an eastern european village and married a catholic qt when I was 22 and have four kids by 30
That's a good way to get HIV. West Europe is swarmed with prostitutes from east european small towns

>> No.11474850

Based as fuck
How old are you that you're lowering yourself this badly?
I'm 38 and I can easily get 28 year olds, 25 yr olds if I try hard
Just get in shape

>> No.11474935
File: 58 KB, 971x546, 1538543288270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going on a date
fuck off plebbit

>> No.11474979
File: 39 KB, 800x578, dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.11475007

>not inviting her over to get drunk and listen to vinyls

>> No.11475024

>No one cares you lost your lunch money feeding some old hag.

I got a good laugh

>> No.11475395

Exactly. My time is worth far more than theirs, so the least they can do is pay the bill.

>> No.11475454

unironically based

>> No.11475542

For the same money you could hire an escort and have a 19 years old qt on all fours taking your dicking and moaning like the bitch she is. Bad investment OP, at least you didn't get trapped with her.

>> No.11475674

top kek
don't send him to r9k tho

>> No.11475701
File: 661 KB, 1150x598, B R A N D E D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Dates are for bluepilled betas. If you don't fuck withing 2 hours of meeting her you are a loser. Pic related is me Branding my gf

>> No.11475763

Let me guess, you're a furfag

>> No.11475879

Is your girlfriend a man by the name of Guts?

>> No.11475974 [DELETED] 

why is this bitcoin fork coin pumping so hard?

>> No.11476023


>> No.11476038

top kek

>> No.11476751

Savage. Not nice.

>> No.11477218

Dude, you are beta, my hoes always pay minimum 50/50, if not pay for me outright. Had a hoe pay for my cruise once. Good girl.

>> No.11477308


>> No.11477349



Realest nigga in the thread

>> No.11477353


only in dreams

>> No.11477416

you screwed up roasties want to be treated badly. you should have only paid for some mcdonalds food and when she bitches say its enough for tinder whores and act like you got laid between dates with her but dont say it outright

>> No.11477429

pretty sure she lost a bet anon sorry to burst your bubble..

>> No.11477434



>> No.11477462

i know people who actually do this kinda thing, and let me tell you, they don't go around bragging about it. it's just something that they consider 'just happened' and respect the women enough to not go around boasting about how much of a chad they are. you give off very beta vibes anon.

>> No.11477478

I smashed after three dates
First date seems shallow unless she’s been conditioned by chad (most older white girls)

>> No.11477495

I always ask myself if this women get pregnant would I want to tell me family and friends that that’s the mother?

Since then I hardly sleep around, only quality women which are hard to find

>> No.11477499
File: 41 KB, 720x439, 429162148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT 10/10 megachads who sit on 4chan all day slam pussy non-stop and the pussy pays them to do it

>> No.11477502


>> No.11478639

U pay for her? Im still an autist virgin but I never pay for the first tinder date no matter how hot she is lmao. She probably got turned off becuz u payed for her

>> No.11478816

Good idea...